The Rhinoplasty Recovery Process

rhinoplasty recovery

You’ve done the research. You’ve chosen the ideal doctor. You’ve prepared for your rhinoplasty procedure… but what happens afterward? The following timeline is a handy guide to help you gauge your expectations and plan accordingly.


Don’t wait until after the procedure to prepare; make the necessary decisions to ensure that your recovery period goes as smoothly as the surgery itself. Request two weeks leave from your place of work, just to be safe. You may not require the full two weeks, but you want to be sure to give yourself ample time to heal without overly stressing your body.

Also, you should designate a point person to look after you in the hours and days following the procedure. This loved one will be an advocate who can be at the hospital when required, drive you home safely, tend to your needs, and watch over you in the event of any complications that may arise.


You will wake up to a brand new person staring back at you in the mirror. Your nose will be buttressed by a splint and additional material like gauze and/or bandages. Don’t be alarmed; this is a temporary phase meant to provide you with maximum support. Once you come to terms with this initial transition, it’s time to move forward.


As with any surgical procedure, the patient must emerge from the fog of anesthesia. This can be disorienting, but shouldn’t last more than a day or two. During this time, avoid disturbing the delicate structure of your new facial features; be sure not to blow your nose. Excessive irritation will set back your recovery process. Remember that nosebleeds are common during these first 48 hours, so allow the natural clotting process to take effect. However, if the aforementioned bleeding is excessive or persistent, consult a doctor immediately.


In addition to nosebleeds, you should expect a modicum of swelling, bruising, and general puffiness during the first week of recovery. To alleviate pressure on the affected area, be sure to elevate your head in order to promote ideal circulation. Also, employ cold compresses on the swollen facial tissue to lessen these side effects as much as possible.

Hydration is the key to a speedy recovery. Water infuses your cells with the moisture they need to facilitate proper healing and regeneration. You will also need to increase your intake of liquids as you ingest any prescribed pain medications. Some of these pills tend to cause dry mouth, so be sure to accompany them with a refreshing glass of H2O.


After about a week, you should plan on a follow-up doctor’s appointment. This gives your medical team the chance to assess your progress, listen to your concerns, and proceed to the next phase of your recovery. Your doctor will remove the gauze and/or splint supporting your nasal passages, as well as any stitches you may have. He or she will deduce how well you are responding to these benchmarks and advise you on how to care for yourself moving forward.


Throughout the recovery process, it is imperative to heed your physician’s instructions. Be sure to dress your wounds lightly with products (such as antibacterial salve, warm water, non-abrasive cloth, etc.) specified by these directives. If your medical staff recommends the continued use of pain meds, you must follow the dosage and frequency of your prescription strictly.


To prevent possible damage to the affected area, you should avoid strenuous activity (like sports or heavy lifting) for eight weeks. Any unwanted contact with your nose could change its shape during these formative days, and it could have long-lasting ramifications on the overall health of your face.

You should also swear off airline travel during the first two months of recovery; the change in barometric pressure can aggravate your nasal passage and damage the tissue that is in the process of repairing itself.


Rhinoplasty is a delicate process. You shouldn’t expect results overnight; the human body isn’t equipped to change that rapidly. Minor facial swelling may persist for several months after the date of your initial procedure, and that’s healthy and normal. In fact, it may take up to a full year for the ultimate results of your rhinoplasty to take their effect. You must grow into your new look… and your new look must adhere to your specific lifestyle.

Be sure to embark on this journey of self-discovery and exploration with the right attitude, as well as a team that understands your needs, worries, and long-term cosmetic goals. William J. Binder, M.D., is a seasoned professional, but he’s also a great listener. Call (310) 858-6749 today to discuss a potential procedure for you or a loved one, and schedule an appointment to turn your rhinoplasty dreams into realities.


The Essentials of Revision Rhinoplasty

The nose is one of the more intricate and delicate parts of the body. It’s responsible for filtering, warming, and humidifying air before it gets to your lungs, not to mention our unique sense of smell. Part of what makes our nose so special is the fact that it is such a prominent component to our physical appearance.

It’s both the center of our face and crucial to our facial profile. Aesthetically, it contributes to the balance and proportions of our face that make us look the way we do. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is happy with theirs.


A rhinoplasty procedure helps to create a more symmetrical and well-balanced appearance by altering the shape and proportions of your nose. Part of what makes nose surgery so unique is its ability to both offer cosmetic solutions to those who desire an improved appearance, as well offering a solution to structural defects in the nose that can cause physical problems and difficulty breathing.

It’s this balance of cosmetic and function that makes the rhinoplasty procedure one of the most popular in the United States today. A successful rhinoplasty can help individuals who wish to alter the shape or position of their nostrils, reduce an enlarged nasal tip, get rid of unsightly bumps, or alter the width of their bridge.

Many patients wish to have the size of their nose reduced, in which case the appropriate amount of bone or cartilage is surgically removed, with the remainder being sculpted for symmetry. For physical problems, such as a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty can effectively straighten the nasal septum (the partition between the nostrils that separates the air chambers), allowing for drastically improved efficiency and ease of breathing.

While this all sounds well and good, unfortunately not all rhinoplasties are completed with satisfying results. Your nose may look differently than you were told it would or your surgery could’ve simply been ill-performed. Regrettably, surgeons with insufficient training and experience can produce undesirable outcomes that leave patients unhappy with their new appearance. Luckily, with advancements in cosmetic medicine, there is a solution to this.

Revision Rhinoplasty

The goal of a revision rhinoplasty is to repair and restore the original result an individual first desired when choosing to undergo corrective nose surgery. It’s not uncommon for patients to be unsatisfied with a “pinched” looking nose or one that is ultra-thin and artificial looking. Sometimes they only need slight adjustments, other times they require more significant alterations.

Either way, a revision rhinoplasty was created for this very reason. No surgeon can guarantee 100% satisfactory results every single time. This procedure allows patients to achieve this level of satisfaction by its uncanny ability to provide the finest of adjustments post-nose surgery.

During these surgeries, the structural integrity of your nose is reinforced and corrected, either for cosmetic purposes or to further improve the passage of air into the nose and lungs. Revision rhinoplasty has been on the rise over the last decade with about 10% of recipients who receive a regular rhinoplasty coming back for a revision.

With the state of medicine being where it is today, you should be able to receive the results you desire with great accuracy and excellent quality. This procedure aims to restore the structure of your nose, maintain its natural look, and correct any functional errors you may have. Done correctly, a revision rhinoplasty can reap the immeasurable benefits of enriched self-confidence and an improved physical appearance.

How to Get Started

Dr. Binder’s office in Beverly Hills is often considered the best option for correcting the most difficult problems in revision rhinoplasty. Our office is dedicated to establishing proper communication with prospective patients. Contact us today to   schedule a consultation for your revision rhinoplasty surgery in our Beverly Hills office.


Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, sometimes called a “nose job” or “nose reshaping” by patients, is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose for health or cosmetic reasons. Due to its status as a well researched, regulated, and safe procedure, it is the third most common plastic surgery procedure in the United States. 

According to data collected by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) there were 217,979 rhinoplasty surgeries performed in 2015, accounting for about 13 percent of the year’s plastic surgery procedures. 

Both revision rhinoplasty surgery and the initial rhinoplasty procedure can be used to resolve health problems, such as correcting impaired breathing caused by the structure of the nose. Rhinoplasty is also used to resolve aesthetic problems by enhancing the harmony of the face’s lines and balancing the proportions of the nose.

Rhinoplasty can create dramatic improvements to:

  • Nose size and proportion in relation to facial harmony
  • Nose width at the bridge, or a profile with visible bumps on the bridge
  • The size, shape, and position of the nostrils
  • A nasal tip that is bulbous, drooping, upturned, or hooked
  • Nasal asymmetry (an imbalance between the left and right hemispheres of the nose)

There are two major rhinoplasty techniques, open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Let’s take a closer look at each procedure now… 

About Open Rhinoplasty 

Open rhinoplasty is performed after an incision is made in the columella (the delicate tissue that separates the nostrils). This allows the surgeon greater access to the tissue throughout the nose. Because it allows increased visibility of the nasal tissue during the operation, an open rhinoplasty is easier for the surgeon to perform. Another advantage to having an open rhinoplasty is that it can also allow for more dramatic revision of the shape and proportion of the nose. 

The open technique does sometimes lead to more noticeable scarring than the closed rhinoplasty technique.  Recovery after rhinoplasty using the open technique can also be more unpredictable and prone to complications than closed rhinoplasty recovery. On the other hand, open rhinoplasty can actually be less traumatic to the nose because the technique gives the surgeon more room to work and requires less modification to other internal nasal structures.

About Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty involves performing the surgery entirely inside the nose without interfering with the columella. An internal procedure prevents visible scars from showing, so it is more favorable to patients seeking a more subtle transformation with less intrusive techniques. The closed rhinoplasty technique does require a facial surgeon with more experience and precision than its counterpart, the open rhinoplasty.

Although the closed rhinoplasty technique does result in minimal scarring, which is inside the nose and therefore not visible, it is also limited in the scope of the revisions it can make to the nose. Closed rhinoplasty recovery time can be easier and more predictable than recovery following rhinoplasty performed with the open technique, but it can also be more traumatic if a surgeon is indelicate or tries to make revisions that are too significant.

A Brief History of Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgery procedures of today are so medically advanced that they bear little to no resemblance to the techniques that gave birth to the field of rhinoplasty. Believe it or not, the first nose job was performed over 2,500 years ago on the subcontinent of India. It was achieved by removing a portion of flesh from the patient’s face and using this biomaterial to form a new nose.

About 20 centuries later, Europeans tried their hand at reimagining the human nose. Rampant warfare had left soldiers disfigured by the thousands, so medical experts of the time decided to engineer a prototypical grafting technique. It required the patient to keep his or her face pressed up against the upper region of the arm, allowing the skin around the new facial feature to re-grow. This process took a staggering three weeks of time, demanding an unimaginable level of stasis and contortion on the part of the recipient. After this initial phase of grafting, another two weeks was necessary to heal and reshape the flap of skin that was the patient’s de facto new nose.

These early examples would be considered the ultimate in “open rhinoplasty” since they greatly altered the skin around the nose (and elsewhere on the body) to create drastically new facial protrusions for these rudimentary test cases.

Luckily, technology and health sciences have made quantum leaps in the years since those dark old days. Instead of looking outward for tissue to replace the nose, skilled surgeons can utilize the flesh within it to craft a whole new look via closed rhinoplasty methods.

Hence, you now have the benefit of extensive research, experience, and options as you approach the myriad possibilities for your impending rhinoplasty procedure.

Is Open or Closed Rhinoplasty Best for Me?

Each rhinoplasty candidate is unique, so it is impossible to generalize and make a categorical statement about which rhinoplasty technique is better for all or even most patients. Health is never a “one size fits all” endeavor, so you should consult with a trusted physician before taking any definitive action.

Generally speaking, closed rhinoplasty is typically preferred because of the easier recovery process and the minimal, hidden scars, but there are numerous situations in which an open technique may be better for the patient.

Because it allows for more significant nasal revisions, open rhinoplasty may be preferable for candidates who are seeking a dramatic change, or who need dramatic reconstruction. A skilled plastic surgeon will still be able to minimize scar tissue and the appearance of scars following an open rhinoplasty. 

A patient who is only seeking a slight revision, or revisions that are concentrated on the bridge of the nose, and little to revisions desired for the tip of the nose, may be recommended to undergo the more subtle changes of a closed rhinoplasty operation.

Recovery and Results: A Case Study

As mentioned above, open rhinoplasty techniques allow for greater flexibility when it comes to more dramatic alterations of the patient’s chief facial feature. This includes the passage to the tip of the nose from within since the surgeon has full access via the osseocartilaginous vault. But if you’re hesitant to consider this procedure due to its invasive nature, please consider this recent case study:

98 patients underwent open rhinoplasty procedures in a given time period. Of those 98 subjects, only two required revision rhinoplasties, indicating that the open method allowed the surgeon to successfully operate without the hindrance of a closed approach. And in terms of scarring, the incision mark along the columella was virtually invisible on all of the patients involved in the study within weeks of the date of their respective procedures.

Is Rhinoplasty Right For You?

Regardless of which method of rhinoplasty (open vs. closed) you desire, you should be confident in your candidacy for the procedure before moving forward. As always, having a frank conversation with your doctor is the ideal first step in making this determination, but here’s a quick checklist to jump-start that talk…

You are a potentially good candidate for rhinoplasty:

  • If you are of a mature enough age so that your facial growth is complete
  • If you are in good overall health – while cosmetic surgery is safe on the whole, it does require a certain level of stamina to assure a speedy recovery
  • If you are a non-smoker (tobacco use is detrimental to your health in a plethora of ways, damaging your skin, lungs, and thus increasing your recovery time)
  • And if you have a positive, realistic outlook and goals for what you expect in the improvement of your appearance

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Rhinoplasty

Now that you have considered whether or not rhinoplasty is right for you, let’s ask an even more important question: who is the right doctor for your specific needs? Your facial surgeon must exude a trustworthiness so that you can ask him or her anything that’s on your mind before you set foot in the exam room.

This individual can help you determine which technique is best for your rhinoplasty procedure during your initial consultation. It’s important to clearly communicate your expectations for the results of your rhinoplasty surgery and share your complete health history, including dental history, with your plastic surgeon, so that they can choose the best technique for your health and goals.

It is therefore essential that you choose the right plastic surgeon for your rhinoplasty procedure in particular so that you can be confident in your results. A plastic surgeon who is skilled and experienced, especially in rhinoplasty, is the difference between glamorous plastic surgery results and a tragic plastic surgery horror story.

If possible, patients should seek out a plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgeries like rhinoplasty.

Dr. William J. Binder

Dr. William J. Binder is a facial plastic surgery specialist with over three decades of experience with facial plastic surgery.

He is double board certified and has 10 U.S. and global patents on medical and surgical devices and pharmaceuticals and is extensively published across various medical journals.

If you want your rhinoplasty, whether open or closed, performed by one of the world’s leading facial plastic surgeons, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation.


How Rhinoplasty Can Help Alleviate Breathing Issues

Rhinoplasty is often thought of as a purely cosmetic procedure, but this surgical procedure can also provide medical benefits for some people. To be fair, rhinoplasty is usually performed for cosmetic reasons and is the third most popular cosmetic surgery after breast augmentation and liposuction respectively, with over 217,979 cosmetic rhinoplasties performed in 2015 and 217,124 performed in 2014.

Corrective rhinoplasty is usually performed to correct a deviated septum, decrease the size of turbinates, or remove nasal polyps, though it can also be performed on patients who had a previous rhinoplasty surgery that interfered with their breathing.

What is a Deviated Septum?

The nasal septum is simply the wall between the two air passages (nostrils) in the nose. When the septum is deviated (to one side or the other, rather than straight), it can block one of the air passages, which obstructs breathing.

What are Overgrown Turbinates?

The tissues that line the nasal passage are called turbinates. Most people experience some sort of blockage from swollen turbinates at some point in their lives due to ailments like allergies and respiratory infections, but some people experience long-term overgrowth that causes chronic breathing issues.

What are Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps are small benign and painless growths that occur on the inside of the nasal passages in response to chronic inflammation, usually as a result of respiratory issues like allergies, asthma, or chronic infection. While one or two polyps generally do not cause problems, large polyps or groups of many polyps can obstruct breathing.

About Rhinoplasty Surgery

Each rhinoplasty is different, because each patient’s obstruction and goals are different. Depending on the cause and location of the breathing obstruction, a rhinoplasty may revise the bony top portion of the nose, the cartilaginous bottom part, or both; as well as the skin on the outside of the nose. Incisions may be made inside the air passages or at the base of the nose, in the septum. Either way, incisions are barely or not at all visible. Rhinoplasty may be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia alongside a sedative. Your surgeon should be able to determine which option is right for you, taking into account your surgery and your health history. Be sure to disclose any prior negative reactions to anesthetics during your consultation.

Corrective rhinoplasty can be performed alongside cosmetic rhinoplasty, though insurance typically only covers costs related to corrective techniques. Your surgeon’s staff should be able to work with your insurance provider to determine how much your insurance will cover and how much you’ll be responsible for paying.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Rhinoplasty

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is imperative to ensure that your rhinoplasty sufficiently corrects your breathing problems, leaves an aesthetically pleasing appearance, and does not require revision rhinoplasty later on.

An experienced facial and reconstructive plastic surgery specialist, like Dr. William J. Binder, is able to give patients far better results than their more generalized peers. Dr. Binder, whose office is conveniently located in the Los Angeles area, stands apart from other facial and reconstructive plastic surgery specialists, however. Dr. Binder is one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons. He regularly travels around both the United States and the world to train and educate other plastic surgeons, has 10 U.S. and global patents on medical and surgical devices and pharmaceuticals, and has had his research and findings extensively published in various academic journals.

Dr. Binder’s skills have been recognized by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, both of which have granted Dr. Binder with board certifications. If these endorsements from other leaders in his field aren’t enough, Dr. Binder also has glowing reviews from his patients due to his passion for both helping patients achieve their goals and educating them about the process.

Don’t wait to act if you want your rhinoplasty, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure, performed by one of the best. Dr. Binder is taking consultations now, so contact his office today to schedule your appointment and begin to breathe easy.


Is Hardened Skin after a Rhinoplasty Normal?

Most people know to expect soreness and swelling after their rhinoplasty surgery, but one particular after-effect often takes patients by surprise. A few weeks after surgery, many patients are shocked to discover that the skin on their nose, especially around the tip of the nose, feels hard or firm. While not all patients experience this phenomenon, it is a relatively common, but rarely permanent, side effect of rhinoplasty surgery.

What Causes Hardened Skin after Rhinoplasty?

There are two major reasons for the skin on the nose to feel hard after rhinoplasty, but neither has to do with the skin itself. The hardness does not actually reflect a change in the skin, but rather the tissue underneath.

Edema (swelling caused by liquid under the skin) is the most common cause of hardness in the months directly following surgery. Built up scar tissue, however, does not fade so quickly, causing long term, even permanent, feelings of hardness. These two things generally cause a greater feeling of hardness for patients who already had thick skin on their nose.

How Long after Surgery Does Hardened Skin Last?

While the sensation of hard-feeling skin can be off-putting for patients, this hard skin is typically neither visible nor permanent. The nose, especially the tip, will remain hard for several months after surgery, after which the tissue will begin to soften as the remaining swelling fades. It will, however, not reach full softness until about a year after surgery.

It is recommended that patients wait one to two years after their rhinoplasty before seeking treatment for their hardened tissue or a revision rhinoplasty because tissue may soften, results can change during this time period, and surgical techniques are more difficult when the surgeon has to work around hard scar tissue.

Treating Persistent Hardened Skin

If you still experience hardened skin two or more years after your rhinoplasty, there are several treatment options. The two most common are steroid injections and revision rhinoplasty. The medication in steroid injections is very successful in breaking down scar tissue and is not particularly invasive.

Revision rhinoplasty, on the other hand, requires the surgical removal of built up scar tissue. This allows for more extensive changes than steroid injections and allows the surgeon to address any cosmetic issues the patient has after their surgery; but if not conducted in a delicate manner, revision rhinoplasty can lead to even more build up of scar tissue.

For this reason, it is important that the patient choose a skilled doctor with ample experience in detailed rhinoplasty surgery. Patients should always look at their prospective surgeons’ patient reviews and before and after photos to ensure that their surgical experience will leave them with the results they want.

Preventing Hardened Skin

Unfortunately, there is little the patient can do themselves to prevent hardened skin after their rhinoplasty surgery. However, the right plastic surgeon can minimize hardness by minimizing swelling and scar tissue, so it is important that the patient takes the time and effort to carefully select an experienced plastic surgeon. This is also true, perhaps even more so, for patients seeking a revision rhinoplasty, as hard scar tissue complicates the surgical process.

Dr. William J. Binder

Dr. William J. Binder is one such surgeon whose office is conveniently located in Beverly Hills. Not only is Dr. Binder skilled and experienced, he’s a facial and reconstructive plastic surgery specialist, and one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons; he has multiple patents, extensive published works, and board certifications from both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.

Whether you want your hardened skin treated, or are planning an initial rhinoplasty procedure and hope to avoid hardened skin altogether, Dr. Binder is heads above the rest. Contact his office today to schedule your consultation.


Preparing for Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

You’ve finally done it. You’ve decided to get rhinoplasty surgery. Yet, you’re a little apprehensive because you aren’t sure what precautions you need to take before your surgery, and you have no idea what you need to account for when it comes to post-operative care.

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to taking care of yourself before and after rhinoplasty surgery.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Before scheduling your rhinoplasty surgery, it is important that you meet with your doctor to discuss important factors that determine whether the surgery is likely to work well for you. This consultation can normally include:

  • Your medical history—your doctor will ask questions about your medical history, such as your history of nasal obstruction, surgeries, medications that you take, and if you have a bleeding disorder (i.e. hemophilia)
  • A physical exam—your doctor will conduct a full medical exam, including any necessary laboratory tests. They will also examine your skin and the inside and outside of your nose. This physical exam will help your doctor determine what changes need to be made and how your physical features may affect your results. The exam is also crucial for determining the impact of rhinoplasty on your breathing.
  • Photographs—pictures of your nose (from several different angles) may be taken in order for your doctor to manipulate those photos in order to show you the kind of results that are possible. Your doctor will also use these photos for before-and-after assessments, to reference during surgery, and for long-term reviews.
  • A discussion of your expectations—your doctor will explain what rhinoplasty can and can’t do for you and what your results might be. It is important that you are open with your doctor about your desires and goals for surgery. That way, both of you will be on the same page.

The Countdown to Your Rhinoplasty

In the weeks prior to your surgery, you should begin taking precautions to make sure that your operation runs smoothly and that you’re prepared for your post-operative care. Here is a check list of things that you should do before your operation:

  • Don’t take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications
  • Quit smoking two weeks before your surgery
  • Obtain a copy of your doctor’s protocol
  • Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from your surgery
  • Fill prescriptions (especially pain medications and antibiotics) before surgery
  • Consider a pill case with a time chart for medications
  • Purchase a thermometer, antibacterial soap, dressings, and gauze
  • Set up your recovery area at home
  • Black out windows so you can rest during the day
  • Prepare icepacks
  • Purchase moisturizers, scar reducing creams, and petroleum jelly for incisions (if open surgery)
  • Purchase eye drops (eyes can be dry after any surgery)
  • Consider a handheld shower head and bathroom chair
  • On the day of surgery, wear loose clothing
  • Follow your doctor’s directions carefully regarding medications, eating, and drinking

After Rhinoplasty Care

Since rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated forms of facial plastic surgery, it is extremely important that you follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions conscientiously. These instructions will also help minimize pain and discomfort during your recovery. Your doctor’s instructions can include:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling
  • Rest as often as possible
  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercise

The first 24 hours after rhinoplasty surgery is often the most difficult part of the recovery period. During this time, you may experience some normal side effects, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Nosebleeds

It is important to note that, while nosebleeds are common (especially in the first 48 hours after surgery), you shouldn’t blow your nose as this can adversely affect the rhinoplasty results.

You should be able to return to work and a more normalized routine one week after receiving rhinoplasty. However, you will still have to be careful to avoid strenuous activities, waiting until two weeks after your surgery to participate in sports or return to weight lifting. You shouldn’t participate in any activity that may result in a blow to the nose for approximately eight weeks.

Consult with Dr. Binder

Before booking rhinoplasty surgery, you should consult with a qualified doctor. Book a consultation with Dr. Binder today. With years of experience in his field, he has the knowledge and know-how to help you make the right decision when it comes to your rhinoplasty needs.

Revision Rhinoplasty


The Benefits of Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision, or secondary, rhinoplasty is by no means an uncommon procedure. Rhinoplasty as a whole was the second most common plastic surgery procedure in 2015, after breast augmentation, with 217,979 rhinoplasty surgeries conducted that year, and 10 to 15 percent of rhinoplasty patients undergoing a secondary rhinoplasty procedure.

Just like people undergo primary rhinoplasty (their first rhinoplasty procedure) in order to obtain a variety of benefits, there’s also a variety of benefits that patients may hope to gain from revision rhinoplasty procedures. Here are five of the most common benefits of revision rhinoplasty.

1. Improving Results after Primary Rhinoplasty

Sometimes, patients are unhappy with the aesthetic results of their rhinoplasty or become unhappy with their results later on. Sometimes this is because the surgeon who conducted their first procedure did so improperly, placing the implants incorrectly; improperly revising the nostrils, leaving them too large, too small, or asymmetrical; or otherwise not giving the patient the look they wanted.

On the other hand, sometimes even initially gorgeous results can change or look unbecoming as the face changes with age. This is of course no one’s fault, but still needs revision to ensure that the patient remains happy with their face.

2. Dramatic Changes

Sometimes patients have such severe trauma or a desire for such dramatically different results that one procedure won’t allow them to get the look they want. In these cases, additional rhinoplasty procedures may be needed later, after the patient has healed from their first procedure, to complete the patient’s goals for the look of their nose.

3. Improved Breathing

Many patients seek their initial rhinoplasty procedure because of breathing issues, usually caused by nasal obstruction. Often patients seek a revision rhinoplasty for the same reason. In rare cases, an unsatisfactory surgeon can cause breathing problems through an improperly conducted rhinoplasty, but more often breathing issues are either not completely resolved by the primary rhinoplasty or are a result of aging or illness that occurred after the first procedure.

4. Improved Sleep

Just like rhinoplasty can improve breathing, it can also improve sleep, and for many of the same reasons. Poor or obstructed breathing during sleep causes problems like snoring and sleep apnea, which can disrupt sleep. Often times, patients don’t even realize that issues with their sleep are the result of breathing difficulties, but their partners may notice the inconsistent, noisy, or strange sounding breathing. Once again, these problems can be caused by an improperly done rhinoplasty, illness or aging, or were not resolved by the first procedure.

5. Repairing Damaged Results

Finally, revision rhinoplasty may be needed if the results of the first rhinoplasty are damaged because of a broken nose or other facial trauma. This trauma is often the result of a blow to the face, but may also be caused by heat or chemical burns. Just like with a primary rhinoplasty used to repair trauma, a secondary rhinoplasty intended to do the same thing is usually covered by insurance.

Ensuring Your Revision Rhinoplasty is Done Right

Choosing the right doctor for your revision rhinoplasty procedure is of the utmost importance. If you’re choosing a revision rhinoplasty because of unsatisfactory results from your first surgery, you have already experienced just how true this is. Dr. William J. Binder is an experienced and double board certified facial plastic surgeon who has been passionately serving and satisfying plastic surgery patients in the Los Angeles area for decades while also conducting research and giving informational lectures to plastic surgeons around the world.

Dr. Binder specializes in reconstructive surgeries. If you want your revision rhinoplasty performed by one of the world’s leading facial plastic surgeons, don’t wait to act. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

Deviated Septum Correction through Rhinoplasty


How Rhinoplasty Can Correct a Deviated Septum

While rhinoplasty is typically thought of as an aesthetic decision, it is also commonly used to correct breathing problems, such as those caused by a deviated septum. Rhinoplasties for practical purposes are referred to as functional rhinoplasties: more specifically, when referring to surgery designed to fix a deviated septum, they are known as septoplasties.

If you have difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty is a viable solution to achieve better breathing today.

What is a Deviated Septum?

A deviated septum refers to the malformation of the septum (the bone and cartilage that separate the nostrils), obstructing breathing. Septoplasties can repair this malformation in a simple 15 – 30 minute procedure, with a short recovery period.

Some estimates suggest that up to 80% of people have some sort of imbalance in their septum, though very few face problems significant enough to require surgery. Symptoms of a severe deviated septum can include:

  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Frequent or recurring sinus infections
  • Face pain
  • Headache
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Snoring and loud breathing during sleep
  • Sleep apnea

Symptoms are often worse on one side. Deviated septums may be present at birth, may develop over time as a result of changes during puberty or aging, or may be the result of trauma to the nose or face. Due to the continued development of the face during puberty, rhinoplasties are generally not performed on minors.

While patients typically have to pay out of pocket for cosmetic rhinoplasties, functional rhinoplasties are generally covered by most major insurance companies. If a patient is considering rhinoplasty for both cosmetic and health reasons, it is recommended to have both issues addressed at the same time, so that all revisions are covered by insurance.

Having both issues corrected at the same time is also a more convenient process for the patient, as surgery and its subsequent recovery will only be required once. While the required recovery time of a combined surgery will be longer than that of a purely functional procedure, the downtime is still significantly shorter than the result of two separate rhinoplasties. Moreover, a surgeon who is able to address both cosmetic and functional issues at the same time will be able to achieve more attractive, natural-looking results.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder

If you suffer from breathing problems and suspect that a deviated septum may be the cause, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine if a functional rhinoplasty is right for you. Dr. William J. Binder is a leading double board-certified plastic surgeon, and was one of the developers of the preferred technique for modern closed rhinoplasty. Take a look at our history of patient satisfaction, and contact our office with all of your cosmetic and functional plastic surgery concerns.

Rhinoplasty Success Stories


Real-Life Rhinoplasty Success Stories | Doctor Binder

After breast augmentation, rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery in the United States. Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is one of the more popular forms of plastic surgery because of the sheer variety of benefits that come with it.

No longer solely the choice of Hollywood starlets seeking the perfect “button nose,” rhinoplasty is now capable of treating breathing problems such as a restricted airway, deviated septum, and even sleep apnea. Of course, rhinoplasty can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as correcting damage from a traumatic injury, or just shaping the nose to fit the individual desires of the patient.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The actual procedure of rhinoplasty has changed a good deal in recent years, with newer advancements like closed rhinoplasty making the surgery easier to recover from, and less likely to leave visible scarring. Now, in many cases, incisions can be made inside the nostrils, allowing the skin and cartilage of the nose to be pulled back for reshaping. This means no external scarring, and a greatly decreased recovery time (and also less recovery pain).

All of this has led to more and more people electing to undergo rhinoplasty surgeries, whether they want to reshape a nose they’re unhappy with, or address a medical issue like a deviated septum. Of course, some of these people have names many people would recognize. Names like…

Celebrity Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Britney Spears, Heidi Montag, and Jennifer Aniston. Winona Ryder, Ashton Kutcher, Megan Fox. J-Lo, ScarJo, and hundreds of others have all had successful rhinoplasty surgeries, and you wouldn’t really know it by looking at them.

And of course, the media paints the picture of these surgeries as being something for the vain and superficial world of Hollywood stars, but the fact of the matter is many of these celebrities sought out a rhinoplasty to correct issues like deviated septums and sleep apnea.

This exposure at such a high level has done wonders for the overall popularity of rhinoplasty, which has brought the surgery from its former place as something for celebrities, and brought it into a place where it is available to everyone.

Doctor Binder’s Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Doctor William J. Binder has established himself as one of the foremost rhinoplasty surgeons in the country. He has been at the forefront of bringing rhinoplasty and reconstructive facial surgery to the general population, not just for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment and prevention of some serious medical issues.

Dr. Binder has performed thousands of successful facial surgeries, a large portion of which were successful rhinoplasties and revision rhinoplasties. You can check out some of the excellent results below.




These are just some of the many patients that have received rhinoplasty surgeries from Doctor Binder.

Many of these patients came to Doctor Binder looking for aesthetic changes to their nose, but a great many of them have come for help with deviated septums or sleep apnea, or just to have an easier time breathing.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty from Doctor Binder

If you’ve ever wondered about rhinoplasty and whether or not it could work for you, contact Dr. Binder today. With the help of his expert staff, he can walk you through your options, and the potential benefits you might see from having a rhinoplasty.

Dr. Binder is a great proponent of closed rhinoplasty whenever possible, which minimizes scarring and recovery time, while still providing the great results a good rhinoplasty can provide.

With Dr. Binder, you get a surgeon with an artist’s eye, but the experience and knowledge of facial reconstruction that gives you the very best results possible. This unique combination of artistic skill and hard-earned experience has positioned Dr. Binder as one of most  prolific and well-reviewed plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

Reasons to Consider Getting a Rhinoplasty


There are Many Benefits to Getting a Rhinoplasty

When your facial features are proportional and symmetrical, it enhances your natural beauty. Studies have shown that patients who get cosmetic rhinoplasties feel more confident about their overall appearance and have a better quality of life as a result. This is why cosmetic rhinoplasty remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures amongst men and women across the world.

In addition to improving your overall appearance, there are many health benefits to getting a cosmetic rhinoplasty as well. Here is a list of reasons why you should consider getting a rhinoplasty as well as what makes someone a good candidate for the procedure.

What Changes will a Rhinoplasty have on My Appearance?

Getting a cosmetic rhinoplasty will improve any of the following issues:

  • Having a nose that’s too wide for your face.
  • A crooked or malformed nose.
  • A birth deformity
  • A bump on the bridge of your nose.
  • A bulbous nasal tip.
  • An elongated nasal tip.
  • Damage caused by injury.
  • Having a breathing problem caused by blocked nasal passages or a deviated septum.

More Reasons for getting a Rhinoplasty

  • It can improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • It can improve your quality of life by correcting serious breathing problems. In addition, it can alleviate chronic snoring, which has been linked to everything from insomnia to heart health issues. Therefore, by getting a rhinoplasty you can avoid or eliminate these related health issues.
  • It can prevent you from getting sinus infections and sinusitis.
  • It can correct frequent nosebleeds.
  • It can fix how your nose looks and feels after an accident.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

  • Age: In order to achieve successful rhinoplasty results, the patient’s nose needs to have stopped growing. For girls, growth continues until age 14 and, for boys, until age 16 – however, it is up to the parents to decide whether their child is emotionally mature enough for plastic surgery.
  • Realistic Expectations: If you are looking to improve your overall appearance but you understand that it is not possible to achieve perfection, then you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. In order to set realistic expectations for yourself, it’s best to have an open discussion with your surgeon before your surgery.
  • Knowledge: The best rhinoplasty candidates are the ones who have educated themselves about the procedure and have spoken with their surgeon at length prior to having the surgery performed.
  • Self-conscious: If you are unhappy and self-conscious about the nose you were born with or an injury altered the shape of your nose, then you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty.

What else should I know about the Procedure?

  • If you are unhappy with the results of a previous rhinoplasty, it is possible to get a rhinoplasty revision and have the results of the previous surgery corrected. Because this procedure requires a tremendous degree of skill, it’s important to take care when choosing a surgeon.
  • You will find the results of your rhinoplasty get better over time. Initially, there is a lot of bruising and swelling that will dissipate for the most part after the first month. However, it can take up to a year for the swelling to go down completely.
  • It is possible for patients to have their noses reshaped using nonsurgical means. This procedure is performed using fillers, and the results last up to a year. While the results are only temporary, it is a great way for patients to get an idea what to expect if they elect to get a rhinoplasty.
  • In order to achieve facial symmetry, you may require additional procedures. For example, cheek and chin implant procedures are often performed alongside rhinoplasties.
  • Finally, the results of your rhinoplasty depend a lot on the experience and skill of the surgeon that you choose.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty with Dr. Binder

Dr. Binder is a double board-certified surgeon that has been performing rhinoplasties, as well as rhinoplasty revisions, for three decades. You always know that you have the benefit of both skill and experience when you choose Dr. Binder as your surgeon.

If you have any further questions about having a rhinoplasty, please contact Dr. Binder today, and he will be happy to discuss them with you.

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