facelift myths

Debunking Common Facelift Myths

We live in an era of rampant communication, but unfortunately, that leads to the spread of misinformation at an alarming rate. Everyone has an opinion, and they all have access to social media, so we are privy to an onslaught of rumors and unsubstantiated claims every single minute of every single day.

The scourge of unverified data tends to shape perception. You may be convinced, for example, that facelifts are procedures designed for a certain type of person. Your thoughts of a typical facelift may conjure up images of “overdone” results, but the truth is the myths could not be further from the truth.

We are offering some of the biggest misconceptions about facelifts and countering fiction with facts. Get ready to see facial enhancement in a whole new light.

Myth: Facelifts Are for Older People

When you think of the term “facelift,” you may envision your great grandmother undergoing the procedure, but reality tells a much different story.

Fact: It’s Never Too Early to Look Your Best

The key to a successful aesthetic enhancement is making it appear seamless. It would be jarring for anyone to appear as an 84 year old one day and then become a 20-something overnight. No respectable plastic surgeon would ignore the essence of a patient’s signature image. Instead, your doctor must celebrate your facial features and strive to recapture that youthful vigor. Face and neck lifts must be tailored to a client’s unique bone structure. By gently removing redundant folds, your surgeon is accentuating the vital vivacity of your appearance. 

The average age for facelift recipients has steadily decreased over the past decade. The procedure used to be popular among people in their 50s or older, but now it is common for many individuals in their mid-40s to seek a surgical boost. In fact, over the span of 15 years, the popularity of facelifts for clients in their 30s has increased by approximately 50%.

Myth: Facelifts Look Unnatural

The thought of “lifting” the skin creates the implication that the brow is pulled too high or the cheeks are propped up to an uncomfortable elevation. If that is your idea of a facelift, then please get a second opinion.

Fact: Facial Contouring Is a Subtle Art Form

The medical term for facelift is rhytidectomy. The Greek word rhytis means wrinkle, so a rhytidectomy is a surgical approach to removing wrinkles subtly and comprehensively. A proper facelift addresses more issues than just the skin. Aging affects soft tissue and fat deposits unevenly. Some people experience unwanted protrusions under their eyes, while others show cratering and depressions in their appearance over time.

Obviously, these two scenarios must be addressed in very different ways. Modern facelift techniques gently remove delicate reservoirs of tissue from the lower eyelids and chin without changing the essence of how the face is structured. Once these precise alterations are accomplished, your surgeon can contour the skin to eradicate redundant folds.

As the skin is re-draped to fit the newly sculpted scaffolding of your face, all incisions are concealed, either along the hairline or behind the ears. Nobody needs to know that you’ve had a facelift except you.

Myth: Facelifts Are Only for Women

While women do account for a majority of facelift patients, men are well represented among the ranks of rhytidectomy recipients.

Fact: Men Can Also Benefit from Facial Contouring

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 10% of all facelifts in the United States were performed on men in 2019. This figure represents a 5% increase from the year before. 

There is nothing intrinsically “masculine” or “feminine” about facial contouring. The procedure is designed to accentuate your natural features by removing excess tissue that can obscure your natural good looks. Men who look in the mirror and wish to recapture the vigor and alertness of their younger years can greatly benefit from a facelift from an experienced professional.

Myth: Facelifts Require a Long Recovery Time

The stereotypical version of a facelift patient is akin to The Mummy from those old black and white films. But fear not, you won’t require a bulbous amount of meshed bandages and gauze to recuperate from a modern day rhytidectomy procedure. 

Fact: Recovery Is Just Around The Corner

The average recovery time for a facelift procedure is approximately one week. Results may vary, but advanced medical technology has allowed doctors to enhance the face without disrupting its functionality unlike the outdated surgical procedures that were performed in the past.

Tumescent liposuction, for example, bathes unwanted fat cells with a mix of lidocaine and other soothing fluids. The tumescent liquid safely and gently loosens fat deposits for easy extraction. This is merely one component of Dr. William Binder’s approach to facelift enhancement.

By selectively altering and supporting existing subdermal structures, Dr. Binder allows the face to lift itself. His vertical midface adjusts soft tissue upward without pulling it back which avoids that “windstorm” look that so many people associate with bad plastic surgery. The careful, focused reshaping of the exact areas that need attention leads to brilliantly bespoke improvement, while also lending itself to decreased downtime when compared to an excessively aggressive facelift approach.

Dr. Binder can tailor your facelift procedure to the unique issues that bother you. His neck lift technique provides the strong, sleek lines that you crave to give your face its optimal pedestal. Younger patients with mild to moderate ptosis (sagging) of the jowls may benefit most from Dr. Binder’s short scar method of enhancement. Regardless of your contours, you can explore the best way to help them shine here at our Beverly Hills clinic.

Contact us at your earliest convenience to separate the myths about facelifts from the facts about facial enhancement done right. 

scar removal

Facial Facts: Understanding the Process of Scar Removal

The world in which we live can be an unpredictable place at any given time. No matter how many precautions you may take, you are bound to stumble at some point in your life.  Accidents can happen at any given moment and when they do occur, it tends to leave a mark in more ways than one.

Even after you heal from an injury or abrasion, you may have lingering scars that remind you of the incident. In order to ease your mind and erase the evidence of past skirmishes, consider the art and science of scar revision.

Before we can delve into the finer points of aesthetic improvement, we should define our terms. After all, in order to treat an issue, you must understand it at its very root source. 


The human body is both resilient and vulnerable at the same time. Our skin acts as a suit of armor, but when it gets pierced, a complex series of physiological events immediately occur. When the skin is broken, the body reacts by producing a rush of collagen. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, responsible for the skin’s health and maintenance, not to mention the support of everything from blood vessels to bone structure.

As collagen flows over the location of a wound, it patches up the damages. This newly formed skin is created quite hastily, so it will invariably look quite different than its surrounding flesh. The resulting appearance is known as scar tissue and it can disrupt the natural attractiveness of your skin.


The surface of your skin responds to the influx of collagen in a number of different ways. You may notice that some scars are reddish in hue and slightly elevated in relation to the plane of the skin. These are known as hypertrophic scars. When the scar tissue grows beyond the surface of the skin by 4 millimeters of more, it is called a keloid scar.

Acne scars are unique in that they may actually delve below the plane of the skin, appearing as divots or depressions. On the other end of the spectrum, contracture scarring occurs after severe burns or extensive loss of tissue. The body does its best to heal itself, but contracture scars are quite pronounced and can even limit your range of motion due to its tightness connected to the skin.


In order to strategize the best way to minimize a scar, we must assess its dimensions and characteristics. Acne scars, for example, may be subtle and elusive. In order to bring balance back to the area, it may be advisable to treat the skin from within the scar.

Dermal fillers do precisely what their name suggests: they fill gaps below the surface of the skin. Using either collagen or hyaluronic acid, your doctor can elevate the depression left behind by acne scars. The resulting appearance is level and even. The only drawback to dermal fillers is that they are temporary in nature. You may need to replenish the healing power of certain fillers after 9-12 months.

For a more permanent solution to scar tissue, you may want to consider the surgical approach. Scars are formed when the rush of collagen to the area moves too rapidly to acclimate itself with its surrounding tissue. Your doctor can gently remove the scar tissue and bring the folds of your skin together with a pleasing aesthetic. Surgeons often use the Z-Plasty approach with scar removal. The procedure gets its name from the shape of its incision. By creating a zigzag pattern along the area of scarring, your doctor will remove the unwanted tissue and close the incision skillfully. Z-Plasty celebrates your skin’s elasticity by employing a concealed incision that moves naturally within you.

Depending on the nature of the scar, a W-Plasty technique may be more beneficial for you. If your scar tissue persists along visible areas on your face, then you want your reconstructive remedy to honor the flow of your features. The face presents a series of relaxed skin tension lines, or RSTL for short. If you alter a patch of skin along the RSTL domain, the resulting appearance might be too perfect when compared with its surroundings. W-Plasty scar removal takes RSTLs into consideration. The W-shaped incision breaks up scars, thereby minimizing their appearance. As your surgeon sutures the incision closed, he or she  does so with your facial movements in mind. Your expressions will continue to look natural, rather than being restrained by an overly constrictive reconstruction surgery method.

In some cases, scars may not require surgery at all. Your doctor may be able to dull the redness of a scar by treating it with a silicone gel sheet. You may also be able to rid yourself of unwanted blemishes with the power of laser resurfacing. A concentrated beam of light focuses on discolorations by targeting the aberrant hues of your scar tissue. The laser heats the scar and promotes a gradual flow of increased collagen production in the affected area. This collagen won’t result in further scarring due to the controlled nature of laser resurfacing.

Chemical peels and dermabrasion also work wonders at minimizing the appearance of scars. By treating your complexion with powerful compounds or exfoliating pressure, your doctor can lift and remove the majority of scar tissue, restoring the radiance of your skin.


After reading about the subtle differences between keloid scars and hypertrophic scars, you may be analyzing your features and squinting in the mirror trying earnestly to characterize your complexion. Luckily, you don’t have to be an expert on scarring because that position is already filled. Dr. William Binder has dedicated his life to studying and treating a wide array of conditions. If you struggle with any unsightly scars, Dr. Binder wants to put his expertise to great use by helping you feel more comfortable with yourself.

One look at our past success stories will illustrate our commitment to aesthetic enhancement. Contact our Beverly Hills office at your earliest convenience and tell us how we can bring smooth serenity back to your complexion.

reduce swelling after liposuction

5 Ways to Reduce Swelling After Getting Tumescent Liposuction

We live in an era of endless possibilities. The world is at your fingertips, from a webcam on the other side of the globe to food delivery with the click of a mouse or a swipe of the screen. But when we overindulge, stubborn fat deposits tend to collect in the exact areas where we don’t want them.

Diet and exercise are the best methods for maintaining a trim, taut physique, but they may fall short when it comes to body and facial contouring. A double chin, for example, can be impervious to workouts, no matter how many hours you spend on the treadmill.

Tumescent liposuction is a great supplement to your healthy lifestyle. By gently removing unwanted fat cells from your “problem” regions, liposuction sculpts the silhouette of your dreams. But the procedure may lead to minor swelling that detracts from the slimming results of the procedure. The following five simple steps are helpful hints to aid your body as it sheds the excess bulk naturally and gradually.

Please note: you must consult your doctor when it comes to recovery protocols after tumescent liposuction. The list below is just a guide to keep in mind as you recuperate from a body contouring procedure, but should never take the place of your physician’s orders.


Before we proceed with our rundown, we should explain why tumescent liposuction contributes to swelling. The procedure begins by introducing an anesthetic solution to the target area. Tumescent fluid bathes the bulky protrusion, numbing the area and minimizing bruising.

The liquid solution also loosens fat cells from their surrounding muscle and soft tissue, making them easier to extract. Once the fat deposit is sufficiently softened, your surgeon inserts a thin tube called a cannula beneath the skin. The cannula gently vacuums away unwanted bulk, contouring the region to the patient’s specifications. 

The use of tumescent fluid is essential in facilitating a safe, successful liposuction procedure. It may also contribute to residual swelling, which is why we compiled the following list. To your health!


Sure, you want to celebrate the fabulous results of your recent liposuction session, but hold off on toasting just yet. It is important to avoid adult beverages for at least 48 hours following a tumescent procedure. Alcohol is an inflammatory, so it exacerbates the swelling that you are already experiencing due to tumescent liposuction. By postponing the party, you may help expedite the swelling reduction process.


The best way to replenish your system is to provide your body with ample amounts of water. Contrary to common sense, increasing your intake of water actually reduces swelling. That is because when your body is dehydrated, it clings to the moisture already trapped in your cells. By offering fresh new H2O to your system, your body can release pressure from its swollen tissue and enjoy the benefits of rehydration. 

Experts recommend drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day under normal circumstances, but you may want to up those numbers when you are recovering from surgery. Keep a reusable bottle filled and accessible next to your bed and/or recliner. Speaking of which…


Try to keep the area affected by your recent procedure elevated. Prop up your recovering region on pillows and allow the blood to flow away from it. If you allow circulation to pool in the recovery area, it may add to your swelling.

It is especially important to raise your affected feature when you sleep. If you receive tumescent liposuction along the neck, for example, you want to keep your head elevated at an angle of 30-40 degrees overnight. 


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that individuals ingest less than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day. That amounts to only one teaspoon, so it is important to take a closer look at your diet during liposuction recovery. The average American consumes approximately 3,400 mg of sodium daily, which is almost one-and-a-half times the recommended allowance.

You also want to be careful not to eradicate salt from your diet completely. When your sodium levels drop too low, your cells covet moisture. Water rushes to your thirsty cells, swelling them even further than they already are. Hence, it is important to strike the proper balance between sodium reduction and sodium retention. 


You should never try to rush your recovery. Great results are worth the wait, and you are the greatest result of all! Your body will heal on its own time, so give it the time and consideration it needs. 

Allow yourself plenty of sleep and relaxation. There is a helpful mnemonic from your childhood that still rings true to this day: RICE, which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. As you can see, rest is at the top of the list, so ask your doctor about the other three elements of swelling mitigation and sleep on it!


Your aesthetic journey is as unique as your fingerprints. Whether you want to rejuvenate your look, replenish your complexion, or restore your youthful appeal, the process must be customized to your anatomy and goals. The same dynamics apply to aftercare. When you are recovering from a cosmetic procedure, you should always follow your physician’s advice.

To ensure a successful recuperation, consult with the best plastic surgeon in Southern California. Dr. William J. Binder has pioneered breakthrough uses of Botox to treat migraines as well as to smooth away unsightly wrinkles. His level of dedication is a testament to his proficiency in the field of enhancement. 

When you have questions about swelling, follow the advice of someone who understands the tumescent liposuction procedure intimately and thoroughly. Contact Dr. Binder today and benefit from his vast expertise. 

lip fillers

Get Your Fill: Let’s Talk Talk About Lip Fillers

The lips are the unsung heroes of the face. In fact, if you were to sing about them, you would need backup from your (wait for it) lips!

The human mouth processes language, food, and emotion with relative ease, but all of that stress can add up over time. Lips become deflated and weary as our bodies age. As the structure of the mouth loses shape, the skin tends to hang away from its underlying support system of musculature and soft tissue. This leaves the mouth appearing wrinkled and lifeless.

In other words: loose lips sink appearances.

To add verve and vitality to the lower face, consider the benefits of a lip filler treatment. But not all fillers are equally fulfilling. Let’s walk through the pros and cons of cosmetic enhancement together, paying close attention to the mouth region. Read our lips and follow along!


There’s a lot of talk about collagen these days, but it may lead to much misinformation. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, forming a flexible system of scaffolding that helps maintain healthy skin, organs, and other essential physiological functions.

But as we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen. When the structure of the lips breaks down, gaps emerge below the surface. Lip fillers literally fill those gaps, adding volume and definition to the contours of the mouth. 

So, the first thought that occurs to many doctors is this: why not just replace the collagen directly. Early lip fillers answered this question by developing products like Zyderm, which is formulated from bovine proteins. Any time you introduce foreign samples into a human subject, there is a chance for adverse effects such as allergic reactions.

To avoid the harmful side effects of injecting cow collagen into patients, developers introduced CosmoDerm. The innovation of CosmoDerm is that it is bioengineered from human skin samples, so it is less likely to be rejected after insertion. 

The only problem with CosmoDerm is its lack of fluidity. When you want lip enhancement, you demand a solution with a silky texture. The injectable must be able to seamlessly diffuse through the mouth region without clumping or coagulating. That is why many aestheticians quickly learned that they needed to combine collagen fillers with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a substance naturally found in the human body. By mingling effortlessly with the extracellular matrices (ECM) propping up the skin, hyaluronic acid acts as a dermal filler that celebrates the natural contours of one’s features.

The popular enhancement products Restylane and Juvéderm harness the power of hyaluronic acid to bring fullness and fierceness back to aging lips. As the mouth enjoys its optimal volume, wrinkles are smoothed out above. Truly, Restylane and Juvéderm plump the skin from within, transforming withered lips into wonderful conversation pieces.


Before we discuss the additional benefits of hyaluronic acid, it is worth noting that some patients seek the rejuvenating support of their bodies’ own fat cells. By gently removing unwanted bulk via liposuction, your doctor may be able to put those extracted cells to use. After purifying a tissue sample, viable fat cells can be injected into the lips with varying degrees of success. The body may absorb the fat cells, flushing them away as waste like any substance it deems unnecessary or out of place. 

Fat grafting is an alternate approach to lip enhancement, but it is fraught with its own pitfalls. Grafts have the tendency to clump and form an uneven texture along the lips. Patients must also consider the scars left behind on the donor site (the area where the fat was harvested).

When all is said and done, fat transfers and grafts are less reliable than the proven results offered by Juvéderm and Restylane. These popular dermal fillers spur the body’s natural production of collagen, so their benefits are long-lasting. 

Hence, hyaluronic acid injections to the lips present results in several waves; you will enjoy an immediate boost in volume immediately following your first session. When your body’s collagen engines kick in, they extend the rejuvenating effects of hyaluronic acid for 8-12 months.


Hydration is another fringe benefit of hyaluronic acid-based injectables. The molecular structure of hyaluronan binds with water, effectively cradling moisture. Your complexion is nurtured and hydrated for months following a dermal filler treatment.

We strongly advise you to quit smoking if you are interested in the ravishing rewards of a dermal lip filler. Tobacco products tend to leach moisture from the skin, which is counterproductive to the entire rejuvenation process. 

Also, smoking leads to an unwelcome phenomenon known as “smoker’s lines.” In addition to the dehydrating effects of nicotine products, a smoker tends to pucker tightly around the cigarette in their mouth. The repetitive contraction of the fine muscles around the lips pulls at the skin, causing fine lines that deepen over time. Dermal fillers can plump those lines, and they also work in conjunction with Botox Cosmetic, which eases the tug of persistent facial muscles that contribute to wrinkles. 


No two lips are exactly alike – not even the two on your own face! The upper lip presents a signature swoop to the world, courtesy of the thin vermilion line that defines its top border. The lower lip can be pouty and playful, projecting a vast array of expressions that are limited only by your inhibitions and your imagination.

To celebrate the power of your pout, consider a visit to Dr. William J. Binder. Conveniently located in Beverly Hills, California, Dr. Binder is a visionary when it comes to subtle yet striking facial enhancements. Contact our office at your earliest convenience and put a smile on your face!

ethical plastic surgery

Professional Recommendations vs. Ethical Limitations: How Many Cosmetic Procedures Are Too Many?

They say that variety is the spice of life, but moderation makes it palatable. We have spent an inordinate number of hours glued to our computers, conferencing into video calls with loved ones, and staring at our own pixelated faces. 

News flash: Zoom meetings are not flattering. They allow us to obsess over every wrinkle and imperfection for excruciating durations of time. It is important to step back from the digital mirror and appreciate all of the great facets of your face.

You are attractive, you are independent, and you are unique. Never let your Zoom window tell you otherwise. But if you do want to accentuate your best features or reclaim your youth, please do so with your signature sense of wisdom and individuality.

Cosmetic enhancement is a precise, delicate process. It should never be overdone or underestimated. 


The Hippocratic Oath is quite clear. Doctors make a solemn vow to protect the core vitality of their patients and only intervene to improve their health and happiness. If a client seeks excessive amounts of plastic surgery, their physician should intervene. For this reason, and many more, you should only consult with a board-certified physician.

Your doctor is more than just a practitioner of what can happen; he is an arbiter of what should happen. You may have a fantastical vision of various aesthetic enhancements you want to experience, but your skin and your structural limitations must dictate your cosmetic journey. There are limits to every case, and you should work with your trusted doctor to establish those limits before you proceed with any enhancement.


In 1985, Thomas Beauchamp and James Childress published a book dedicated to medical ethics. In their groundbreaking work, Childress and Beauchamp boil down their theories into four distinct principles to which all physicians should adhere.

  • Autonomy – It is the patient’s right to choose his or her own course of care. The doctor must help an individual understand the facts surrounding their case, but must not exert undue will over the patient’s ultimate decision.
  • Non-maleficence – This is another way of saying, “first, do no harm.” Medical practitioners must strive to find the least hurtful way to administer care to their clients.
  • Beneficence – Going beyond the concept of avoiding harm, doctors need to strategize the best ways to bring about a solution to their patients’ woes. In other words, how can a healer improve upon his ward’s condition?
  • Distributed Justice – The doctor must provide care equally, no matter what your gender, age, race, or ethnicity may be.

The four ethical principles outlined above provide valuable guidelines for plastic surgeons to help regulate the number of cosmetic procedures they perform on a given patient. For example: Autonomy. No doctor should pressure a client into receiving a treatment or operation just to make a profit. The decision to proceed with a procedure must be made by the patient.

Non-maleficence is a vitally important concept in plastic surgery ethics. If a cosmetic product could potentially damage a patient’s health, the doctor must not use it. That is why all licensed physicians will insist on a comprehensive consultation with their patients to determine their medical history. Based on this data, the physician can avoid the use of any treatments that may result in allergic reactions or other adverse conclusions.

Beneficence is what cosmetic enhancement is all about. We want to work together to define the best ways to bring about your desired look. It is incumbent upon your doctor to study the latest medical advancements to ensure the most beneficial techniques for your case. If you are particularly lucky, you may actually find a physician who pioneers new methodology himself.


Successful cosmetic enhancement is a balance of art and science. A great plastic surgeon should be able to look at a patient’s face and appreciate its unique structure. Any proposed improvements should embrace the natural symmetry and character of the client while making sure to fulfill their realistic goals.

If a patient requests an excessive amount of procedures, the doctor is responsible for exploring the root cause of these demands. The individual in question may be struggling with a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). No matter how radiant this person may be, they simply cannot see their own positive attributes.

No physician should take advantage of clients with BDD. The result could be an endless string of procedures that leave the patient chasing after a dream that can never be attained. For example, classic standards of beauty often regard the nose and chin in harmony. When the nose is larger than average, the chin may look like it is receding, and vice versa. 

A great doctor will recognize the pursuit of a balanced facial appearance and proceed accordingly. The patient may benefit from a subtle yet striking rhinoplasty procedure. By addressing the size of the nose, it may alleviate any concerns about its relationship with the chin. This is one way to achieve the client’s ideal profile.

Alternately, the patient may benefit from custom facial implants instead. When the chin is given definition and dimension in the form of an implant, the nose looks smaller by comparison. Instead of performing two procedures, the surgeon has satisfied the patient’s goals with one thoughtful approach. 


Sometimes, the perfect number of surgical procedures is zero. You may be able to achieve the look of your dreams in a minimally invasive manner. To relieve everything from persistent wrinkles to excessive sweating to migraine pain, consider the wondrous effects of Botox Cosmetic. If you want to add volume to sunken cheeks or withered skin, give dermal fillers a try.

These injectables can be administered in conjunction or by themselves, but you should never exceed your doctor’s recommendations. Enhancement is an elegant journey, and you should never rush the process. Contact Dr. Binder in Beverly Hills to discuss your unique cosmetic needs. 

botox party

Thinking About a Botox Party? Think Again!

COVID-19 has taught us to be resilient. We learned how to bake our own bread and cut our own hair, but how many of us earned a medical degree during the lockdown? Show of hands?

OK, then. Medical procedures are delicate processes that should only be entrusted to qualified, board-certified professionals. Even though Botox is a safe, proven enhancement, it still requires precise subdermal placement along with the patient’s fine musculature network. 

Do you feel confident putting your health and wellbeing in the hands of your neighbor Becky? How many glasses of Chardonnay has she had (today)? If you are unsure about your injector’s credentials, please let your wariness be your guide.


A Botox party is a casual get together where attendees administer neuromodulator treatments outside the safety and sterility of a clinical setting. A neuromodulator is a concentrated serum that immobilizes facial muscles to eliminate the unwanted, persistent contractions that cause deep creases.

Every time you smile, wink, and frown, those expressions pull at the skin on your face, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles. Over time, those facial marks become more pronounced. Botox disrupts the release of acetylcholine at the neural junction. When properly injected, Botox delivers serene, smooth results. But we must place a massive emphasis on the “properly injected” turn of phrase in the previous sentence. Injectables involve an exact science and are not to be underestimated… or overdone. 

Botox is sold in finite units, each of which delivers a specified degree of relief from muscular tension. In order to calculate the number of units required to deliver the results you want, you must possess an intimate and vast knowledge of Botox’s capabilities. Unfortunately, you will not find such a résumé at your garden variety Botox bash.

Case in point: a recent party in San Diego left one 28-year-old woman with a frozen upper face that lasted several months. Her “practitioners” used 40 units of Botox on her forehead, rendering her basically expressionless. She couldn’t even show her friends how mad she was!

But she was actually fortunate when you consider the damage that could have resulted from amateur injections. Rachael Knappier was not so lucky. At her Botox party, Rachael received a neuromodulator treatment in the forehead without any major issues… but then she had some alcohol. The Prosecco convinced Rachael to get a filler injection to enhance the look of her top lip, which is when calamity struck. 

Rachael’s pal accidentally hit an artery when delivering the lip filler, causing her face to balloon beyond recognition. The incident almost cost Rachael her top lip; she had to rush to a doctor to dissolve the filler and repair the split developing in her soft tissue.

Rachael had not signed any consent forms, nor was she properly counseled on the risks of injectables. Her beautician “friend” turned out to be an ex-convict, and she was unable to help Rachael recover from the disastrous debacle. It took almost three months for Rachael to fully recover from her Botox party nightmare – how festive!


According to the Medical Board of California, a licensed professional can administer Botox outside the confines of a clinical setting if one of the following holds true:

  • She or he is a licensed physician
  • She or he is a registered nurse
  • She or he is a physician’s assistant who is working under the watchful supervision of the doctor for whom they work

The best way to verify a medical professional’s credentials is by gazing up at the diploma(s) on their wall. You can also do some online sleuthing and search for their board certification (if they have earned such a distinction). The aforementioned Medical Board of California has made the verification process easy by creating an app that allows you to browse for licensed professionals to make sure that your doctor and/or nurse is more than just a Botox party animal.


One major problem with at-home Botox parties is the “party” part. We should still be practicing social distancing, so why do some groups feel emboldened to gather in clusters and inject one another with neuromodulators?

Botox Cosmetic is a miraculous solution. In addition to providing wondrous aesthetic results, Botox has the power to ease migraine pain and even stop excessive sweating. But Botox does not protect against COVID-19. This message bears repeating: Botox cannot prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus at any gathering, even if it is a medically themed one.

When you embark upon an enhancement regimen, you want to be confident in the safety and qualifications of the professionals aiding your quest to be the best. Dr. Binder responded to the stark realities of the pandemic with compassion and care. He predicted the surge in demand for certain signature aesthetic treatments and planned accordingly. Our Beverly Hills clinic strictly adheres to all safety and health protocols to ensure that you can receive quality cosmetic improvements with a healthy dose of peace-of-mind.

We sterilize every shared surface daily, enforce social distancing practices in our common spaces, and require masks to be worn at all times when your face is not being actively enhanced by Dr. Binder’s skilled, artistic hands. 

Can you be sure that your next Botox party can boast the same precautions? Are you tired of our rhetorical questions yet? Tell us how you feel by contacting our SoCal office at your earliest convenience. Your facial rejuvenation journey demands the utmost attention and expertise. Don’t be a party pooper – skip amateur hour and leave Botox to the professionals. 

trauma reconstruction

Post-Traumatic Reconstruction: Corrective Procedures to Consider

Trauma is like rolling thunder. It is a menace that surrounds us and fills us with fear, rumbling through our consciousness. However, trauma is often more sound than fury. The psychological effects of a damaging incident are often worse than the physical manifestations.

An accident can affect a survivor in a number of ways. First, there is pain, then there are scars, and finally, there is doubt. What will people think when they see my face? How noticeable is the scarring? How can I regain the confidence I had before trauma struck?

The insecurities born out of a disfiguring incident can become overwhelming. Therapy is a great resource, as is taking proactive measures to address the source of the concern. Reconstructive surgery can help restore a patient’s features to their former glory.


Doctors perform over 5 million reconstructive procedures annually in the United States. This number includes approximately 90,000 surgeries to correct maxillofacial conditions. The word “maxillofacial” pertains to the neck and head. When trauma occurs to the face, it can be especially jarring due to its visibility.


When we discuss traumatic events, your mind may conjure images of car accidents and house fires. But one of the greatest traumas imaginable is a cancer diagnosis. There are more than 5.4 million skin cancer diagnoses every year in America. But here’s the good news: about 80% of the incidents are of the basal cell variety, which is less likely to spread than squamous cell carcinoma

When caught early, most skin cancers are eminently treatable. Your dermatologist may freeze away the cancerous cells, shave them away layer by layer, or simply cut them out. Regardless of which method is used, you may be left with a visible scar. 

To address scarring left by cancer removal, a plastic surgeon has many reconstruction options. They can graft skin from other parts of your body onto your face, allowing your own tissue to blend and create a healthy new complexion. If the skin cancer was not as extensive, your doctor may use the flap technique. Healthy skin adjacent to the removed cells can be “folded” over to cover the scarred area, in effect smoothing out the incident and restoring your pre-cancer glow.


Cancer removal is not the only trauma that leaves scars. Acne, cuts, and burns can also leave telltale marks on the skin, but your plastic surgeon can revise scars to replenish your smooth, striking skin. 

Scarring occurs when the skin is broken and the body rushes a flood of collagen to seal the wound. The healing process is hasty, so the newly formed skin does not look like its surrounding flesh. Hypertrophic scars are often red in hue, while keloid scars are raised beyond the plane of the skin, sticking up for the whole world to see.

There are a number of approaches that your surgeon can take to minimize your facial scars. There is surgical excision, which removes the scar tissue and brings the two ridges of healthy skin together to form a seamless surface. Laser skin resurfacing focuses precise beams of energy to the scar, erasing it as much as possible.

If a scar pulls down at the skin, it may look like a divot. Your doctor can treat these scars by injecting dermal fillers into the space below the depression. Dermal fillers, like Juvéderm and Restylane, plump the skin from within giving it volume and dimension. Injectables offer long-lasting relief from some instances of scarring, but reconstructive surgery is a more permanent solution. 


Skin is more than just window-dressing. It is a functioning layer of living cells that process Vitamin D and expel toxins, just to name a few of its important duties. But when the skin is injured, it threatens more than just the surface.

Many plastic surgeons work in conjunction with trauma center doctors to provide patients an all-encompassing treatment to their injuries. By addressing issues like infection before they become life-threatening, reconstructive surgery treats skin as it heals. Truly, healthy skin yields benefits that extend far beyond the surface.


Trauma can take away so much, but medical science can work to restore as much as possible. If an accident or affliction has affected your appearance, reconstructive surgery can mend the scars, both external and internal.

Scientists conducted an extensive survey of over 800 patients. 544 of these individuals received plastic surgery and 264 did not, even though they were intrigued by the prospects of physical enhancement. Clinicians interviewed all 808 participants at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 months. The group who had experienced cosmetic surgery reported higher levels of attractiveness, self-esteem, and overall quality of life than the group who did not undergo aesthetic treatment.

Furthermore, measures of depression and social anxiety decreased for those who received cosmetic enhancements. These findings are wonderful under any circumstances, but they may be especially helpful when viewed through a lens of trauma survivors. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) co-occur in patients with shocking regularity. Between 48% and 55% of patients treated for PTSD have also struggled with some sort of depressive disorder. 

Now let’s put all of this data into perspective. By administering reconstructive surgery, a doctor can help lower the propensity for depression. Depression shares a complicated and frustrating link with post-traumatic stress. Hence, reconstructive surgery can help treat more than just the face; it can strike at the heart of trauma itself.

To learn how Dr. William J. Binder can help restore your aesthetics, as well as your confidence, contact his office in Beverly Hills. You are stronger than trauma, and Dr. Binder is on your side. 

face implants

Facial Facts: The Art of Custom Implants

Some say the body is a temple, in which case the face must be its jeweled steeple. All eyes gaze upward to admire the top of any well-designed structure, as it represents the pinnacle of aesthetic excellence.

To extend this metaphor, the face is the crowning achievement of your look. You maintain it every day, keeping it lustrous and healthy, but sometimes the underlying structure needs support.

Facial implants provide volume and dimension for profiles that need a little boost. Flat cheeks, a “weak” chin, or slender jaw lines tend to dissatisfy some individuals. Dermal fillers can address many issues of deflation and aging. Serums like Juvéderm and Restylane add drama and depth to facial features, and they can last for up to two years. This provides a wonderful preview for a more permanent solution: custom facial implants.


Facial implants are solid structures that are placed beneath the surface of the skin to enhance the shape and contours of your profile. The most common types of facial implants are made for the cheeks, the chin, and the jaw. 

Cheek implants lift the entire middle plane of the face, bringing verve and vitality to a person’s look. To achieve a strong jaw or chin, patients may desire mandibular implants. There are two types of mandibular implants: the type that enhances the chin itself, and mandibular angle implants that augment the jawline. By placing elongated implants along the ridge of the jaw, a surgeon can effectively widen the lower face. Alternately, a chin implant helps add projection to the lower face, which can help minimize the relative size of the nose in comparison.


Implantation techniques in past years were rudimentary and inexact. They would simply place a lump of material where a patient desired more volume and that was that. But a skilled surgeon will go well beyond simple implantation to take the holistic balance of the face into consideration. For example, adding dimension to the cheeks may be a quick fix, but the wrong implants can throw off the symmetry of the entire face. Cheeks are often viewed in contrast to the nose and chin. When cheeks suddenly puff out, they may cause the chin to appear weaker or the nose to lose its character.

By customizing facial implants to the unique curves of a recipient’s face, your surgeon can celebrate your features without losing the essence of who you are. There are several ways in which implants can be customized. Typically, an existing implant is sculpted to fit the needs of the patient as it is placed in its new home. For instance, a chin implant is shaved down to the shape and size that accentuates a person’s profile before the incisions are closed.

Newer technology, however, allows for a more sophisticated approach to customizing facial implants. Welcome to the computer age…


The appearance of your face is so unique that it doubles as your fingerprint. Every time you unlock your smartphone, the lens scans your features and determines if it is, indeed, you staring back at the screen.

Since computers are able to delineate between various people’s profiles, experts turned to computer technology in order to design custom prostheses. Digital technology is able to map the globe, so think how effectively it can map something more finite like the human face.

Computed tomography (CT) scans are able to recreate the entire skeletal system in the virtual world. Advanced medical computers can go one step further and map the soft tissue and musculature of a person’s physique. Doctors can therefore study and navigate a patient’s contours without ever having to make an incision.

And the smartest doctors have figured out a way to build a better implant using the very same CT technology.

The 3D Accuscan process allows innovative surgeons to design their own implants that adhere to the contours of an individual’s face. Not an imprint of the face or a facsimile of the face, but the actual face, as it exists naturally. The exacting nature of 3D printed facial implants opens the door to a new era of cosmetic enhancement and innovation.


The key to a successful cosmetic surgery is subtlety. You do not want someone’s first reaction to your new look to be “Have you had work done?” Instead, you want your youthful features to shine through, which requires the eye of an artist and the hands of a skilled surgeon.

Dr. William J. Binder is more than just a doctor; he is a visionary. He helped pioneer the 3D computer approach to facial implant design and application. Because of his position at the forefront of implant advancement, he can see possibilities that others could never fathom.

For example, traditional cheek implants are placed on the malar plane of the face. This results in a pronounced “shelf” of augmentation that lacks subtlety and nuance. Instead, Dr. Binder has engineered a submalar approach that enhances the area just below the cheekbones. Submalar implants address the real issues of aging and deflation. Dr. Binder’s custom implants are designed to support weary cheeks, round out the mid-facial region, and bring harmony to the overall look of a client’s face. This is just one example of how Dr. Binder has progressed beyond outdated modes of plastic surgery to arrive at the vanguard of aesthetic excellence. 

To benefit from Dr. Binder’s unparalleled expertise and dedication to the field of custom facial implants, contact our Beverly Hills office. Your reflection will thank you!

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

The human face is a masterpiece of form and function. It conveys a wellspring of emotions and language while giving structure to our identity and style to our expression. But as the face ages, it loses definition. The underlying structures are deprived of collagen and elastin over time, allowing facial skin to deflate and sag.

A facelift surgery provides smoothness, support, and yes, a lift to maturing mugs. To better understand the parameters of the facelift procedure, we should discuss the intricate physiology of the human visage.


Muscles, skin, and soft tissue operate in conjunction with one another. Every time you smile, frown, or wink, the facial contractions pull at the overlying skin. As faces age, they develop wrinkles, known in medical circles as rhytids. The technical term for a facelift is a rhytidectomy since it targets unwanted wrinkles and smoothes them out.

But facial imperfections are more than skin deep. The delicate musculature that lines the face is called the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system, or SMAS for short. By carefully altering the declination of a patient’s SMAS, a surgeon can provide uplifting results, starting at the center and radiating outward.


The midface region is the fulcrum of your signature facial features. Cheekbones provide a shelf upon which to display your enthusiasm and youthful vigor. A vertical midface lift ensures that your facial enhancement will be subtle yet striking, avoiding the dreaded “deer in the headlights” look.

By gently and effectively repositioning the soft tissue that gives the midface its contours, your surgeon can celebrate your features while erasing the years that weighed them down.


The neck provides the face a majestic pedestal on which to rest. While many individuals spend a disproportionate time primping above the chin, the signs of aging are often most noticeable along the neck.

The major muscle that gives your neck its unique shape is called the platysma. A platysmaplasty, or neck lift, supports the platysma so that it can, in turn, support the soft tissue lining the contours of your lower face. The muscles beneath the skin must cradle the neck without constricting it. A neck lift provides natural-looking results that highlight a patient’s best features.


As the years accumulate, so too do the effects of aging. Jowls may develop along the jawline, accompanied (unwelcomingly) by a double chin. Lower facial rejuvenation can address these issues and deliver replenishing results that slim and strengthen a patient’s profile.

Lower facelift techniques target and remove buccal fat deposits, the bulge that appears between the chin and throat. The surgeon can also use flaps of the patient’s own tissue to enhance the jawline, shrinking jowls while accentuating his or her natural contours.


To erase the bothersome creases that collect along the forehead, many patients crave the benefits of a brow lift. The surgeon conceals his incisions along the hairline, removing excess skin that contributes to a sagging, weary expression. After extracting unwanted fat deposits along the upper face, the incisions are skillfully closed to create an alert, smooth appearance around and above the eyes.


If you are considering the wide array of benefits associated with a facelift, take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror. Remember how you looked in your younger years and imagine how to recapture your joyful sense of verve.

If any of the following conditions stand between you and a youthful glow, then a facelift may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

  • Deflated cheeks
  • Parentheses flanking the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Unsightly lines along the forehead
  • Deep creases extending down from the corners of your mouth (marionette lines)
  • Sagging skin along the neck
  • An overall disconnection between your outward appearance and your inner energy

A facelift is not a “one size fits all” procedure. Patients must feel empowered to customize the surgery to their anatomy and needs. After all, the above list is disparate but hardly exhaustive. You may identify conditions that bother you, but you may have your own list that details the many small imperfections you would like to address.

The journey of cosmetic improvement is your own. You just need the right co-pilot.


Experience demands respect. When you need a service performed correctly, you seek the most seasoned veteran with the most years under his or her belt. Dr. William J. Binder has racked up a lifetime worth of achievements, all of which have conditioned him to become an unparalleled leader in his field. From his pioneering use of Botox as a remedy for migraines to his everyday commitment to cosmetic care and enhancement, Dr. Binder is your ultimate medical resource.  

If you are considering a facelift to address your aesthetic concerns, please contact our Beverly Hills office. Dr. Binder can assess your needs, examine your features, and help determine if a facelift is right for you. One of the most wonderful qualities about Dr. Binder is that he will also be sure to tell you if a facelift is not the best course of action for your appearance. Honesty is an essential ingredient in quality healthcare. If you feel pressured into receiving facial enhancement, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Dr. Binder respects your choices and reveres his patients.

To learn more about facelift procedures in Southern California, call (310) 858-6749. One of our attentive, knowledgeable staff members will direct your call and address your needs. Get ready to put your best face forward with the help of Dr. William J. Binder.