7 Signs of a Successful Rhinoplasty

A Rhinoplasty operation, also called a “nose job” in common parlance, is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose for health or cosmetic reasons.


The aim of the cosmetic surgeon who performs the operation is always to create the most attractive and natural result that complements the rest of a patient’s facial features.


Sometimes rhinoplasty is undertaken to help improve a patient’s breathing by minimizing nasal airway obstruction. In all cases, achieving the best possible functional and aesthetic result is the hallmark of a successful rhinoplasty.


Rhinoplasty surgery can create dramatic improvements to:


-Nose size and proportion in relation to facial harmony

-Nose width at the bridge, or a profile with visible bumps on the bridge

-The size, shape, and position of the nostrils

-A nasal tip that is bulbous, drooping, upturned, or hooked

-Nasal asymmetry


Both the open and closed rhinoplasty techniques are performed by making incisions (either across the columella or hidden inside the nose) to allow the surgeon to gently raise the skin that covers the nasal bones and cartilage, allowing access to alter the structure of the nose.


The skin is then carefully draped back over the newly enhanced nasal framework to give the nose its new and improved appearance.


Here are the 7 signs of a successful rhinoplasty:


  1. Symmetry


For centuries facial symmetry “has been linked to the perception of facial beauty, resistance to disease, and quality genetics.”


The goal of achieving greater facial symmetry is a very common one for patients seeking facial cosmetic surgery, particularly so for those seeking rhinoplasty.


Achieving greater bilateral symmetry of the face, or maintaining the symmetry of an already symmetrical nose while correcting another aspect of its shape or size is essential in rhinoplasty.


  1. Breathing


When it comes to the nose, form and function are intimately intertwined.


A1999 article from WebMD’s archives mentions how a few of the 130,000 patients to undergo rhinoplasty annually, at the time, would experience difficulty with nasal breathing after their procedure.


The reason for this was that a cosmetic surgeon at the time would occasionally remove too much cartilage during a rhinoplasty, causing the sides of the nose to collapse during inhalation.


Modern rhinoplasties avoid this complication through more delicate sculpting and an emphasis on creating a stronger overall nasal structure.


A successful rhinoplasty will improve or maintain a patient’s ability to breathe easily and comfortably.


  1. No Scars


A successful rhinoplasty should improve, not worsen, the appearance of the nose. In facial cosmetic surgery the results are intended to be aesthetic, so any visible scarring is considered an unsuccessful result.


An inexperienced or indelicate plastic surgeon is more likely to improve the nose’s shape without the concern of conspicuous, visible scarring.


The first and most important step for preventing unwanted complications and poor results like visible nasal scarring is choosing a plastic surgeon who is board certified, highly recommended, and very experienced in the rhinoplasty procedure specifically.


  1. No Need for Revision


Many times after a rhinoplasty the nose looks great, but after some operations many patients report having a collapsed nose, pinched nose, or a “skeletonized” – artificial-looking nose.


Unfortunately this problem is not rare. In fact it is estimated that between 5 – 15% of patients who undergo “nose jobs” will need revision rhinoplasty surgery. Some patients require only minor adjustments, while others need more significant revisions.


A successful rhinoplasty is one that’s done right the first time by an expert cosmetic facial surgeon with years or decades of experience, performing rhinoplasties that consistently achieve the very best results.


  1. Natural Look


The newly enhanced nose must look natural after a successful rhinoplasty. Unnatural results are obvious and unaesthetic.


The profile cannot be scooped too much. The nose should not be too upturned. The tip cannot appear pinched. The nostrils must not look too large. The front of the nose should not look pencil-like, something that occurs when the tip has been narrowed as much as the bridge.


An unnaturally enhanced nose calls attention to itself. A well-done nose looks great and inconspicuously complements the rest of the face.


  1. Facial Harmony


The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but nothing interferes with facial harmony like a disproportionate nose.


Flaws in such a prominent facial feature draw unwanted attention and can really hurt self confidence. Fortunately, just a slight alteration can balance the face and restore confidence.


A successful rhinoplasty surgeon comprehends the necessity of understanding both the nose and the patient’s overall facial structure in achieving natural-looking results and reducing the chance of needing revision rhinoplasty at a later date.


  1. Patient Satisfaction


What should an attractive nose look like? There really is not a single answer to this question.


Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD, a pediatric plastic surgeon at Duke University Health Center says it well:


“In the past, many plastic surgeons adhered to personal or popularized aesthetic ideals and allowed them to guide rhinoplasty procedures somewhat universally on their patients. Sometimes, this led to common appearance features among post-surgical patients. This is a trend that has fortunately been left to rest.”


A qualified, expert cosmetic surgeon will work with their rhinoplasty patient to create an individualized goal, plan, and result to achieve the unique goals of each individual patient.



About Dr. William J. Binder


Dr. William J. Binder is a facial plastic surgery specialist with over three decades of experience with facial plastic surgery.


For almost three decades, his individualized approach to rhinoplasty has led him to pioneer the new “structure” techniques of rhinoplasty, yielding more consistent results and rendering the pre-existing look of an unnatural nose-job obsolete.


If you want your rhinoplasty performed by one of the world’s leading facial plastic surgeons, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule an initial consultation.

The Rhinoplasty Recovery Process

rhinoplasty recovery

You’ve done the research. You’ve chosen the ideal doctor. You’ve prepared for your rhinoplasty procedure… but what happens afterward? The following timeline is a handy guide to help you gauge your expectations and plan accordingly.


Don’t wait until after the procedure to prepare; make the necessary decisions to ensure that your recovery period goes as smoothly as the surgery itself. Request two weeks leave from your place of work, just to be safe. You may not require the full two weeks, but you want to be sure to give yourself ample time to heal without overly stressing your body.

Also, you should designate a point person to look after you in the hours and days following the procedure. This loved one will be an advocate who can be at the hospital when required, drive you home safely, tend to your needs, and watch over you in the event of any complications that may arise.


You will wake up to a brand new person staring back at you in the mirror. Your nose will be buttressed by a splint and additional material like gauze and/or bandages. Don’t be alarmed; this is a temporary phase meant to provide you with maximum support. Once you come to terms with this initial transition, it’s time to move forward.


As with any surgical procedure, the patient must emerge from the fog of anesthesia. This can be disorienting, but shouldn’t last more than a day or two. During this time, avoid disturbing the delicate structure of your new facial features; be sure not to blow your nose. Excessive irritation will set back your recovery process. Remember that nosebleeds are common during these first 48 hours, so allow the natural clotting process to take effect. However, if the aforementioned bleeding is excessive or persistent, consult a doctor immediately.


In addition to nosebleeds, you should expect a modicum of swelling, bruising, and general puffiness during the first week of recovery. To alleviate pressure on the affected area, be sure to elevate your head in order to promote ideal circulation. Also, employ cold compresses on the swollen facial tissue to lessen these side effects as much as possible.

Hydration is the key to a speedy recovery. Water infuses your cells with the moisture they need to facilitate proper healing and regeneration. You will also need to increase your intake of liquids as you ingest any prescribed pain medications. Some of these pills tend to cause dry mouth, so be sure to accompany them with a refreshing glass of H2O.


After about a week, you should plan on a follow-up doctor’s appointment. This gives your medical team the chance to assess your progress, listen to your concerns, and proceed to the next phase of your recovery. Your doctor will remove the gauze and/or splint supporting your nasal passages, as well as any stitches you may have. He or she will deduce how well you are responding to these benchmarks and advise you on how to care for yourself moving forward.


Throughout the recovery process, it is imperative to heed your physician’s instructions. Be sure to dress your wounds lightly with products (such as antibacterial salve, warm water, non-abrasive cloth, etc.) specified by these directives. If your medical staff recommends the continued use of pain meds, you must follow the dosage and frequency of your prescription strictly.


To prevent possible damage to the affected area, you should avoid strenuous activity (like sports or heavy lifting) for eight weeks. Any unwanted contact with your nose could change its shape during these formative days, and it could have long-lasting ramifications on the overall health of your face.

You should also swear off airline travel during the first two months of recovery; the change in barometric pressure can aggravate your nasal passage and damage the tissue that is in the process of repairing itself.


Rhinoplasty is a delicate process. You shouldn’t expect results overnight; the human body isn’t equipped to change that rapidly. Minor facial swelling may persist for several months after the date of your initial procedure, and that’s healthy and normal. In fact, it may take up to a full year for the ultimate results of your rhinoplasty to take their effect. You must grow into your new look… and your new look must adhere to your specific lifestyle.

Be sure to embark on this journey of self-discovery and exploration with the right attitude, as well as a team that understands your needs, worries, and long-term cosmetic goals. William J. Binder, M.D., is a seasoned professional, but he’s also a great listener. Call (310) 858-6749 today to discuss a potential procedure for you or a loved one, and schedule an appointment to turn your rhinoplasty dreams into realities.