
How to Prevent Lip Filler Migration

Lip fillers are an increasingly popular way to add volume and definition to the lips. While generally a safe and effective procedure, it’s important to take the necessary precautions to avoid lip filler migration. 

Research shows that as of 2020, approximately 3,410,730 soft tissue filler procedures were performed in the U.S., with the vast majority of these (2,619,650) being hyaluronic acid-based fillers such as Juvederm® and Restylane®, both of which are some of the most common fillers used for the lips and face. 

With so many procedures performed yearly, some individuals will inevitably experience lip filler. While this is not a cause for immediate alarm, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and to take the necessary precautions to avoid lip filler migration.

What is Lip Filler Migration?

Lip filler migration occurs when the injected filler moves away from its intended area and spreads to other areas of the face. This can occur due to the lack of proper technique by the injector or if the filler is injected too deep or in too large of a dose. 

Migration can also occur if the filler is not the correct type for the patient’s skin type or if the skin is too thin or too thick for the filler being used. 

What Could Happen if Lip Filler Migration Occurs?

Migration can cause various cosmetic issues, such as asymmetry, lumpiness, and skin discoloration. Additionally, if migration is not addressed promptly, the filler can spread to other areas of the face, resulting in an unnatural look. In rare cases, migration can lead to infection or nerve damage. 

4 Tips for Preventing Lip Filler Migration

Whether you are already scheduled for a lip filler treatment or are still considering lip injections, taking the necessary precautions to prevent lip filler migration is important. Here are four tips to help you avoid the risk of lip filler migration:

1. Finding the Right, Knowledgeable Surgeon

Finding an experienced and qualified practitioner to perform your lip filler injections is essential. A qualified professional thoroughly understands the face’s anatomy, which helps prevent lip filler migration. 

In addition to having the necessary medical knowledge, they should also have a good eye for facial aesthetics and a steady hand. Ask to see before-and-after photos of past patients and ask your practitioner about their experience and qualifications.

2. Ensure the Right Fillers Are Being Used

When discussing the proper lip filler options with your surgeon, it is essential to consider the type of filler being used. Different fillers have different consistencies, which can affect the results of the lip injections. You should also discuss just how much product is being injected, as too much filler can result in an unnatural look. 

3. Follow All Aftercare Instructions

Following the aftercare instructions from your surgeon is essential if you want to avoid lip filler migration. Doing so helps to reduce swelling, minimize the risk of infection and ensure that the fillers remain in the desired position. You should also be aware of any potential signs of complication and speak to your practitioner if any concerns arise.

4. Allow Your Body to Heal

Finally, you need to allow your body to heal after the procedure. Any pain or discomfort should typically resolve within 12-24 hours, while swelling can take several days to a week to subside. If you don’t allow your body enough time to heal, you could be left with an unsightly bump or unevenness. 

Lip Fillers Done Safely and Correctly with Dr. Binder

If you’re considering lip fillers, it’s vital to ensure that the procedure is done safely and correctly. Dr. Binder is an experienced and reputable practitioner who can provide the results you’re looking for. 

If you think you may be a good candidate for lip fillers or have questions about your current fillers, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation and get the answers you need.

Are You a Teeth Grinder? You Might Want to Turn to Botox

Do you wake up with a sore jaw or a headache? Do you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth at night? You could be suffering from a condition known as bruxism or teeth grinding. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help alleviate the discomfort associated with bruxism, such as Botox. 

Can Botox Help You Stop Grinding Your Teeth?

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a condition in which a person unconsciously clenches their jaw and grinds their teeth, often at night. It is most commonly caused by stress, anxiety, or an abnormal bite. This can lead to headaches, jaw pain, and even worn down or cracked teeth. If left untreated, bruxism can cause long-term damage to the teeth and gums.

While many patients choose to try a variety of treatments for bruxism, including mouth guards, there are other options available. Recent studies have shown that the muscle-relaxing properties of Botox can be used to alleviate the symptoms of bruxism. 

How Botox Works

Botox is a form of botulinum toxin, a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is commonly used in cosmetic treatments to relax facial muscles, improve the appearance of wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of facial lines. It is also used in various medical treatments, including migraine headaches and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). 

The botulinum toxin is most effective when injected directly into the affected muscle, which causes it to temporarily paralyze the muscle, preventing it from moving. This prevents the muscle from contracting, which allows it to relax. 

Using Botox to Treat Bruxism

Botox is believed to be a viable treatment for bruxism due to its muscle-relaxing properties. When injected into the masseter muscle (the jaw muscle), it temporarily paralyzes the muscle, preventing it from contracting, which leads to teeth grinding.

Botox treatments for bruxism are typically done in a series of treatments, with follow-up visits to monitor the progress of the treatment. In some cases, a single treatment may be sufficient, while in other cases, multiple treatments may be needed. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor to get the best results. The minimal side effects associated with Botox injections make it a safe and effective treatment option for bruxism. 

Get Help Treating Your Bruxism with Botox Today

Botox treatments for bruxism can be a safe and effective way to reduce symptoms associated with this condition. However, it is important to remember that it is not a cure and preventive measures such as good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are still necessary. If you are suffering from bruxism, talk to your doctor about whether Botox could be a promising treatment option for you.

Dr. Binder is a well-respected cosmetic surgeon known to have revolutionized the modern field of facial contouring. It is his goal to help patients have better self-esteem and confidence by improving their appearance and helping them feel their best.

If you think Botox could help you stop grinding your teeth at night, contact Dr. Binder’s office today and schedule a consultation.

How Many Chemical Peels Do I Need to Reduce My Wrinkles?

Chemical peels reduce wrinkles and are an excellent alternative for anyone who cannot or does not want to endure a surgical procedure for wrinkle reduction treatment. 

You can achieve similar results as those of surgical methods. Although, unlike surgery, peels will require more than one treatment.

How many do you need before you begin to see results? 

Experts agree that the sooner you begin a consistent skin care regimen, the more benefits you will experience, and the fewer facial treatments (like chemical peels) are necessary to achieve the desired results. 

Results won’t be immediate. Yet, you can expect to see results in fewer visits than you might think. Let’s examine what to expect with a chemical peel treatment.  

What Are Chemical Peels?  

Chemical peels are facial treatments that improve the appearance of wrinkled skin with an acid solution that removes the outermost layer of skin. The skin that replaces the older skin is typically smoother with fewer wrinkles.

Practitioners perform this non-surgical procedure on the same day in the doctor’s office on the face, neck, and hands. Fair-haired and light-skinned people experience the best results.

There are some possible risks associated with this procedure. Make sure you discuss these during your initial consultation.    

Other treatment options include:

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Dermabrasion
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Laser/light therapy
  • Neuromodulators
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Fat transfers
  • Soft-tissue fillers
  • Non-ablative laser resurfacing

If you are familiar with how laser resurfacing works, the process is similar (removing the top layers of skin), with one significant difference; one uses chemicals, and the other uses a laser. The number of treatments can vary as well. 

What You Need to Know Before You Begin Chemical Peel Treatments   

The number of treatments necessary to achieve the desired results can vary by patient. However, typically treatment only requires three to six visits, based on the type of treatment you get and your overall health condition.

There are three depths your doctor will go when doing a chemical peel. Each has a unique treatment method, and the Mayo Clinic published an article to help explain each of these and how your doctor will perform them.

  • Light chemical peel
  • Medium chemical peel
  • Deep chemical peel

The number of visits, types of treatments, and personal health determine how many treatments you will require. Generally speaking, here’s what you can expect during and after your procedure:

During the Procedure  

You may feel a burning sensation during the procedure that typically lasts between five to ten minutes. You will experience mild discomfort, although the doctor can take measures to reduce this. 

It’s okay to use a cold compress application during the procedure if you experience pain. Don’t suffer through the treatment. Let your doctor know how you are feeling throughout the process. 

Recovery and Pain Management  

Depending on the type of peel, recovery can last from one day (for light peels) to as many as 14 days (deep peels). You may experience soreness, redness, and swelling. These are normal but if you experience severe pain or a break in the skin, contact your doctor’s office immediately. You can treat the skin with doctor-approved creams or lotions, and talk to your doctor before taking over-the-counter pain medications.

Begin Treatments Today and See Results Quickly    

Dr. Binder is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with more than 25 years of experience performing facial treatments with positive outcomes. Restore your self-esteem while combatting the effects of aging. Consider chemical peels to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles with only a handful of treatments.

Interested in a chemical peel to reduce the appearance of wrinkles? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today.

eyelid surgery

What You Need to Know Before Having a Skin Cancer Procedure

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Sadly, patients diagnosed with any form of skin cancer continue to grow. While skin cancer can appear on any area of the body, 80% occurs on the head, face, and neck. These cancer cells can disfigure the skin and can be extremely dangerous.

If you were recently diagnosed with skin cancer or have a spot on your skin you’re concerned about, this guide will answer some of your questions and give you the information you need to know before having a skin cancer procedure. 

Types of Skin Cancers   

There are three types of skin cancers. If the skin cancer is small, doctors can usually do the surgery as an outpatient, same-day procedure.

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma   
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma   
  • Malignant Melanoma  

What to Expect During the Procedure

Doctors will perform two different procedures based on the size, type, and nature of your cancer. If the cancer is small, the doctor will perform a simple excision. There are additional non-surgical methods, including:

  • Cryosurgery (freezing the cancer cells)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Topical chemotherapy 

For cancers that are larger or have spread to the lymph nodes, a more complex procedure is necessary to remove your skin cancer. They include:


This procedure involves transferring skin from one area (the donor site) of the body to cover the area of affected skin the doctor had to remove. 


This procedure is more complex but produces better cosmetic results. To perform this surgery, doctors take skin, underlying fat cells, blood vessels, and in some cases, muscle tissue near the skin cancer and move it over the infected area that the doctor just removed. 

Sometimes doctors will have to perform this procedure in stages because they may need to insert balloons under the skin that is expanded over time to encourage the skin to stretch. That ensures enough flap skin to cover the open areas of the skin.

Pre-Op, Post-Op, and Recovery

Before your procedure, your doctor will schedule an appointment to go over your surgical and non-surgical options. Your doctor will then develop a surgical plan that will produce the best results for which type of cancer you have.

During this consultation ask any questions you or your loved ones have regarding your condition and the most appropriate treatment for you.

After your procedure, the most important thing about skin cancer removal is that you use effective skin protection. Keep the area covered when in direct sunlight, and wear sunblock.

Recovering from your procedure will depend on the type of cancer and procedure you had. For many patients, scarring is minimal. An experienced surgeon can conceal most scars from the procedure in the natural folds and contours on your face.

Cancer Doesn’t Wait and Neither Should You     

Dr. Binder and his surgical team understand that you cannot delay treatment when it comes to cancer. Cancer cells can grow quickly and metastasize to other areas of the body. If you have a spot that looks and feels abnormal or changes in size, shape, or appearance, get tested!

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, time is of the essence. Contact Dr. Binder’s office today to discuss treatment options. 

Benefits of Exercising to Enhance The Result from your Cosmetic Procedure

Did you know that one of the benefits of exercise is that it can enhance the results of your cosmetic procedure? That’s right, patients who have had plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures find they experience better surgical outcomes. 

Let’s review some of the beauty benefits of working out and what happens when you pair exercise with your cosmetic procedures. First, let’s look at the general health benefits of exercising. 

Beauty Benefits of Exercising  

Exercise is good for your mind, body, and spiritual health. Regular exercise helps people maintain their weight, look and feel better, and has many other health and wellness benefits

Exercise helps your body fight disease like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, and osteoporosis. It also reduces your chances of having a stroke or developing heart disease.

Along with general health advantages, there are many beauty benefits to working out:

Makes Skin Glow 

Exercise gets your heart pumping, which stimulates blood flow. Increased blood flow sends oxygenated blood to the surface of your skin, giving you a healthy glow. It also ensures that your skin gets all the essential nutrients it needs.

Reduces Stress

Stress takes its toll on the human body. The body is hardwired to react to stress to combat threats from predators or other dangers. It’s a natural reaction to the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response, and researchers have linked stress to many chronic conditions and health problems, such as:

  • Depression
  • Digestive issues
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Heart Disease
  • Inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Risk of a stroke
  • Sleeping problems
  • Memory loss
  • Cognitive impairment

Exercise is an excellent way to work off the energy stored in the body from a stress trigger. There is also a chemical reaction in the brain when people work out. The brain releases norepinephrine, a natural element that works as a hormone and a neurotransmitter. 

Working out also relieves many of the symptoms stress has on your body. For example, exercise improves sleep patterns, concentration, and cognitive reasoning.

Not to mention exercise has numerous psychological benefits. These relieve stress and improve results when you have a cosmetic procedure.

Pairing Exercise With Cosmetic Procedures for the Best Results  

Pairing exercises with some cosmetic procedures can improve your surgical results. For example, a proper diet with adequate nutrition and working out can help make your face look even more sculpted and refined after a tumescent liposuction procedure. 

Working out can also reduce recovery time by promoting blood flow and circulation. The current U.S. guidelines for exercise include engaging in at least one of the following weekly:

  • No less than 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity
  • At least 150 to 300 minutes of moderately intense exercises
  • A combination of either of the above for a minimum of 300 minutes

Consult With Your Doctor Before Beginning a New Routine      

While exercise has many health benefits, there are some things to consider when choosing the right workout regimen. First, you must consult with your doctor. 

If you have recently had a cosmetic procedure, wait until your doctor clears you to work out. Not waiting can have adverse health effects and can impair your cosmetic results. 

Dr. Binder and his surgical team can answer any questions regarding exercise and how they can help you recover (and improve results) from the cosmetic procedures he performs. Never hesitate to call.

5 Facial Exercises That Can Help Lift Your Face Naturally

Getting a facelift can produce some amazing results. You get smoother, tighter skin that has a more youthful appearance. 

A facelift diminishes the look and depth of your wrinkles. However, you don’t always have to get a facelift procedure to get these kinds of results. 

There are some facial exercises you can do to help lift your face naturally. Consider trying them before getting a facelift.

5 Facial Exercises That Help Lift Your Face Naturally   

Try these five exercises to tighten and sculpt the face naturally:

1. Face Burpee

If you have ever done (or seen) a traditional burpee, you know that this exercise is all about all-over strength training. The difference is that this works the muscles of your entire face.

To do:

  • Using your fingers as resistance, push your eyebrows in
  • Simultaneously, push them up for five seconds (this isolates and defines those muscles)
  • Grab a jade roller — a foam roller for your face — and roll over your skin
  • Do this for five minutes as part of your “cool down”

2.  Upper-Eye Exercise

Facial fitness experts recommend this exercise to anyone looking for an exercise that will give their upper-eye area a boost. It’s simple and feels amazing.

To do:

  • Place three fingers from each hand
  • Position them under your eyebrows
  • Push brows straight up
  • Looking straight ahead, push down against the fingertips using forehead muscles
  • Hold for ten seconds
  • After seven seconds, close your eyes keeping your brows high
  • Relax and repeat for a total of three

3. Under-Eye Exercise

The area under your eye is one of the most sensitive places on your face. The skin isn’t as thick as elsewhere on the face, but it’s still vital to exercise that region.

To do:

  • Look up and close your eyes by first raising the lower lids (should look like a glare)
  • Hold that position for five seconds
  • Release and repeat for a total of three times

4. Crow’s Feet Exercise

People with crow’s feet often got them from a combination of laughing or smiling and aging skin. As your skin begins to go through gradual changes, the wrinkles begin to set into the skin over time, giving the appearance of cracks in the skin. These exercises help smooth out the skin on the outer corners of your eyes. 

To do:

  • Place your thumb pads on the bones at your eyes’ outer corners
  • Look up, gently pressing your thumb toward the eyes (without moving the head)
  • Flutter eyelids for five seconds
  • Release and repeat for a total of four times

5. Jaw-Tightening Exercise

As people begin to age, the skin along their jawlines begins to droop, and constantly staring down at your phone or tablet contributes to that. Experts say that jowl-tightening exercises may help. 

To do:

  • Lift chin to form a taut line between your clavicle and chin (careful not to hyperextend the neck)
  • Turn your head to one side and look over that shoulder
  • Turn to look behind you
  • Stick out your jaw
  • Keep that position for five seconds
  • Release, and slowly return to the first position
  • Repeat for a total of four times per side

Get the Lift You Want With Dr. Binder    

The trick to success with these exercises is consistency, proper hydration, and realistic expectations. Nothing will get you the same result as a cosmetic procedure. If you’re still unhappy with the appearance of your face, Dr. Binder can provide a free consultation to discuss your options.

Micro-Needling vs. Chemical Peels: Choosing Between Acne Scar Treatments

Roughly 85% of the world’s population has or will experience acne in some form sometime throughout their lifetime. That equates to about 50 million Americans dealing with acne each year. 

If you have acne scars and want to know what options you have regarding treatment, take a moment to learn about the two most common acne scar treatments. You’ll also learn about the different types of acne scarring that occurs and what treatment works best for each condition. 

What Is Micro-Needling?

The procedure uses tiny needles that are sterilized and pressed into the subdermal layers of the skin.

This allows the body to create more capillaries, collagen, and elastin, the two healing substances within your skin. If the procedure involves radiofrequency waves, it is called radiofrequency micro-needling. 

The skin grows back smoother and thicker and works by reducing pore size, hyperpigmentation, and skin discoloration. Micro-needling treats other skin conditions, like fine lines, stretch marks, and cellulite, to name a few. It even treats hyperhidrosis. Yet, it is extremely effective at treating acne scars.

Benefits of treating your acne with micro-needling include:

  • Reduces redness
  • Evens skin tone
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Minimally invasive
  • Little to no downtime
  • Reduces enlarged pores

What is a Chemical Peel?

The procedure involves acid treatments that remove the outer layers of the skin. Chemical peels are proven effective for treatments of dermatological conditions and plastic surgery procedures, including Glycolic peels, Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) peels, and Phenol peels. 

Benefits of treating your acne with chemical peels include:

  • Eliminated skin discolorations
  • Smooths skin
  • Fades acne scars
  • Evens skin tone
  • Reduces enlarged pores
  • Improves appearance

Most Common Types of Acne Scarring (and Best Treatment)

Here are the most common types of acne scars:

Atrophic Scars  

Characterized by flat, shallow depressions that healed below the surface of the skin. These scars are typically due to cystic acne, although other types of acne can cause these scars.

Patients might experience boxcar scars, icepick scars, or rolling scars. Healthline has an article discussing the qualities of these types of acne scars.

Best Atrophic Scar Treatment

Doctors might opt for a combination of micro-needling and chemical peel treatments working in tandem.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

This condition leaves skin with dark and discolored marks left behind after the acne heals, usually caused by severe acne. Most treatment includes a good sun protection regimen and time.

Best Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Those looking for medical skin treatment should consider micro-needling.

Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars

Characterized by raised lumps of scar tissue, this condition occurs when acne is severe. These areas are often much larger than the acne was and can continue to grow beyond the original acne site.

Best Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars Treatment

Treatment involves reducing the height of the scars using chemical peels.

Choosing the Right Procedure for Treating Your Acne Scars

Your skin tells the story of your life. Laugh lines, wrinkles, scars on your knee from when you cut it open hopping a fence when you were a kid, all are like little badges of honor. 

Unfortunately, not all scars have a story people want to tell, and no one wants to talk about the blemishes left from acne breakouts. Luckily, there are effective treatments for acne scars, including micro-needling and chemical peels. Dr. Binder offers treatments that will help improve the condition of your skin.

Still wondering which procedure is right for you? Contact Dr. Binder’s office to schedule a consultation today.


Understanding the Mole Removal Process

Moles are not only visually distracting, but these growths can also pose health risks to patients with this skin condition. They emerge as groups of heavily pigmented skin cells either raised above the skin’s surface or flat in appearance and shape.

While most are benign, some patients develop malignant melanoma. Although, doctors remove most moles for cosmetic reasons. If you have a mole and have some questions, this article will discuss the removal process and what you can expect while healing.

How Moles are Removed

Doctors treat mole removal with a procedure called shave excision. It involves visiting your dermatologist or plastic surgeon who can perform most mole removal procedures at their office. Here are the steps for mole excision:

Step One: Site Preparation

Like any surgical procedure, a surgical team member will clean the site. For a shave excision procedure, the doctor will then use a tiny needle to inject a numbing medication on the surface of the skin around the mole. That will allow you to remain comfortable during the procedure. 

In some cases, the patient may require surgical excision. If your mole requires this procedure, IV sedation will be necessary. That’s because surgical excisions are more like traditional surgery and require the removal of the entire mole from the surface to below the subcutaneous layer of fat. 

Step Two: Excision

The process of removing the mole is called “excision.” It involves removing the mole from the surface of the skin while cauterizing the mole’s base. A scab forms over the excision site as new skin grows over the area. In most cases, scarring is undetectable.

During the excision, your doctor will cut around the mole, including a margin of healthy tissue, to help promote healing and ensure complete removal. That way, the doctor doesn’t leave behind pre-cancer or cancer cells.

Step Three: Recovery

Once the doctor removes the mole, the skin might require a suture or a staple to close the skin if the mile is large enough. After the procedure, a staff member will send the organic material to the pathologist.

The pathologist will evaluate the mole tissue and test it for microscopic evidence of skin cancer. Your doctor will also discuss with you what to expect during the healing process.

Healing From Mole Removal

After the procedure, your doctor will send you home with aftercare information. Make sure you keep the bandage clean and dry, especially for the first 24 hours. You can expect healing to take a total of two to three weeks. 

If you experience pain, swelling, tenderness, or wound seepage, contact your doctor’s office immediately to schedule a follow-up. There might be unexpected complications the doctor needs to address.

Some risks of mole excisions include:

  • Damage to surrounding nerves
  • Pain in the area
  • Scarring
  • Incomplete removal
  • Keloid or scar tissue formation
  • Incision site infection
  • Mole might return

Finding a Doctor Who Performs Mole Removal Procedures     

When it comes to your skin, you want a board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon you can trust. Dr. Binder has a gift of thinking 3-dimensionally, which has translated to numerous successful aesthetic surgical outcomes. 

He has revolutionized the field of cosmetic facial procedures by applying his unique skills and these innovative techniques, now used by most plastic and reconstructive surgeons globally.  

Do you have a mole that you are concerned about? Contact Dr. Binder’s office to schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

Preventing Sweat with Botox

Botox is a toxin developed by pharmaceutical companies from a type of bacteria called clostridium botulinum. To be precise, it’s a neurotoxin, and medical professionals use it to inhibit the activity of muscles throughout the human body. 

It works by blocking the transmission of nerve signals from the brain that cause muscular and nervous system contractions. It does this by inhibiting nerve impulses.

The Many Uses of Botox

Botox does more today than it has in years past. Originally, the treatment gained its popularity as a cosmetic procedure to combat the effects of aging on the skin of the face. Here are some of the other medical uses for Botox treatments:

1. Chronic Migraine Treatment

Doctors use Botox in the treatment of chronic migraines because it blocks the neurotransmitters that carry pain signals to and from the brain. Some studies also show how Botox impacts the Trigeminal nerve in the brain, which researchers believe causes many types of migraines.

2. Treatment for Overactive Bladder

A new procedure using Botox is now available for patients who suffer from an overactive bladder. These contractions give patients the sensation of needing to evacuate their urinary tract. 

Urologists inject Botox directly into the bladder, which blocks signals causing these bladder contractions. Early Botox treatment for overactive bladder will result in more desirable outcomes.

3. Neck Spasms

Known medically as cervical dystonia, Botox treats this condition by preventing nerves from releasing acetylcholine. It restricts the nerves from sending the messages to the muscles causing them to contract and spasm.

4. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment

OnabotulinumtoxinA is a form of Botox used in the treatment of moderate to severe MS. This Botox is an injectable treatment approved to ease spastic muscle movement, a common symptom of MS. In spasticity, muscles abnormally stiffen, remaining tight, and are prone to involuntary twitches.

5. Other Neurological Disorders

Botox interrupts nerve signals. The FDA has approved Botox to treat many neurological conditions, including:

  • Tremors caused by Tourette Syndrome
  • Excessive drooling
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Injuries causing nerve damage
  • Stroke

Hyperhidrosis and Botox

One treatment that didn’t get mentioned above is the treatment for a condition called hyperhidrosis (excess sweat production). Hyperhidrosis occurs when a patient has overactive sweat glands. This condition causes them to experience embarrassing wet marks on their clothing, among other inconveniences.

The effects of Botox treatment for axillary (armpit) hyperhidrosis tend to last longer the more treatments you have. Initial results will likely last for approximately six months. Some patients said their effects lasted only four months, whereas others stated their results lasted a year. Your doctor will be able to set appropriate expectations for you.

Where to Get Botox Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Dr. Binder has been performing FDA-approved Botox treatments for his patients suffering from several medical conditions such as migraines and hyperhidrosis. He has also performed numerous cosmetic Botox treatments. Whatever reason you’re choosing Botox, you can trust Dr. Binder to perform your procedure. 

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, contact Dr. Binder’s office to schedule your first consultation for Botox treatment.


Addressing Anesthesia: Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Your Procedure

Surgery can be nerve-wracking. It isn’t just the procedure patients fear. Being put under anesthesia is frightening for some patients, eliciting questions they sometimes forget to ask when meeting with their doctor. 

If you are about to have surgery and have some questions about anesthesia, this guide will tell you everything you need to know before getting your procedure.

What is Anesthesia?

Anesthesia is a medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain during procedures. Doctors also administer anesthesia for medical procedures to achieve positive surgical outcomes. These procedures include:

  • Surgery
  • Tissue sample removal (e.g., skin biopsies)
  • Some screening
  • Diagnostic tests 

Some patients will have anesthesia administrated when having certain dental work done. To produce the desired effects, anesthesiologists administer drugs called anesthetics.

Doctors deliver these medications in various ways, including injection (through an IV), inhalation, skin patches, eye drops, and topical lotions.

How Long are Patients Kept Under Anesthesia?

Generally, patients can be kept under for as long as necessary for the doctor to perform the surgical procedure, which can sometimes take hours. However, there are various factors doctors must consider when administering anesthesia, including:

  • Age
  • Weight, height, and body mass
  • Medical history
  • Comorbidities and previous diagnoses 
  • Pre-operative complications

Patients with risk factors are generally never kept under for longer than four hours. The doctor will keep you under as long as the surgery takes, as long as you don’t have any risk factors that concern your doctor. Your doctor can let you know the range of time that should take.

The Difference Between Local vs. General Anesthesia

There are two types of anesthesia:

Local Anesthetics  

This form of anesthetic numbs a region of the body and does not make the patient completely unconscious. It works by suppressing your brain’s ability to process pain. Doctors administer local anesthetics when performing more superficial surgeries or less intrusive procedures.

General Anesthetics  

You will experience complete unconsciousness when given general anesthesia. It works by directly sedating the brain so that pain receptors cannot receive pain signals. There are various types of general anesthesia doctors will use depending on the procedure, the patient, or the desired brand.

What to Expect When Coming Out of Anesthesia

After the procedure, the doctor will administer medications that reverse the anesthetic effects of the anesthesia. While you recover, medical staff will monitor your vital signs and ask questions about your pain levels. Doctors might prescribe additional pain medications, like narcotics, if your experience pain as you come out of anesthesia.

Possible Side Effects

The following is a list of possible side effects. If you experience any of the ones denoted with an asterisk (*) seek medical attention immediately.

  • Temporary confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Muscle aches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shivering
  • Sore throat (from breathing tube)
  • Bruising (at administration site)
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Headaches
  • Migraines*
  • Rapid heart rate*
  • Chest pains or heart palpitations*
  • Fainting*
  • Chronic dizziness* or confusion*
  • Coughing*
  • Seizures*

Find an Anesthesiologist You Can Trust

Dr. Binder is a board-certified surgeon in Plastic and Reconstructive and Otolaryngology Surgery, trusted in his field for more than 30 years. Dr. Binder only partners with the best. When you schedule a procedure with Dr. Binder, you know your surgical anesthesiologist is someone you can trust.

If you have more questions about anesthesia, reach out to a member of Dr. Binder’s team before your next surgical procedure.

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