facial cosmetics for men

Why Are Facial Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise for Men?

Guys are often taught to “put on a brave face” and “keep their chin up,” but how can they accomplish these vague directives? The human face is expressive, but it can only do so much. To make meaningful, subtle, or truly transformational alterations to the face, men may need the help of a cosmetic surgeon.

Plastic surgery is stereotypically considered a female undertaking, but that label is limited and becoming more misguided every day. Men are increasingly benefitting from a nip here, a tuck there, and a general boost from medical science. 

To counteract the forces of Father Time, guys are exploring their options in the realm of aesthetic improvement. A carefully placed dermal filler injection, for example, can fill the gaps under the skin and smooth out the wrinkles above. This adds vigor and vitality to the face, exuding confidence in the face of aging. 

To get a more complete picture of the current landscape, let’s dive into the data.


Let’s face it: guys care about their looks too. To illustrate this trend, just take a look at the latest numbers from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Male patients are requesting the aforementioned dermal fillers, for example, at a rate of 5% higher than they did a year ago. There are now over 100,000 such procedures performed annually on men who want a fuller, firmer profile with which to face the world.

The same report indicates that liposuction for men is also up 5% from the previous year. This contouring procedure can remove unwanted fat pockets along the jowls, reduce the occurrence of double chins, and generally trim and slim the face overall. Men are left looking more rugged, svelte, and youthful as a result of facial liposuction.

One of the only metrics that actually saw a decline in male activity (year over year) was in the Botox arena. Men requested 3% fewer Botox injections than they did the year before, but it is important to look more closely at the big picture. Taking a long view of the male Botox trend, we see that the statistics have skyrocketed since the year 2000. In less than two decades, guys are getting Botox at a rate that is 381% higher than it was at the turn of the millennium. 

A wrinkle in time no more!


Let’s continue with the Botox example, for now, to see how it can accentuate a man’s gym achievements. Guys spend countless hours lifting weights, sweating through cardio, and bulking up rep by rep. But how can they achieve that chiseled look where it counts most: the face? 

Botox can address many guys’ issues with the telltale signs of aging like crow’s feet and forehead creases. These lines are caused by the contraction of facial muscles that pull on the skin. Over time, the lines become more pronounced until the muscles simply cannot relax on their own.

The moral of the story: not all muscular activity makes you look young.

Botox gets to the root of wrinkles by disrupting repetitive facial contractions. A quick injection releases strained muscles and smooth out the surface of the skin. Guys can get Botox in conjunction with dermal fillers to plump up the gaps below the epidermis while simultaneously preserving a “devil may care” confidence to their expression.

These subtle enhancements are sometimes called “tweakments” and they are becoming more and more popular with men. Why waste time and money on fad diets and fitness contracts when you can rev up your look in a span of mere minutes?

Tweakments are not just cosmetic enhancements; they also offer peace of mind. Men of a certain age must compete for jobs with guys half their age. There is no room for doubt when it comes to looking your best, so a facial enhancement might be just what the doctor ordered.


To get a glimpse of the not-too-distant future, look no further than Silicon Valley. The tech industry has its finger on the pulse of innovation, and maintaining this trajectory requires vision and experience. Unfortunately, hiring managers are getting too little experience these days as they opt for more and more young blood.

Recent statistics reveal that Gen X workers are finding work in the tech industry at a rate that is 33% lower than they are being hired in general. Compare that to millennials, who are snagging tech jobs 50% more rapidly than they are finding work in other sectors.

The bottom line: Silicon Valley may be looking for a quick fix rather than a long-term fit. To compete with the rampant ageism in the tech sector, older men may have to look the part. By investing in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, they may be securing a lucrative future in the industry where they truly belong.


Whether you are striving for a dream job in a youth-dominated world or simply want to tune up your look, Doctor Binder can help. His precise approach to facial enhancement will honor your natural contours by highlighting your rugged appeal. You won’t look like you had a drastic procedure, but you will feel like a new man.

To take the brave first step toward improvement and empowerment, contact our Beverly Hills office. You have worked hard to get where you are and climbed the social/corporate ladder to impressive heights… now let us push you over the top and into a successful new reality.

revision rhinoplasty

Everything You Need to Know About Revision Rhinoplasty

When you are unhappy with the shape or size of your nose, then your dissatisfaction is as clear as… well, the nose on your face. Your perception may lead to insecurities and you might even avoid social situations as a result.

The best way to alter your profile is with a rhinoplasty (nose job) procedure from a board-certified professional. This surgical approach contours the external lines and dimensions of the nose without compromising the vital structures of the nostrils within.

But not every surgery is a one-size-fits-all affair. Perhaps you have undergone rhinoplasty surgery already, but the outcome left you less than pleased. This is why pencils have erasers. Revision rhinoplasty is the art of correcting a nose job that did not provide the patient’s desired results. A skilled surgeon can improve your look and either build upon the limited success of your past procedure or counteract its failures.

And isn’t that what cosmetic enhancement is all about: improvement?


We live in an age of rapid change. The Internet floods your consciousness with possibilities and information by the nanosecond. But we are often so focused on the deluge of what we can do that we forget what we should do.

Doctors are competing for attention in an already crowded field. They may boast lower rates and flashy new techniques, but there is no substitute for experience. If a low-cost nose job looks too good to be true, it probably is. Be sure to research your surgeon or else you will be back for a revision procedure as quick as you can wiggle your nose.


Nose jobs must address two major factors in order to be considered a success: they must improve both functionality and aesthetics. Sure, you want your nose to look great, but you also need it to work perfectly. You breathe through it every second of every day. The nose demands respect! This is why rhinoplasty is so much more exacting than other cosmetic surgeries. A chin implant, for example, can reshape your face, but it doesn’t do much on a daily basis (other than keeping up appearances).

Nose jobs are under intense scrutiny, and the main critic should be you.

Only you can determine the final outcome of your rhinoplasty. It is not up to your friends, your romantic partner, or even your medical team (no matter how skilled they may be) to say what is right for your face. You are in control and you demand satisfaction.


According to 2020 estimates on the Real Self medical influencer site, between 5% and 15% of board-certified plastic surgeons have had to revise nose job procedures on their patients. 

And that’s the good news.

The bad news is that the national average is much higher when you take into account unlicensed and inexperienced doctors. One major reason they give for these numbers: patients’ impatience. Everyone wants a quick fix, and they may rush into revision surgery before the contours of the original procedure have even set.

Keep calm. Breathe. And read on…


One of the most immediate ways to reshape your nose is through the non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty procedure. This is a method by which dermal fillers plump and mold the small imperfections on your nose by adding volume just below the skin. 

Liquid rhinoplasty is temporary, dissipating within months of injection. It may be a way to preview how a rhinoplasty procedure can transform your nose, but the treatment has a few downsides:

  • Dermal fillers can only add size to your nose; they can’t reduce its mass.
  • To be effective, the structure of your cartilage must be to your liking. Superficial injections will have no effect on the hard ridge on the bridge of your nose in any meaningful way.
  • The benefits of dermal fillers may be fleeting, especially in an area as finite as your nose. Doctors have much more success filling wrinkles and lines around your nose, but these pliable solutions are not designed to add permanent volume to the nose itself.


Expedience is great for online shopping, but your health and wellness deserve consideration. Do not rush forward with any medical procedure, especially one that will stare you in the face for the rest of your life.

Rhinoplasty is a delicate discipline. Every nanometer of skin, every minuscule curve, and every gradation along the nose add up to excellence. You want a surgeon who will study your medical past, listen to your future goals, and be present for every crucial detail of the consultation process and beyond.

In short: you need Dr. Binder.

He is more than just a leader in his field; he is a pioneer of cosmetic innovation. Dr. Binder has revolutionized the use of Botox, for example, elevating it from its role in beautification to apply it to migraine alleviation.

Dr. Binder thinks past the limitations of other surgeons and ponders the full range of possibilities presented by modern science. If you had a past nose job that fell short of expectations, you want to consult with someone who will aspire to perfection. “Good enough” is never enough for Dr. Binder, and you deserve to reap the rewards of his decades in medicine.

Whether you are seeking a do-over on the rhinoplasty results you received elsewhere or you are new to cosmetic enhancement, Dr. Binder is the ultimate resource for you. Contact his Beverly Hills office and add some know-how to your nose now!


Here Comes the Sun: Protecting Yourself from Bright UV Rays in Los Angeles

Sorry Game of Thrones fans – winter is over. As the calendar fades into springtime, Los Angelenos take to the beaches, porches, and anywhere else where they can soak in the stunning SoCal weather.

Spring is basically summer in Beverly Hills. The sun beckons locals and tourists alike to bask in the warmth of our iconic landscape and legacy. But as the UV rays bathe Tinseltown in a golden glow, you should be aware and prepared for the more harmful effects of sun exposure.


As you frolic in the California surf, you may feel like nothing could rain on your proverbial parade. Unfortunately, an ominous cloud hangs over the sunny SoCal skies, and it is shaped like carcinoma.

Every year, over 3 million Americans receive skin cancer diagnoses. It is the most common form of cancer, but that doesn’t make it any less serious or scary. To better understand the ways in which we can prevent and treat skin cancer, let’s discuss the various types that affect us most.

Of that staggering 3 million cases of skin cancer mentioned above, approximately 80% are attributed to basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Epithelial tissue is a lining of cells that runs just below the surface of the skin. We also have epithelial matter in our blood vessels, organs, and digestive tract, so it is an expansive network indeed.

When a tumor develops in the epithelial tissue, this is called a carcinoma. Individuals over the age of 50 are particularly prone to developing carcinomas, so be sure to get checked regularly once you surpass the Big 5-0. Also, professional estimates indicate that 90% of carcinoma cases occur in white-skinned individuals. 

Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) lurk in the base of the epidermis, as the name suggests. BCCs are less likely to spread than other forms of carcinomas, but you should still refer the condition to a skilled healthcare professional for treatment. 

More serious is the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). “Squamous” means scale-like; the term describes the flattened, overlying pattern of our top layer of skin. If the carcinoma is detected in the squamous layer, it is more likely to spread. Please do not hesitate to seek medical attention if you suspect the existence of SCCs.

The primary cause of skin cancer is exposure to UV rays. The radiation from the sun’s light can mutate cells along or even beneath the skin. Ultraviolet radiation accounts for approximately 99% of the non-melanoma cancers listed above. These same UV rays contribute to 95% of the more serious strains of skin cancer: melanomas. 


The skin cancer of which you should be even more concerned is melanoma. Unlike carcinoma, melanoma has the ability to spread rapidly from the skin to other vital organs. 

Melanoma affects cells called melanocytes. These cells are responsible for giving our skin the pigment we project to the world. Melanocytes produce melanin, a process that is accelerated by exposure to UV rays. When exposure becomes overexposure, melanoma may occur.

Sunlight can mutate melanocytes, triggering uncontrolled cell growth. This can manifest itself in the forms of moles or splotches of discoloration on the surface of your skin. Some spots are harmless, but others may spell danger. Here is a helpful way of telling the difference: it’s as easy as A-B-C-D-E.

  • Asymmetry – If one side of a blemish grows beyond the confines of the other side, then you may be dealing with a problematic melanoma.
  • Border – Keep a close eye on the outline of your mole/mark. Look for ragged edges, blurry borders, or other irregularities.
  • Color – Check for inconsistencies in the hue of your discoloration. Different shades of black, brown, white, pink, and even blue may cloud the surface of a melanoma.
  • Diameter – Measure the width of your spot. Is it 6 millimeters (1/4 inch) or more? Some melanomas can be small, but if a mole is larger than the size of a pencil eraser, it could be worrisome. 
  • Evolution – Has a splotch changed color, shape, size, or made any other noticeable shifts over a short span of time? If so, please contact a specialist to have it checked out.


The best treatment is prevention. To avoid developing the types of skin cancer detailed above, be sure to use proper protection from the Southern California sun. Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before direct exposure to UV rays, and make sure it is water-resistant if you are enjoying a beach day.

Use SPF 30 or greater and stay in the shade whenever possible (especially the peak hours of 10 am to 4 pm). If you have a tendency to nap on lazy vacation days, seek refuge! Don’t fall asleep in the sun or you may forget to reapply that sunblock every two hours, or more frequently if you swim.


If you do happen to develop skin cancer, we are here to support you. Dr. Binder has perfected the art and science of removing cancerous lesions, and he can tailor his approach to your issue. These methods include freezing or excision when the incidence is small enough. For larger areas of skin cancer, Dr. Binder has pioneered grafting and flap techniques to alleviate your concerns and preserve your aesthetic beauty.

When a cancerous spot is removed, Dr. Binder will patch it up using healthy skin of your own. He can harvest skin from donor sites on your own body and select the incision site to hide it from everyday view. This healthy tissue is then integrated with the blood vessels on the area where the cancer was removed. As your body adopts the relocated skin, the healing process continues.

To learn how Dr. Binder can address your concerns and amplify your skin health, please call (310) 858-6749. Relief and rejuvenation await.

forehead lifts

Facial Facts: Forehead Lifts Are Sure to Raise Some Eyebrows

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the forehead is its awning. Every emotion is amplified across your brow. When you worry, your frown lines tell the world. When you are surprised, the arch of your flesh alerts onlookers, and when you age, the skin along your forehead shows telltale signs in the form of sagging and drooping.

Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body. But just because collagen is abundant, that doesn’t mean it springs forth easily. In our younger years, cells regenerate more quickly than when we age. That explains why we require more time to heal from aches, pains, and injuries as we age. However, it also accounts for the proliferation of wrinkles.

Studies have shown how collagen production decreases in our advanced years. Not only does collagen not flow as freely in older individuals, but it also has more difficulty bonding with its surrounding cells. The effect of lowered collagen is essentially a breakdown in communication below the surface of our skin. The fine muscles and soft tissue that give our appearance the support it needs begin to falter.

Nowhere is this dynamic more apparent than on the face. Eyebrows do quite a bit of work, and their diligence is often rewarded with unsightly lines and wear. It is an unfortunate eventuality, but it does not need to persist.


If sagging skin and a generally loose complexion are inhibiting your looks, then a forehead lift may be just what the doctor ordered. By removing excess tissue and tightening the upper features of your face, your surgeon can truly transform your appearance from the top down.

Once the unwanted fat deposits and droopy skin are removed, the surgeon carefully and skillfully contours the forehead to a patient’s realistic and remarkable specifications. The incisions are sutured closed artfully to create an aesthetic masterpiece.


Speaking of incisions, the placement of yours is key to the cosmetic success of a forehead lift. The surgeon will assess your hairline, listen to your aesthetic goals, and determine the best course of action for you. For example, if your coif is encroaching on your brow, then you may want your forehead to be extended upward. This creates a more alert appearance and reverses any issues you may have with a compact brow.

On the other hand, some patients complain of an oversized forehead. In these cases, the incision must respect the contours of the face and bring the hairline and the brow together harmoniously.

To get a detailed picture of your physiology, we may use an endoscopic approach to the brow lift procedure. By inserting a tiny camera through the gentle incision along your hairline, we can map out the tissue lining the upper face. This guides us forward, informing our surgical team where to focus our efforts to most effectively and beautifully lift your look.


The benefits of a forehead lift are tremendous, but the process does not need to be as extensive as other cosmetic procedures. A full face and/or neck lift is ideal for patients seeking a holistic approach to the sagging effects of time. These procedures pull back sagging jowls, smoothes out the wrinkles around the temples, and generally perks up your appearance.

A forehead lift, however, is less invasive. It may be the perfect solution for younger patients who struggle with the drooping and sagging that are often localized along the brow. In fact, Dr. Binder has pioneered the “natural look” temporal lift technique. This targets the outer edges of the forehead, gently raising them so as not to hike the central brow higher in an obvious manner.

A temporal forehead lift from Dr. Binder prevents the unwanted “surprised” expression that bothers some patients. He wants you to enjoy the natural expressions that your face makes so brilliantly without getting in its way.


In addition to providing his patients an aesthetic boost, Dr. Binder is dedicated to helping them get back to their daily lives. Recovery from forehead lift surgery is relatively speedy. Dr. Binder’s expert skills minimize bruising and swelling, so most patients can get back to work (and play) in about two or three days.

You will be invited back to our Beverly Hills office for a follow-up visit approximately ten days after your procedure. The doctor will remove your sutures and assess your progress.


Dr. Binder is passionate about aesthetics. He believes in unleashing your best self, and wants to work with you to define how that process should proceed. If a forehead lift is not the best remedy for your concerns, then Dr. Binder will let you know. Instead, there may be a number of alternative approaches that we can pursue to ignite your inner glow.

For example, there are two major forces of nature that contribute to the wrinkles on the upper face: gravity and deterioration. As collagen production decreases, the soft tissue below the skin gets less support. This creates gaps along the face. When the skin above these gaps interact with gravity, it sags and puckers.

Dr. Binder and his associates can fill those gaps with a dermal injection. Fillers like Restylane and Juvederm plump the skin and perk up your perspective! And if the muscles traversing your face have contracted to create frown lines and worry creases, then Dr. Binder can relax your face with the help of a Botox strategy customized to your look.

Regardless of which approach works best for you, Dr. Binder is the best copilot for your aesthetic journey. Contact his office and buckle up for a brighter tomorrow!

post weight loss

Post Weight Loss Procedures: Cosmetic Facial Surgeries to Consider

Looking good and feeling good often go hand in hand. Diet and exercise are the twin triumphs of human wellness, and they work together to keep a body trim, slim, and strong.

But what about the most important physical asset of all: your face?

The treadmill is great for your physique, but it often fails to deliver the contouring results you desire above the neck. You can target various parts of your body at the gym day by day; blast your quads on Monday, bulk your biceps on Tuesday, rinse and repeat. But shedding unwanted fat and loose skin on your face requires additional precision and care.

Before we discuss how you can refresh your look, let’s take a deeper dive into the scourge of obesity that plagues our current healthcare climate.


Your weight is your own business. Some people carry a few extra pounds with no resulting health concerns while others can suffer complications like heart disease and liver distress. In fact, over 100 million Americans are living with pre-diabetes or diabetes.

How did we get here? According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive & Kidney Diseases, the answer is as clear as the number on your bathroom scale. Their 2013-2014 statistics indicate that two out of three individuals in our country are either currently obese or overweight. 

This is a staggering state of affairs, but Americans aren’t taking it sitting down. From 2013 to 2016, an estimated 49.1% of adults attempted to lose weight. The diet industry is worth a whopping 72 billion dollars, and the fitness world rakes in another 30 billion

People are obviously serious about slimming down, but sometimes they need a little help.

It is exceedingly easy to snap your fingers and suggest weight loss on demand, but many of us struggle with the extra pounds. When exercise and eating right fall short of expectations, cosmetic enhancements are a great option. Liposuction is the second most popular aesthetic procedure in the United States, totaling almost a quarter of a million sessions per year.


The majority of liposuction techniques focus on body contouring. Scores of patients seek help reducing unwanted fat deposits in their thighs, buttocks, and belly areas. Unfortunately, the feature that often gets overlooked is ironically the most visible part of your being: your beautiful, wonderful face.

Liposuction can benefit your appearance by carefully and lovingly shaping your jawline, chin, and neck. Your skilled surgeon can create a small incision, through which he or she will insert a thin tube called a cannula. This tube bathes the unwanted fat deposits around your face and neck with tumescent liquid. 

Once the fluid has sufficiently and gently loosened the fat cells you want to be removed, the cannula uses reverse pressure to vacuum unsightly bulges from your jowls and/or jaw. The result is a slimmer, sleeker profile that reflects the confident person you wish to project to the world.


Even after you have done the hard work to lose bothersome weight, you may encounter a secondary issue: excess skin and sagging. As we age, we lose elasticity due to a decrease in collagen production. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, but when it dwindles over time, our skin pays the price.

If you are dissatisfied with the way your face and neck are responding to weight loss or age, then a lift may be on the healthcare horizon. Your doctor can assess your facial features, create a strategy for aesthetic progress, and raise your perspective! A neck and/or facelift sculpt your contours to celebrate your shape. Your youthful, lustrous features are peering out from behind a façade, just waiting to reemerge. Dr. Binder can unlock your ideal self and unleash your full potential!


For a less invasive option, consider the myriad benefits of Botox. Every time you frown, laugh, or wink, your facial muscles contract. Each contraction creates fine lines and wrinkles that deepen over time.

As we age, it becomes more difficult to erase the creases that form on our faces. That’s why Botox is such an important breakthrough. Botox is a neuromodulator, which means that it disrupts the chemical signals being sent from your nerves to your muscles. By immobilizing certain muscles, Botox adds serenity and smoothness to your appearance.

Dr. Binder is a pioneer in the vanguard and varied applications of Botox. He discovered the link between Botox injections and the alleviation of migraine headaches, earning him a place in the healthcare hall of fame. Indeed, Dr. Binder’s commitment to wellness has spanned decades of time and thousands of satisfied patients.

Many have compared Dr. Binder to a wizard, and Botox is his wand of choice. He can use it to erase the laugh lines that make you cry; he can make those crow’s feet fly away; and he can even perk up your ears with a targeted dose of Botox.

If you are curious about the benefits of Botox, then set a course for our Beverly Hills office. Dr. Binder can also discuss his face and neck lift expertise, his precise approach to liposuction, and his overall commitment to facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Binder’s holistic approach to beauty will put a smile on your newly replenished face. If you have recently lost weight, Dr. Binder will match your diligence with dedication. He can reflect the healthy, happy you with a facial enhancement that complements your slim, strong physiology. 

For an aesthetic treatment that is head and shoulders above the competition, contact Dr. Binder today!

earlobe surgery

Facial Facts: A Deep Dive into Otoplasty (Earlobe Surgery)

Commonly known as plastic surgery of the ear, otoplasty can remedy damaged, sagging, or stretched earlobes. Time can be unkind to the ears. Aging robs soft tissue of its elasticity and environmental factors introduce abrasion and irritation to the mix. It all adds up to a pair of ears that show the weariness and wear of life lived at full volume.

If you want to turn down the noise and crank up the healing, you should consider an otoplasty procedure. Earlobes often go neglected or abused, but otoplasty can perk up your ears and lend a boost of youth and vitality to your overall look.

Before we dive into the ways in which otoplasty can benefit battered earlobes, let’s examine the root reasons for outer ear distress.


The most common factor that contributes to ear scarring and stress is having piercings. The art of adorning earlobes with jewelry dates back as far as ancient Egypt when bodies were mummified with earrings dangling from their aural protrusions. 

While piercings can provide an edgy, stylish appearance, they can also leave a trail of tearing behind. Every time you get a new piercing, it can result in swelling, bleeding, and possible infection. The earlobe may require up to two weeks to recover from a piercing, but every individual reacts differently to the introduction of foreign objects to their system.

The damage done by a piercing is multiplied when the width of the item being thrust through the lobe increases. Earlobe stretching has become fashionable over the past few decades, but if the size of the opening is a 2-gauge or greater, it may not heal of its own accord. The stretched lobe might require surgical assistance to return to its former glory.

In addition to the sheer magnitude of a puncture wound, another factor that damages earlobes is the material of the jewelry. Nickel-plated earrings can cause a condition called contact dermatitis. This is an allergic reaction that the sensitive skin on the ears may have to certain metals.

Perfumes and skincare products can also elicit adverse reactions along the tender exterior of an earlobe. Over time, the more you irritate the skin, the harder it is for that skin to bounce back. Our bodies produce less collagen as we age, and collagen is the building block of tissue reparation and maintenance. Even if you could heal from a bad piercing with ease in your teenage years, that process becomes more harrowing in your 30s, 40s and beyond.

Vigorous activities can also damage the earlobes over time. Boxers experience a phenomenon known as “cauliflower” ears due to the repeated strikes they take to the side of their heads. The ears swell up and resemble the cauliflower after which this condition is named. Even seemingly gentler endeavors like swimming can interfere with ear health. Otitis externa, or swimmer’s ear, occurs when water gets trapped in the inner canal and flourishes into an infection. This infection can swell up and damage the tissue on the exterior of the earlobe. 


In order to remedy the various assaults on the earlobe outlined above, a skilled surgeon can rectify the situation and contour the ears back to health. The procedure begins with a small incision hidden behind the ear. This allows your doctor to access the cartilage that forms the blueprint of your ear that lives just beneath the skin.

By reshaping the underlying cartilage, your surgeon creates a foundation of strength and solidity upon which your rejuvenated ear will triumph. Once the cartilage is repaired, the doctor works outward. Any excess or damaged skin can be removed to fit your taut, smooth new earlobe. 

The epidermis is then sutured closed with a sense of precision and grace. You may be administered a local anesthetic or you may request general anesthesia to maximize your comfort level. The ultimate decision will be made in coordination between you and your physician, so please feel free to communicate your concerns during the consultation period.

The entire otoplasty procedure may only last one or two hours, but the results will shimmer for a lifetime. Your doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress and remove any remaining sutures approximately one week after your surgery.


Please arrange for a loved one to transport you to and from the clinic on the day of your procedure. No matter which level of anesthesia you require for your individual otoplasty treatment, you may not operate a vehicle for several hours following surgery.

When you depart the clinic after your otoplasty procedure, you will require a few days of downtime. Do not rush your recovery; your body will tell you when it is ready to resume your normal routine. If you have any questions, please contact your support staff and heed their advice.

After about a week, you may be able to resume light activity. In two weeks’ time, you should be able to get a more complete picture of how your new earlobes are taking shape. The swelling will continue to diminish as your vibrant new appearance emerges.
We spend far too much time overloading our senses in an attempt to flood our brains with stimuli. Loud music, brusque activity, and garnish piercings may seem cool during adolescence, but they can leave your earlobes singing the blues. To reclaim the youthful appearance that your ears once enjoyed, consider booking an appointment with Dr. Binder at your earliest convenience.


Injectables Can Boost Both Your Lips and Your Confidence

Our lips speak volumes, even when they don’t say a word. From the way a mouth pouts to the curve of a smile to the quiver of a near-cry, the lips are marvelously expressive.

Over time, however, lips lose their luster and grow thin with age. In its advanced years, the human body produces less collagen. This is the protein responsible for the maintenance and regeneration of skin, blood vessels, teeth, and bones. When collagen is depleted, it leaves the connective tissue below the surface of the lips unsupported and diminished. Lackluster lips can affect one’s confidence and cause them to retreat from social situations as the issue persists.

Dr. Binder can restore youth and vigor to your pucker. Every face is unique, so your aesthetic journey will be as individualized as you are. The following options are guidelines for your perusal, but feel free to contact our Beverly Hills office to schedule a personalized consultation.


When lips get thinner, they begin to develop creases and wrinkles where the plumpness once was. Dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm literally do what their name suggests: they fill in the gaps left by age. When the tissue below the surface is plumped, the lines above straighten out.

Another great benefit of fillers is their ability to stimulate collagen production. When your lips are creating their own building blocks of vitality and vibrancy, the benefits of lip enhancements extend well beyond the date of your filler treatment. Hence, you will enjoy the immediate results of wrinkle reduction as well as prolonged beauty from the newly stimulated collagen in your lips.

In addition to collagen, most dermal fillers contain Hyaluronic Acid (HA). This is another compound that the body naturally generates. HA is a marvel of biology; it can hold 1,000 times its weight in moisture! When your lips are sufficiently supplied with Hyaluronic Acid, they retain their hydration for months or even years to come. 


Filling the lips is a great first step in providing a firm, full appearance. However, there may be deeper reasons for the crinkling dynamics you see on or around your mouth. Whenever your muscles contract, they pull the skin with them. Each of these contractions causes fine lines to appear, and these creases get more pronounced over the years and decades of our lives.

Botox disrupts the repetitive contraction of muscles by targeting them directly. When Botox is injected into a specific area, it relaxes that finite region, easing the tension that contributes to wrinkles. In the case of lip injections, Botox can help erase laugh lines, plump thin lips, and reverse the “gummy smile” phenomenon caused by strained mouth contractions. 

If you struggle with “marionette lines” or downturns around the corners of your lips, then Botox may be the perfect solution for you. 


When it comes to cosmetic enhancements, many celebrities remain tight-lipped (pun intended) about their respective procedures. There is an unfair stigma attached to getting “work done” because actors want to exude the impression that they simply inhabit their role without help from a team of stylists, artists, and yes, plastic surgeons.

But we know better.

Oscar winners like Renee Zellweger and Nicole Kidman have thrilled audiences for a generation. They stroll red carpets around the globe, facing the bright lights of acclaim and recognition. Both actors have transformed themselves on screen in movies like Bombshell and Judy, but they have clearly enjoyed the benefits of cosmetic enhancements in real life as well. Kidman and Zellweger are known for their expressive lips, and their allure has endured the test of time… most likely due to some help from dermal fillers and/or Botox.

Kylie Jenner is perhaps the most outspoken proponent of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. On an episode of her wildly successful reality show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kylie declared, "I have temporary lip fillers. It's just an insecurity of mine, and it's what I wanted to do."


Kylie serves as an empowering example of living life on your own terms and in your own style. The attitude has made Ms. Jenner a billionaire, which explains why millions of millennials are emulating her penchant for pouty lips.

The 20- and 30-something generation is the first to grow up in the age of social media. Every millennial selfie is posted, shared, liked and studied by their peer group, adding to the overall desire to look exactly how you want to look and broadcast your aesthetic to the world. 

In the past decade, the popularity of injectables has skyrocketed amongst millennials. Since 2010, Botox procedures have witnessed a 28% increase in the 20-29-year-old demographic and dermal fillers have plumped up by 32% in that same age group. Young people are not waiting until their golden years to contour their looks; they live for the moment, and they want that moment to be Insta-worthy.


Whether you are a millennial, a celebrity, or an as yet undiscovered star, your lips should reflect who you are. When you look in the mirror, we want you to recognize the strong, smart individual that others see. If thin lips or facial creases are obscuring your self-confidence, Dr. Binder can help.

Contact our office soon and let us know how we can unleash your fuller, firmer facial profile. Your lips will thank you!

eyelid surgery

Facial Facts: A Look Inside the Blepharoplasty (Eyelid) Procedure

As the old saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. When we are wide-eyed, anything is possible. But when time and toil weigh down upon us, our eyes show the ravages of age and neglect. We may appear sad or tired, even when the opposite is true. 

To open your perspective to new experiences, new visions, and a new outlook on life, consider the benefits of blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery can remedy sagging, droopy lids or erase wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes. In short: Dr. William Binder can help you recapture a youthful appearance and see the world anew.


Blepharoplasty means many things to many clients. Some individuals struggle with ptosis, meaning that the fine muscles in their upper eyelids are not strong enough to lift the lids out of their field of vision. This condition may get more pronounced with age as the levator muscles become weaker and the excess skin becomes more pronounced.

Other blepharoplasty candidates have a buildup of fluid in their lower lids. Dr. Binder can perform a simple “pinch technique” to alleviate the heavy lids. This procedure begins with a small incision, removes excess skin under the eyes, and sutures the area back together seamlessly.

Due to the fact that blepharoplasty methods are as varied as our clientele, every procedure must be priced individually. The helpful team at our Beverly Hills office can discuss costs, payment plans, and other important details prior to your blepharoplasty appointment.


Your comfort is our utmost concern. Even before you arrive for your blepharoplasty procedure, you will be assessed according to your aesthetic goals and your general health. During this consultation period, Dr. Binder or one of his helpful associates will explain what to expect on the day of your treatment.

You will receive the appropriate anesthetic to ensure that your surgery goes smoothly and gently. This may consist of a local numbing agent, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the blepharoplasty procedure you will be undergoing. 


Blepharoplasty surgery is incredibly focused. The incisions are small, the affected area is finite, and the recovery time is much shorter than the healing required for other cosmetic enhancements. 

You may experience minor swelling or discomfort for the first few days following eyelid surgery. Dr. Binder will also schedule a follow-up visit to remove any sutures that have not dissolved naturally after the first week of your recovery. In the case of transconjunctival eye surgery, your lower eyelids will absorb the sutures delicately and innocuously, so no invasive procedure is required to address them further.

Dr. Binder may encourage you to apply gentle ice packs to the area to reduce swelling and promote optimal circulation. Please follow his instructions carefully to enjoy a happy, healthy recovery. You may be advised to avoid wearing makeup for about 10 days following eyelid surgery. On the bright side: you won’t need makeup to showcase your beautiful new lids!


While every case is unique, eyelid surgery is designed to be a long-lasting solution to issues with droopy or wrinkled eyelids. Estimates indicate that upper blepharoplasty results may dazzle your appearance for up to seven years. Lower eyelid surgery has an even better track record. Its benefits are so carefully crafted that they rarely require a follow-up procedure. 

To enjoy the mental and physical boost that blepharoplasty surgery can provide you, visit Dr. Binder. He is a genius when it comes to eyelid enhancement and general wellness. In fact, Dr. Binder is a pioneer in the field of Botox applications. If you want to smooth the creases around your face, eradicate the dreaded “crow’s feet” effect, and recapture your timeless vigor, consider a minimally invasive Botox session soon!


Your aesthetic journey is a one-person ride. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to healthcare, so your preparation for blepharoplasty must be tailored to your specific case. Dr. Binder will advise you on which medications to stop taking in the weeks leading up to any cosmetic surgery procedure.

Please do not wear makeup on the date of your eyelid surgery. You will be given dietary and prescriptive directions to prepare you for your blepharoplasty prior to your appointment.

During the consultation period, we will assess your vision, skin elasticity, and other factors related to your eye health. Dr. Binder will ask to take “before” pictures of your face. He can use these pictures to discuss your aesthetic goals; you can literally point out any “problem areas” that you want to improve and help Dr. Binder strategize the best course of action.


Eyelid surgery replenishes your look and rejuvenates your face. It is truly a transformative procedure. The statistics are almost as impressive as the aesthetics: a staggering 94% of patients who experienced blepharoplasty are satisfied with the results they received. 

But numbers and data can never accurately reflect the true benefits of eyelid surgery. Your health and happiness are Dr. Binder’s main priorities. If you are dissatisfied with the look of your lids, or if your eyes cause you discomfort or blurred vision, then please contact us. Blepharoplasty may be the eye-opening experience you need to envision a brighter tomorrow.

Rhinoplasty: Breathing vs. Beauty

Whenever life gets a little too hard, we always tell ourselves the same thing: just breathe. It may sound like a simplistic statement, but it is profound in its importance. By regulating our breathing, we focus on our core needs. This is the central idea behind meditation. Breathing exercises can reduce anxiety, promote proper blood flow, and oxygenate our brain.

Once we are properly inhaling and exhaling, we can shift our perspective to broader, more complex pursuits, like aesthetics. 

Rhinoplasty (nose jobs) applies to all of the above endeavors. If you are having difficulty drawing air through your nostrils, it presents an urgent problem. Alternately, if you are dissatisfied with the look of your nose, it can create a deeper, more insidious dilemma. 

Whichever end of the spectrum encapsulates your situation, a skilled surgeon can realize your medical goals. Success in rhinoplasty yields happiness in your daily life. When you breathe clearly, you think clearly. Similarly, when you look good, you feel good.

Perhaps these reasons explain why nose jobs are consistently so popular.

Rhinoplasty: By the Numbers

Because of its applicability to both form and function, rhinoplasty is the third most common cosmetic procedure in the United States. Breast augmentations and liposuction are slightly more popular, but nose jobs still account for over 218,000 appointments per year in America.

The prevalence of rhinoplasty is a double-edged sword. Its widespread acceptance helps reduce stigma towards reconstructive surgery and raise education and awareness for medical practitioners for generations to come. However, when a procedure becomes more popular, it gets less scrutiny. Every invasive medical action requires the utmost care and precision. Be sure that you are asking the right questions and selecting the best surgeon possible before embarking upon your cosmetic journey.

The Functionality of Nose Jobs

The thin line of cartilage that runs down the center of your nose is called a septum. When it is “deviated”, that means the septum is misaligned and no longer promotes the optimal passage of air. A septum can deviate at birth or it could become damaged over time. If you have ever broken your nose or are recovering from substance abuse issues, your septum was invariably affected.

Rhinoplasty can correct a skewed septum, but it is also ideal for another breathing impediment: enlarged turbinates. There are shell-shaped structures in the human nose called turbinates that consist of blood vessels, bone, and fine tissue. These structures are very delicate, susceptible to subtle hormonal changes and allergic reactions. When turbinates become swollen and irritated, they can block the intake of oxygen through the nose. A successful rhinoplasty procedure removes tissue from the turbinates to allow air to pass through them once more.

Cosmetic Improvement, Life Improvement

Your nose is often the most prominent feature on your face. When you meet a new person, you may look into his or her eyes, but you subconsciously notice their nose. What first impression does your nose make?

Most people complain that their nose is “out of whack” or asymmetrical. If it curves to the left or right, it directs a viewer’s eye away from the center of your face. This may feel off-putting, adding to your insecurities and general dissatisfaction with your overall look. Our team can adjust the alignment of your nose, taking great care to rebuild your nose from inside out. If necessary, we will re-set the bones to assure a proper support structure. From there, we delicately straighten the septum and make sure the entire structure is harmonious and healthy. This will satisfy your basic yearning to breathe free while also creating a foundation of symmetry and balance. 

Another common complaint is that the nose is too bulbous or pointy. We can address this issue by simply removing excess cartilage from the “problem area” and smoothing out the remaining material to your specifications.

Speaking of your specifications, communication is the key to any successful surgery. Tell us about your hopes, fears, and long-term cosmetic goals during your initial visit to our welcoming facility. We can alleviate your worries, show you around, and discuss your needs in a practical, caring manner.

Satisfying All of Your Nose Needs

As mentioned earlier, almost a quarter of a million Americans get nose jobs every year. For such a widespread practice, you would think there would be a great number of dissatisfied customers. The truth, however, is quite the opposite.

According to an extensive survey of over 2,300 rhinoplasty patients, 83.6% of them were satisfied with the results of their procedure. The most common cause for complaint was a lingering bump on the dorsal portion of the nose. It’s also important to realize that being interviewed shortly after surgery may result in having residual swelling, which happens after any invasive procedure. 

Dr. Binder prides himself on delivering real results and realistic expectations. When you contact his office, you should express exactly what you want, but this is just the first phase of our communication. If you expect a radically different nose than your facial structure can support, then we will find a compromise that better suits your needs.

We would never promise results that are unrealistic for your continued health. Your happiness is important to us, and we will discuss your case frankly, caringly, and comprehensively.

Whether you need help breathing or hope to enhance your look, Dr. Binder can guide you on your journey to cosmetic transcendence. After all, you’ve only got one nose; let’s show it some love, shall we?

The 3 Most Affordable Procedures You Can Gift This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to look great! The holidays are full of photo opportunities and parties galore. When you step out in your Christmas sweater and matching cheer, you are giving the world the gift of your confidence.

But some people might need a little boost of self-esteem this giving season.

We all want to put our best face forward this Christmas, so consider presenting that special someone on your gift list with a cosmetic enhancement procedure. Spread the love of aesthetics by spreading your generosity of spirit. Many of the services we offer take very little time out of your loved one’s busy seasonal schedule and they are also surprisingly affordable. 

Feel free to forward the following list directly to Santa after you check it twice…


There’s a reason why Botulinum Toxin Type A (also known as Botox) is the most popular minimally invasive procedure in the United States. Americans enjoy the benefits of over 7.2 million Botox procedures every year. This statistic represents a 2% increase year over year, so the enhancement craze shows no sign of slowing down.

The word is out: Botox is in!

Botox is a neuromodulator, which means that it targets the troublesome muscles that cause wrinkles. By blocking the signals that emanate from your nerves, Botox disrupts contractions in your soft muscle tissue. When your facial muscles relax, they release the creases that cause crow’s feet, laugh lines, and other unwanted wrinkle formations. 

Botox has even proven effective in easing the stressed musculature that aggravates acne scars. If someone on your gift list is unhappy with the lines or lingering marks on their face, consider filling their stocking with Botox (or a gift certificate to Dr. Binder’s Beverly Hills clinic, to be more accurate)!

Not only can Botox benefit your facial features, but it is also a breakthrough treatment for migraine headaches. Let’s face it: the holidays can be stressful. Doesn’t your spouse or significant other deserves a release from the stress and strain of shopping, travel, and family drama?

Dr. Binder is a maverick in the application of Botox for migraine relief. Just as Botox can relax your facial muscles to reduce wrinkles, it can also ease the neural pathways that carry pain signals through your nervous system. In effect, Botox helps block a migraine in its tracks. 

Merry Christmas indeed!


While Botox is great for relaxing the muscle contractions that contribute to wrinkles, that’s only half of the equation. As we age, we lose muscle mass. This leads to a loosening of the skin, leaving gaps beneath the surface. 

Dermal fillers help fill these gaps and plump the look of your skin. Restylane and Juvederm are perfect products for that hard to please person in your life. A facial filler injection only takes about 30 minutes, but its effects can last for months or even up to two years. That should cover your gift obligations for the next couple of Christmases!

Dermal injections promote the production of collagen under the skin. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, and it helps with the growth and maintenance of blood vessels, soft tissue, bones, and teeth. By stimulating collagen and its many benefits, dermal fillers add a youthful glow to your loved one’s face in the short term as well as long term.

For a deluxe gift that combines the benefits of both techniques described above, consider a Botox/filler pairing. These safe and complementary procedures work wonderfully together, addressing your special someone’s needs on two fronts at the same time. The Botox halts the damaging effects of facial muscular contractions while dermal fillers repair the existing damages done by time and the winter (wonderland) elements. This comprehensive cosmetic package truly is the gift that keeps on giving!


If your loved one has blemishes or uneven patches on their skin, then a chemical peel may be the perfect holiday gift. By coating the affected area with a safe, FDA-approved solution, this technique simultaneously targets damaged spots while rejuvenating the surrounding tissue. To paraphrase an old saying, many skin aberrations are only skin deep. Dr. Binder can peel them off cautiously and gently, allowing your gift recipient to enjoy their natural luster just beneath the surface.

A ton of chemical peels are performed annually in America, but the popularity of the procedure is quickly being rivaled by laser skin resurfacing. This method of cosmetic enhancement uses amplified light waves to excite a focused, precise stream of carbon dioxide to the unwanted blemish. The laser removes the discoloration from the top later of the skin while stimulating collagen to rapidly replace the affected tissue.

Laser resurfacing is perfect for pinpointing “problem areas” on the skin while facial peels provide an overall evenness and rejuvenation to a recipient’s expression.

We sincerely don’t want to complicate your gift-giving dilemma by presenting you with too many options. That being said, Dr. Binder offers both laser resurfacing and facial peel options. If you are unsure which to choose, then you can simply buy a gift certificate and let your loved one navigate his or her individual enhancement journey.


You know your friends and family intimately. You care about their every wish, and you want to fulfill them lovingly. If you are stumped for gift ideas this holiday season, consider contacting Dr. Binder for help.

Picture your significant other’s face. It’s a great sight, indeed! But if your sweetheart is hesitant to smile or laugh due to insecurities about their looks, then an affordable cosmetic procedure can help.

Now picture your loved one’s face again, this time on Christmas morning or the first night of Hanukkah. Think about how their eyes will light up when they open their present from you. If we can help make your holiday dreams a reality, then that is the greatest gift of all.