Broad Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

Portrait-Of-A-Beautiful-Young-61158956-727x409A larger nose—a broad nasal tip, specifically—is a common source of insecurity. With your surgeon’s approval, nasal tip rhinoplasty would be an excellent step towards achieving a more refined facial structure. This procedure focuses specifically on the nasal tip, which is the most protrusive part of the face. While it may sound like a minor adjustment, a more refined nasal tip works wonders for transforming your facial appearance.

The Results

A tip refinement procedure will be catered to the needs of the patient and the recommendations of the surgeon. The procedure can either make the nasal tip appear more pronounced, or reduce the tip considerably. It all depends on your facial structure. Consult a trusted plastic surgeon to discuss your personal options.

The Procedure

The procedure typically lasts from one to two hours, or longer if extensive alterations are required. After sedation, the plastic surgeon will examine the internal nasal structure using a 3D, high definition camera. Cartilage under the nose is then exposed so that structural alterations can be made. The remaining steps are then determined by your personal preferences. Fat tissue may be removed or repositioned, creating more definition. Implants may be placed to fortify cartilage and reorient the nasal tip. Grafts may also be used to improve tip projection. When the surgeon has finished, the incisions will sealed with dissolvable sutures.


Fortunately, the mucus lining heals quickly, reducing the risk of scarring. Moreover, since every incision is made internally, any scarring that does occur will not be visible. Following the postoperative regimen prescribed by your surgeon is crucial to achieving the results you desire. Avoid contact sports or other forms of strenuous exercise, which may stress the nose and cause inflammation. Nasal canals should be kept clean to prevent infection. Purchase a nasal kit that will irrigate your nose and sinuses. If you experience pain or discomfort, your doctor can recommend pain-relievers that are safe to use. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as excessive bleeding or intense pain.


Rhinoplasties carry the same risks as any surgical procedure. Infection may occur, but antibiotics and regular cleansing of the nasal passages reduce the risk dramatically. In rare cases, patients have experienced adverse reactions to anesthesia. Make certain that you are medically cleared for the procedure before deciding on surgery. If a broad tip rhinoplasty sounds right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to discuss your personal desires and options.

The Steps You Need To Take Before Your Neck Lift Surgery

Beauty-closeup-profile-portraiA neck lift is a major operation that will require extensive cooperation from you, the patient. This might mean making certain lifestyle changes that will help ensure a smooth operation and optimal recovery. Make sure to listen to your surgeon’s instructions carefully, and follow these steps for additional guidance:


During your consultation, your surgeon will tell you which medications to avoid before your surgery. Certain medications, and even vitamins, will thin your blood and increase the risk of bleeding. Be sure to ask your surgeon about any concerns you might have about the medications or supplements you are taking.


Smokers must be prepared to cease smoking for two weeks before the surgery and two weeks after. This means a complete break from cigarettes. Smoking even once during this period can complicate recovery.


Patients must monitor their diet as well. Make an honest and thorough assessment of your diet, as proper nutrition is necessary for the healing process. Patients accustomed to a low-calorie diet will need to be especially aware about eating properly.


Loose, comfortable clothing which can be removed without overhead pulling should be worn on the day of the surgery. For most women, a button-down blouse will likely be the best option. Proper clothing is for your own comfort following the surgery.


Most patients can expect at least a week-long recovery period. Plan your time-off in advance with this in mind. Recovery periods vary from person to person, so make sure that you are clear on how long your doctor expects your recovery to take.

Home Recovery Area

Patients undergoing a platysmaplasty, cervicoplasty, or certain other procedures will need to have a home recovery area prepared prior to surgery. For your personal home recovery area, have the following readily available: -Ice packs -Gauze and towels -A thermometer -A supply of comfortable, loose clothing (preferably button-down shirts or blouses that do not require overhead pulling) -Petroleum jelly and antibacterial ointment for incision sites -A phone always within arm’s reach -A supply of pillows, which can be used to keep your head in a comfortable position Someone who can attend to you for at least 24 hours following the surgery If you envision a neck lift in your near future, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to review your personal needs and detailed instructions to follow before and after your surgery.

A More Youthful You: Cheek Implants & Cheek Augmentation Options

igh-key-monochrome-portrait-oGlowing cheeks are among the essential indicators of youth, vitality, and facial radiance. The unfortunate truth is that cheeks lose their luster over time, becoming flat, saggy, and hollow. While some are gifted with naturally high cheekbones, others turn to a variety of cheek augmentation procedures to mitigate the effects of aging. Of these options, cheek implants are perhaps the most well-known. However, there are other options available to you as well. Here is a look at the variety of cheek augmentation procedures available, as well as the factors to consider before undergoing surgery.

Methods of Cheek Augmentation

There are three different methods of cheek augmentation, each with their own unique benefits: fat grafting, cheek implants, and fillers.

Fat Grafting

The most popular option for cheek augmentation, fat grafting involves removing fat from the hips and transferring it to the cheeks. This procedure is a long-term solution for full, plump cheeks. The only downside is that fat grafting requires an additional procedure, similar to liposuction, in order to transfer the fat. Since the fat comes from your own body, the fat is guaranteed to be accepted by your body without any complications. Most of the fat will be retained by your body permanently, rejuvenating the skin and producing a natural, youthful look.

Cheek Implants

Cheek implants are another solution for long-lasting full cheeks. This procedure is best suited for people who desire more volume, as opposed to the subtle boost that fat grafting provides. Implants add definition to areas where the bone structure has become less prominent, while slowing the apparent effects of bone aging. However, keep in mind that cheek implants tend to look less natural than the effects of fat grafting.

Fillers and Injectables

There is a wide variety of fillers and injectables available, with each producing their own unique effects. However, these fillers do not always last a long time, making them a great solution for people who only desire temporary results. Educate yourself thoroughly on the specific details of the filler you select.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Cheek augmentation will be most effective for people with the following conditions: -Flat, deflated-looking cheeks -Cheeks lacking definition -Hollow cheeks or temples -Under-eye bags, lines, or wrinkles on the cheeks

Additional Factors to Consider

Patients undergoing fat grafting will be sedated as the fat is transferred directly to the cheeks. There will be swelling for 10 days following the operation. Implants can make a striking difference as early 20 to 30 years of age. Fillers may cause bruising or swelling, and require up to 10 days of recovery time. Most fillers will last from six months to a year. If fuller, radiant cheeks are something you desire, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine which procedure is best suited to your personal beauty goals.

Classic vs. Endoscopic Brow Lift: Which is Right For You?


Classic vs. Endoscopic Brow Lifts: Which One Is Right For You?

If you have sagging or heavy brows, a brow lift would work wonders for you. A brow lift procedure comes in two types: the endoscopic lift, and the classic (coronal) lift. Although the endoscopic lift is a favorite for a number of reasons, the coronal lift has its unique advantages as well.

The Endoscopic Lift

The endoscopic lift is named after the procedure’s essential tool: the endoscope. This minimally invasive technique holds a number of advantages over the coronal lift, which was once the industry standard. In any brow lift, the objective is to lift the skin surrounding the brow after it has begun to sag from muscle constriction around the eyes. With the endoscopic brow lift, small incisions about an inch-long are made in the scalp above the hairline. Then an endoscope (with a camera and light) is used to assist the surgeon in making the incisions, which will separate the skin from the muscles and adjust it to create the appearance of a lift. The forehead is then secured with metal posts, which are removed ten days later. The procedure is quick, lasting about an hour and a half. Patients can expect to resume normal activities in ten days, and to recover completely in about three weeks. Overall, the procedure produces similar results to the classic lift, with less scarring.

The Classic Lift

The classic lift earned its title from its history of being the industry standard of brow lift surgeries. It involves a much longer incision, extending from ear to ear. This incision may also be made mid-scalp, following the skull to appear less conspicuous. This procedure removes a strip of skin, allowing the surgeon to lift and smooth the remaining skin. A minority of coronal lift patients may experience alopecia: circular bald patches which usually resolve after a few months. There is also the small chance of swelling, which has been nearly eliminated. There is also substantial postoperative pain, and even numbness around the incision. This soon leads to itchiness, which may last for six months.

How They Compare

Some surgeons doubt that the endoscopic method will produce long-lasting results. This is due to the fact that the skin is merely shifted upwards and not removed, leaving a chance that the skin may resettle over time. The endoscopic lift also shifts the hairline upwards, thus making the classic lift a better option for people with thin tissue or a receding hairline. When deciding which brow lift procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today with any surgical questions or concerns.

Nose Reconstruction: Traditional Versus Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Eyes-Woman-Closed-Eyebrow-EyesWhen you are not happy with how your nose looks, it can greatly affect your self-esteem and the way you look at your life. Even your best features can sometimes be clouded by an unsightly nose. Fortunately, there are options for those who are looking to make a change and who might want to consider rhinoplasty. There is also the option for those who would like to try a rhinoplasty without surgery, if the thought of a procedure sounds unappealing.

Traditional Surgery

Surgery has been an option for many years, and patients tend to choose it when they want intense alterations made to their noses. Most plastic surgeons recommend that you take the time to consider the repercussions of surgery and whether or not they will be changes you want for the long term. While surgery can tend to yield great results and many often tend to be happy with how they look after the procedures, the effects can be difficult to fix if it is not what the patient is thinking. Surgery can also end up costing the patient more in the long run. You will want to discuss how much the procedure will cost with your plastic surgeon before you decided to agree to it. Sometimes, insurance will also cover the cost if the plastic surgery is needed because of an accident or injury. Recovery time is also much longer when surgery is performed.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is often the insertion of dermal fillers. It often takes as little as fifteen minutes and only a little bit of anesthesia in order to make changes. However, any major alterations can be difficult to fix only be doing non-surgical rhinoplasty. It also cannot diminish the size of a large nose, a common operation that has to be fixed with surgery—but it can add to the contouring, making it appear smaller overall. Results tend to vary and often last only a total of a few months. Most report that their new look usually remains for 6-18 months, so if you are thinking about a more permanent solution, surgery might be a better option. Most patients can go back to work the same day of the operation, and it is often much less expensive than investing in a surgical procedure.


When deciding between the traditional method of plastic surgery or non-surgical rhinoplasty, you should think about what are the exact results you want and to make sure to talk to a professional who can decide which option is right for you.

Preventative Botox: Benefits of Botox in Your Mid-Twenties

Beautiful-Woman-Part-Of-The-FaMost people think that the time to consider Botox is at least after middle age. But recently, patients have started using Botox at a much younger age. While this may seem strange, Botox is a lot more beneficial when used as a preventative measure. Just as we should all exercise and eat healthy in order to prevent weight gain and disease, Botox can be used in a similar way to effectively slow the aging process. If you are close to the age of twenty-five, consider the following benefits if wrinkles are becoming a concern.

Using Botox Early Saves Money

From a purely practical perspective, using Botox in your mid-twenties saves thousands of dollars in the long-run. If wrinkles develop all over your face, the cost of counteracting the aging effect using thermage treatments could cost up to $3,500 for an entire face. Botox, meanwhile, can fix and prevent wrinkles from ever developing at prices starting at $280. If you plan to spend money on cosmetic treatments later on, consider changing your plans so you can save a lot of money. If you were to use Botox three times yearly for three years at $280, you will have spent about $2,520, still $1,000 less than a thermage treatment.

The Process Is Quick and Painless

Expect a typical Botox administration to take up to fifteen minutes at the most. It involves wiping the area with alcohol, making a few facial expressions, and (if need be) marking your face with a pen (which is quickly wiped off afterward). If you are afraid of injections, there isn’t much to fear. Every injection feels like a sharp pinch, but it only lasts for a second. Think of the process as getting your face pinched a few times, and the process is a lot easier to handle.

No Downtime

Botox does not take long to take effect: 2-4 days at most. In most cases, there are very few side effects following a Botox treatment. While some may experience swelling or redness, they typically disappear after only one to three hours. If bruising occurs, it is typically light and unnoticeable. Most of these areas may be covered by headwear, sunglasses, or even makeup.

Botox lasts a Long Time

Expect the Botox to last three months, or sometimes longer. This leaves you with plenty of time to earn a little more money and budget your finances in preparation for the next Botox treatment.

Botox Can Help Form Good Habits, Even After Wearing Off

Botox benefits you even after it wears off. For example, many people are used to scrunching their forehead, for various reasons. If Botox is injected into the forehead, it becomes impossible to do this. This allows you to break the habit, even after the Botox wears off.

Botox is Effective, Without Looking Unnatural

Many people worry that Botox will leave them looking dramatically different, so much so that they will have to warn their friends to avoid shocking them. Unless you go add a little too much Botox, this should not be a concern. A moderate amount of Botox will make you look slightly better, but not dramatically different. If you think you will want cosmetic treatments in the future, why not start now? Contact Dr. Binder for a consultation on Botox treatment.

Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty: How They Compare

-young-woman-eyes-and-nose-portRhinoplasty has opened new avenues in the sphere of plastic surgery: improved nasal contours, enhanced facial harmony, and better breathing are just a few of the benefits made possible by this popular procedure. Regarding procedure options, rhinoplasty utilizes either the open or closed technique. When discussing rhinoplasty procedures, consider the comparisons differentiating the open and closed techniques to determine which approach is right for you:

Open Rhinoplasty

With open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made in the columella: the section of skin between the two nostrils. The skin is then lifted, allowing the surgeon better view of the nasal cartilage as he performs the desired adjustments to the nasal structure. This is the main advantage of the open technique. Generally speaking, open rhinoplasty is the preferred method when the details of the surgical procedure are complex. Despite the benefits of increased visibility during surgery, the open technique has the unfortunate potential to leave a scar. The scar may fade if healed properly, but this is not guaranteed. Moreover, the open technique usually results in increased postoperative swelling and recovery time.

Closed Rhinoplasty

In closed rhinoplasty, all of the incisions are made internally within the nostrils. The downside to this technique is less visibility for the surgeon. However, due to the lack of an external incision, it reduces the potential for noticeable scarring. Closed rhinoplasty also produces less bruising, swelling, and decreases postoperative healing time.

Scheduling Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

Dr. William Binder has decades of experience reflecting his talent in the art of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Through these impressive rhinoplasty results, his patients have gained new inner confidence, self-esteem, and glowing radiance. Dr. Binder will carefully review your needs and desires, and determine which technique is best suited for you. Call us at (310) 858-6749 today to schedule your appointment.

Why Custom Implants Are Right For You

beauty-people-and-health-concCosmetic surgery is a momentous personal decision affecting your image of yourself and to the outside world. When choosing implants, many patients simply settle for the standard, off-the-shelf models. However, given that this is a permanent decision, it's important to consider how you truly want the procedure to make you feel and look, as well as how much you are willing to spend to achieve it.


While standard implants do come cheaper at around half the price, both the shapes and sizes of standard facial implants may not align with your personal aesthetic desires. It is also unlikely that a standard implant is going to match the unique curves and contours of your individual face. A custom implant, on the other hand, can be designed to fit your specific desires with the discretion of your medical professional.


Despite the array of implant materials—such as saline and silicone—standard implants are not one-size-fits-all. While implants can be adjusted and carved to some extent, many facial asymmetries, imperfections, and injuries cannot be sufficiently addressed with standard implants. This is especially true for patients who have had previous implants that they are unhappy with due to sizing or asymmetry problems.


If you are seeking reconstructive surgery, it may be more difficult to determine how to fit a standard implant over your injury, necessitating a custom implant. Fortunately, many insurance companies are willing to cover some of the cost of surgery, as well as the cost of follow- up visits and consultations, especially if the custom implant is essential to your health. Custom implants are also considered more natural-looking, with many people struggling to discern between a custom implant and an untouched face. If you feel that custom facial implants are right for you, schedule a consultation today with the esteemed Dr. Binder for a personalized path to a happier, more radiant you.

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider A Facelift

closeup portrait of attractive young woman isolated on white bac People undergo plastic surgery for all types of reasons, from health, to self-esteem. Also known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift is one of several plastic surgery procedures that is designed to restore youth and vitality to your features. A facelift specifically targets the lines, wrinkles and aberrations on your face. There are many different kinds of facelifts, ranging from a deep-plane facelift to a mini-facelift. All of these separate procedures target different areas of the face with varying degrees of intensity, and only a licensed medical professional will be able to determine which type of facelift is right for you. The decision is ultimately yours, but here are 5 popular reasons to consider getting a facelift procedure:

Loss of Muscle Tone and Skin Elasticity

This is a natural part of aging, and can sometimes occur as early as your thirties. While some medical professionals will recommend a regular regimen of facial exercise to tighten everything up, a facelift will have a more permanent effect. A mini-facelift would be the best option here, as this only requires a minimal amount of surgery.

Tired Appearance

Perhaps the most common motivator for seeking plastic surgery, a tired appearance can mean anything from droopy eyelids to dark circles under your eyes. A blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is usually all that is needed to remedy this issue.

Deep Creases Around the Nose and Mouth

This issue is a bit trickier, and can cause serious health concerns down the line in addition to negatively impacted appearance. A deep-plane facelift may be the best option here, as it will mobilize and reposition facial features through the stimulation of facial nerves.

Deep Wrinkles of the Neck and Face

This is another issue that onsets with age, although it is not harmful in any way. The best procedure for this is a mid-facelift, which rejuvenates sagging and wrinkled skin, especially in the middle of the face around the cheeks.

Sagging Neck Skin

A neck contouring facelift, which targets a sagging neck by defining the jawline and chin, would be the recommended procedure here. Sagging neck skin is something that unfortunately comes with age, but it is easily fixable. For more information, schedule a consultation today with a medical professional so that he can determine which facelift procedure would be best for you. Make sure to bring questions on what work you want done and what it would take to achieve the desired level of youth and vitality that you seek in your facial features.

Standard Versus Custom Facial Implants: Which One Is Right For You?

facial-implantsPlastic surgery can be a big decision that will affect your self-image and your way of life. When choosing what will be right for you, consider how you want to feel and how much you are willing to spend in order to achieve the results that you want. Both standard and custom facial implants come with benefits and risks that clients should be aware of before deciding what they want with a doctor. Below are a few factors to consider:

Prices Vary

While standard implants have become quite common and affordable, custom implants are more expensive and require more attention. While those considering standard implants might pay up to $3,000 or $4,000, custom implants tend to cost at least double that amount.

The Process Might Take Longer

While standard implants may only take one or two visits to the plastic surgeon, custom facial implants require a lot more detail, with the surgery itself tending to take longer in order to achieve the desired effect. For standard implants, you most likely will have to have an initial consultation with a doctor. He or she can tell you what the process will be like and how much time you should expect to take to recover. The surgery is incredibly easy and takes only a few hours under anesthesia, and the subsequent recovery time is only a few weeks. However, custom implants may take more than one meeting with a doctor in order to get the measurements exactly right for your face. He or she will need to construct a digital model so that you can know exactly how you will look when the implants are added. The surgery might also take longer and require more recovery time as well.

Consider Why You Need the Implants

There are a number of different reasons why you might consider plastic surgery. If you have suffered from an injury and are looking for reconstructive surgery, it might be even more difficult to determine which option will be right for you. Fortunately, your insurance might be able to cover the costs of the surgery and the doctor visits. Many who have suffered from an injury choose custom implants for reconstruction because they can look very natural. Custom implants can also be a good choice when there are noticeable asymmetries in the face. Whatever you decide, you're making an active effort to feel good about how you look while choosing the best option for your budget and your lifestyle. Schedule a consultation today to determine which implant is best for you.