botox and fillers

Botox and Fillers: Which Is the Right One for You?

Confidence is like beauty; they both originate from within and then project outward for the whole world to appreciate. It is vital to understand the dynamics of interior and exterior forces if we want to assess the best ways of maintaining your most attractive qualities.

The analysis of superficiality vs. depth is more than just a metaphor. We must treat the skin on its surface and below it simultaneously. After all, fine lines form along many planes of our complexion, so we need to eradicate them on multiple levels to fight the aging process comprehensively.

Botox and facial fillers work together (or separately) to enhance the skin and embrace your youthfulness. To learn which products are best for your brilliant skin, let’s get to the root of your aesthetic issues.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Skin is amazingly pliable. It stretches and contracts with astounding flexibility, but every complexion has its limits. After years of push-and-pull, the skin has trouble “bouncing back” like it used to in our younger years.

There are many reasons why lax skin develops creases. One of the main causes of wrinkles is the depletion of proteins like elastin and collagen in aging bodies. When we produce less of the supportive materials that prop up our skin, it slowly collapses. As skin hangs farther and farther away from its underlying muscle and soft tissue, the complexion puckers noticeably. 

Another root cause of fine lines is muscular contraction. Every time you wink, laugh or frown, your skin reacts. The repetitive motion of facial muscles creases skin, creating etched lines around the eyes, mouth, and nose. In order to halt the spread of unwanted wrinkles, we must identify the muscular activity that is exacerbating the aging process and relax them at their source.

Stop the Tug-of-War

Botox is a miraculous compound that eases muscular tension, ushering in a new age of placidity and smooth skin. The way it works is complex yet comprehensive. When your nervous system sends a signal to your facial muscles telling them to contract, your muscles follow their orders. 

By disrupting this signal, Botox allows you only to show the emotions you wish to convey rather than every involuntary twitch and cringe that persists on your face. Botox blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neural junction. This reduces the stretching and stress on your skin at the point of injection.

Even though the results of Botox are profound, they only take a short amount of time to take effect. Your skin may begin to show improvement in as little as 24 hours after an injection session, or they may take up to two weeks to integrate with your appearance. 

Enhance Your Skin from Within

Dermal fillers are similarly efficient in their activation. Restylane and Juvederm, for example, produce immediate results that only get better over the course of one to two weeks. During this time, the filler of your choice mingles with the natural substructures of your skin, bolstering their strength and preserving their youthful contours.

The active ingredient in Juvederm and Restylane is hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan (HA). The human body naturally produces HA, so facial fillers formulated with this compound are safe and effective. When your doctor gently injects HA below the skin, your complexion radiates its ideal fullness and hydration. Indeed, HA molecules bind with water, cradling moisture and delivering an enduring glow to its recipients.

Hyaluronan is part of the extracellular matrix (ECM), a network of scaffolding that gives skin its signature shape. When HA is added to sagging, sallow skin, the results are transformative. 

Think of a balloon that has lost its air. The surface is withered and wrinkled. But when you inflate it, it enjoys a healthy sheen along its surface. Your skin is like that balloon, and hyaluronic acid is the air that is necessary to bring radiance and volume back to your appearance. 

Fillers and Botox: Better Together

There are significant advantages to each type of injectable. Fillers add fullness to areas like the cheeks and chin to add definition where it is most needed. On the other hand, Botox is most often administered along the upper face to reduce forehead wrinkles and glabellar lines (the “11” shaped creases that arise between your eyebrows). 

But the variability of enhancement compounds extends beyond the face. Botox, for example, can help alleviate the stringy, taut lines that appear along the neck. Most people focus their attention above the jawline, but the neck is one of the most prominent places where aging first manifests itself. By easing the tension along the lower face and neck, you can give your face the pedestal it deserves.

Fillers can also help turn back time in places other than the facial region. When the skin along the hands loses its fullness, it can appear skeletal and gaunt. A smart filler strategy rounds out hands to their proper dimensions. 

If you struggle with both persistent muscular contractions and deflated features, you can benefit from a combination of Botox and fillers. The formulas complement one another beautifully when injected by a skilled, knowledgeable professional.

Comprehensive Improvement

When you want to look and feel like your best self, you don’t merely want to plump or perk one area. It would help if you had an overall boost that lifts your profile along with your confidence. Doctor William J. Binder understands the complexities and opportunities of the injectable realm.

To schedule an appointment with the most accomplished aesthetic thinker on the west coast, contact our Beverly Hills office today. We’ve got the formula for success, and we’re eager to share our expertise with you.

chemical peel

What You Should Know Before Your First Chemical Peel

Skin is the intersection between the human body and the world at large. Environmental factors like sunlight and abrasion can damage the epidermis (outer layer of skin) while regenerative factors beneath the surface work to replenish and repair these impurities.

To properly support the vital interplay between the external and the internal, it is essential to understand the science of skin maintenance. Cells are in a constant state of renewal and migration, so we must celebrate these processes to effectively treat the skin.

Chemical peels are a safe, transformative way to address issues of aging, damage, and textural inconsistencies. If you are new to the concept of aesthetic peeling, the following information is designed to give you a broad introduction to the options at your disposal.


Even before you undergo a skin resurfacing procedure, you can condition your skin with topical products that will strengthen and moisturize your complexion. After consulting with your doctor, you may be directed to apply various creams to prepare yourself.

Many of these pre-peel concoctions contain hydroquinone. The reason for using topical products is to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (discoloration) and/or bacterial infection. But the best way to avoid these minor risks is to choose a skilled and knowledgeable medical team to attend to your cosmetic and healthcare needs.


Every complexion is unique, which is why each patient must be considered on an individual basis. You wouldn’t wear makeup designed for someone else’s skin tone, so why would you trust a one-peel-fits-all approach to enhancement?

The exact formulation of your peel will depend on your goals. Some people wish to strip away severe imperfections while others simply want to spruce up their glow. Chemical peels must be gauged to your level of satisfaction.

While the precise ingredients will differ greatly from case to case, peels generally fall into one of three categories.

  • Superficial peels use alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to penetrate just below the epidermis. 
  • Medium depth peels go further, affecting the papillary layer of the dermis and stimulating the natural production of collagen.
  • Deep peels utilize phenol to create a true resurfacing, removing the outermost cells where damage is most prevalent and prompting the dermis to replace them with healthy, fresh skin.

Within each of the above categories, there is plenty of room for customization and empowerment. You should receive the peel that’s perfect for you, and the benefits will naturally follow. 


If you struggle with enlarged pores, a chemical peel can restore your radiance. Your doctor will coat the surface of your skin with a powerful compound, but only for a matter of 5-10 minutes. Once the chemical solution is gently swabbed away, your skin responds by gradually tightening and toning itself. Hence, a chemical peel is like a makeover from within!


On the other end of the skincare spectrum, pores may become clogged, which leads to acne issues. A chemical peel can prevent breakouts by clearing away sebum, the oil that your skin secretes.

In addition to acne prevention, peels can treat the damage from past outbreaks. Ruddy complexions, pitted areas, and other textural unevenness are no match for a well-strategized peel.


Call them what you will: liver spots, blotches, age spots, etc. But no matter what label you place on them, you can’t cover up the effects of photoaging. UV rays can provide a healthy sheen in small doses, but they can accelerate the deterioration of your skin as well.

To reverse the discoloration of your complexion due to sun exposure, maturation, and the combination of these processes, consider the rewards of a chemical peel.


When the skin is broken, a rush of collagen floods the wound, patching it hastily. The resulting skin looks and feels different than its surroundings. It’s like making a batch of cupcakes; if you throw in a new scoop of batter halfway through the baking cycle, it will stand out from the other, more gradually cooked cakes. 

In other words: rushing the creation of healthy skin is half-baked.

The natural process of skin repairing and replacing its outer layers is called epithelialization. The proper peel can dovetail with epithelialization to bring an even glow to the complexion. Rather than a blotch of scar tissue associated with wound repair, peels encourage a balanced, healthy new landscape of skin.


One of the most popular reasons for exploring chemical peels is to turn back the hands of time. As we age, the skin accumulates fine lines and creases. There are many causes for the manifestation of crow’s feet and nasolabial folds, including facial muscular contractions and the depletion of proteins over time. 

Your doctor can address the aforementioned dynamics with injectables like Botox (to ease repetitive expressions) or hyaluronic acid (to fill the gaps beneath the surface). While fillers and neuromodulators work subdermally, peels refresh the exterior of the skin.

Reducing the persistence of rhytids (wrinkles) is one of the major benefits of a chemical peel. The compound simultaneously removes damaged, dead skin cells and helps new, tighter skin to take its place. 


As the name suggests, a chemical peel flakes away in a matter of 3-6 days after application. The solution peels away more than just damaged skin; it also removes insecurities and inhibitions. When you face the world on your own terms, you will enjoy a boost of confidence that everyone can notice!
To learn more about chemical peels and how they work with your unique appearance, contact our office in Beverly Hills, California. We can’t wait to celebrate your skin!

get ready for summer

Hotter Weather, Hotter You: Getting Ready for Summer

The light at the end of the tunnel has never been so inviting. As vaccination rates rise, so do the temperatures, and we can’t wait to put lockdown behind us for some summer fun!

You’ve been indoors long enough. And although you have mastered the art of looking fabulous on Zoom calls, natural sunlight is a bit more unforgiving. To be sure you’re ready for the summer stage, consider the many minimally invasive ways you can look and feel your best.


Beach season is just around the corner, so you want a procedure that is quick, effective, and natural-looking. Botox checks all of these boxes and its applications are as varied as they are vibrant.

The active ingredients in Botox serve as neuromodulators. Simply put, the compound targets the neural junction where persistent muscles pull at the skin, causing bothersome wrinkles. Botox blocks the release of acetylcholine, allowing your muscles to relax and your complexion to smooth itself out.

During the summer months, you have a tendency to squint and frown. The lines created by such muscular contractions etch fine lines in your skin that deepen over time. One of the most popular uses of Botox is to minimize creases along the forehead. Your visor and sunscreen should be shielding your skin from UV rays, not your furrowed brow!

But Botox has numerous applications beyond the upper face. It can release the tension along the chin, thus erasing the puckered lines synonymous with persistent wincing and other facial expressions. The neuromodulator is even safe enough to smooth away lines along the neck. You can achieve the proper pedestal on which your gorgeous face can perch proudly!


Another wonderful way to enhance your appearance without the need for excessive downtimes and/or invasive procedures is a simple lip injection. As the human body ages, it produces fewer structural proteins like collagen and elastin. These materials form a system of scaffolding beneath the surface of the skin that props it up and maintains its shape.

When elastin and collagen are depleted, the skin hangs away from its underlying muscle and soft tissue. Certain features appear thin and saggy. Especially delicate features like the mouth illustrate the dynamics of aging early in life.

Fortunately, you can counteract the maturity process with a quick and effective contouring procedure. Lip enhancement empowers you to add volume and definition to your lower face according to your specifications. For example, autologous fat transfer is the process by which your doctor gently removes excess fat from such areas as the abdomen or “love handles” and purifies it for use elsewhere on the body. Unwanted fat cells can add plumpness and desirability to the mouth, all with material from your own biology.

If you prefer an even less invasive approach, consider the benefits of facial fillers. Compounds like Restylane and Juvederm can bring fullness back to weathered, withered lips. These popular dermal fillers are formulated with hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a naturally occurring substance in human physiology. 

One of the incredible fringe benefits of HA is its ability to bind with water molecules subdermally. By cradling moisture beneath the skin’s surface, hyaluronic acid maintains hydration where it is administered. Simply put: your lips will not only enjoy a dramatic lift from facial fillers; they will also appear dewy and lush.


Hyaluronic acid has a plethora of applications beyond the borders of the lips. Various facial features experience a noticeable deflation as the years accumulate. Cheeks grow sallow, crow’s feet encroach further and further, and even the hands appear gaunt and skeletal in our golden years.

You can reverse the hands (pardon the pun) of time with a strategic filler regimen.

Juvederm and Restylane are injected precisely into the areas that most need a boost. For example, if the “laugh lines” flanking your face are causing you distress, you can prop them up and smooth them away with the proper filler. Think of it like a balloon that has lost its air. The surface appears puckered and dull until you once again fill it. That is exactly how dermal fillers work. They replenish the skin, restoring it to its youthful dimensions once more.


If you are unsure about cosmetic enhancement, take it slow. Botox and hyaluronic acid are gradually absorbed, so their effects are as temporary as you want them to be. Test them out, see how you feel (and look), and decide if injectables are right for you.

The good news: you have plenty of time before summer to explore your enhancement options. The great news: if (when) you love the results of your filler and/or Botox session, you can schedule a follow-up appointment to extend the benefits throughout the summer.

You’ll notice we mention fillers and/or Botox in the sentence above; that’s because the products are perfectly paired to bring you a comprehensive glow. Fillers work below the surface of the skin to give it structure while Botox eases muscle tension to allow your expressions to shine without wrinkles.

Together, the various minimally invasive options at your disposal will create the foundation for a return to normalcy. We have been cooped up for over a year, eager to reconnect with loved ones. Engaging in social interaction can be daunting, especially when we’re out of practice.
By removing the insecurities and uncertainties of social trepidation, we may pave the way to a more enjoyable summer. Contact us to learn more about lip enhancement, wrinkle reduction, and more. We can’t wait to see you this summer!

lip injections

5 Reasons to Consider Lip Injections

The lips can speak volumes without ever uttering a word. The curvature of their contours, the protrusion of their pout, and the lips' general fullness convey youth and vitality with every crinkle.

But as we age, individual features lose their volume. Maturity coincides with the decrease in collagen production, and collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. In its absence, the subdermal structures that give the mouth its signature shape begin to erode. 

Think of the realm beneath the surface of the skin like a vast network of intricate scaffolding. This network is called the extracellular matrix, or ECM. When the structure crumbles, there is inadequate material to prop up the skin as supported in one's youth. Wrinkles form and drooping occurs.

However, with the right lip injection, your doctor can give your ECM the boost it needs to keep your lips defined and dazzling. Lip enhancement comes in many forms. Facial fillers like Restylane and Juvederm replace depleted collagen with hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance in the skin, so these injectables are a safe and effective supplement to your beauty routine. When introduced to the extracellular matrix, HA dovetails brilliantly with the structures that give your mouth its shape.

A fringe benefit of HA injections is hydration. Hyaluronic acid binds with water molecules, so it essentially cradles moisture. Your lips will enjoy a dewy glow even before you apply the gloss.

An alternate approach to lip enhancement is fat transfer. Your surgeon can carefully extract unwanted fat cells via liposuction from those "problem areas" where bothersome bulk accumulates. Then, after the lipids are purified, they can be re-inserted into the lips for perky results. The fat you are employing is your own, so there is little to no risk of infection or complications.

Whether you prefer fat transfer or facial fillers, let's explore the five main reasons why lip injections give us something to talk about at the end of the day.

Counteract Thin Lips

Wispy, pursed lips exude a sense of crankiness, even when you are happy and outgoing. Thin contours can detract from the lower face significantly as the aging process accelerates. To address thinning, diminutive lips, consider a lip injection procedure.

The vermilion border is the technical term for the dividing line between the lips and their surrounding skin. Women often accentuate this demarcation with makeup, and men may emphasize their features with facial hair. But when the vermilion border breaks down, it leaves your lips looking lackluster.

Lip injections can bolster the vermilion border and define Cupid's bow, the arch, or the upper lip just below the nose. When your mouth enjoys its natural, ideal shape, you can express yourself freely, pouting and emoting without limitations.

Fill the Gaps 

When we discuss "dermal fillers" or "facial fillers," those aren't mere words. Fillers fill the gaps left behind by age. For example, when your skin matures, it has less collagen and elastin. The lack of these proteins allows your skin to deflate and pucker. By replenishing your appearance with the proper filler, we volumize the skin from within.

Lip injections smooth away persistent lines around the mouth. The process is akin to filling a balloon with air. The surface flattens and plumps according to your specifications, which brings us to our next reason to consider lip enhancement.


Cosmetic procedures are empowering, and you are in the driver's seat. When guiding your aesthetic destiny, remember, you can always change course. Case in point: lip injections. Facial fillers allow you the opportunity to see and feel how full your lips can be, but they are temporary. After six to twelve months, your body will absorb the ingredients of your filler naturally.

You can always extend the benefits of a facial injection by scheduling a follow-up appointment, or you can explore other areas of enhancement. Fillers give you a preview of the many possibilities available to you without the invasiveness or permanence of a lip implant.

Restylane and Juvederm are versatile in several other important ways, too. Each product formulates your desires and goals. For example, the lip injectable is silkier than the cheek filler due to the more delicate nature of the mouth. Be sure to discuss all of your options during your comprehensive consultation.

Minimal Downtime, Maximum Results

Lip injections are minimally invasive procedures. Fillers are considered a "lunchtime" appointment since many recipients resume their normal daily activities immediately after receiving their treatment.

You may experience minor redness at the injection sites, but it is entirely normal. Within a few hours, most swelling will subside, leaving only full, pouty lips behind. The top benefits of your filler will be apparent in 4-6 days as the material adapts to its luscious new landscape. 

Compared to more extensive procedures like implants or excision, lip injections are wonderfully low impact regarding recovery times and discomfort. 

Read My Lips

Injections can boost more than just the treatment area; they can also elevate your quality of life. When you can fully realize your dream facial features, you will have less inhibition holding you back. Engage with coworkers, friends, and family members on your terms, knowing that your lips are expressing what you want them to be saying.

Confidence has a ripple effect on job performance, social wellbeing, and happiness in general. When you look good, you often feel great, and that is the best benefit of all. Call (310) 858-6749 to reach our Beverly Hills office. We can't wait to hear what your lips have to say!

first cosmetic procedure

So It’s Your First Cosmetic Procedure

We all do it, but we don’t discuss it. When looking in the mirror, many of us tug at our skin or pout our lips to envision what we might look like with a little cosmetic boost. 

But you can’t hold that pose permanently. You may need a skilled medical professional to lend a hand and elevate your appearance. After all, aging is natural, but we do not need to accept our aesthetic situation. Your skin replenishes itself more slowly as you mature. With the right strategy, you can reverse the hands of time and bring natural, youthful dimensions back to your face and body – no tugging required!

Some of the reasons for cosmetic enhancement surgery include facial asymmetry, sagging skin, persistent wrinkles, or deformed features. For example, if you are dissatisfied with your nose, a rhinoplasty procedure can bring balance back to your face. A plastic surgeon can address redundant skin with a facelift. For a less invasive solution to deflated, depleted skin, you may want to consider the possibility of facial fillers.

The allure of beautification is how individualized it is. Your journey is unique to you. The following will give you a broad overview of what to expect during your first trip to a trusted surgeon.

Empower Your Look

Every significant improvement begins with a simple conversation. You will meet with your physician to discuss the procedures that interest you most. Your doctor will conduct a brief physical exam and assess your medical records, but you must always remember, you are in control of your cosmetic destiny.

No doctor should pressure you into getting an enhancement you don’t want to receive. Every procedure entails its own set of opportunities and challenges, and you deserve honest answers about all of the above. In general, you should plan to quit smoking several weeks before any invasive procedure takes place. Tobacco products drain moisture from the skin, which is counterproductive to your aesthetic journey.

Doctors will tailor the specific instructions for your cosmetic enhancement to your medical history. Your physician may advise you to stop taking certain supplements that increase the risk of bruising or impeding the general healing process. 

The most crucial ingredient of the consultation process is an open dialogue. Ask plenty of questions to reassure yourself about every exact detail of the overall process. After all, a healthy patient is an informed patient.

Build Your Support System

There are two ways to process aesthetics: internally and externally. Most practitioners focus solely on the façade, but that is shortsighted. The reasons for cosmetic improvement must originate from within yourself. Nobody can tell you what to do with your body, so be sure to ask yourself why YOU want to explore your enhancement options, not what anybody else has to say about the matter. 

Studies show that plastic surgery can have a wonderfully positive impact on your quality of life. This belief indicates how you feel about yourself, so only you control its fluctuations. If a cosmetic alteration would deliver the psychological improvement you desire, then you should pursue such a course of action.

You are not alone in your quest to be the best. Once you have decided to follow through with your cosmetic procedure, seek loved ones who can support you through the process. You will need a caregiver to drive you to and from the clinic on the date of your enhancement. They must also watch over you in the coming hours.

What to Expect on the Day of Your Procedure

No matter which level of improvement you decide upon, there are several guidelines to keep in mind for the date of your visit. Mainly, try to be comfortable. Wear loose clothing and skip the makeup. Medical professionals will cleanse the skin around your treatment area regardless, so save those products for another day!

You will meet with your doctor immediately before your procedure to review the details of your case. A great physician will ensure that you are aware of the parameters of your surgery before proceeding.

Don’t Rush Your Recovery

Recovery times vary from procedure to procedure. For example, Botox is considered a “lunchtime” appointment, meaning you can resume your regular daily activities following a series of safe, effective injections. Please allow a few hours for any minor redness to subside. The full effects of Botox may require 4-6 days to appear, and the results can endure for up to four months or longer.

Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, usually entails two weeks of downtime. Your physician may request a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress halfway through the recovery period to adjust or remove any used splints during surgery. 

At the other end of the spectrum, a facelift may require a month of recovery. The procedure involves the gentle removal of excess skin, so your body needs ample time to adapt to its fabulous new contours.

There is no timeline for feeling and looking your absolute best. Consider a measured approach if you are curious about cosmetic enhancement but not quite ready to dive in. For example, you can start with a dermal filler to get a preview of how your skin will look with more volume. If you like the results, ask your doctor how you can enjoy this appearance for an even longer duration.

Cosmetic enhancement is amazingly versatile. Just as your skin evolves, so too should your aesthetic strategy. Create a plan with your medical staff and reap the rewards of a smart, safe approach to improvement. The new you is just a click or call away.

khloe kardashian cosmetic surgery

4 Celebrities Who Went Under the Knife While in Lockdown

How did you make the most of your 2020 downtime? Did you learn a new craft, binge movies or your favorite television show, or get better acquainted with your loved ones via Zoom? 

Certain celebrities used the opportunity to recover from various facial treatments. While they were in the comfort and discretion of their respective quarantine abodes, the following four personalities enjoyed the rejuvenating rewards of aesthetic transformations. Let's take a closer look.

Khloé Kardashian

When you are in the public eye as often and as massively as a Kardashian, even the slightest alteration makes headlines. When Khloé posted a video to Twitter in November, the social media world immediately ignited with rumors galore. 

To dispel the chatter from the facts, we turn to a board-certified surgeon's expertise, who deconstructs Ms. Kardashian's look feature by feature. While makeup and creative photography can achieve a modicum for shaping the nose, Khloé's nose's tip was thinner than any lens or lotion could accomplish. The experts agree that the mega-star most likely underwent a rhinoplasty procedure.  

Moving down the contours of Khloé's ubiquitous mug, we notice that her chin is more pronounced than usual. This feature may be the residual effect of a nose job; the chin appears more prominent with the mid-face slimmed down. However, Ms. Kardashian may have also benefited from a facial filler like Radiesse. 

Fillers do as their name implies: they fill the gaps beneath the skin's surface and provide volume to depleted, diminished features. The calcium hydroxylapatite in Radiesse dovetails with the extracellular matrix's natural tissue, a complex network of proteins that gives skin its structure. Khloé Kardashian most likely perked up her profile with a striking yet subtle injection of dermal fillers before she stepped onto the Twitter stage during the pandemic lockdown.

Simon Cowell

The irascible alum of American Idol and America's Got Talent is a notorious critic, which is why he insists on being beyond reproach. Cowell lost 60 pounds before the Covid-19 shutdown, but he did not suffer from the lax, sagging appearance that many newly thin people experience.

There are several ways to avoid wrinkles and redundant skin after achieving significant weight loss. The most effective method is to get a facelift or a neck lift. Your surgeon begins by concealing incisions along the hairline to lift the upper face or the jawline to enhance the lower look. The latter appears to be what Simon Cowell recently experienced.

Cowell's neck contours are distinguished and defined. He has no sign of the dreaded "neck wattle" or creases along the lower face. If Mr. Cowell did not go under the knife, he most likely benefited from the filler treatments described above.

To minimize persistent wrinkles due to muscle tension, perhaps just like the old children’s game,  Simon says Botox. We realize that his job is stressful. Disparaging young, aspiring artists can take its toll. But Botox eases repetitive facial contractions, allowing a smooth surface to win the proverbial competition. 

Kellyanne Conway

Without offering political views, we will instead allow excellent cosmetic surgery to speak for itself. After avoiding the media for several weeks, conservative spokesperson Kellyanne Conway returned to Fox News for an appearance in which she looked refreshed and rejuvenated.

A smooth complexion had replaced Conway's signature wrinkles. There are several ways to achieve this transformation, most notably a fat transfer to the face. By grafting Kellyanne's own extracted fat cells into her facial folds, her surgeon could perform added volume and a natural sense of youthfulness.

A facelift would be able to address the drooping skin along the brow if the filler treatment for Conway's sagging skin was too pronounced. There has been no confirmation at the time of this article's submission to Kellyanne's surgical enhancement rumors.

Sonja Morgan

Shifting gears, let's focus on a celebrity who openly acknowledges her glorious enhancements. Real Housewives of New York City cast member Sonja Morgan took to Instagram back in July of 2020 to own up to the swirling rumors about her enduring beauty.

"There's been speculation around my fresh new look. I got a lower facelift and neck lift after wrapping Season 12," writes Ms. Morgan. "I just wanted to be rid of the wrinkling around my neck and the [jowls] that were starting to form. People thought I was nuts because it was so subtle. But not to me!"

What we love about Sonja's candid admission is how she declares her intentions for aesthetic improvement as an individual goal. She did not get her facelift while considering the publicists, critics, or even people in her inner circle. Sonja did it for herself. 

"It was a no-brainer – gravity had taken its toll, I was also exhausted, and I needed a 'pick me up,'" she continues. Ms. Morgan explains the deep plane method of facelift procedures, in which the elevation occurs below the muscles to keep the skin and its soft tissue intact. This technique is incredibly successful in lifting the lower and mid-face regions.

The exact approach for your facelift must celebrate your unique dimensions. What worked for Sonja Morgan may not be right for you. That is why it is essential to discuss your anatomy and goals with a trusted, compassionate professional.

Dr. William J. Binder is one of the most accomplished and innovative cosmetic practitioners on the West Coast. Despite his surgical finesse, Dr. Binder has also mastered the art and science of non-surgical enhancements. He was the visionary who implemented the use of Botox for migraine relief.

If your appearance is giving you headaches, give yourself the star treatment right here in Beverly Hills. You will be ready for your close-up in no time!

love spells botox

L-O-V-E Spells Botox

Emotion is the ultimate gift. As we live, laugh, and love, the wonders of expression play brilliantly across our faces. But when inevitable wrinkles persist and deepen, we may be conveying emotions that we do not intend to share.

Each time your facial muscles contract, they pull at your skin. Frown lines, smile lines, and other creases become etched into your complexion over time. Botox Cosmetic can reduce these bothersome wrinkles and prevent new lines from forming. Just in time for Valentine's Day!

Botox Applications

Your special someone is just that: special. This person may have the most attractive features you have ever seen, but there might be one nagging detail that upsets them. If that is the case, then only they can determine which area they wish to enhance. You can alleviate their distress by empowering them to customize their aesthetic journey.

Botox works by targeting repetitive muscular contractions. By disrupting acetylcholine flow at the neural junction, Botox eases tension and brings a smooth serenity to the skin.

The primary benefit of this neuromodulator is how versatile it is. One of the most popular uses of Botox is to reduce the wrinkles along the forehead. Lines above the brow make you look older or more worrisome than you are. With a strategic Botox injection, your forehead will project a calm and youthful glow.

Other facial features that respond incredibly well to Botox treatment are the chin, cheeks, lips, eyes, and ears. But now that you have transformed your face into a work of art, you need to provide it the proper pedestal. The neck is one of the first areas on the body to betray our age. By administering Botox injections into the neck, your doctor can release the lines that tarnish an otherwise elegant lower facial region.

No Sweat, No More Headaches

Let's face it: love can be stressful, but you don't need to succumb to its rigors. If you are looking for some help managing your relationship woes, look no further than Botox.

Excessive sweating can be a real mood killer. It is a condition known as hyperhidrosis, and it has no place at the romantic dinner table set up for Valentine's Day. To achieve relief from unsightly and uncomfortable underarm sweat for 4-7 months, consider the benefits of Botox.

Migraine sufferers have also discovered the perks of Botox. When placed on the migraine pain site, Botox can "unravel" nerve clusters, thus providing relief from debilitating headache trauma.

Cost of Botox In Beverly Hills

The exact cost of Botox treatment depends on various factors. Each patient has a limited amount of Botox units measured out for injection. The number of Botox units required to achieve your desired results will contribute to your session's final price. If you choose to address various facial features simultaneously, this will affect your visit's cost.

To give you a rough pricing estimate of a signature Botox treatment, the Nefertiti Lift costs between $200 and $600. This procedure avoids the surgery's downtime and invasive nature and effectively elevates the lower face's contours. A Nefertiti Lift targets the platysma muscles along the neck, eliminating unwanted "bands" that crisscross the neck. By relaxing the activity at the neural junctions, Botox allows you to hold your head high. You and your partner can gaze lovingly across the candlelight table at one another without having muscle tension weigh down your Valentine's Day conversation.

Rapid Recovery, Remarkable Results

A romantic escapade requires the proper planning. Before you plan out your ideal February calendar of love, consider the timing of your Botox journey. The great news is Botox injections themselves are associated with little to no downtime. You can get your treatment done during a lunch break and resume your day as usual. Aside from small red spots along with the injection sites, nobody will know you've had an enhancement (not even your significant other).

It may take between 4-7 days for the full effects of Botox to work their magic. If you want to look and feel your best before Valentine's Day, you may want to reverse engineer your timing. But here's a great bonus to keep in mind: the results of Botox endure for approximately six months. You can enjoy smooth, radiant dimensions for your loved one's next birthday, anniversary, and more.

If you wish to extend the benefits of Botox, schedule a follow-up appointment and keep your attractiveness flowing.

Love Yourself, Love Your Look

Life is a joyous affair. Your partner can reap the rewards of Botox treatment according to his or her tailored specifications. But you can join your special someone in improving your outlook with a session of your own!

Studies indicate that Botox recipients reported enhanced quality of life after undergoing their safe, straightforward injections. As inhibitions get smoothed away, confidence flourishes anew. Botox can renew your zest for romance by merely lifting a weight off your proverbial shoulders.

When you enjoy a boost in self-esteem, you bring more energy to your interpersonal relationships. By ditching your uncertainty, you may experience more adventurousness in the bedroom.

This Valentine's Day, consider the myriad marvels of Botox treatment at our Beverly Hills office. Dr. William J. Binder is one of the trailblazing pioneers in the field of Botox application and innovation. His research made migraine treatment via neuromodulators a viable reality.

If you are curious about how Botox can benefit you or your significant other, call (310) 858-6749. Your partner will be impressed that you booked with the best. Valentine's Day is already looking rosier this year. 

mole removal

The Process of Mole Removal: How Proper Elimination Is Completed

Reliability is a great goal. Every day, you want to prove that your work is consistent, that your promises ring true, and that you are a person of your word. We also crave a sense of regularity in the way we look. When blemishes obscure your appearance, each spot and protrusion stands out and can attract attention.

The average human has approximately 10 to 40 moles on their body. The overwhelming majority of skin lesions are non-cancerous, but they may cause you discomfort and aesthetic displeasure.To address the existence and persistence of unsightly moles, let’s define our terms and explore your options.

Know the Skin You’re In

The lower depths of the dermis contain specialized cells called melanocytes. These cells are responsible for producing melanin which is the compound that gives our skin its color. But when melanocytes become overactive or cluster into unwieldy groups, moles may form.

Moles vary greatly in appearance and hue. Some are raised above the plane of the skin, while others extend above it. A mole may be red, brown, pink, or even blue, and the size is generally about the same as a pencil’s eraser. 

Many people are born with moles, so they must not be confused with spots that are caused by exposure to the sun. Actinic keratoses (AKs) are lesions formed after the skin reacts with ultraviolet rays. Some AKs manifest themselves as brownish-red patches, but others are invisible to the naked eye. A keratosis may merely present itself as a dry, rough swath of skin that may itch or even bleed.

If you are experiencing pain or disfigurement as a result of sun exposure, please contact a trusted medical professional.

Prevention is the Best Cure

Before elaborating on the many ways in which we can treat unwanted moles and keratosis, we should pause for a moment to endorse every doctor’s best friend: prevention. By adhering to the proper UV protection plan, you may be able to fend off the growth of new lesions.

If you have noticed a new or unusual blemish on your skin, the following tips can help you monitor your wellness.

The A, B, C, D, & E’s of Cancer Detection

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, keeping track of a suspicious lesion is as easy as A, B, C, D, and E. Just keep these steps in mind as you assess any mole that worries you.

  • A is for Asymmetry – If a spot appears uneven, lopsided, or amorphous, you may be experiencing the growth of a melanoma.
  • B is for Border – Similarly, the contours of your mole’s border can indicate trouble. Study the perimeter and look for jagged edges or a splotchy definition.
  • C is for Color – As we mentioned earlier, lesions can be everything from blue to pink to black. If the hue of your mole does not match any of the skin tone surrounding it, contact a medical expert for their valued advice. 
  • D is for Diameter – Larger lesions may be cause for concern. Is your mole larger than a pea? If so, it may indicate the presence of melanoma.
  • E is for Evolution – Watch for changes in your skin protrusion. If it spreads rapidly or shifts in sensation and/or appearance, please do not hesitate to ask for professional help.

Removing Moles and Lesions

The process of treating an unwanted imperfection is very straightforward. Your surgeon can perform a “shave excision” which means that he will remove all of the irregular tissue that rises above the plane of your skin. The site of the excision is then gently cauterized to close the micro-wound. Your body will produce a flourish of collagen to repair the excision, and your skin will naturally scab and heal.

Your doctor will provide you with any necessary topical products, such as hydrocortisone, to treat the area after your mole or keratosis is removed. But once a lesion is gone, that does not mean that your enhancement journey is complete. On the contrary; health care is a lifelong endeavor. The removal of irregular tissue is just the beginning in your overall quest to be your best possible version of yourself.

Continued Care

After removing the mole in question, your physician will send the excised tissue to a pathologist. Your entire medical team is all striving for the same goal: your continued health and improvement. The pathologist will analyze the former lesion and look for any signs of skin cancer in the tissue sample.

Not all moles are created equal. The size of your growth could be an indicating factor in your risk of developing melanoma at some point in your life. Other considerations to keep in mind are the dimensions and qualities of the lesion that was removed. Atypical moles are known as dysplastic nevi. When a growth varies wildly from its surrounding skin tone and texture, there is a higher prevalence of melanoma. 

Your doctor should also assess your overall risk for skin cancer by examining more than simply the discolorations that upset your appearance. If you have more than 50 moles on your body, you may present an increased risk for not only melanoma but also certain cancers – particularly breast cancer

Please be prepared to share your medical history when you consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. As the old saying goes, beauty is only skin deep… but your wellbeing runs much deeper. It is important to alert your caregiver to a family pattern of skin cancer or unusual lesions so that he or she can treat more than just the mole; he or she can keep you thriving on all fronts.

Together, we can make sure that your future is as bright as your complexion. Call (310) 858-6749 to reach our Beverly Hills office and start a conversation about your best self.

what to expect after facial treatment

What Can I Expect After My First Facial Treatment?

Downtime can be a real downer. When you seek facial rejuvenation, you don’t want to wait weeks or even months for the results to shine through. You also deserve a treatment that perks up your perspective rather than one that entails a lengthy recovery time.

It is essential to discuss your expectations and aesthetic needs with your doctor before undergoing any procedure. The ultimate goal is an improvement, and your physician wants what is best for you in the long run. That is why an open and frank discussion about recovery must occur even before you proceed with your chosen facial procedure.

Beyond Skin Deep

Skin health is a tale of two realities. Your complexion’s look and feel derives from what is happening on the surface and below it simultaneously. To determine the best dermatological approach for your rejuvenation routine, we must consider both realms.

To alleviate age spots, wrinkles, rough texture, and other blemishes, consider the benefits of a chemical peel. The exact solution of your peel is calibrated to your unique skin tone. A light peel eliminates dead skin along the surface, while a deeper peel uses phenol to penetrate hyperpigmentation (dark spots) at its source.

Another approach to skin resurfacing is a carbon dioxide laser treatment. By targeting scars, warts, and similar imperfections, lasers will gently heat away aberrant skin conditions. The carbon dioxide beam penetrates the dermis layer of your skin and triggers collagen production. Since collagen is the protein closely associated with skin maintenance, laser resurfacing offers long-lasting and natural-looking results generated from your body’s healing process. 

Collagen mingles with elastin and scores of other compounds to form the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is like a scaffolding network that props up the skin and gives it a signature structure. Over time, however, the human body produces less and less collagen and elastin. When the ECM breaks down, gaps appear beneath the surface of the skin. Wrinkles emerge, and features look thin and deflated in our older years. To counteract these dynamics, consider a helping boost in the form of injectable fillers. Products like Restylane and Juvéderm provide volume where it is needed most, filling out your look to its youthful luster.

To better understand the aftercare and recovery protocols associated with the aforementioned facial treatments, let’s take a closer look at each one individually. 

Peel Away the Uncertainty

While chemical peels are amazingly safe and effective, some people are hesitant to embark on a peel procedure due to that word: peel. It may sound daunting, but you must understand that our skin already regenerates itself constantly. A strategic peel merely accelerates the process, eliminating acne scars and discolorations in favor of a healthy sheen of new skin.

The timeline of a peel varies depending on the depth you require to achieve your ideal results. In general, any minor discomfort or redness will subside within a matter of hours. Two or three days after a peel procedure, your skin will gradually flake away its imperfections. Your complexion will glow with vibrancy after the first week, and these results will endure for several months if you follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions.

Please remember to stay hydrated and protect your skin from sun exposure. You may want to amplify your benefits by repeating the peeling process, but you must adhere to your physician’s advice regarding multiple peels. A deep peel requires longer recuperation times, while lighter peels can be replicated more often.

Laser Resurfacing Recovery

There are two types of laser skin treatments: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative procedures gently eradicate scar tissue and unsightly spots while non-ablative sessions are less comprehensive yet easier on the skin. Your healing process’s duration depends on which laser technique you experience and how extensive your treatment area is.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing usually requires three to ten days to fully heal, while ablative methods may take two weeks or more to bounce back. Laser beams eliminate aberrant tissue, prompting your body to replace it with a fresh rush of collagen. As you recuperate from a laser treatment, you must allow your skin to scab and peel away. Please avoid scratching or rubbing the treatment area. 

Keep the surface clean and moisturized according to your doctor’s directions. Since lasers strip away some of your skin’s surface protection, you must remember to avoid exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Fulfilling Aesthetic Enhancement 

Dermal fillers are considered a “lunchtime” procedure since you can resume your daily activities immediately after receiving treatment. Products like Juvéderm and Restylane are formulated with hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is naturally occurring in the human body, so it is safe for aesthetic enhancement. One of the many benefits of hyaluronic acid is how it binds to water. This makes it an excellent hydrating agent, however, you should understand what to expect after a filler injection treatment.

Because fillers attract water, you may notice a slight swelling during the first two to four days. Your body will naturally adapt to its new contours, dissipating the solution and enjoying a nice volumizing boost.

Inform your doctor of any medications or supplements you may be taking. Dr. Binder may advise you to alter your intake of certain blood thinners to ensure that you don’t bruise or bleed due to your dermal filler treatment.

Continued Cosmetic Care

Your exact recovery process will depend on various factors. Chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and injectable fillers present an assortment of opportunities for facial improvement, but they each require different approaches to preserving optimal health and healing.

To discuss the precise parameters of what to expect from the facial enhancement technique of your choice, you should consult a trusted medical professional. Dr. William J. Binder is an unparalleled expert in the field of cosmetic improvement. A meeting with Dr. Binder is a rendezvous with comprehensive care. Contact our Beverly Hills office to schedule an appointment with the best facial specialist in Southern California.