How Long Will It Take My Face To Heal After A Chemical Peel?

5552681678_2First, let’s define the term Chemical Peel:

• A chemical peel is a procedure that can improve the skin’s appearance. There are many factors that can affect your skin. A chemical peel uses a chemical solution that is allowed to soak into the skin and will remove the damaged outer layer of your skin. This is one of the easiest, and most cost effective, ways to improve the appearance of your skin. The chemicals applied to the skin will make the skin blister, and eventually peel off, leaving behind a smooth and taut texture.

There are three degrees of chemical peels:

• Light chemical peels usually do not require any type of pain killers.

o A mild chemical peel, with Glycolic Acid of 30% to 40%, will typically have a short healing time and will have a very minimal downtime.
o Initially after the peel, the skin will likely be red, dry and slightly irritated.
o It usually takes about 4 to 7 days for the treated areas to develop new skin.
o Light and superficial peels typically yield good results after about 3 sessions. Patients will see excellent results after about 6 sessions.

• Medium chemical peels may or may not require pain killers. The doctor will likely give you the option.

o This type of chemical peel, usually, achieves excellent results. Expect skin peeling to start 3 days after the peel, and last about 1 week.
o Initially after the peel, the skin will likely be red, swollen, and tight.
o It usually takes about 5 to 7 days for the treated areas to develop new skin.
o Some patients experience redness on the skin for several months.
o A medium depth chemical peel will provide excellent results after only 1 session. However, patients are encouraged to adopt an in-home care program to maintain the results.

• Deep chemical peels typically require local anesthetic and a sedative.

o These deeper peels will result in a much more dramatic result but it does come with an increase in pain and a longer healing time.
o These procedures usually take up to 90 minutes.
o Patients will, likely, experience severe redness and swelling.
o It usually takes 14 days for the treated areas to develop new skin.
o Some patients will develop cysts and white spots, which may be present for 2 to 3 weeks. Expect the redness in the skin to last for several months.

Regardless of which chemical peel you choose, be sure to follow your doctors explicit instructions for cleaning and moisturizing the treated skin. Dr. William J. Binder, M.D., F.A.C.S. will answer all your questions and concerns during the consultation.