Couples Getting Plastic Surgery to Look Alike

Why are you considering cosmetic surgery? It’s a simple question, but the answers are as complex as you are. Maybe you want a boost of self-confidence? Or perhaps you want to look younger to get an extra edge in the workplace? But one of the most universal reasons for wanting plastic surgery is to look more attractive to the gender of your desire.

But the romance doesn’t end once you’ve met that special someone. You want to look good FOR them, so maybe you want to look LIKE them. After all, you share a life, so why not share a look?

Beauty Matching

As surgical trends go, “beauty matching” is a relatively rare one… but it’s starting to become less so by the day. One of the most popular surgeons in Dubai reports that he welcomes two or three couples every year seeking to emulate one another’s looks.

More common, however, is the tendency for couples to share the desire for a new look rather than the specific look itself. The aforementioned doctor explains that when a wife experiences the benefits of a successful procedure, her satisfaction helps to convince her husband to seek his own path into cosmetic surgery. This phenomenon occurs about seven times more often than the “beauty matching” approach.

The Pragmatics of It All

While beauty matching may sound like an odd goal for some couples, there are several sound reasons for coordinating your reconstructive surgery plans with a significant other.

  • Healing Time – No matter how minimal, every invasive procedure requires some amount of recuperation. If you schedule your appointment in conjunction with your spouse’s, you can plan to spend the downtime together.
  • Research, Times Two – While we encourage you to explore all of your options when it comes to finding the right procedure for you, that research process could benefit your loved one as well. Ask each other questions, narrow down your choices, and devise a plan that works best for both of you.
  • Grow Closer, Not Older – If you share a home with your significant other, then you have probably also shared some major discussions about aesthetics. How to organize your space, what color scheme to use, etc. Those commonalities of taste and a similar eye for details can also guide your quest into the realm of cosmetic surgery. You might both want an almond shaped eye or a pronounced cheekbone. Whatever your particular style may be, you can evolve together.

A Word of Caution

A healthy dose of competition is natural for a vibrant couple to share. You should challenge each other to learn, grow, and explore the world as a team. But competition should never be the motivation behind your decision to undergo plastic surgery.

In some relationships, there’s a sense of one-upmanship (or one-up-woman-ship, as the case may be). If one partner gets a facelift, the other has to get a more drastic one, and so forth. This “keeping up with the Joneses” approach is detrimental to your sense of individuality and self-worth. You should want your significant other to be the best him or her possible without allowing their successes to weigh down your esteem.

Encouragement, Not Coercion

As you prepare to embark upon your quest to be the best, it’s important to consult with your loved ones along the way. You’ll need someone to drive you to the hospital and pick you up after your procedure, but you should also ask how they might feel about seeing a new you as a result of the cosmetic change. Listen to their opinions, but follow your own truth.

For example, many husbands might love the idea of their wives getting breast augmentations, but they should make sure it’s right for a woman’s physique, health, and wellbeing. If your partner is pressuring you into enduring a transformation that doesn’t feel right for you, then it’s time to stop and ask yourself why you’re considering it in the first place… and also if you’re getting the emotional support you deserve.

It’s important to remember the key signifier of the term self-esteem: SELF. Cosmetic surgery is about you and your individual journey, not an attempt to change you into someone else. No matter how much you adore your significant other, they are another person from yourself. They will never live in your skin, so they shouldn’t dictate how it looks.

To mediate any doubts or curiosities you may have, Doctor Binder and his staff are always on hand. Schedule an appointment soon, either as a couple or as just your spectacular, sole self.