trauma reconstruction

Post-Traumatic Reconstruction: Corrective Procedures to Consider

Trauma is like rolling thunder. It is a menace that surrounds us and fills us with fear, rumbling through our consciousness. However, trauma is often more sound than fury. The psychological effects of a damaging incident are often worse than the physical manifestations.

An accident can affect a survivor in a number of ways. First, there is pain, then there are scars, and finally, there is doubt. What will people think when they see my face? How noticeable is the scarring? How can I regain the confidence I had before trauma struck?

The insecurities born out of a disfiguring incident can become overwhelming. Therapy is a great resource, as is taking proactive measures to address the source of the concern. Reconstructive surgery can help restore a patient’s features to their former glory.


Doctors perform over 5 million reconstructive procedures annually in the United States. This number includes approximately 90,000 surgeries to correct maxillofacial conditions. The word “maxillofacial” pertains to the neck and head. When trauma occurs to the face, it can be especially jarring due to its visibility.


When we discuss traumatic events, your mind may conjure images of car accidents and house fires. But one of the greatest traumas imaginable is a cancer diagnosis. There are more than 5.4 million skin cancer diagnoses every year in America. But here’s the good news: about 80% of the incidents are of the basal cell variety, which is less likely to spread than squamous cell carcinoma

When caught early, most skin cancers are eminently treatable. Your dermatologist may freeze away the cancerous cells, shave them away layer by layer, or simply cut them out. Regardless of which method is used, you may be left with a visible scar. 

To address scarring left by cancer removal, a plastic surgeon has many reconstruction options. They can graft skin from other parts of your body onto your face, allowing your own tissue to blend and create a healthy new complexion. If the skin cancer was not as extensive, your doctor may use the flap technique. Healthy skin adjacent to the removed cells can be “folded” over to cover the scarred area, in effect smoothing out the incident and restoring your pre-cancer glow.


Cancer removal is not the only trauma that leaves scars. Acne, cuts, and burns can also leave telltale marks on the skin, but your plastic surgeon can revise scars to replenish your smooth, striking skin. 

Scarring occurs when the skin is broken and the body rushes a flood of collagen to seal the wound. The healing process is hasty, so the newly formed skin does not look like its surrounding flesh. Hypertrophic scars are often red in hue, while keloid scars are raised beyond the plane of the skin, sticking up for the whole world to see.

There are a number of approaches that your surgeon can take to minimize your facial scars. There is surgical excision, which removes the scar tissue and brings the two ridges of healthy skin together to form a seamless surface. Laser skin resurfacing focuses precise beams of energy to the scar, erasing it as much as possible.

If a scar pulls down at the skin, it may look like a divot. Your doctor can treat these scars by injecting dermal fillers into the space below the depression. Dermal fillers, like Juvéderm and Restylane, plump the skin from within giving it volume and dimension. Injectables offer long-lasting relief from some instances of scarring, but reconstructive surgery is a more permanent solution. 


Skin is more than just window-dressing. It is a functioning layer of living cells that process Vitamin D and expel toxins, just to name a few of its important duties. But when the skin is injured, it threatens more than just the surface.

Many plastic surgeons work in conjunction with trauma center doctors to provide patients an all-encompassing treatment to their injuries. By addressing issues like infection before they become life-threatening, reconstructive surgery treats skin as it heals. Truly, healthy skin yields benefits that extend far beyond the surface.


Trauma can take away so much, but medical science can work to restore as much as possible. If an accident or affliction has affected your appearance, reconstructive surgery can mend the scars, both external and internal.

Scientists conducted an extensive survey of over 800 patients. 544 of these individuals received plastic surgery and 264 did not, even though they were intrigued by the prospects of physical enhancement. Clinicians interviewed all 808 participants at intervals of 3, 6, and 12 months. The group who had experienced cosmetic surgery reported higher levels of attractiveness, self-esteem, and overall quality of life than the group who did not undergo aesthetic treatment.

Furthermore, measures of depression and social anxiety decreased for those who received cosmetic enhancements. These findings are wonderful under any circumstances, but they may be especially helpful when viewed through a lens of trauma survivors. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) co-occur in patients with shocking regularity. Between 48% and 55% of patients treated for PTSD have also struggled with some sort of depressive disorder. 

Now let’s put all of this data into perspective. By administering reconstructive surgery, a doctor can help lower the propensity for depression. Depression shares a complicated and frustrating link with post-traumatic stress. Hence, reconstructive surgery can help treat more than just the face; it can strike at the heart of trauma itself.

To learn how Dr. William J. Binder can help restore your aesthetics, as well as your confidence, contact his office in Beverly Hills. You are stronger than trauma, and Dr. Binder is on your side. 

face implants

Facial Facts: The Art of Custom Implants

Some say the body is a temple, in which case the face must be its jeweled steeple. All eyes gaze upward to admire the top of any well-designed structure, as it represents the pinnacle of aesthetic excellence.

To extend this metaphor, the face is the crowning achievement of your look. You maintain it every day, keeping it lustrous and healthy, but sometimes the underlying structure needs support.

Facial implants provide volume and dimension for profiles that need a little boost. Flat cheeks, a “weak” chin, or slender jaw lines tend to dissatisfy some individuals. Dermal fillers can address many issues of deflation and aging. Serums like Juvéderm and Restylane add drama and depth to facial features, and they can last for up to two years. This provides a wonderful preview for a more permanent solution: custom facial implants.


Facial implants are solid structures that are placed beneath the surface of the skin to enhance the shape and contours of your profile. The most common types of facial implants are made for the cheeks, the chin, and the jaw. 

Cheek implants lift the entire middle plane of the face, bringing verve and vitality to a person’s look. To achieve a strong jaw or chin, patients may desire mandibular implants. There are two types of mandibular implants: the type that enhances the chin itself, and mandibular angle implants that augment the jawline. By placing elongated implants along the ridge of the jaw, a surgeon can effectively widen the lower face. Alternately, a chin implant helps add projection to the lower face, which can help minimize the relative size of the nose in comparison.


Implantation techniques in past years were rudimentary and inexact. They would simply place a lump of material where a patient desired more volume and that was that. But a skilled surgeon will go well beyond simple implantation to take the holistic balance of the face into consideration. For example, adding dimension to the cheeks may be a quick fix, but the wrong implants can throw off the symmetry of the entire face. Cheeks are often viewed in contrast to the nose and chin. When cheeks suddenly puff out, they may cause the chin to appear weaker or the nose to lose its character.

By customizing facial implants to the unique curves of a recipient’s face, your surgeon can celebrate your features without losing the essence of who you are. There are several ways in which implants can be customized. Typically, an existing implant is sculpted to fit the needs of the patient as it is placed in its new home. For instance, a chin implant is shaved down to the shape and size that accentuates a person’s profile before the incisions are closed.

Newer technology, however, allows for a more sophisticated approach to customizing facial implants. Welcome to the computer age…


The appearance of your face is so unique that it doubles as your fingerprint. Every time you unlock your smartphone, the lens scans your features and determines if it is, indeed, you staring back at the screen.

Since computers are able to delineate between various people’s profiles, experts turned to computer technology in order to design custom prostheses. Digital technology is able to map the globe, so think how effectively it can map something more finite like the human face.

Computed tomography (CT) scans are able to recreate the entire skeletal system in the virtual world. Advanced medical computers can go one step further and map the soft tissue and musculature of a person’s physique. Doctors can therefore study and navigate a patient’s contours without ever having to make an incision.

And the smartest doctors have figured out a way to build a better implant using the very same CT technology.

The 3D Accuscan process allows innovative surgeons to design their own implants that adhere to the contours of an individual’s face. Not an imprint of the face or a facsimile of the face, but the actual face, as it exists naturally. The exacting nature of 3D printed facial implants opens the door to a new era of cosmetic enhancement and innovation.


The key to a successful cosmetic surgery is subtlety. You do not want someone’s first reaction to your new look to be “Have you had work done?” Instead, you want your youthful features to shine through, which requires the eye of an artist and the hands of a skilled surgeon.

Dr. William J. Binder is more than just a doctor; he is a visionary. He helped pioneer the 3D computer approach to facial implant design and application. Because of his position at the forefront of implant advancement, he can see possibilities that others could never fathom.

For example, traditional cheek implants are placed on the malar plane of the face. This results in a pronounced “shelf” of augmentation that lacks subtlety and nuance. Instead, Dr. Binder has engineered a submalar approach that enhances the area just below the cheekbones. Submalar implants address the real issues of aging and deflation. Dr. Binder’s custom implants are designed to support weary cheeks, round out the mid-facial region, and bring harmony to the overall look of a client’s face. This is just one example of how Dr. Binder has progressed beyond outdated modes of plastic surgery to arrive at the vanguard of aesthetic excellence. 

To benefit from Dr. Binder’s unparalleled expertise and dedication to the field of custom facial implants, contact our Beverly Hills office. Your reflection will thank you!

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

The human face is a masterpiece of form and function. It conveys a wellspring of emotions and language while giving structure to our identity and style to our expression. But as the face ages, it loses definition. The underlying structures are deprived of collagen and elastin over time, allowing facial skin to deflate and sag.

A facelift surgery provides smoothness, support, and yes, a lift to maturing mugs. To better understand the parameters of the facelift procedure, we should discuss the intricate physiology of the human visage.


Muscles, skin, and soft tissue operate in conjunction with one another. Every time you smile, frown, or wink, the facial contractions pull at the overlying skin. As faces age, they develop wrinkles, known in medical circles as rhytids. The technical term for a facelift is a rhytidectomy since it targets unwanted wrinkles and smoothes them out.

But facial imperfections are more than skin deep. The delicate musculature that lines the face is called the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system, or SMAS for short. By carefully altering the declination of a patient’s SMAS, a surgeon can provide uplifting results, starting at the center and radiating outward.


The midface region is the fulcrum of your signature facial features. Cheekbones provide a shelf upon which to display your enthusiasm and youthful vigor. A vertical midface lift ensures that your facial enhancement will be subtle yet striking, avoiding the dreaded “deer in the headlights” look.

By gently and effectively repositioning the soft tissue that gives the midface its contours, your surgeon can celebrate your features while erasing the years that weighed them down.


The neck provides the face a majestic pedestal on which to rest. While many individuals spend a disproportionate time primping above the chin, the signs of aging are often most noticeable along the neck.

The major muscle that gives your neck its unique shape is called the platysma. A platysmaplasty, or neck lift, supports the platysma so that it can, in turn, support the soft tissue lining the contours of your lower face. The muscles beneath the skin must cradle the neck without constricting it. A neck lift provides natural-looking results that highlight a patient’s best features.


As the years accumulate, so too do the effects of aging. Jowls may develop along the jawline, accompanied (unwelcomingly) by a double chin. Lower facial rejuvenation can address these issues and deliver replenishing results that slim and strengthen a patient’s profile.

Lower facelift techniques target and remove buccal fat deposits, the bulge that appears between the chin and throat. The surgeon can also use flaps of the patient’s own tissue to enhance the jawline, shrinking jowls while accentuating his or her natural contours.


To erase the bothersome creases that collect along the forehead, many patients crave the benefits of a brow lift. The surgeon conceals his incisions along the hairline, removing excess skin that contributes to a sagging, weary expression. After extracting unwanted fat deposits along the upper face, the incisions are skillfully closed to create an alert, smooth appearance around and above the eyes.


If you are considering the wide array of benefits associated with a facelift, take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror. Remember how you looked in your younger years and imagine how to recapture your joyful sense of verve.

If any of the following conditions stand between you and a youthful glow, then a facelift may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

  • Deflated cheeks
  • Parentheses flanking the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Unsightly lines along the forehead
  • Deep creases extending down from the corners of your mouth (marionette lines)
  • Sagging skin along the neck
  • An overall disconnection between your outward appearance and your inner energy

A facelift is not a “one size fits all” procedure. Patients must feel empowered to customize the surgery to their anatomy and needs. After all, the above list is disparate but hardly exhaustive. You may identify conditions that bother you, but you may have your own list that details the many small imperfections you would like to address.

The journey of cosmetic improvement is your own. You just need the right co-pilot.


Experience demands respect. When you need a service performed correctly, you seek the most seasoned veteran with the most years under his or her belt. Dr. William J. Binder has racked up a lifetime worth of achievements, all of which have conditioned him to become an unparalleled leader in his field. From his pioneering use of Botox as a remedy for migraines to his everyday commitment to cosmetic care and enhancement, Dr. Binder is your ultimate medical resource.  

If you are considering a facelift to address your aesthetic concerns, please contact our Beverly Hills office. Dr. Binder can assess your needs, examine your features, and help determine if a facelift is right for you. One of the most wonderful qualities about Dr. Binder is that he will also be sure to tell you if a facelift is not the best course of action for your appearance. Honesty is an essential ingredient in quality healthcare. If you feel pressured into receiving facial enhancement, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Dr. Binder respects your choices and reveres his patients.

To learn more about facelift procedures in Southern California, call (310) 858-6749. One of our attentive, knowledgeable staff members will direct your call and address your needs. Get ready to put your best face forward with the help of Dr. William J. Binder. 

post pandemic

The Top Procedures to Schedule Post-Pandemic

We crave human interaction. After months of seclusion, we want to visit our loved ones, our neighbors, and even complete strangers. Community is an essential component of who we are: social animals.

And we are ready to roar once it is safe to do so.

You are ready to spend some face time with the world, but what do you want them all to see? These arduous times have given you a chance to reflect, and now it’s time to act on your instincts. What are your best features? What could use some focused attention? Those endless hours staring at your reflection in the Zoom mirror galvanized your resolve to live your best life and put your best face forward. Here is a checklist of how to achieve your cosmetic dreams…


Let’s face it: the pandemic has made us all emotional. Whether you cried through the isolation or consoled yourself with streaming movies and TV to put a smile on your face, every gesture elicits a facial response.

When the fine muscles along your upper facial region contract, they pull at the skin. Over time, these contractions etch indelible lines on the face. Botox Cosmetic eases the tension and disrupts the activity of persistent facial muscles.

Even when muscular contractions are involuntary, they trigger a release of chemicals at the neuromuscular junction. Botox counteracts the flow of acetylcholine at this junction to allow serenity to triumph. You are empowered to dictate your own facial expressions, free from the strain and stress of furled, knotted musculature. After all, haven’t we had enough stress for one year?

Speaking of stress relief, Botox has also proven amazingly effective at treating migraines. By targeting the nerve clusters responsible for the pain associated with migraines, Botox ushers in a new dawn of relaxation, from a cellular level on up. Relief is just what the doctor ordered, especially in these uncertain times.


Sheltering in place has given you the opportunity to study your facial features. Perhaps you even gave yourself an “instant facelift” by pulling back your skin with your fingers and vamping in the mirror. Don’t worry; we all do it.

But sometimes, facial sagging and deflation originate deep within the skin. As our bodies mature, they produce less elastin and collagen, the building blocks of healthy skin. Gaps begin to emerge below the surface. When skin hangs away from its underlying soft tissue and muscles, it looks puckered, like an empty balloon.

Dermal fillers, as the name implies, fill the gaps that time left behind. Most facial serums are formulated using hyaluronic acid (HA), a compound that occurs naturally in the human body. HA cradles moisture, giving skin a hydrated glow as it plumps the depleted areas below the surface. As dermal fillers go to work, they add volume and smooth the wrinkles above.

For a more robust, structural filler, consider the benefits of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA). Radiesse, for example, employs CaHA gel bolstered with calcium microspheres. These microscopic injectables prop up the skin, giving support to such areas as the nasolabial folds that form parentheses along the sides of the mouth and nose. Fillers can also erase the marionette lines that extend downward from the corners of the mouth to the chin. Don’t be a puppet to your “laugh lines” – fill them up!


Quarantine has encouraged some of us to ignore our diets. Let’s not dwell on the past (three months), but instead, look to the future. Diet and exercise are the best way to tone and trim your “problem areas,” although some stubborn fat deposits can prove to be impossible to shed.

Tumescent liposuction offers a surgical solution to unwanted fat. By bathing a bulky protrusion with tumescent liquid, your surgeon can soften it and numb it, simultaneously compressing the blood vessels to prepare them for surgery. Once the fat deposit is sufficiently loosened from its moorings, a thin vacuum tube called a cannula extracts unwanted cells using gentle reverse pressure.

Liposuction is not designed as a weight-loss procedure. Sorry to let you down, but that “quarantine fifteen” pounds can’t be eradicated completely. Instead, tumescent liposuction skillfully contours certain areas to remove stubborn fat cells that diet and exercise ignore.

If you are ready to step out into the world again, don’t allow your “problem areas” to hold you back. Consider a liposuction strategy as your coming out party!


Staying at home has worn out its welcome. You want to mingle again! But you also want to respect the safety and health of others. We couldn’t agree more.

Here at our Beverly Hills clinic, we are ensuring our patients’ wellbeing by instituting strict cleaning and distancing protocols. Our guests are required to wear masks in common spaces, and every surface is sanitized thoroughly. We don’t want your reintroduction to the world to cause you any worry!

Dr. Binder is all about preparation. You have worked hard to achieve your signature good looks, so the doctor and his staff are dedicated to meeting you more than halfway. We are ready to welcome you back to the office as well as ushering you back to your younger, vibrant self. 

Whether you desire the soothing calm of a Botox makeover, the firm volume of a facial filler, or the comprehensive contouring of tumescent liposuction, Dr. Binder can help. Contact our offices near the heart of Los Angeles and prepare to say “hello again” to a world that wants to smile right back at you.

Facial Implants

Face the Facts: Facial Implants Offer Long-Lasting Solutions to Sagging Skin

Your face is your marquee to the world. It is an interactive billboard that shows others what you are feeling and how you perceive social stimuli. But as your face ages, it loses some of its verve.

The body produces less collagen and elastin in its later years. These compounds serve as the building blocks of healthy skin. As the sophisticates scaffolding beneath the surface of your face erodes, it leaves skin droopy and saggy.

There are a number of ways to address facial laxity. You can remove excess tissue, plump underlying gaps with temporary fillers, or opt for a more permanent solution: facial implants.


Facial implants are solid yet pliable devices that add volume to areas of the face that need extra definition. They may consist of silicone, polyethylene, hydroxylapatite, or even a flexible metallic mesh.

The range of materials used to construct facial implants is indicative of their variability and versatility. If your cheeks become deflated over time, for example, your doctor can give them a subtle lift with carefully placed implants shaped precisely to accentuate the mid-face.

But not all implants are designed to address aging. You may be a younger person who is dissatisfied with the projection of your chin. To address a “weak” or receding chin, consider the benefits of a chin implant. Similarly, jaw implants make a strong statement. They are elongated medical devices that broaden the width of the lower face and add character to one’s appearance. 


When facial implants are surgically placed, they allow the skin to enjoy a youthful volume. The face appears fuller and more rounded in all the areas where skin had once wrinkled and sagged away from the soft tissue below it.

The implantation process is delicate and definitive. You should only trust the procedure to a skilled surgeon with years of experience with innovative medical techniques. The process begins with the administration of an appropriate amount of anesthesia. Your doctor will explain the process and ensure that you are safe and comfortable throughout the facial implant procedure. 

The exact parameters of your surgery will depend on several factors. The purpose of implantation is to enhance your appearance, so it is imperative to conceal any incisions as thoroughly as possible. If you are receiving cheek implants, for example, the incisions are generally made inside the mouth, where nobody can see them. This allows your surgeon proper access to the cheekbones, where your implants will be placed. Cheek implants raise your overall profile by amplifying the drama of your mid-facial features.

Jaw implants are also achieved via incisions within the mouth. Your surgeon will carefully insert a thin device along the lower contours of the face to add a subtle (yet striking) dimension to the jawline. This procedure can be performed in conjunction with a chin implant. By adding projection to the chin, your doctor can give you a strong silhouette and enhanced proportion to your face.


Facial implants are designed to correct a wide array of conditions. Older individuals can recapture their youth with products that fill sagging skin and emulate their inner vitality. Young adults can achieve the contours of their dreams by adding angles to their features that reflect their true selves. 

We do, however, advise against facial implants for adolescents. The craniofacial system is developing throughout your teenage years, and we want you to enjoy maturity in all its glory. Once you are done developing, you can determine your own destiny by exploring the many options that medical science has to offer.


The human face is amazingly resilient. It weathers the elements every day and does so with a smile. Facial implantation is a precise science and art, so its impact on your health should not be too arduous.

Recovery time for implant surgery is typically about one week. Your surgeon will advise you to take certain precautions to aid the recuperation process to the best of your abilities. For instance, sleep on your back and keep your head elevated so as not to put the pressure of adverse circulation on the area that was treated. Avoid strenuous activity and allow the healing process to progress without rushing it. Great results are worth the wait!

Speaking of results, your fresh new face will emerge in various stages. First, you will see an immediate improvement due to the shape and dimensions of your chosen implant(s). Your skin will experience a youthful tightening as it adheres to the contours of your new features. 

Next, the full effects of your facial implants will manifest themselves over the course of 1-2 months. The swelling gradually subsides as your body adapts to the parameters of the implants lifting and filling your appearance. 


Facial implants allow you to empower your cosmetic journey. You choose the shape and size, and Dr. Binder does the rest. He will consult with you regarding your aesthetic goals, explaining your options so you can make an informed decision.

If implantation is not perfectly suited to you, Dr. Binder can recommend the less invasive avenue of dermal fillers. You can enjoy plumper, firmer features with the help of products such as Restylane and Juvéderm. If you like what you see, then you can revisit the idea of facial implants at a later date.

For excessively loose skin, consider the benefits of a facelift. Dr. Binder can remove unwanted tissue and drape your skin to highlight your naturally youthful contours. You are the captain of your cosmetic journey, and Dr. Binder is the best copilot in Southern California. Contact his Beverly Hills office and set sail for improvement!

zoom and gloom

Zoom and Gloom: Are Video Calls Increasing the Desire for Cosmetic Surgery?

Let’s face it: when you connect with coworkers and friends via video chat, you spend far less time looking at them than you do studying your own image. Zoom and similar technology holds up a mirror to society, and society is not always liking what it sees.

COVID-19 has prevented us from the grooming habits we once enjoyed. Haircuts and facials were unavailable for months, leaving us staring at the abyss of our own imperfections. To add insult to injury, we can click over to an adjacent window and gaze at our social media feeds, which remind us of how we looked in days gone (way) by. The discrepancy between our younger selves and our current disrepair reminds us of what we can achieve when we apply our best instincts.

As luck would have it, we are able to recapture that youthful glow without jeopardizing our collective health and social responsibilities.


As California safely and slowly reopens its businesses, residents of the Golden State are becoming acutely aware that they may not be ready to face the sunshine just yet. But this phenomenon is not isolated to the west coast. Citizens from New York to the UK are recoiling at what they see in their Zoom reflections.

In response, the desire for cosmetic enhancements is swelling as people assess their “new normal” status. Laptop cameras highlight sagging skin along the neck and puffy fat deposits under the eyes. Anyone who has endured the tribulations of an early morning video conference call can attest that your coworkers are seeing a side of you that you would never willingly show them in person.


In addition to the heartbreaking medical effects that the novel coronavirus has unleashed on the world, it has also decimated our workforce. Small businesses were unable to operate, shuttering their doors by the hundreds of thousands. This had a disastrous trickle-down cascade that pelted workers with unemployment by the millions.

Jobless numbers skyrocketed from 3.5% in February of this year to a staggering 14.7% in April, and the data just keeps getting worse. Millions of unemployment claims have flooded government offices across the country, making the workforce even more competitive than usual.

Ageism is a sad but true reality in business. Employers want young, ambitious workers who will deliver great results by putting in extra hours and going over and above the call of proverbial duty. Even though experience matters, your face does not want to reflect the years of hard work that you have contributed to your career. If you are suddenly out of work as a result of COVID-19, you want to compete with younger job applicants without facing discrimination based on your age… or even your perceived age.

To really succeed on your next Zoom interview, you want to eliminate insecurity. Take a good long look at yourself in the video mirror and detail what you see. Age tends to show itself most apparently along the upper face and/or neck. Excess skin can betray your youthful appearance, obscuring the energy and dedication that lingers beneath the surface.

To address lax skin, consider the benefits of a face or neck lift. By excising unwanted tissue along the jowls, a neck lift will rejuvenate your profile and raise your job prospects. 

If you do not have the time or resources for a full surgical approach to sagging skin, think about the perk provided by dermal fillers. Those gaps you see staring back at you in the video chat window are a result of various factors, one of which is the breakdown of your skin’s underlying support system. 

As you age, you produce less collagen and elastin. These are the building blocks of healthy skin. In their absence, your outer layers hang farther and farther away from the fine tissue and musculature lining your face. Gaps occur, leaving skin looking wrinkled and empty. Fillers like Restylane and Juvederm literally fill the gaps, adding volume to the face and smoothing the wrinkles above.

Creases are also caused by the persistent muscular contractions of the face. When you frown, your muscles pull at the skin, creating lines that get deeper over time. When you hop on a Zoom call, you may be projecting an angry or worried expression, even when you are perfectly calm and happy. To address wrinkles at their root, consider the many benefits of Botox. Botox is a neuromodulator, which means it disrupts the release of acetylcholine at the neural junction. 

By reducing acetylcholine, Botox allows muscles to gradually release, only showing the emotions you want to project. Botox has also proven wonderfully effective in treating chronic migraines, so if your Zoom image is causing you major headaches, there is hope!


Dr. William J. Binder is the pioneer who discovered the aforementioned link between Botox use and migraine relief. His innovation and expertise are unparalleled in the fields of cosmetic enhancement and skin rejuvenation. If being cooped up indoors has convinced you to look at yourself in a whole new digital light, Dr. Binder can contour what you see without changing the essence of who you are.

The point of successful cosmetic procedures is to achieve subtle yet transformative changes. Dr. Binder has accomplished this delicate balance for decades, and the new Zoom era is no exception. Much like video conferencing, Dr. Binder represents the cutting edge of scientific advancement without losing the human component. To polish your online presence, contact our Beverly Hills office at your earliest convenience. 

lowdown on liposuction

The Lowdown on Lipo: All You Need to Know About Tumescent Liposuction

Fat can be a nuisance. It bulges in all the wrong places and sags in all the other wrong places. If you can pinch unwanted fat, do not lose hope; you can also remove it with the help of various safe cosmetic procedures.

Tumescent liposuction is a technique that bathes excess fat cells with injected liquid to loosen it from its surrounding muscle and skin. Once the fat is softened, it is easier to extract. A thin tube, called a cannula, gently vacuums the fat and tumescent liquid from the “problem areas” of the body, contouring a more pleasing silhouette as it goes.

The process of tumescent liposuction may seem completely intuitive, but it required some innovation and creativity to bring it to the first patients who benefitted from it.


The cannulas of yesteryear were not as sleek and targeted as the equipment used today. Liposuction required general anesthesia in order to sufficiently sedate patients for their eventual fat extraction. 

Fast forward to the 1980s, when a medical pioneer named Dr. Jeffrey Klein theorized about the application of lidocaine and epinephrine to aid the anesthetizing process. Dr. Klein wanted to perform liposuction without the need for deep sedation, so he formulated his tumescent liquid to be a local anesthetic.

In addition to the numbing effects of epinephrine and lidocaine, the tumescent fluid proved to provide a host of side benefits as well. Blood loss is minimized, bruising is quelled, and swelling is brought under control, all thanks to a serum that was designed to provide comfort during the liposuction procedure.

In other words, Dr. Klein was so forward-thinking that his tumescent concoction not only served to lessen the pain of liposuction in the moment but also for the ensuing recovery process.


The tumescent liposuction method became so popular and proven, its applications evolved rapidly. Not only could the liposuction procedure work to contour away large masses of fat from the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, but it would also find valuable uses in more delicate parts of the body… and even the face.

During a facelift procedure, your surgeon will employ liposuction to remove unsightly bulges that may accumulate along the jowls or cheeks. These fat deposits are impossible to trim and tone through diet and exercise alone. Instead, it requires the skilled touch of a board-certified physician to sculpt away buccal fat and unsightly neck bulk. 

The goal of tumescent liposuction is to honor the natural shape and silhouette of your features. Liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss solution. Even in extensive cases, liposuction generally removes less than ten pounds of actual fat. Instead, body and facial contouring are the true goals of tumescent lipo. By targeting precise pockets of unwanted fat, your surgeon can deliver an amazing transformation that reflects your ideal self.


The advent of tumescent liposuction ushered in a new day of healing and streamlined procedures. Every facet of the treatment evolved thanks to the innovation of the tumescent method. For example, by shrinking the size of the cannula required to remove unwanted fat, the incision can also be much smaller. Tiny incisions do not require sutures, which negates the need for follow-up visits in most cases. 

Fewer doctor visits helps reduce the overall cost of the liposuction procedure, but that is just one small piece of the puzzle. Tumescent liquid provides enough numbing power to prevent the need for general anesthesia, which means patients do not require hospital care. This further lowers costs, passing the benefits of medical advancement on to the liposuction recipient. 

Tumescent fluid also minimizes blood loss, necessary pain medications, and overall recovery time. Traditional liposuction had typically involved days upon weeks of downtime, resulting in missed work and extensive recuperation. Now, tumescent liposuction patients can be back at the office in 1-3 days, resuming their everyday lives.

To summarize: tumescent liposuction drastically reduces medical costs and allows you to resume your salaried activities, thus amplifying its budgetary appeal.


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but our smiling clientele ups the ante considerably. Just take a look at our success stories to see how tumescent liposuction facilitates smoother procedures and tangible benefits. Facelifts utilize tumescent fluid to gently extract bothersome pockets of fat cells without causing bruising or extensive swelling. Dr. Binder is able to work his cosmetic magic thanks to the subtle, precise flexibility that tumescent liposuction allows.

There is a great reason why tumescent liposuction is sometimes called liposculpture. Just as an artist unleashes timeless beauty by delicately removing slivers of material from a block of stone, Dr. Binder can maneuver his cannula to craft the ideal look and feel for your features. For best results, just add tumescent liquid!


While we are discussing the myriad advancements that tumescent liposuction has added to the world of cosmetic enhancement, we would be remiss to ignore Dr. Binder’s considerable contributions to his chosen field of expertise. He is a pioneer of Botox applications, discovering the compound’s usefulness not only in erasing fine lines but also in treating chronic migraines. 

Dr. Binder truly is a Renaissance man, approaching each face holistically. Whether you struggle with excess fat deposits, loose skin, or persistent wrinkles, Dr. Binder can address your concerns with compassion and professionalism. If tumescent liposuction is right for you, Dr. Binder can perform your procedure with the utmost care. More importantly, he will advise you against liposuction if you do not meet the basic requirements of skin laxity and general health. Contact our Beverly Hills office to learn how Dr. Binder can strategize the appropriate aesthetic plan for your unique face, body, and soul.

preparing for cosmetic surgery

How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Cosmetic Procedure

Communication is the cornerstone of achievement. If you want to improve your mind, body, or life, you must first be able to articulate what exactly it is that you want. 

Before you embark upon any surgical enhancement, you should ask plenty of questions. Knowledge is the most important ingredient in your comprehensive preparation for aesthetic surgery. But communication is a two-way street. Be prepared to share your medical history and future goals so that your physician can accurately address your needs and desires.

The following guidelines are a framework to follow for any safe, successful procedure. Your preparation protocols will be tailored to your anatomy and surgical plan, but this is designed as a quick reference to keep handy as a supplement to your individual consultation


Longtime habits can be the most difficult to break, so consider making any necessary lifestyle changes well in advance of the date of your procedure. It is always advisable to quit smoking at least three weeks prior to surgery. Nicotine products affect circulation, and proper blood flow is essential to healing wounds.

Another circulatory concept to consider is your pre-procedure diet. Certain foods that contain salicylates (like tomatoes, grapes, berries, almonds, and some citrus fruits) can break down the bonds between the platelets in your blood. Platelets get their name from their signature shape: they are round, flat cells that resemble dinner plates. When platelets are prevented from forming a cohesive bond, clotting suffers and recovery is prolonged.

The sooner you can create proper eating habits, the faster your plasma will build up its fortifications. This preparation will facilitate safety and success throughout your impending surgery and the ensuing healing process. 


During your consultation, the doctor may advise you to begin a skin maintenance routine that reduces scarring even before an incision has been made. Lotions and creams containing retinoids have proven to strengthen skin and increase collagen production. Please consult with your medical team before using any harsh chemical compounds that may irritate your incision site(s).

While you are conferring about skincare, you should also discuss medications. Your doctor may ask you to stop taking blood thinners like aspirin and ibuprofen. Instead, you can explore the benefits of such supplements as Bromelain and Arnica Montana, which are both beneficial in reducing inflammation. 

Your surgical support staff will also give you ample time to fill any prescriptions you may need after surgery. Use the period leading up to your procedure to carry out these errands so you are not scrambling as your surgical appointment draws near. A relaxed patient is a happy patient!


The best way to prevent an issue is to plan ahead. Reduce the stress of work by notifying them that you will need time off for your surgery and recovery. Finish your chores and plan ahead for what needs to happen while you are enjoying some much-needed bed rest. Solve problems before they occur. This time is meant for healing, not undue stress.

Be sure to appoint a trusted caregiver to help oversee the finer details of your schedule. This person can drive you to and from appointments, help prepare meals, and provide general emotional and physical support. Toast your caregiver with a glass of water; hydration is essential to a successful surgery.

To make matters easier on your caregiver (and yourself), start nesting! Create a comfortable recovery station in your home. Keep the remote control handy and some reading materials within reach. Have enough loose-fitting clothing items clean and ready to wear. You may not be ready for a selfie (just yet), but you are dressed to chill!

Reduce your sodium intake and cut fatty foods from your diet in the days leading up to your procedure. You want your body to fully engage in the healing process rather than being bogged down by salty, bulky snacks that are hard to digest and offer little in the way of nutrition.

In general, you must stop eating the night before any surgery. Get plenty of rest and be kind to yourself. Tomorrow is a big day!


The behavior you establish during the preparation period will create a continuum that carries into your recovery process. Follow Dr. Binder’s comprehensive aftercare instructions regarding diet, exercise, and self-care. He has your best interest at heart and your ideal aesthetics in his hands!

Great accomplishments require time, consideration, and follow-through. Your body will dictate the duration of your healing process, so please listen to it. Do not exert yourself in the days and weeks following surgery, and continue to get plenty of rest and relaxation.

In general, the recovery process is a mirror image of the preparation protocols. Watch what you eat, celebrate proper circulation, pamper your skin, and communicate your needs to your support team. Make sure your caregiver has our contact information; we are all in this together!

If you are unable to take the necessary steps to assure a safe and successful cosmetic journey, please explain your perspectives during a consultation with Dr. Binder. He can explore alternative procedures that may compliment your lifestyle more seamlessly. Minimally invasive procedures such as dermal filler and Botox injections do not require extensive preparation, nor do they involve any downtime. 

To discuss which procedures are best for your aesthetic direction, please call our Beverly Hills office at (310) 858-6749. Our attentive staff members are eager to help you prepare for perfection!

wonders of botox

Facial Facts: The Many Wonders of Botox

The human face is a treasure trove of experiences and emotions. Every gesture tells a story and every glimmer connects us to the ones we love and the world at large. But over time, facial expressions take their toll on the skin that conveys them.

Every smile, frown, and wink requires the contraction of muscles. These actions pull at the skin attached, creating fine lines. As the skin ages, wrinkles may become deep ridges. Your skin has a difficult time correcting creases along the lips, brow, and cheeks, especially in your later years.

But Botox gives you the boost you need to erase fine lines.


Botox is an abbreviation for botulinum toxin. Some people fixate on the word “toxin” but there are no live toxins in this product. The chemical makeup of Botox is carefully formulated to work seamlessly with your body’s chemistry. There are seven types of botulinum toxins, but only strains A and B are FDA-approved for medical use. 

Botox is a neuromodulator, which means that it interferes with the repetitive muscular contractions that contribute to wrinkles. When your muscles twitch, they release a chemical called acetylcholine. When a skilled medical professional injects Botox directly to the site of a particularly tense muscle, the neuromodulator blocks the release of acetylcholine. When the neural dance between the muscles and the nerve endings is disrupted, your expression is allowed to maintain a placid, smooth appearance. 


The applications for Botox use are as varied as they are astounding. Because of the neuromodulator’s ability to manipulate unwanted muscular contractions, it has found its way into a wide array of studies and success stories.

Take, for example, the issue of excessive sweating. People who struggle with hyperhidrosis experience flop sweat, even when they are not particularly overheated or physically active. Botox has proven effective in reducing axillary hyperhidrosis. Doctors can inject Botox into the armpit to address the occurrence and persistence of excessive sweating.


Your aesthetic journey is unique to your image. The way you see yourself is more important than anyone else’s opinion. That is why your desired use of Botox will differ from everyone else’s. This miracle serum can smooth lines and ease tension in a plethora of facial features. The only limits are your imagination.

Botox for Ears – As we age, our ears may sag and wrinkle. Individuals who wear earrings to conceal their unsightly lines may actually be adding to the problem. The skin on the ears is sensitive, and added weight can exacerbate the aging process. You can repair your ears with a special blend called “eartox” that also plumps the sagging contours of your ear with hyaluronic acid. Your ears will perk up and ring in the youthful shape they once enjoyed!

Botox for Eyes – As they say: the eyes are the windows to the soul… and you want your soul to be open and accepting. Botox can eliminate the drooping, creased appearance that often plagues the skin around your peepers. When the bags under your eyes develop creases, no lotion or cream can accurately address the problem. A precise Botox treatment can brighten your perspective and give you a whole new outlook on the world.

Botox for the Forehead – The lines above your brow indicate surprise, elation, and worry. But you do not feel these emotions all the time, so why are those forehead wrinkles sticking around? With a strategic injection of Botox, the lines along your brow are erased. You can show emotion when you want to, not when your muscles decide to clench up.

Botox for Lips – The human mouth wears a lot of hats (metaphorically speaking). It gives us sustenance, it delivers vital communication, and it kisses our loved ones. Show your lips some love by turning back the clock! Minimize persistent lines that stand in the way of your natural attractiveness. Pucker up and consider the benefits of a younger, smoother lip-line. 

Botox for Cheeks – Nasolabial folds are the troublesome creases that appear beside your nose every time you smile. They are sometimes called “parentheses” or “laugh lines” but you may not find them very funny. Botox can bring balance back to your cheeks by ironing out those nasolabial folds, allowing your natural luster to shine through.

Botox for the Chin – The lower face is wildly dynamic. Wrinkles can appear in different places on different people and with dramatically different patterns. If years of expressive movements have altered your chin, consider a Botox treatment. Keep your chin up and fine lines down!

Botox for Wrinkles – With age comes wisdom, but the wisdom may weigh heavily upon you. As you explore the wonders of life, they may cause you to worry, smirk, or trigger a cascade of other expressions. Each of these gestures may add to the wrinkling of the skin. But you know enough to battle back those fine lines with Botox. Wisdom has its perks!

Botox for the Neck – The neck may show signs of aging even faster than the face. It also carries stress, strain, and spasms. All of the above can be address by a healing round of Botox. Neuromodulators can target aching neck muscles that cause aches and pains, relaxing their activity and ushering in a new day of serenity.

Botox for Migraines – A migraine can be devastating. It can cause hallucinations, nausea, and pain for several days at a time. But Dr. Binder is a pioneer in the alleviation of migraines with the help of Botox. During your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Binder, he will ask detailed questions about the nature of your headaches. Do they emanate from the neck, from the temples, or elsewhere? Using his diagnostic prowess, Dr. Binder can administer Botox to the nerve clusters that are most likely responsible for the occurrence and persistence of migraines.
Whether you seek pain mediation or aesthetic improvement, Dr. Binder can help. To reap the rewards of his decades of discovery and innovation, contact Dr. Binder at your earliest convenience.

natural body movement

Unraveling the “Natural Body” Movement

The human body is both a work of art and a powerful machine. It performs a myriad of physical functions every day, and its contours shimmer and shine with perfection. 

Your physique evolves over time, growing more muscular, more mature, or more curvaceous as you age. Only you should determine the trajectory of these changes. So, it’s important to not listen to trends, peer pressure, or social media. Your body is your own, and it is magical.

In the spirit of supporting the individual’s sovereignty over her or his appearance, a movement called the “natural body” trend has emerged. On the surface, this craze is designed to celebrate your size and shape, but it is inherently flawed in its unanimity. By telling people they should not explore every option when it comes to self-improvement, the “natural body” crowd is can be another form of conformity.


First, we must address the elephant in the chat room: the hypocrisy of the plastic surgery shaming phenomenon. Many of the social media influencers partaking of this bullying have a squadron of stylists, lighting technicians, and world-class photographers to make them look unnaturally beautiful. When people put down others who have gone through plastic surgery, they are ignoring all of the non-invasive enhancements they are currently sporting. It’s important to remember that some people aren’t open and honest about the work they’ve had done as well. Telling fans to “stay natural” while secretly enjoying the benefits of cosmetic procedures is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Even if these celebrities have, indeed, never received cosmetic surgical enhancements this should have a minimal impact on the decisions you make for your body. Maybe they were born with perfect cheekbones, a high metabolism, or flawless skin. Genetic good fortune does not give anyone the right to shame others for wanting a little boost from a skilled medical professional.

Do not let anyone prevent you from looking and feeling the way you want. In addition to the obvious physical benefits afforded by cosmetic enhancement, there is also a psychological boost that you may enjoy.

An extensive study conducted in 2013 surveyed over 800 individuals, 544 of whom experienced plastic surgery while the remaining 264 did not. The results indicate that cosmetic procedures helped to increase people’s feelings of attractiveness, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. Meanwhile, indications of body dysmorphia, social phobia, anxiety, and depression all decreased. By attaining their true aesthetic self, patients aligned with their identity, confidence, and happiness. In short, looking better helped them feel better.


You are unique. From your fingertips outward, nobody looks, behaves, and thinks exactly like you. That is why your individual journey should be respected. Just because someone online says that you must adhere to her “natural” beauty regimen, it does not mean you need to listen.

Take the fabulous nose, for example. If you are blessed with a button look, then you can snap selfies and preach about how nobody else should dare alter their nose, because look how perfect yours is! Seems unfair, right? 

Rhinoplasty is the great equalizer. A nose job procedure works with the contours of your face, highlights your innate attractiveness, and minimizes any imperfections you may perceive. But it also has a functional purpose. Rhinoplasty can open up your breathing passages, address any asymmetry issues, and help you sleep at night… literally. By fixing the septum that sometimes prevents a restful slumber, rhinoplasty can make your dreams come true.

People never know what others are struggling with, which is why it can be unfair to judge those who receive rhinoplasty surgery.


Let’s face it: money makes the world go around. Many social media influencers try to be authentic and accessible, projecting the “girl/guy next door” vibe, but they are often compensated for their work. Instagram stars may get free clothes from fashion brands to show them off and generate “likes” by the thousands.

Fitness stars are similarly paid to promote a certain lifestyle. Gym selfies and workout blogs flood the Internet, but how applicable are they to your reality? If you exercise every day of the week, it can provide a host of wonderful health benefits, but it may not be effective in shaping your body the way you want.

Liposuction can be the perfect supplement to a healthy lifestyle. If endless hours on the treadmill are taking you nowhere fast, then consider the benefits of this procedure. These liposuction methods target unwanted fat deposits and vacuum them away gently and effectively.

The “natural body” folks may frown on liposuction, but it the most accurate way to sculpt your shape. The procedure employs a thin tube, called a cannula, to bathe fat stores with a tumescent liquid. This liquid loosens unwanted fat, making it easier to remove through the cannula.

People with bulges of fat that do not adhere to the “natural” look touted by online tastemakers can benefit from liposuction in various ways. The procedure can highlight the vibrant structures beneath excess fat. Liposuction helps level the playing field between those who are born with svelte figures and those who must work for them. 


To achieve the transformative benefits of cosmetic enhancement for yourself, contact our Beverly Hills office. It is natural to strive for excellence. It is natural to want the best for yourself. The only thing unnatural about aesthetics is forcing your opinions on others. Ignore the haters and love yourself!

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