reduce swelling after liposuction

5 Ways to Reduce Swelling After Getting Tumescent Liposuction

We live in an era of endless possibilities. The world is at your fingertips, from a webcam on the other side of the globe to food delivery with the click of a mouse or a swipe of the screen. But when we overindulge, stubborn fat deposits tend to collect in the exact areas where we don’t want them.

Diet and exercise are the best methods for maintaining a trim, taut physique, but they may fall short when it comes to body and facial contouring. A double chin, for example, can be impervious to workouts, no matter how many hours you spend on the treadmill.

Tumescent liposuction is a great supplement to your healthy lifestyle. By gently removing unwanted fat cells from your “problem” regions, liposuction sculpts the silhouette of your dreams. But the procedure may lead to minor swelling that detracts from the slimming results of the procedure. The following five simple steps are helpful hints to aid your body as it sheds the excess bulk naturally and gradually.

Please note: you must consult your doctor when it comes to recovery protocols after tumescent liposuction. The list below is just a guide to keep in mind as you recuperate from a body contouring procedure, but should never take the place of your physician’s orders.


Before we proceed with our rundown, we should explain why tumescent liposuction contributes to swelling. The procedure begins by introducing an anesthetic solution to the target area. Tumescent fluid bathes the bulky protrusion, numbing the area and minimizing bruising.

The liquid solution also loosens fat cells from their surrounding muscle and soft tissue, making them easier to extract. Once the fat deposit is sufficiently softened, your surgeon inserts a thin tube called a cannula beneath the skin. The cannula gently vacuums away unwanted bulk, contouring the region to the patient’s specifications. 

The use of tumescent fluid is essential in facilitating a safe, successful liposuction procedure. It may also contribute to residual swelling, which is why we compiled the following list. To your health!


Sure, you want to celebrate the fabulous results of your recent liposuction session, but hold off on toasting just yet. It is important to avoid adult beverages for at least 48 hours following a tumescent procedure. Alcohol is an inflammatory, so it exacerbates the swelling that you are already experiencing due to tumescent liposuction. By postponing the party, you may help expedite the swelling reduction process.


The best way to replenish your system is to provide your body with ample amounts of water. Contrary to common sense, increasing your intake of water actually reduces swelling. That is because when your body is dehydrated, it clings to the moisture already trapped in your cells. By offering fresh new H2O to your system, your body can release pressure from its swollen tissue and enjoy the benefits of rehydration. 

Experts recommend drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day under normal circumstances, but you may want to up those numbers when you are recovering from surgery. Keep a reusable bottle filled and accessible next to your bed and/or recliner. Speaking of which…


Try to keep the area affected by your recent procedure elevated. Prop up your recovering region on pillows and allow the blood to flow away from it. If you allow circulation to pool in the recovery area, it may add to your swelling.

It is especially important to raise your affected feature when you sleep. If you receive tumescent liposuction along the neck, for example, you want to keep your head elevated at an angle of 30-40 degrees overnight. 


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that individuals ingest less than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day. That amounts to only one teaspoon, so it is important to take a closer look at your diet during liposuction recovery. The average American consumes approximately 3,400 mg of sodium daily, which is almost one-and-a-half times the recommended allowance.

You also want to be careful not to eradicate salt from your diet completely. When your sodium levels drop too low, your cells covet moisture. Water rushes to your thirsty cells, swelling them even further than they already are. Hence, it is important to strike the proper balance between sodium reduction and sodium retention. 


You should never try to rush your recovery. Great results are worth the wait, and you are the greatest result of all! Your body will heal on its own time, so give it the time and consideration it needs. 

Allow yourself plenty of sleep and relaxation. There is a helpful mnemonic from your childhood that still rings true to this day: RICE, which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. As you can see, rest is at the top of the list, so ask your doctor about the other three elements of swelling mitigation and sleep on it!


Your aesthetic journey is as unique as your fingerprints. Whether you want to rejuvenate your look, replenish your complexion, or restore your youthful appeal, the process must be customized to your anatomy and goals. The same dynamics apply to aftercare. When you are recovering from a cosmetic procedure, you should always follow your physician’s advice.

To ensure a successful recuperation, consult with the best plastic surgeon in Southern California. Dr. William J. Binder has pioneered breakthrough uses of Botox to treat migraines as well as to smooth away unsightly wrinkles. His level of dedication is a testament to his proficiency in the field of enhancement. 

When you have questions about swelling, follow the advice of someone who understands the tumescent liposuction procedure intimately and thoroughly. Contact Dr. Binder today and benefit from his vast expertise.