post weight loss

Post Weight Loss Procedures: Cosmetic Facial Surgeries to Consider

Looking good and feeling good often go hand in hand. Diet and exercise are the twin triumphs of human wellness, and they work together to keep a body trim, slim, and strong.

But what about the most important physical asset of all: your face?

The treadmill is great for your physique, but it often fails to deliver the contouring results you desire above the neck. You can target various parts of your body at the gym day by day; blast your quads on Monday, bulk your biceps on Tuesday, rinse and repeat. But shedding unwanted fat and loose skin on your face requires additional precision and care.

Before we discuss how you can refresh your look, let’s take a deeper dive into the scourge of obesity that plagues our current healthcare climate.


Your weight is your own business. Some people carry a few extra pounds with no resulting health concerns while others can suffer complications like heart disease and liver distress. In fact, over 100 million Americans are living with pre-diabetes or diabetes.

How did we get here? According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive & Kidney Diseases, the answer is as clear as the number on your bathroom scale. Their 2013-2014 statistics indicate that two out of three individuals in our country are either currently obese or overweight. 

This is a staggering state of affairs, but Americans aren’t taking it sitting down. From 2013 to 2016, an estimated 49.1% of adults attempted to lose weight. The diet industry is worth a whopping 72 billion dollars, and the fitness world rakes in another 30 billion

People are obviously serious about slimming down, but sometimes they need a little help.

It is exceedingly easy to snap your fingers and suggest weight loss on demand, but many of us struggle with the extra pounds. When exercise and eating right fall short of expectations, cosmetic enhancements are a great option. Liposuction is the second most popular aesthetic procedure in the United States, totaling almost a quarter of a million sessions per year.


The majority of liposuction techniques focus on body contouring. Scores of patients seek help reducing unwanted fat deposits in their thighs, buttocks, and belly areas. Unfortunately, the feature that often gets overlooked is ironically the most visible part of your being: your beautiful, wonderful face.

Liposuction can benefit your appearance by carefully and lovingly shaping your jawline, chin, and neck. Your skilled surgeon can create a small incision, through which he or she will insert a thin tube called a cannula. This tube bathes the unwanted fat deposits around your face and neck with tumescent liquid. 

Once the fluid has sufficiently and gently loosened the fat cells you want to be removed, the cannula uses reverse pressure to vacuum unsightly bulges from your jowls and/or jaw. The result is a slimmer, sleeker profile that reflects the confident person you wish to project to the world.


Even after you have done the hard work to lose bothersome weight, you may encounter a secondary issue: excess skin and sagging. As we age, we lose elasticity due to a decrease in collagen production. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, but when it dwindles over time, our skin pays the price.

If you are dissatisfied with the way your face and neck are responding to weight loss or age, then a lift may be on the healthcare horizon. Your doctor can assess your facial features, create a strategy for aesthetic progress, and raise your perspective! A neck and/or facelift sculpt your contours to celebrate your shape. Your youthful, lustrous features are peering out from behind a façade, just waiting to reemerge. Dr. Binder can unlock your ideal self and unleash your full potential!


For a less invasive option, consider the myriad benefits of Botox. Every time you frown, laugh, or wink, your facial muscles contract. Each contraction creates fine lines and wrinkles that deepen over time.

As we age, it becomes more difficult to erase the creases that form on our faces. That’s why Botox is such an important breakthrough. Botox is a neuromodulator, which means that it disrupts the chemical signals being sent from your nerves to your muscles. By immobilizing certain muscles, Botox adds serenity and smoothness to your appearance.

Dr. Binder is a pioneer in the vanguard and varied applications of Botox. He discovered the link between Botox injections and the alleviation of migraine headaches, earning him a place in the healthcare hall of fame. Indeed, Dr. Binder’s commitment to wellness has spanned decades of time and thousands of satisfied patients.

Many have compared Dr. Binder to a wizard, and Botox is his wand of choice. He can use it to erase the laugh lines that make you cry; he can make those crow’s feet fly away; and he can even perk up your ears with a targeted dose of Botox.

If you are curious about the benefits of Botox, then set a course for our Beverly Hills office. Dr. Binder can also discuss his face and neck lift expertise, his precise approach to liposuction, and his overall commitment to facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Binder’s holistic approach to beauty will put a smile on your newly replenished face. If you have recently lost weight, Dr. Binder will match your diligence with dedication. He can reflect the healthy, happy you with a facial enhancement that complements your slim, strong physiology. 

For an aesthetic treatment that is head and shoulders above the competition, contact Dr. Binder today!