Top 7 Tips for a Smooth Rhinoplasty Recovery

Rhinoplasty is a great way to change the profile of your nose or even improve your breathing, but it is a procedure that will require a prolonged healing period. You will spend several weeks in recovery, with the first 10 to 14 days being the most important. There are many things you can do to improve your recovery process so that you are more comfortable from day one.

Frozen Peas Instead of Ice Cubes

Since your face is not a flat surface, you want to use an icing method that will mold itself around your nose and face. A bag of frozen peas will mold to your face and they are lighter than a plastic bag full of ice cubes. This ensures more even icing and it is more comfortable.

Have Ginger on Hand

Nausea and vomiting may be common after this surgery. Since vomiting can create additional discomfort during the recovery process, you want to prevent it. Ginger tea or ginger ale can help to keep your nausea under control.

Sleep Elevated

When you are sleeping, put about two to three pillows below your head and neck. This puts your upper body at a 30-degree angle. This helps to reduce swelling and keep throbbing to a minimum.

Avoid Aspirin

Aspirin can thin your blood and encourage bleeding. Avoid any drugs that contain it. If you are taking blood thinners, talk to Dr. Binder to see if you would benefit from a temporary dosage adjustment.

Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C promotes healing, so it can encourage the healing process. Your surgeon can recommend the right dose so that you are getting enough to reap the benefits. This typically involves taking a vitamin C supplement, but eating foods that contain this vitamin is also helpful.

Stay Hydrated

You want to make sure that your nasal passages do not get dry and irritated. This can make your nose more tender and increase the risk of nosebleeds. Avoid overly dry environments and drink water throughout the day.

Nasal Taping

Taping your nose properly can help to alleviate the swelling faster. You must properly apply the tape and be very gentle since you have bones that are still healing. Dr. Binder can teach you the proper taping technique to ensure you do it correctly.

Be Sure to Keep Your Follow-Up Appointment

In addition to all of the tips above, you also want to make sure that you are following all of recovery advice laid out by Dr. Binder. Maintaining your follow-up appointments is also crucial to ensure your recovery is going smoothly. You should also take all necessary medications and protect your face from any trauma to ensure proper healing. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, Dr. Binder continues to produce expert, subtle and natural-looking results.  Contact us today to get started.