Rhinoplasty Success Stories


Real-Life Rhinoplasty Success Stories | Doctor Binder

After breast augmentation, rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery in the United States. Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is one of the more popular forms of plastic surgery because of the sheer variety of benefits that come with it.

No longer solely the choice of Hollywood starlets seeking the perfect “button nose,” rhinoplasty is now capable of treating breathing problems such as a restricted airway, deviated septum, and even sleep apnea. Of course, rhinoplasty can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as correcting damage from a traumatic injury, or just shaping the nose to fit the individual desires of the patient.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The actual procedure of rhinoplasty has changed a good deal in recent years, with newer advancements like closed rhinoplasty making the surgery easier to recover from, and less likely to leave visible scarring. Now, in many cases, incisions can be made inside the nostrils, allowing the skin and cartilage of the nose to be pulled back for reshaping. This means no external scarring, and a greatly decreased recovery time (and also less recovery pain).

All of this has led to more and more people electing to undergo rhinoplasty surgeries, whether they want to reshape a nose they’re unhappy with, or address a medical issue like a deviated septum. Of course, some of these people have names many people would recognize. Names like…

Celebrity Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Britney Spears, Heidi Montag, and Jennifer Aniston. Winona Ryder, Ashton Kutcher, Megan Fox. J-Lo, ScarJo, and hundreds of others have all had successful rhinoplasty surgeries, and you wouldn’t really know it by looking at them.

And of course, the media paints the picture of these surgeries as being something for the vain and superficial world of Hollywood stars, but the fact of the matter is many of these celebrities sought out a rhinoplasty to correct issues like deviated septums and sleep apnea.

This exposure at such a high level has done wonders for the overall popularity of rhinoplasty, which has brought the surgery from its former place as something for celebrities, and brought it into a place where it is available to everyone.

Doctor Binder’s Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Doctor William J. Binder has established himself as one of the foremost rhinoplasty surgeons in the country. He has been at the forefront of bringing rhinoplasty and reconstructive facial surgery to the general population, not just for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment and prevention of some serious medical issues.

Dr. Binder has performed thousands of successful facial surgeries, a large portion of which were successful rhinoplasties and revision rhinoplasties. You can check out some of the excellent results below.




These are just some of the many patients that have received rhinoplasty surgeries from Doctor Binder.

Many of these patients came to Doctor Binder looking for aesthetic changes to their nose, but a great many of them have come for help with deviated septums or sleep apnea, or just to have an easier time breathing.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty from Doctor Binder

If you’ve ever wondered about rhinoplasty and whether or not it could work for you, contact Dr. Binder today. With the help of his expert staff, he can walk you through your options, and the potential benefits you might see from having a rhinoplasty.

Dr. Binder is a great proponent of closed rhinoplasty whenever possible, which minimizes scarring and recovery time, while still providing the great results a good rhinoplasty can provide.

With Dr. Binder, you get a surgeon with an artist’s eye, but the experience and knowledge of facial reconstruction that gives you the very best results possible. This unique combination of artistic skill and hard-earned experience has positioned Dr. Binder as one of most  prolific and well-reviewed plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

Sun Exposure After Plastic Surgery



Relaxing in the sun may sound like the perfect way to pass the time while recovering from plastic surgery, especially with summer in season. And for many of us, summers are made for sporting the perfect summer glow. But before you step out for that sun-kissed look, please consider the sun’s negative side effects on your overall health and aesthetics.

After you have had plastic surgery or any reconstructive procedure for that matter, your doctor will likely caution you to avoid sun exposure as part of post-operative care and recovery.

Follow your doctor’s advice and minimize the risk of surgical scars and bruises.

These guidelines can help you plan for the months following your procedure this summer.

Why Should You Avoid Sunlight?

Post-operative care 101 instructs you to minimize sun exposure after any plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure, especially if it was a facial procedure. Exposing surgical incisions to sunlight after surgery can worsen the appearance of any side effects that you may encounter after your procedure such as inflammation, scars, and bruises. Let’s take a closer look at each of these scenarios and why sunlight may exacerbate them and require longer healing times.

  • SWELLING – Inflammation is a common byproduct of reconstructive surgery. Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations when it comes to anti-inflammatory meds and keep the afflicted area out of direct sunlight. Any exposure to heat sources, especially the sun, can cause more swelling and inflammation. This is often called “sun poisoning” and it is a result of the radiation from ultraviolet rays.
  • SCAR TISSUE – Sun exposure can easily change the pigmentation of the skin and darken the scars. Sun exposure within the first few weeks after surgery also can increase the likelihood of sunburn, which can cause scars to remain permanently discolored.
  • BLEMISHES – If a chemical peel, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion or blepharoplasty was performed, premature sun exposure could lead to spotty or abnormal pigmentation. If you’ve had a facial procedure, sunscreen and a hat should be worn whenever you’re out in the sun. Choose a hat with a solid, all-around brim that is at least three inches wide. Avoid straw hats, as it still allows the sun to filter through.

If a rhinoplasty or facelift was performed, avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Exposing a healing incision to UV rays can result in hyperpigmentation and darkening of the skin, which can take months to fade.

How Can You Protect Your Skin from the Sun?

Within the first several months after surgery, try to avoid sun exposure altogether. If you must go out in the sun, be sure to use sunscreen with a mid-range SPF specification. Thicker SPF lotions of 50 or higher can clog your pores, which prevents your skin from expelling toxins properly. Lower grades of SPF may not be sufficient to block the harmful UV rays of the sun. Therefore, an SPF of somewhere between 30 and 40 is the ideal product for you.

Apply said sunscreen on and around your incision area, even if clothing covers the incision. Sunlight can still filter through clothing and windows, so you should wear sunscreen throughout the day as a precaution.

Additionally, be sure to wait until your incision has completely healed before applying sunscreen to avoid infection.

When outdoors, consider wearing clothing made of thicker material and avoid lightweight clothing like bathing suits or thin apparel, which can leave your incision area exposed to sunlight.

Be sure to read the sunscreen’s label, and remember to apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before you go in the sun; reapply 2 hours after you have been exposed to the sun, and reapply again after any aquatic activity.

What Does SPF Mean?

SPF actually stands for “sun protection factor” and it’s a measure of how long you can withstand sun exposure without burning. Your skin has a natural SPF, but you always want to bolster it with sunscreen. So what does a lotion marked “SPF 20” do for you? Let’s crunch the numbers…

If you are exposed to sunlight that would naturally burn you within 10 minutes, but you apply SPF 20 sunblock, then you are essentially extending your time to safely bask in the daylight to 200 minutes. Hence, you can spend over three hours in the sun with the proper sunscreen.

However, your skin’s natural SPF is affected by most cosmetic surgical procedures. You must give your epidermis time to heal so that it can resume its former luster, strength, and durability. Please don’t interrupt this essential recuperation period by scorching yourself in the sun.

Continue to Protect Your Skin from Sunlight

After your incision and surgical scars have faded, it is still invaluable and important to limit sun exposure. Prolonged sun exposure can age the skin, causing wrinkles, facial depressions, and brown spots, thus reversing the results of the procedure.

More importantly, too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen application with an SPF of at last 15 should be a part of your daily routine. If you have sensitive skin or acne-prone skin, consider moisturizers with an SPF. Alternatively, choose a makeup base with an SPF to protect your face from sunlight.

Your Skin Will Thank You

By maintaining the proper hydration, elasticity, and nutrient-rich diet, you will nurture the longevity of your skin’s health for decades to come. Why is this so important? Your skin is more than just a paint job; it’s a complex system of defense and absorption. 

  • THE POWER OF TOUCH – Your skin registers dangers through the phenomenon of feeling. Your nerve endings can detect extreme heat, cold, sharpness and other sensations that indicate a potentially harmful situation. After surgery, your nerve endings need time to regenerate, and exposure to sunlight delays that healing process and leaves you vulnerable to the elements listed above.
  • SUIT OF ARMOR – Skin provides a vital barrier between your body and the outside world. It shields against microbes that cause sickness and disease. Healthy skin yields healthy living, so don’t weaken your natural defenses by inviting sun damage into your life.
  • HEALING HYDRATION – As you recover from your medical procedure, hydration is key. We often assume that this process begins and ends with drinking water, but hydration is also aided greatly by your skin’s functionality. Your skin holds in precious liquids and helps maintain proper cell hydration, but sunburns impede this process and accelerate dehydration. 

In fact, sun exposure adversely affects all of the functions bullet-pointed above. To enjoy the full benefits and successes of plastic surgery, your behavior hinges on adequate hydration, sensation, and the prevention of infection. Therefore, sun exposure is your enemy when it comes to rocking your recovery.

The irony of the matter is that your skin actually needs some amount of sunlight to absorb Vitamin D, but too much exposure damages your ability to do so. Stay covered, stay healthy, and stay the course – moderation is always advisable.

Schedule a Consultation

Remember to always protect and take care of your skin after surgical procedures. But this isn’t just a post-op recommendation; healthy skin is a lifelong commitment. You will reap the benefits for years to come. 

If sun exposure is absolutely unavoidable, please follow the guidelines above to help you plan for the months following your procedure this summer. Shade your vulnerable epidermis between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, and always moisturize your skin thoroughly to lock in hydration.

If you are considering plastic surgery, understanding the scope of post-operative care and recovery is as important as the procedure itself. To explore your options holistically, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today, and join our many satisfied patients. We will discuss and review your treatment options in order to find the perfect fit for you and your desired results.

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Modern Myths of Plastic Surgery: Fact vs Fiction

Debunking the Myths in Facial Plastic Surgery

In the 21st century plastic surgery has become a cultural norm and a common fixture of popular media. From reality television to magazine covers and documentaries, the public has never been more aware of the ways that plastic surgery impacts patients and improves their lives.

Dramatic media portrayals offer a glimpse into the glamorous world of plastic surgery, but in fact, plastic surgery is a medical specialty with highly-trained physicians who are experts in reconstructive surgeries, restorative procedures, and cosmetic treatments.

Here is the truth behind some common myths and misconceptions about facial plastic surgery.


Myth 1: Facial Plastic Surgery and Facial Cosmetic Surgery Are The Same

The field of facial plastic surgery includes cosmetic surgery, but they are not necessarily the same. Plastic surgery includes reconstructive surgery, while cosmetic surgery is focused on rejuvenation or enhancing aesthetics.

So if you were to picture a Venn diagram, the circle for facial cosmetic surgery would be inside the circle for facial plastic surgery, and it would overlap with another smaller circle for facial reconstructive surgery.

Reconstructive surgery, while often undertaken for aesthetic purposes as well as health and functional purposes, is performed to correct a physical birth defect, or damage to the facial tissue from physical trauma or disease.

Additionally, not all plastic and cosmetic surgeons have the same medical training.

Plastic surgeons must have completed 4 years of medical school, 5 to 6 years of medical residency, with training in both general surgery and plastic surgery, and have passed the certification exam from the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Cosmetic surgeons must have completed 4 years of medical school – 4 to 6 years of medical residency in one of three specialties: otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat), dermatology, or ophthalmology – and completed a 1- to 2-year cosmetic surgery fellowship with advanced research and training.


Myth 2: Facial Plastic Surgery is All About Beauty and Vanity

Although facial plastic surgery encompasses rhinoplasty, Botox, and facelifts, plastic surgery is inclusive of everything from correcting birth defects such as cleft palates to incredibly delicate facial reconstruction after a traumatic injury to the face.

Plastic surgery is based on the philosophy and practice of repair, functionality and overall results after surgery, not just aesthetics. The mental well being, health, and happiness of the patient is the utmost priority of a good facial cosmetic physician seeking to help their patient achieve the most aesthetic and desirable result.

If it’s possible to correct or improve an aspect of a person’s facial appearance that causes them anxiety, depression, or embarrassment, then facial plastic surgery can be a very welcome improvement in their confidence and their quality of their life.


Myth 3: Facial Plastic Surgery is Only for Women

It is certainly true that women are traditionally a majority of plastic surgery patients. Men are, however, turning to plastic surgery in increasing numbers. The latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that men are more aware of the benefits of cosmetic procedures than ever before, and more interested in undergoing a procedure.

Since the year 2000, the number of men undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure has shot up by 28 percent, and this trend is expected by industry experts to accelerate in the years to come. Cultural changes are favoring men who look more aesthetic rather than weathered or rugged. The most advance facial plastic surgery procedures in the industry’s history can give men a rejuvenated and naturally youthful appearance safely and more easily than ever before.


Myth 4: Facial Plastic Surgery Leaves No Scars and Lasts Forever

While facial plastic surgery for scarring can actually make scars look better, more refined, and smaller, most types of plastic surgery will generally result in some type of minor scar formation. The best way to minimize scarring is to follow through with pre-operative and post-operative care and instructions. For example, smoking can compromise a patient’s ability to heal well from the surgery.

If you do smoke, your cosmetic surgeon may instruct you to quit smoking weeks in advance of the procedure. (And any physician will heartily encourage you to quit smoking forever.)

Plastic surgery is long lasting and can give you many years of an enhanced, improved, rejuvenated look, but it is not yet able to deliver truly permanent results. Depending on the procedure, the patient’s body, individual care, and follow through, many factors can determine how long the results will last.


About Dr. William J. Binder

Dr. William J. Binder is a facial plastic surgery specialist with over three decades of experience with facial plastic surgery.

For almost three decades, his individualized philosophy and approach to facial plastic surgery has led him to pioneer new techniques for facial surgery procedures and earned him international acclaim for his results.

If you want your facial plastic surgery performed by one of the world’s leading cosmetic surgeons, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule an initial consultation.

What is Blepharoplasty?


Make Your Eyes Pop With Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a procedure that allows you to eliminate the signs of aging from your eyes: the droopiness in the upper lids, undereye bags, and the wrinkles that make you look tired and fatigued. These usually start to develop when we are in our late thirties or early forties, often making us look older than we actually feel.

Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid, or both. The doctor opens up the eyes through removing excess skin and fat from the area, improving your appearance. This may also help in fixing any overhanging skin that could be affecting your vision. Incisions are made in the natural folds of the eyelid, making scarring virtually unnoticeable once the healing process is complete.

While lower eyelid puffiness can be caused by fluid underneath the skin, it’s usually the result of fatty deposits protruding through the lower eyelid. Dark circles are often shadows resulting from fatty deposits and discoloration under the skin. There are  several techniques available to correct these concerns.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

This procedure is ideal for younger patients, who have fatty pockets under their eyes but no excess skin.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty With the Pinch Technique

This procedure is ideal for patients who have only a small amount of excess skin under their lower lid, and utilizes a pinch technique.

Peels and Laser Resurfacing of the Lower Eyelid

In situations where a patient has excessive fine wrinkling or discoloration in the lower lid, a chemical peel or laser resurfacing can be performed along with surgery.

External Incisions & Canthoplasty

Muscle Slings & Upper Midface Lifts

Eyelid conditions that are more severe in nature may require a reconstructive approach. These conditions include drooping lower lids, sagging skin and muscle of the lower lids, and tear trough deformity. Dr. Binder uses various methods to shape and perfect the eye area to brighten the patient’s face.

Preparing for Blepharoplasty

As with any procedure, it’s always a good idea to have a consultation with your doctor to discuss the  possible risksinvolved, as well as to express your expectations and concerns. Information is abundant but not always reliable, so it is always best to have an open discussion with your surgeon.

Prior to surgery, be prepared to have both a vision and physical exam done. You will also be instructed to arrange for transportation on the day of the surgery, as you will be unable to drive. You may also be asked to discuss your medical history, and to avoid pain relievers such as aspirin before the procedure. You will also be directed to quit smoking in order to ensure your ability to heal after the surgery.


Expect a fast recovery after this procedure. Sutures will either dissolve or be removed 4-5 days after the surgery. Patients can expect to experience some  short term discomfort such as bruising, swelling, light sensitivity, and watery eyes.

Immediately following surgery, patients should avoid straining or heavy lifting, rubbing the eyes, or wearing contacts. They should also make sure to wear darkly tinted sunglasses to protect their eyes. It is also recommended that you sleep with your head raised higher than your chest for a few days. Be gentle when cleaning the eyelids, and use prescription ointments and eye drops.

Cosmetics can be applied in about 10 days after the procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

There is no need to live with sagging eyelids, dark circles, and wrinkles around your eyes when a simple procedure can vastly improve your appearance. As we age, sometimes it’s discouraging to look in the mirror and see an older version of ourselves, when we still feel very young.  Dr. Binder’s work has made a world of difference for his patients, leaving them feeling refreshed and renewed inside and out.

Schedule a  consultation with Dr. Binder today to discuss what a blepharoplasty can do for you. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Dr. Binder has the skills and expertise to give you the results that you deserve.

Rhinoplasty Prep: A Few Tips


Rhinoplasty Prep: How to Prepare For Your Rhinoplasty

Undergoing any type of surgery is always a daunting and stressful process. Carefully preparing for your rhinoplasty surgery will build confidence in yourself and your surgeon, and ensure that your recovery yields the best possible results.

Be sure to select a board-certified surgeon who makes you feel comfortable, and has outstanding reviews with a track record of achieving impressive results with past patients.

Here are a few more tips to consider prior to having your rhinoplasty surgery…

Rhinoplasty Preparation: Your Consultation

The most important thing to do before scheduling your rhinoplasty is to meet with your surgeon. A personal consultation allows you to learn whether rhinoplasty will work for you, and how well the surgeon fits your desires.

During your appointment, you should expect to discuss your medical history, undergo a physical exam, and talk about your goals and expectations for rhinoplasty. You may also have photographs taken of your nose at various angles so that your doctor can assess your results.

Be sure to learn what to expect on the day of your procedure. Which staff will you interact with? When should you arrive and expect to leave? What medications will you receive, and what sort of side effects could you experience? Take time to discuss any questions or concerns you have with the surgeon in detail.

Rhinoplasty: Medications

Two weeks before and after your procedure, you should avoid alcohol and medications that can increase bleeding, like aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others).

Only take medications approved or prescribed by your surgeon. During this time, you should refrain from smoking, which slows healing and may increase the chance of infection. You may also want to consider taking supplements containing iron and vitamins C and E, which promote healing.

Rhinoplasty: Recovery Time

Plan for about two weeks off of work to recover. If you’re having an outpatient procedure, you should also arrange to have someone drive you home following surgery. You may also want someone to stay with you for a day or two after your rhinoplasty to assist you, as anesthesia often leads to impaired judgment, memory lapses, and slowed reaction time.

Make sure your surgeon knows about any other prescriptions you take, and have any medications your surgeon prescribes filled before surgery to avoid running out while impaired. Stock up on soft foods to make eating more convenient, assemble supplies needed for cold compresses, and make sure any important chores are completed beforehand.

Rhinoplasty: The Night Before

Do not eat or drink past midnight the night before your surgery. Try your best to get a good night’s sleep. In the morning, thoroughly wash your face and make sure that you are not wearing any cosmetics, including nail polish.

Most importantly, follow any directions your surgeon has given you.

Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Binder

If you’re considering a rhinoplasty procedure, the right surgeon is imperative in ensuring that your experience is a pleasant one that achieves the results you want. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Binder, who takes the time to relieve his patients’ concerns to make them feel comfortable and confident. For this and all of your plastic surgery questions, contact the experts at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery.

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Rhinoplasty Surgery for Better Breathing


Rhinoplasty Surgery Has Many Benefits

Rhinoplasty surgery is a widely sought after cosmetic procedure because of its beauty benefits, but it is also hugely popular for its numerous medical benefits. In particular, rhinoplasties serve as an effective treatment for correcting breathing problems, such as those caused by a deviated septum. These procedures are referred to as functional rhinoplasties, and may or may not involve altering the appearance of the nose based on the patient’s needs and desires.

The right surgeon will be able to address patients’ desires for both aesthetic form and physical function. When selecting your surgeon, read reviews and refer to patient photos to ensure that his or her results will satisfy your desires.

Good Candidates for Functional Rhinoplasty Surgery

Candidates for functional rhinoplasty generally have some sort of airway obstruction. Symptoms indicating such an obstruction can include: chronic nasal congestion, dry mouth, reduced sense of smell, nosebleed, sleep problems, or recurring sinus issues, including infections and headaches. Obstructions can eventually result in insomnia, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, and heart disease if left unaddressed.

Mild Cases

There are three specific surgeries that fall into the category of functional rhinoplasty used to correct mild nasal blockages:

1. Nasal Septoplasty

Nasal septoplasty is used to correct a deviated septum, which is when the wall between the nasal passages is in some way misshapen, blocking one or both air passages. Septoplasty straightens this wall, and is usually just a simple 15-30 minute procedure with a quick recovery.

2. Turbinate Reduction

The most common cause of nasal obstruction is enlarged turbinates, which are the mucous membrane-covered bones which extend the length of the nasal cavity. Occasionally, one of these turbinates will develop an air pocket leading to obstruction. Due to the role turbinates play in filtering oxygen and keeping it moist, only a part of the turbinate tissue will be removed. Like septoplasty, turbinate reduction is generally a simple procedure with a quick recovery, though there is a slightly increased chance of bleeding for a few weeks until the membranes have completely recovered.

3. Nasal Polyp Removal

Nasal polyps are benign growths that can block nasal passages. Removal is generally simple, but polyps will often develop again. The chance of this happening can be decreased with comprehensive allergy treatment, especially for fungal allergies.

Severe Cases

More severe cases—such as those involving twisted, collapsed, or pinched noses—cannot be improved simply through internal modifications. In these cases, more significant external revisions are needed to clear obstruction.

Insurance Coverage

Unlike rhinoplasties performed solely for aesthetic purposes, functional rhinoplasties are typically covered by insurance. If a patient is considering rhinoplasty for both aesthetic and functional reasons, insurance will cover both revisions if addressed in the same procedure. Furthermore, addressing both issues at once reduces downtime when compared to multiple, separate surgeries. This also allows the surgeon to design a more comprehensive solution, taking both beauty and function into account.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder

If you suffer from impaired breathing, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine if a functional rhinoplasty is right for you. Dr. Binder has a stellar record of patient satisfaction, and our caring staff are always happy to address any related questions or concerns.

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Chemical Peels Turn Back the Clock

chemical peels

Chemical Peels Fight Skin Damage

As we age, so does our skin. It’s not all bad, mind you. If you applied sun block religiously growing up and stuck to a healthy diet, you’re in better shape than most.  Unfortunately, most will realize the effects of daily exposure to the sun. You may not have believed it when you were celebrating your 21st birthday soaking up the rays, poolside in Las Vegas, but you better believe it now: Skin damage caused by the sun is cumulative.

Maturity makes us stronger in so many ways, but that isn’t the case with our skin. Our face and neck is particularly vulnerable to scars, acne, wrinkles, or other pigmentation changes. To resolve these age-related issues, most people resort to spending a considerable amount on skincare products with high (lofty) claims and unsatisfactory results.

When it comes to facial chemical peels, however, the results are guaranteed.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels, also known as chem-exfoliation or derma peels, are used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. A chemical solution is applied to exfoliate dead cells from the skin, encouraging new, regenerated skin to surface. As a result, the new skin is visibly smoother and less wrinkled.

Chemical peels commonly fall into one of three categories: light, medium, or deep.

* Light peels, also known as superficial or lunchtime peels, use alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid to penetrate only the outermost layer of skin. This gently exfoliates the skin while improving the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough patches.

* Medium peels use glycolic or trichloroacetic acid to penetrate the outer and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment is specifically used to improve age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discoloration. It can also be used to smooth rough skin and treat precancerous skin growths.

* Deep peels use trichloroacetic acid or phenol to penetrate the middle layer of the skin to remove damaged skin cells. This treatment is used to remove moderate lines, age spots, freckles, and shallow scars. This will result in the most visible improvement in your skin’s appearance, and can only be used on the face and performed only once.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

A chemical peel can be done in a doctor’s office or in a surgery center, and is usually an outpatient procedure. During the procedure, the professional will first clean your skin thoroughly.

Then he or she will apply one or more chemical solutions—such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, or lactic acid—to small areas of your skin. During this process, controlled exfoliation is performed, allowing fresh skin to surface.

This may result in a burning sensation that lasts about five to ten minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. To ease this discomfort, a cool compression may be applied. For deep peels, pain medication may be needed during or after the treatment.

How Do I Prepare for a Chemical Peel Procedure?

Pre-treatment instructions will be provided by your skincare professional or plastic surgeon. Prior to your scheduled appointment, you will need to disclose your medical history. Information you may be asked to provide include:

* Prescribed medications for severe acne, such as Isotretinoin
* History of medications including antibiotics, acne medicine, etc
* History and frequency of cold sores
* History of herbs, vitamins, and minerals you take

On the day of your procedure, come prepared with a clean face free of makeup or skincare products.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Benefits include the correction of:

* Acne or acne scars
* Age or liver spots
* Fine lines and wrinkles
* Freckles
* Uneven skin pigmentation
* Rough skin and patches
* Sun damage

A chemical peel will not treat the following:
* Deep facial lines
* Loose or sagging skin
* Pore size
* Deep scars

A chemical peel is not recommended for individuals with infections, active skin disease, cut or broken skin, sunburn, or active herpes simplex 1 sores. Poor candidates also include patients who are:

* Nursing or pregnant
* Have used Retin-A, Renova, prescription skincare products or products that contain ascorbic acid, and/or bleaching or skin-lightening agents in the last 48 hours
* Have taken Accutane in the last six months
* Have psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or rosacea

Risks may include:

* Temporary or permanent change in skin color, particularly for women on birth control pills
* Reactivation of cold sores
* Scarring

Chemical Peel Recovery – What Should I Expect?

Depending on the chemical peel, post operational care and recovery instructions may vary.
Prepare to expect the following:

* Light peels require 1-7 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will initially be red and may flake. Lotion or cream should be applied until the skin heals, followed by daily use of sunscreen. Makeup can be worn the next day.

* Medium peels require 7-14 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will initially be red and swollen, and may worsen within the first 48 hours. Eyelids may swell shut, and blisters may form and break. Aftercare will require skin to be soaked daily for specific periods of time, followed by ointment application.

Antiviral medication is also taken for 10-14 days, and mild lotion or cream may be applied. Makeup may be worn after five to seven days, and sun exposure needs to remain minimal until healing is complete. Lastly, a follow-up appointment will be necessary to monitor progress.

* Deep peels require 14-21 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will be bandaged. Aftercare will require the skin to be soaked 4-6 times daily, followed by ointment application for the first 14 days.

Afterwards, a thick moisturizer is needed for the next 14 days. Anti-viral medication is also taken for the first 10-14 days, and mild lotion or cream may be applied. Makeup may be worn after 14 days, but avoid all sun exposure for 3-6 months. Lastly, several follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor progress.

Schedule a Consultation for a Chemical Peel

Don’t let imperfections and the signs of aging dampen your confidence. A chemical peel can restore youth and radiance to your complexion, leaving you feeling beautiful and rejuvenated. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine which chemical peel is best suited for your skin.

For this and all related skincare questions, contact Dr. Binder and his staff today.

Micro-dermabrasion Benefits


Micro-dermabrasion Takes Years Off Your Face

Your skin is overexposed to environmental elements and pollutants every day. Over the years, other damaging agents, along with the sun’s rays can result in wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and undesired pigmentation.

Micro-dermabrasion treatment can help reduce or eliminate these side effects, and restore your complexion back to a smoother, brighter and more even tone.

Micro-dermabrasion – What is It?

Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical, non-invasive procedure that uses microcrystals to exfoliate the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells. This process encourages the production of a new layer of skin cells with higher levels of collagen and elastin. As a result, microdermabrasion reveals younger, healthier-looking skin

How Does Micro-dermabrasion Work?

During a micro-dermabrasion treatment, a stream of micro aluminum oxide crystals is applied to the skin through a hand piece. These crystals exfoliate the skin, leaving skin debris and excess crystals on the skins surface, which is then removed from through a micro-dermabrasion system.

Microdermabrasion helps produce healthier, thicker skin layers, and multiple treatments are vital because they encourage the production of collagen and elastin. Both of these components are essential for vibrant, healthy skin and complexion.

It is recommended that five to twelve treatments; two to three weeks apart are needed to maximize the full micro-dermabrasion benefits. And because the procedure takes only 30-60 minutes, it is commonly referred to as the “lunch hour facial.”

How Do I Prepare for a Micro-dermabrasion Procedure?

Pre-treatment instructions will be provided by your skincare professional or plastic surgeon. Prior to your scheduled appointment, you will need to disclose your medical history and perform a physical exam. Some questions you may be asked include the following:

* Open sores, wounds, or cuts on your face that can lead to infection
* Medication that makes your skin sensitive
* Any skin conditions that may be exacerbated by microdermabrasion

In advance to your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

* Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing
* Avoid taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs that can cause increased bleeding
* Hydrate well before and after surgery for safe recovery

On the day of your procedure, come prepared with a clean face without too much makeup or skincare products.

Micro-dermabrasion Risks and Benefits

Micro-dermabrasion is a safe, non-surgical procedure that provides multiple benefits:

* Reduces or eliminates fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and other signs of aging
* Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
* Improves the appearance of acne scars and other light blemishes
* Improves hyperpigmentation and brightens skin tone
* Exfoliates the skin, resulting in collagen an elastin production
* Provides skin of all colors and types with a fresh, healthy-looking glow

Micro-dermabrasion does not present serious risks when performed by a qualified provider. While the risks are very rare, you may experience slight skin irritation after the procedure. This tends to disappear within a day. On occasion, the skin may bruise, burn, sting or become sensitive to sunlight. These, too, will go away without treatment.

Micro-dermabrasion is not recommended for candidates who have deep scars, active keloids, active acne (stages 3 and 4), an auto-immune system disorder or unstable diabetes. Candidates who are pregnant should not undergo micro-dermabrasion.

Candidates who have recently received chemical peel or other skin procedure should wait two to three weeks before undergoing micro-dermabrasion. Individuals with deep scars, facial creases or other moderate-to-severe skin defects should consider a stronger treatment such as chemical peel, dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing.

What is the Aftercare and Recovery?

Your surgeon will provide you detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, and discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work.

The post-operative care will include information about normal symptoms you will experience and potential signs of complication.

Depending on your skin sensitivity, the suction and exfoliation might cause some mild swelling and redness on your skin. This will disappear and normalize after applying moisturizer with SPF. Makeup can be applied and you may return to your normal daily activity as instructed by your surgeon.

As with most non-invasive procedures, it is recommended that you wait twenty-four hours before doing strenuous activity. If you have extreme or long-lasting pain or notice redness and swelling consult your surgeon.

How Long Will the Results Last?

Within a few days following micro-dermabrasion, you will notice a healthy glow. For best results, repeated treatments will be needed to maintain. For maximal results, five to twelve treatments, spaced two to four weeks apart is recommended.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder Today

Take years off your face with micro-dermabrasion. Don’t let fine line or wrinkles hold you back from feeling the way you want. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today.

Otoplasty – What Is It?


Otoplasty Boosts Self-Esteem

We all have unique features that may cause us insecurity. For some people, this feature is their prominent or protruding ears. Prominent ears can be the result of genetics or developmental conditions, which cause the ears to stick out or develop a dissatisfying shape or size. Although this condition has no effect on hearing, it can cause social and psychological strain leading to poor self-esteem and insecurity. Fortunately, Dr. Binder can shape your ears to perfection through a procedure called otoplasty. This surgical procedure corrects the appearance of the ears, sculpting them into a much more favorable appearance.

What is Otoplasty?

Prominent or unflattering ears can easily be corrected with the help of a good plastic surgeon. As with any procedure, it’s important to first meet with Dr. Binder for a consultation to discuss your specific concerns, as well as the results you desire. This will also allow you to learn in detail how to prepare for both the surgery and recovery process, if you choose to go ahead with the procedure.

Otoplasty is a simple procedure that only takes about 1-2 hours, and is performed under light general anesthesia administered by a licensed anesthesiologist. Although there are various methods to performing otoplasty, Dr. Binder’s preference is a technique which addresses the specific elements of the ear deformity. It begins with an incision made behind the patient’s ear in order to expose the cartilage. The doctor will carefully carve portions of the ear cartilage, reshaping and reducing cartilage to create a more aesthetically pleasing form. Permanent sutures are placed in the cartilage to create a secure and more appealing shape. A comfortable cotton cast and large dressing are used to gently protect the ears for several days following the procedure.

Patients can expect some minimal discomfort after having otoplasty. A follow up appointment will be scheduled for a week later in order to remove the skin sutures used during the procedure. As a result of the surgery, a slight scar may be left but will easily be hidden within the natural creases of the ear, making it unlikely to be noticed.

 Is Otoplasty Safe For My Child?

It’s only natural for parents to have concerns about whether or not this procedure would be appropriate for their children. Parents will want to know if otoplasty is safe and when they should consider it an option for their child.

Although otoplasty is a safe and viable option for people of any age, children are often the most likely candidates. This procedure is recommended any time after the age of 4 or 5, securing the patient more permanent results from the surgery. This is in fact an ideal age since the cartilage in children is much more flexible than that of adults, which allows greater ease when reshaping the ear.

Parents often opt to have this procedure performed on their preschool-aged children, in order to lessen the risk of potential teasing or undue emotional stress that may be experienced due to unsightly ears. Although bullying over a child’s physical appearance is definitely a cause for concern, the real issue is the self-esteem that is formed at an early age. A positive self-image has numerous benefits to a child, including the ability to cope with various social situations and to resist negative pressures from their peers. This enables the child to be in a better position when dealing with potential conflicts and problems that arise in the classroom.

Am I Too Old For Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a procedure that can be done at any age. It is never too late to have a consultation with Dr. Binder to discuss your concerns and learn more about what the procedure can do to improve your appearance. Just as with any cosmetic procedure, otoplasty is designed to improve the self-esteem and overall well-being of the patient. It’s simple, safe, and effective—patients will see a noticeable difference in their appearance after the procedure. For assurance, take a look at some of the wonderful results other patients have already achieved through otoplasty with Dr. Binder.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder

If unsightly ears have been a source of insecurity for you or your child, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to discuss what otoplasty can do for you.

Dr. Binder has the experience and expertise to answer any questions you may have, and ultimately achieve the results you desire. For this and all cosmetic surgery questions, contact Dr. Binder and his caring staff today.

Blepharoplasty – What Is It?

eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty Makes Your Eyes Look Great

Blepharoplasty is a procedure that allows you to eliminate the signs of aging from your eyes: the droopiness in the upper lids, under-eye bags, and the wrinkles that make you look tired and fatigued. These usually start to develop when we are in our late 30s or early 40s, often making us look older than we actually feel.

Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid, or both. The doctor opens up the eyes through removing excess skin and fat from the area, improving your appearance. This may also help in fixing any overhanging skin that could be affecting your vision. Incisions are made in the natural folds of the eyelid, making scarring virtually unnoticeable once the healing process is complete.

While lower eyelid puffiness can be caused by fluid underneath the skin, it’s usually the result of fatty deposits protruding through the lower eyelid. Dark circles are often shadows resulting from fatty deposits and discoloration under the skin. There are several techniques available to correct these concerns.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

This procedure is ideal for younger patients, who have fatty pockets under their eyes but no excess skin.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty With the Pinch Technique

This procedure is ideal for patients who have only a small amount of excess skin under their lower lid, and utilizes a pinch technique.
Blepharoplasty Peels and Laser Resurfacing of the Lower Eyelid

In situations where a patient has excessive fine wrinkling or discoloration in the lower lid, a chemical peel or laser resurfacing can be performed along with surgery.

External Incisions & Canthoplasty

Before more advanced techniques were developed, external incisions made under the eyelids were the usual approach to eye surgery. However, this method is now better suited for patients with significant excess skin and severe wrinkling.

In addition to these external incisions, Dr. Binder uses supporting canthoplasty to help strengthen the lower lid. This allows excess skin to be safely removed and the creases to be smoothed out. A chemical peel or laser resurfacing can also be added.

Muscle Slings & Upper Midface Lifts

Eyelid conditions that are more severe in nature may require a reconstructive approach. These conditions include drooping lower lids, sagging skin and muscle of the lower lids, and tear through deformity. Dr. Binder uses various methods to shape and perfect the eye area to brighten the patient’s face.

Preparing for Blepharoplasty

As with any procedure, it’s always a good idea to have a consultation with your doctor to discuss the possible risks involved, as well as to express your expectations and concerns. The information you may find elsewhere is not always reliable, so it is best to have an open discussion with your surgeon.

Prior to surgery, be prepared to have both a vision and physical exam done. You will also be instructed to arrange for transportation on the day of the surgery, as you will be unable to drive. You may also be asked to discuss your medical history, and to avoid pain relievers such as aspirin before the procedure. You will also be directed to quit smoking in order to ensure your ability to heal after the surgery.

Blepharoplasty Recovery

Expect a fast recovery after this procedure. Sutures will either dissolve or be removed 4-5 days after the surgery. Patients can expect to experience some short term discomfort such as bruising, swelling, light sensitivity, and watery eyes.

Immediately following surgery, patients should avoid straining or heavy lifting, rubbing the eyes, or wearing contacts. They should also make sure to wear darkly tinted sunglasses to protect their eyes. It is also recommended that you sleep with your head raised higher than your chest for a few days. Be gentle when cleaning the eyelids, and use prescription ointments and eye drops.

Cosmetics can be applied in about 10 days after the procedure.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder Today

There is no need to live with sagging eyelids, dark circles, and wrinkles around your eyes when a simple procedure can vastly improve your appearance. As we age, sometimes it’s discouraging to look in the mirror and see an older version of ourselves, when we still feel very young. Dr. Binder’s work has made a world of difference for his patients, leaving them feeling refreshed and renewed inside and out.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to discuss what blepharoplasty can do for you. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Dr. Binder has the skills and expertise to give you the results that you deserve.

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