Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Essentials

Eyelids As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity. This is often evident in areas around the eyelids. Accumulation of lose skin creates a lot of creases in the lower eyelids. Moreover, the lose muscles underneath also creates protruding cushions around the eyes that give the appearance of bags. While drooping eyelids do look unsightly, the most disadvantageous thing is, they can obstruct your vision. It is normal for people to suffer from a droopy eyelid. But if you want to correct your eyelids, you can get an eyelid reduction surgery. Also called blepharoplasty, cosmetic eyelid surgery removes the excess skin and fat around the eyes. It thus reduces the swelling and improves its overall look. Eyelid surgery may sound simple, but there is a lot of essential information that you need to know first.

Why Is It Needed?

There are many reasons why eyelid surgery is necessary. Aside from improving the overall aesthetics, eyelid surgery is also performed to improve the functional vision of the patient. Having droopy and baggy eyelids can impair the vision and reduce the ability of the patient in doing certain tasks like driving or using the computer. Moreover, droopy eyes also make it difficult for people to wear contact lenses or glasses. There are many other conditions that require the need for functional eyelid surgery and these include irritation caused by the excess skin of the eyelids rubbing together. And even forehead discomfort due to strained muscles around the eyelid area. Once these conditions have been identified, eyelid surgery is performed by ophthalmologists, ENT surgeons and general plastic surgeons.

Preparation Before the Surgery

Prior to the day of your surgery, there are some things that you need to do to help you during the operation. Below are the essential things that you must know before undergoing the eyelid surgery. • Stop taking blood-thinning medications, like aspirin and ibuprofen two weeks before the surgery to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding. • Do not drink anything after midnight and eat only a light meal the evening before the operation. • Take the required medication the morning of the procedure. These include medication for blood pressure and so on. • Never wear eye makeup during the day of the operation. • Make sure that you have someone to take you home after the operation.

How Is the Surgery Performed?

The operation can be carried out by either general or local anesthesia. In general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision around the natural lines of the eyelids where the excess fat and skin are excised. Once the fat and lose skin are removed, the incision is closed. A resurfacing laser can also be used to tighten the external skin as well as reduce wrinkles and remove any external scars. After the surgery, it is helpful if you keep your head elevated for a couple of days. This is necessary to improve the drainage around the head area. You can also use a cold compress or ice packs to ease the swelling. After several days to a week, you will go back to the doctor to have the sutures removed. However, you will continue to use suture strips for a week more to provide support to the lower eyelids.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery has the amazing ability to both restore youthfulness to your face by removing sagging skin and tired-looking bags, while potentially aiding in your ease of vision. Few cosmetic surgeries offer the benefits of this. Additionally, eyelid surgery can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. Skin treatments such as chemical peels can add (or rather take off) a whole new layer to your procedure, gifting you with beautifully young skin and permanently refreshed eyes.

Eyelid Surgery in Los Angeles with Doctor Binder

If you feel like you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery in Los Angeles, or you’ve been recommended to have one by another medical professional, contact Doctor Binder to schedule an appointment and consultation to discuss the procedure in greater detail.

The Rhinoplasty Recovery Process

rhinoplasty recovery You’ve done the research. You’ve chosen the ideal doctor. You’ve prepared for your rhinoplasty procedure… but what happens afterward? The following timeline is a handy guide to help you gauge your expectations and plan accordingly.


Don’t wait until after the procedure to prepare; make the necessary decisions to ensure that your recovery period goes as smoothly as the surgery itself. Request two weeks leave from your place of work, just to be safe. You may not require the full two weeks, but you want to be sure to give yourself ample time to heal without overly stressing your body. Also, you should designate a point person to look after you in the hours and days following the procedure. This loved one will be an advocate who can be at the hospital when required, drive you home safely, tend to your needs, and watch over you in the event of any complications that may arise.


You will wake up to a brand new person staring back at you in the mirror. Your nose will be buttressed by a splint and additional material like gauze and/or bandages. Don’t be alarmed; this is a temporary phase meant to provide you with maximum support. Once you come to terms with this initial transition, it’s time to move forward.


As with any surgical procedure, the patient must emerge from the fog of anesthesia. This can be disorienting, but shouldn’t last more than a day or two. During this time, avoid disturbing the delicate structure of your new facial features; be sure not to blow your nose. Excessive irritation will set back your recovery process. Remember that nosebleeds are common during these first 48 hours, so allow the natural clotting process to take effect. However, if the aforementioned bleeding is excessive or persistent, consult a doctor immediately.


In addition to nosebleeds, you should expect a modicum of swelling, bruising, and general puffiness during the first week of recovery. To alleviate pressure on the affected area, be sure to elevate your head in order to promote ideal circulation. Also, employ cold compresses on the swollen facial tissue to lessen these side effects as much as possible. Hydration is the key to a speedy recovery. Water infuses your cells with the moisture they need to facilitate proper healing and regeneration. You will also need to increase your intake of liquids as you ingest any prescribed pain medications. Some of these pills tend to cause dry mouth, so be sure to accompany them with a refreshing glass of H2O.


After about a week, you should plan on a follow-up doctor’s appointment. This gives your medical team the chance to assess your progress, listen to your concerns, and proceed to the next phase of your recovery. Your doctor will remove the gauze and/or splint supporting your nasal passages, as well as any stitches you may have. He or she will deduce how well you are responding to these benchmarks and advise you on how to care for yourself moving forward.


Throughout the recovery process, it is imperative to heed your physician’s instructions. Be sure to dress your wounds lightly with products (such as antibacterial salve, warm water, non-abrasive cloth, etc.) specified by these directives. If your medical staff recommends the continued use of pain meds, you must follow the dosage and frequency of your prescription strictly.


To prevent possible damage to the affected area, you should avoid strenuous activity (like sports or heavy lifting) for eight weeks. Any unwanted contact with your nose could change its shape during these formative days, and it could have long-lasting ramifications on the overall health of your face. You should also swear off airline travel during the first two months of recovery; the change in barometric pressure can aggravate your nasal passage and damage the tissue that is in the process of repairing itself.


Rhinoplasty is a delicate process. You shouldn’t expect results overnight; the human body isn’t equipped to change that rapidly. Minor facial swelling may persist for several months after the date of your initial procedure, and that’s healthy and normal. In fact, it may take up to a full year for the ultimate results of your rhinoplasty to take their effect. You must grow into your new look… and your new look must adhere to your specific lifestyle. Be sure to embark on this journey of self-discovery and exploration with the right attitude, as well as a team that understands your needs, worries, and long-term cosmetic goals. William J. Binder, M.D., is a seasoned professional, but he’s also a great listener. Call (310) 858-6749 today to discuss a potential procedure for you or a loved one, and schedule an appointment to turn your rhinoplasty dreams into realities.

Aging Skin & How to Slow It Down

Aging is unavoidable and much of how we age can be tied to our genes, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have some control over the aging process. For one, we know that certain things, like sun exposure and drug use can cause aging to happen prematurely and more rapidly, while skin care and exercise can delay and slow aging. Second, even if you didn’t take care of your skin as well as you could have or weren’t blessed with youthful genes, there are a variety of things you can do even now to help slow and even reverse an aging appearance.

The Aging Process

Before we start discussing treatment options, let’s talk a little bit about how our skin ages. As we get older, our skin begins to lose many of those vital substances that keep it plump and elastic. For example, after the age of 20, our skin begins to produce one percent less collagen a year while losing its ability to self-exfoliate. In our thirties, aging skin begins to look dull and thin as it loses the ability to hold moisture in the outer layers and fat cells shrink. By our forties, virtually no collagen is produced anymore, causing collagen and elastin fibers to become damaged or break, leading to fine lines and wrinkles. By the time we finish our fifties, our oil glands have begun to shrink, leaving skin dry, dull, and easily damaged. Finally, menopause can leave the skin looking and feeling drier, more sensitive, thinner, and less toned. All of these things combine to create the aging process that we are familiar with.

Rejuvenating Procedures

Now that we know how and why aging occurs, let’s talk treatment options. Fortunately for those wanting a more youthful look, there are a variety of rejuvenation procedures available at a variety of price points, ranging from treatments applied to the skin’s surface to precise surgeries. Which of these procedures is right for you depends on your health, budget, and signs of aging, as well as the degree of invasiveness that you are comfortable. Talking to your doctor about your health history and goals for your procedure will help you determine which avenue of treatment is best for your situation. These procedures can generally be performed alongside each other, and this may be recommended for the best results, but is not necessary to slow or reduce the appearance of the symptoms of aging.

Injected Treatments

Botox is the most common cosmetic treatment and probably one of the most well-known. Botox reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by forcing facial muscles to relax. Though many people fear having a “frozen” or inexpressive expression after Botox treatment, when applied by a qualified medical professional, Botox does not have this result. Most other injected anti-aging treatments are dermal fillers. These products replace naturally occurring substances that begin to deplete from the skin as you age. Some fillers use the same substances, like collagen or hyaluronic acid, while others use alternative substances. Either way, these fillers can be used to fill in fine lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas or plump thinning lips. In some cases, they can even reduce the appearance of scars or other blemishes. Common dermal name brands include Cosmoderm, Zyderm, Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, Sculptra, and Radiesse. Like Botox, the results of these injections are not permanent, though the exact length of the treatment depends on the product and patient.

Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation problems, and more can be addressed with skin resurfacing treatments, which work essentially by providing a thorough exfoliation treatment and encouraging healthy, beautiful skin development. These treatments are minimally invasive and excellent at slowing and resolving minor signs of aging, but they cannot provide comprehensive repairs for deep wrinkles, sagging skin, or severe scarring. The three main types of skin resurfacing treatments are dermabrasion, laser treatments, and chemical peels. Dermabrasion involves removing dead skin with a diamond tipped vacuum, improving skin texture and the appearance the lines and uneven pigmentation. Laser skin resurfacing is performed by using a gentle but precise laser to remove damaged skin. This treatment is especially successful in improving hyperpigmentation and the appearance of scars. Finally, chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution, which removes dead skin cells and aids in the healthy regeneration of the skin underneath.

Lift Surgeries

Surgical treatment is generally the best option for patients looking for more thorough age slowing and age reversing treatments. While other surgical options can be used for rejuvenation purposes, eyelid surgery, facelifts and neck lifts are the most common choice. These treatments can be used for many of the most severe signs of aging, including a double chin, under eye bags, sagging eyelids, hollow cheeks, and a bandy neck. However, it’s important to remember that, while these surgeries can give comprehensive, but natural looking results, they do not stop the aging process and, while these surgeries can be performed multiple times, each consecutive surgery is less able to provide thorough results than the last.

Your Skin Rejuvenation Expert

Regardless of the rejuvenation procedure you choose, you deserve to have your skin care performed by the best. Dr. William J. Binder is experienced, acclaimed, and considered one of the world’s leading facial plastic surgeons. Contact his office today to find out more and schedule your consultation.

When to Consider Lip Augmentation Surgery

When to Consider Lip Augmentation Surgery   The “full” look is all the rage, but sometimes Mother Nature doesn’t provide you with the plumpness you desire. Thanks to modern science, however, you don’t need to settle for less in the lip department.    Lip augmentation is a procedure that injects fillers like collagen and fats are into your lips (and the surrounding area) to increase your mouth’s volume and shape. The most common materials used in these procedures emulate hyaluronic acids, a substance found naturally in the human body. They provide suppleness, firmness and even moisture to the skin. By increasing your levels of hyaluronic acid, you take control of your lips. Augmentation injections help you alter your lip volume gradually; you may opt for a series of treatments over multiple sessions to get accustomed to your new look in due time. This approach also minimizes bruising and spreads out the effects of the injections, which will dissipate after a number of years.   Lips for the Ages   One of the collateral benefits of lip augmentation is how the procedure reduces wrinkles around the mouth area while improving the contour of the lips. People in their late thirties often experience thinner looking facial features, which is a natural bi-product of the aging process. If you want to waltz into your 40’s (and beyond) by putting your best face forward, consider a consultation now. Most beauty trends revolve around symmetry and balance. In keeping with these goals, lip augmentation is performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to create a harmonious balance within the face. Since the lips may not be the only facial feature that needs cosmetic attention, the surgeon might also need to deal with wrinkles around the mouth and may also need to add fillers to the cheek areas. It may look unbalanced if you merely have lip augmentation done while your cheeks and eyes look hollow and sunken.   Finding the Right Fit   There are several different methods by which cosmetic surgeons perform lip augmentation surgery, and these approaches vary depending on your goals, needs, and general state of health.   FAT TRANSFERS For instance, fat transfers are achieved by harvesting fatty deposits from elsewhere in the body via liposuction. The biomaterial is then injected into your lips. Due to the fact that you have produced this tissue, the risk of your body rejecting the fat is minimized. You are essentially your own donor.   DERMAL GRAFTS Rather than resorting to liposuction, surgeons can perform what is known as a dermal graft; this excises a section of flesh from your body, keeping the skin and it’s fatty layer attached. This sample is then sculpted (like the work of art you want to become) and surgically attached to the lips. The graft takes a couple of days to integrate into your facial features.   LIP IMPLANTS Some patients may wish to enlist the help of another person’s tissue in the form of AlloDerm. This biomaterial can be implanted into a subject’s lips by itself or in conjunction with any of the procedures listed above (using one’s own grafts and/or fatty tissue).   LIP LIFTS In conjunction with implants and injections, a successful procedure will involve a re-shaping of the lip. This is an exacting craft that focuses on the Cupid’s Bow, or the center of the lips. This top lip area should be well defined while the lower lip should be fuller and less sculpted.   Is Lip Augmentation Right for You?   Most people are born with naturally thin lips. If your lips are thin, such that they disappear especially when you smile, then you can get a lip augmentation to improve their shape and volume. It is important to note that your doctor will not just blow up your thin lips and make them fuller. The doctor needs to deal with certain landmarks on your lips and will augment them specifically so that the end results are natural looking.   A good candidate for lip augmentation should have stable overall health. Suffering from medical conditions such as oral herpes, lupus, and blood-clotting disorders are warning signs that you shouldn’t have this procedure. While lip augmentation is considered one of the easiest outpatient cosmetic surgical procedures, not everyone should (or can) get it.   Cosmetics, Self-Doubt, and You   If your lips are causing you self-confidence issues, then it is high time that you should consider getting lip augmentation. Getting this procedure will help you save a lot of time and effort defining your lips with cosmetics to shape them. Getting a lip augmentation can help you improve your image without breaking the bank at the makeup counter.   However, you need to understand that since the body naturally produces hyaluronic acid, it also absorbs it. The effects of lip augmentation can be temporary, especially if you discontinue treatments. Make sure that you work with your cosmetic surgeon so that he or she can recommend what kind of procedure to get and how often it needs to be redone. If you don’t repeat the process, then your lips will retract to their original shape.   Find Your Balance, Face Yourself   Everyone has those days when they look in the mirror and see a stranger. If the face staring back at you doesn’t reflect how you see yourself, you might be unsure of your overall facial balance. To amplify your lips and achieve the look you desire, a lip augmentation might be just what the doctor ordered.   It starts with a facial assessment. This will help us determine the end result and make sure that your facial features maintain their proportion and unique personality. Don’t forget: a reliable doctor will not just pump in the fillers without studying your face first.   Dr. Binder’s surgery center in Beverly Hills is considered the best option for solutions regarding facial cosmetic surgery. Our office is dedicated to establishing proper communication with prospective patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for lip augmentation surgery in our Beverly Hills office.  

Avoiding Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer. In fact, more people contracted skin cancer in the past three decades than all other cancers combined, and 20% of Americans will contract skin cancer at some point in their life. While skin cancer isn’t usually deadly, one person dies of melanoma every hour and, contrary to popular belief, people of all skin colors are at risk. Fortunately, there are a plenty of things that can be done to minimize your risk of skin cancer.

Minimize Sun Exposure

Exposure to harmful UVA/UVB rays from the sun is the single largest risk factor for skin cancer, so effective skin cancer prevention requires minimizing exposure to the sun. Tans and burns are huge risk factors for skin cancer later on, but sun exposure without tanning or burning still increases the risk. Stay indoors or seek shade when the sun is at its most damaging, between 10 am and 4 pm. When outside, keep your skin covered as much as is comfortable for the weather. A wide brimmed hat and UV blocking sunglasses can provide protection for your face. Make sure screens are used to block infants from the sun without overheating them. Do not intentionally burn or tan, either in the sun or using indoor tanning devices. Use an artificial tanning product instead to get that bronze glow without the risk.

Wear SPF Daily

Of course, totally avoiding sun exposure is neither practical or healthy. One can reap the benefits of sun exposure while avoiding its dangerous effects by using sunscreen each day. A sunscreen with broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) protection and an SPF of at least 15 can be worn for everyday use. A sunscreen-only product can be used, but many cosmetics and moisturizers also offer sun protection, but check the label of a product to ensure that it offers broad spectrum protection of an adequate SPF before relying on it for protection. For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Apply about 2 tablespoons of sunscreen to the whole body at least 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply after swimming or significant sweating, and every two hours regardless of activity. Don’t forget easily missed areas, like the ears, lips, and the part of the hair.

Skin Cancer Examinations

Check yourself for skin cancer from your scalp to your feet at least once a month, and use a mole map to chart what you find, so you’ll know if something changes or if something new appears. Have a friend or family member help you check hard to see areas. Know the ABCDEs of identifying possibly cancerous or precancerous spots:
  • Asymmetry: the sides of the mark don’t match
  • Border: the mark has an irregular or undefined edge
  • Color: color is uneven or unusual, such as black, white, red, or blue
  • Diameter: the mark is larger than 6mm in diameter, or larger a pencil eraser
  • Evolving: the mark looks different from others on your body or is changing over time
Remember, a spot does not need to have all or even most of these traits to be cancerous or precancerous. If you have a spot that meets any of this conditions, or simply seems unusual or “off” to you, consult a doctor right away. In addition to monthly self-exams, have a physician perform a professional exam annually to determine if you may need skin cancer treatment.

Skin Cancer Treatment

Unfortunately, while protective measures certainly minimize the risk of skin cancer, even the most careful person can still experience it. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary to remove the cancerous or precancerous cells. Because of the risk for scarring, many patients elect to have the surgery performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, as plastic surgeons are both able to remove the growth and are knowledgeable about surgical techniques that minimize the chances of scarring. Some plastic surgeons, such as reconstructive plastic surgeons, actually specialize in these types of surgeries. One of these types of plastic surgeons is Los Angeles based Dr. William J. Binder. Dr. Binder is one of the world’s leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and is board certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Though Dr. Binder conducts and publishes research extensively, writes for industry publications, and often travels to lecture and train other surgeons, his greatest passion is in working with patients. Avoiding skin cancer, like any cancer, is scary. Don’t choose just any doctor to perform your surgery. Choose a skilled, compassionate, and experienced surgeon who will help you through the process every step of the way, giving you the knowledge and support you need. Contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation.

The Ultimate Facelift FAQ

beautyful skin There’s a popular saying that “age is just a number”. Although that would be ideal, the reality is, age is also a shape, texture, and sometimes painful reminder of that number is. While we cannot do anything to reverse the aging process, advancements in medicine have allowed us to cosmetically enhance our physical features to help restore some of that youthful glow that becomes sorely missing as we grow older. A facelift surgery combines sculpting and lifting to different parts of the face and neck depending on the aging signs in a particular patient. Like any cosmetic surgery, a facelift can sound intimidating to those unfamiliar with facial cosmetic procedures. As with any medical procedure it is smart to first ask yourself a few questions before embarking on your journey.          Q. How is a facelift performed? The procedure involves the lifting of deeper tissues within the skin to achieve a healthier and more youthful face. Many patients are apprehensive about this surgery, because they are afraid of artificially tight, “mask”-looking results. With the right surgeon, a successful facelift should be able to anatomically relocate midfacial soft tissue rather than just pull it back. The fat and jowls that have begun to droop with age now rest higher up, back where they were when you were younger. Results are natural looking and do not inhibit any facial expressiveness.          Q. How long will a facelift last? The lifespan of a facelift surgery will depend mostly on the individual’s aging process. Everyone ages differently and factors like general health, sun exposure, smoking, diet, exercise, and heredity all play important roles in how long your results will last. Typically, aesthetic signs of aging can be treated with a successful facelift for five to ten years. Remember, a facelift procedure is meant to correct signs of aging not stop the process all together.          Q. When is a facelift appropriate? This kind of cosmetic procedure is appropriate for individuals who wish to add volumetric filling and augmentation of deeper soft facial tissue. Patients who wish to alleviate wrinkles and sagging tissue will benefit from this. A facelift provides support and structure to the face for a rejuvenated appearance.          Q. What are common signs of aging?
  • Decreased skin elasticity
  • Depressions and facial wrinkles
  • Thinning lips
  • Sagging, dry skin
        Q. Can a facelift surgery treat more than one area at a time? Patients undergoing cosmetic surgery all need different procedures unique to them and only them. Facelifts can be performed in tandem with neck lifts, along with brow lifts, or in conjunction with eyelid fat removal. This multi-level approach ensures each patient gets individualized treatment for their needs.          Q.What can be expected with recovery? Following surgery, you will most likely be required to wear a pressured healing wrap to help reduce swelling and inflammation. After one week, most of the swelling and residual soreness should subside and after several weeks bruising and tightness should alleviate.          Q.Who are good candidates for a facelift? The best candidates for this procedure are those in good general health, who have realistic expectations, and who can clearly communicate with their doctor. Do not be afraid to ask as many questions as necessary so you have the fullest understanding of your surgery. Dr. Binder’s surgery center in Beverly Hills is often considered the best option for solutions regarding facial cosmetic surgery. Our office is dedicated to establishing proper communication with prospective patients. Contact us today to   schedule a consultation for your neck lift surgery in our Beverly Hills office.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

brow lift

What is Brow Lift Surgery?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift addresses the following: • Reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. • Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows. • Raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids. • Places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position. • Fighting signs of aging Complementing cosmetic procedures to a brow lift include upper and lower eyelid tucks, face-lifting, and skin resurfacing techniques.

What is the Cost of a Brow Lift?

The average cost of a brow lift is $3,201, although costs can vary widely. The average fee does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses. A surgeon’s fee will be based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used, and the geographic office location. Most health insurance does not cover brow lift surgery or its complications, but many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans. Brow lift costs may include: • Anesthesia fees • Hospital or surgical facility cost • Medical tests • Post-surgery garments • Prescriptions for medication • Surgeon’s fee To choose a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area, remember that the surgeon’s experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.

Is Brow Lift Right for Me?

As we age, the body changes in various ways. Unfortunately, the face is the most obvious and usually among the very first signs of aging. As the skin loses its volume and elasticity, it begins to sag and droop, creating those wrinkles and fine lines on our forehead. To address this aging skin, many patients have turned to brow lift surgery. While this procedure sounds enticing, knowing if you are a good candidate for the procedure is first. You may be a candidate for a brow lift if you: • Are physically healthy • Don’t smoke • Have a positive outlook and realistic goals . Other factors to consider include age and recovery. When it comes to brow lift, age does matter. Individuals who are in their 40s and 50s are most likely to see significant changes after a brow lift, since this is the time when brow lines, forehead creases and sagging eyelids begin to appear. Post-procedure recovery is also important to know as you decide on your procedure. After the surgery, you will be given specific instructions that may include: • How to care for the surgical site and drains. • Medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection. • Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health. • When to follow up with your plastic surgeon. In the weeks after your procedure, you should keep you head elevated and refrain from vigorous physical activity. Do not use ice or heat on the operated area. The initial wound will take 10 to 14 days to heal. Sutures or clips will be removed when it is appropriate. You should be ready to work and resume normal activity after two weeks. Swelling and incision lines may take several weeks before completely refined and faded. Following your physician’s instructions is vital to the success of your surgery. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on to care for yourself. Dr. Binder’s surgery center in Beverly Hills is often considered the best option for solutions regarding facial cosmetic surgery. Our office is dedicated to establishing proper communication with prospective patients. Contact us today to   schedule a consultation for your neck lift surgery in our Beverly Hills office.

Considering Rhinoplasty? Here are 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

eyeballCosmetic surgery of any kind is a big decision and one that should not be made on a whim. Altering your physical appearance is an often-permanent and often-rewarding process, but only if you know what you want to change and why you want change it. A rhinoplasty is the second most common cosmetic procedure in the United States today. The surgery aims to both improve breathing problems and promote self-confidence, depending on each individual’s case.

The procedure rearranges and sculpts cartilage in and around the nose to improve nasal symmetry. Patients who wish to reduce the overall size of their nose, alter the positioning of their nostrils, or adjust the contour of the nasal tip benefit from this highly popular and successful surgery. Not only does a successful nose surgery gift its patients with an enhanced physical appearance but it also carries with it the added benefit of potentially bettering your health. Individuals with a deviated septum can undergo nose surgery to repair the nasal airway, drastically improving their breathing and sleeping. While this procedure seems like an easy decision for those unhappy with their facial appearance, it is important to carefully consider every aspect of any cosmetic surgery. Ask yourself these 5 questions before you make your decision.

Why Do I Want to Do This?

It’s completely understandable to feel self-conscious about the way you look, especially regarding your face. Unlike your body, parts of your face you are unhappy with cannot be hidden by clothing. It’s only natural to want to look your best. The beauty norms in today’s society are hard to escape or ignore but they should by no means dictate standards of which you must live up to. Before you do anything, you must ask yourself, are you doing this for you or for those around you? If the answer is not the former, you may want to reconsider your decision.

What Do I Expect?

Before you undergo this type of surgery, it is wise to manage your expectations. Keep in mind, your doctor can only work with the existing natural structure of your nose. A clear understanding of the procedure, results, and recovery will only ensure that you go into your surgery with realistic expectations and come out of your surgery with a rewarding outcome.

Do I Have Time for the Recovery Process?

With advancements in medicine and technology, we are living in a time very conducive for the surgery healing process. Taking off time from work, your family, or school is not always easy so it is wise to have your ducks in a row before you follow through with a decision like this. Luckily the recovery process for a nose surgery is relatively fast. Although you’ll be wearing a nose splint for around a week, it’s possible you’ll be able to return to your job in a matter of days (provided your profession doesn’t require too much physical exertion).

Is This the Right Time?

It is best to be in good overall health for a procedure like this. Those with pre-existing health conditions should speak with their doctor about possibly pursuing alternative solutions. If your life is currently up in the air or you are dealing with uncertain and stressful circumstances it may be wise to hold off on a cosmetic facial surgery until you are in a better position to make a clear decision.

Have You Found the Right Surgeon?

Perhaps the most time consuming and important decision you will face before surgery is choosing your surgeon. If you are building house you want to hire the best wood workers and similarly, if you are making a permanent change to your physical appearance, you want the doctor best equipped to do so. Certification, background, experience are all things you need to research and consider before deciding on which surgeon is right for you. Ideally this person should be someone you feel comfortable around and someone who specializes in rhinoplasty procedures. Dr. Binder’s approach to nose surgery not only improves function, but creates such natural and balanced results that no one will be able to tell that a procedure was ever performed. With 30 years of experience as a double board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Binder has produced  success story after success story. Why continue to live with insecurities or breathing difficulties when with just  a call to our offices you can start on your way become a success story, too?