All You Need to Know About Masseter Botox

You might know Botox as the “wrinkle eraser,” but did you know that it has a wide range of non-cosmetic applications too? If you’re suffering from jaw pain or headaches caused by grinding your teeth, masseter Botox can help relax your jaw muscles and ease the pain. Discover the many uses of masseter Botox and what to expect when you go in for the procedure.

What is Masseter Botox?

Botox is a drug that can be injected in small doses to paralyze target muscles or block certain nerves. Doctors use it for a range of both cosmetic and non-cosmetic purposes.

When Botox is injected into your lower jaw (known as your masseter muscles), the procedure is called jaw Botox or masseter Botox. When you receive masseter Botox, the drug causes those muscles to relax.

Masseter Botox is a non-surgical treatment that can be completed in a doctor’s office.

What is Masseter Botox Used For?

Masseter Botox has a range of both cosmetic and non-cosmetic applications. It can be used to help if you:

  • Grind your teeth
  • Experience jaw tension or clenching
  • Suffer jaw pain
  • Suffer from headaches
  • Have a prominent jawline you’d like to slim down or contour
  • Want to balance the shape of your face

How Does Getting Masseter Botox Work?

If you’re thinking about getting jaw Botox, it can help to know what to expect.

1. Your Consultation

You’ll start by having a consultation with a medical professional. During your consultation, the doctor will:

  • Ask you questions to determine whether masseter Botox is the best solution for your issue or goal.
  • Conduct a thorough examination of your face.
  • Choose the most effective injection site(s).
  • Determine how many syringes of Botox you will need.

2. The Procedure

Receiving Botox is a quick and simple procedure. It generally takes about 15 minutes and can be completed in a doctor’s office.

To administer Botox, your doctor will:

  • Clean your skin around the injection sites to avoid infections.
  • Use topical anesthetic to numb your face.
  • Fill a syringe with Botox.
  • Insert the syringe into your jaw.
  • Inject the Botox. As they do this, they will slowly withdraw the syringe.
  • Repeat the above steps for any additional syringes or injection sites you need.

3. Immediately After the Procedure

Receiving Botox generally doesn’t require any recovery time, so you can expect to go about your day as usual immediately following your procedure.

To avoid spreading the Botox to other parts of your face, for the first 24 hours following your procedure you should not:

  • Rub your face
  • Put pressure on your injection sites
  • Exercise

4. Seeing Results

The results of your jaw Botox procedure will be evident in about one week, though some people see results as soon as the next day.

4. Follow-Up Procedures

The results of Botox are temporary. You can typically expect masseter Botox to last for three or four months, after which you’ll need to have another procedure done to maintain the results.

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Masseter Botox?

Masseter Botox is generally safe, but like all medical procedures, comes with the risk of some side effects including:

  • Injection site pain, swelling, or bruising
  • Drooling
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Headaches
  • A crooked smile

Where Can I Find a Qualified Surgeon to Administer Masseter Botox?

It’s important to find a qualified surgeon you can trust to administer masseter Botox.

Dr. Binder is a highly respected professional with over 30 years of experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He is board certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.

If you’re struggling with jaw pain or any of the other issues listed above, reach out to Dr. Binder to find out if masseter Botox is right for you.

Get in touch today to book a consultation!

Permanently Improve Your Breathing: The Non-Cosmetic Benefits To Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is more than just a cosmetic procedure. Did you know that it can permanently improve your breathing, and have a significant impact on your mental health by promoting a positive body image? Find out more about the non-cosmetic benefits of rhinoplasty and how it can improve your quality of life.

How Rhinoplasty Can Permanently Improve Your Breathing and Lead to Better Sleep

If something is obstructing your breathing, it can be impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Rhinoplasty offers a permanent solution to some of the most common causes of sleep apnea.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that impacts your breathing while you sleep. The most common type, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is caused when your airway is blocked by an obstruction such as your tongue or a deviated septum. This causes you to stop and start breathing multiple times throughout the night, preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea impacts approximately 22 million Americans. It can affect people at any age but is most common in men over 40. It can also impact the partners of sufferers, keeping them awake with loud snoring and other disruptive behaviors.

Chronic sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea and other causes can impact your health in a variety of ways, including increasing your risk of:

  • Traffic Accidents
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Catching a Cold

How Can Rhinoplasty Lead to Better Sleep?

If you or your partner suffer from sleep apnea, a functional rhinoplasty might offer you relief. During a functional rhinoplasty, your plastic surgeon can permanently improve your breathing by correcting any obstructions that cut off your airway while you sleep.

One of the most common obstructions that rhinoplasty corrects is a deviated septum. This is when the wall between your nasal passages (the septum) is off to one side, giving you one nasal passage that’s smaller than the other. This can reduce airflow and cause you difficulty breathing. Functional rhinoplasty is a permanent solution to a deviated septum, helping to open your airway so you can sleep soundly throughout the night.

Another common cause of sleep apnea is enlarged turbinates. Turbinates are delicate structures inside your nose that can become swollen due to allergies or hormonal changes. A functional rhinoplasty can remove some of the swollen tissue to clear your airway so you can breathe and sleep easily.

How Rhinoplasty Can Improve Your Body Image and Boost Your Mental Health

How you feel about your own body can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. That’s why cosmetic rhinoplasty is about more than just good looks: improving your body image can boost your mental health too.

What is Body Image?

How you feel about your body, also known as body image, has an impact on your sense of self-worth and mental health. Having a negative body image can put you at risk for:

  • Low Self Esteem
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders

These in turn can impact other areas of your life, such as becoming obsessed with diet and exercise or isolating yourself from your friends.

Negative body image can impact anyone, but girls are most likely to develop poor body image due to the social pressure to look a certain way. In fact, in the United States, 53% of thirteen-year-old girls and 78% of seventeen-year-old girls report being unhappy with their bodies.

How Can Rhinoplasty Improve Your Body Image?

Your nose is a prominent feature of your face, so having negative feelings about its appearance can impact every interaction you have. Cosmetic rhinoplasty can help by adjusting the size or alignment of your nose. When you’re happy with the appearance of your nose, you’ll be more confident in your own body.

Find Out if Rhinoplasty is Right for You

If you suffer from sleep apnea or negative body image, rhinoplasty might be the solution. Dr. Binder is dedicated to improving patients’ quality of life using his unique skills and innovative techniques.

Schedule your rhinoplasty consultation today!

Getting Lip Injections For A Special Event

If you have a special event coming up, you may have considered getting lip injections to help you put your best face forward. Lip injections are non-surgical, can be done quickly by a qualified professional, and recovery requires little to no downtime. Even though the downtime is minimal, it is important to know when your lips will look their best.

It may be tempting to get lip injections the day before or even the day of your event. This is not recommended as they need to heal before their peak appearance. Your lips need at least 4-6 days and proper aftercare to achieve the desired results.

The key is developing a plan ahead of time. Think of lip injections in the same concept as you would a spray tan. A spray tan looks best after the second day of application. Therefore, you wouldn’t want it applied on the same day as your event.

The Benefits of Lip Injections

Lip injections are known to have multiple aesthetic benefits. These benefits include:

  • Elevating the corners of your mouth
  • Eliminating marionette lines
  • Reducing lines and creases on and around your lips
  • Defining your cupids bow
  • Lip Flip)

Special Considerations

It is recommended to avoid lip injections if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The effect of most fillers on unborn or breastfeeding babies is not definitively known. It is best to not take the risk.

Air travel is not recommended for one week after your lip injections. Changes in pressure can affect your healing. If you plan to travel via airplane in conjunction with your event, make your appointment at least one week before you fly.

A qualified practitioner should always do lip injections. Placement, type of filler, and amount of filler are crucial to the outcome. Attempting to inject yourself or allowing someone who is unqualified to inject your lips poses a greater risk of serious complications.

Properly Caring for Your Lips After Injection

Even though lip injections involve minimal downtime, it is important to follow aftercare instructions provided by your doctor. Proper aftercare reduces the chance of complications and promotes optimal healing.

  • Take it easy: Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for at least 1 day after the procedure.
  • Manage bruising and swelling: Use an ice pack to reduce bruising and swelling. Be sure not to apply too much pressure, and don’t apply the ice directly to your skin.
  • Avoid alcohol and medications that can thin your blood: Drinking alcohol or taking medications that could thin your blood poses a risk of bleeding. You should stop these two days before and avoided at least one day after your procedure.
  • No touching:Avoid touching or rubbing your lips. This can cause infection and spread the Botox or filler to undesired places. If you need to apply topical medication, use clean hands, and apply gently.
  • Pain management:Pain is usually mild after the procedure. You can use oral and topical pain medications as recommended by your doctor.
  • Drink adequate water and eat healthy foods: Proper hydration and nutrition accelerate the healing process.
  • Stay cool: Avoid exposure to excessive heat and sun for at least two days. This includes saunas and tanning beds.
  • Avoid cosmetics: Don’t apply cosmetics to your lips the day after injections. Facial treatments, exfoliants, and chemical peels should also be avoided.
  • Let it heal: Don’t seek out an additional injection until after your lips are completely healed.
  • Watch for side effects: Mild side effects such as bruising, swelling, mild pain, itching, hives, bleeding, rash, and numbness are common after lip injections. If these effects become severe or you notice signs of impaired tissue perfusion, such as white or pale areas on your lips, consult your doctor.

Are you interested in full and defined lips for an upcoming event? If so, please contact us today for a consultation so we can discuss your options!

What Long-term Results Can I Expect from My Facelift?

Every year, millions of people turn to plastic surgery to improve the look of their bodies. Facelifts are one of the top five most popular procedures performed, and in 2020, that amounted to 234,374 procedures in total.

If that number sounds big to you, it’s because it is. The face is one of the most visible parts of the body, and it plays a massive role in your self-confidence. For many people, a facelift is the best way to turn back the hands of time and look years younger. But what does a facelift do, and what are the long-term results?

Common Reasons for a Facelift

The most common reasons for a facelift are to reduce the signs of aging, improve the appearance of the neck and jawline, and restore volume to the face.

Facelifts can also help correct facial asymmetry, lift and tighten skin to reduce the signs of aging, and improve the overall shape and contour of the face.

Many patients choose to get a facelift when they’re in their mid-to-late-40s and want to improve the look and feel of their skin. The neck and jawline are two of the main areas that facelifts target and these areas tend to sag as we age. Facelifts can help give the face a younger, firmer appearance by tightening these areas.

Facelift surgery can also help restore volume to the face, especially in the cheeks, which can help give the face a more youthful appearance.

What Does the Facelift Procedure Entail?

The face is a very complex structure, and each face is unique. That’s why facelifts are often referred to as “personalized” procedures.

During a facelift, your plastic surgeon will perform one or more procedures to tighten facial muscles, remove excess skin, and lift the underlying tissue.

Some facelifts involve a combination of procedures, including neck lifts, jawline procedures, and brow lifts.       

A Typical Post-Surgery Timeline for Facelift Procedures

If you’re considering a facelift, it helps to know what to expect after surgery. Here is a typical timeline for facelift procedures:

Right After Surgery

After your facelift procedure is complete, you will likely have some type of surgical dressing in place. It’s best to keep this dressing in place for as long as your doctor recommends. The dressing will help reduce any swelling in the area and keep you comfortable. You will likely feel some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, but you can take pain medications if needed.

The healing process following a facelift can be uncomfortable and slightly shocking at first. Your body will be swollen, and your incisions will be open. The first few days after your facelift, you’ll be red and swollen, and you may even have some bruising. But as the swelling goes down, you will begin to see the results of your facelift.

What you can see right away after your facelift will depend on the type of procedure you had. If your facelift involves a neck lift, you may be able to see some improvement in the shape of your neck and jawline right away. If your facelift consists of a brow lift, you may notice that your eyebrows appear higher than they did before. In some cases, facelifts involve both a neck lift and a brow lift, so you may be able to see both of these improvements right away.

1 Year Post-Op

One of the most exciting parts of facelift surgery is seeing the long-term results. It will likely take at least a year for your body to heal from your facelift fully. Once it does, you will be thrilled with the results. The redness and swelling will have subsided, and the incisions will have become almost unnoticeable.

As you continue to heal and see the long-term results of your facelift, you may notice that your cheeks feel firmer, your neck feels tighter, and your skin feels smoother. What you notice will depend on the type of facelift you had and your unique facial anatomy and skin.

5 Years Post-Op

Your facelift will likely continue to improve even further over time. As you continue to heal, you will probably notice that your skin feels softer and smoother than it did before your facelift. You may also notice that you don’t need as much makeup to cover up your fine lines and wrinkles. While most of these improvements are subtle, they are worth the wait.

While a facelift procedure cannot stop the aging process, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your skin post-op, you’ll be able to enjoy the long-term results of your facelift for many years to come.

Face Tomorrow with Confidence

Facelift surgery can help you look and feel younger. It can also help you restore your confidence and boost your self-esteem.

Do you think you may be an ideal candidate for a facelift? Then contact us today to set up your consultation!

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What is Septoplasty and When Should It Be Considered?

Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed ear, nose, and throat procedures performed globally and for a good reason. It is often performed for aesthetic reasons, but it has many other functions. It can be used to treat a wide range of conditions that affect the nose. While it’s commonly referred to as a rhinoplasty, patients must understand that septoplasty and rhinoplasty are two completely separate procedures.

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to help correct problems in the nasal septum. The nasal septum is the structure located in the nose that separates the nose into two separate chambers.

Is a Septoplasty the Same as a Rhinoplasty?

No, septoplasty and rhinoplasty are two separate procedures. They are similar in that they both address structural problems with the nose, both for medical and cosmetic purposes. They can also be done simultaneously to help further improve a patient’s physical and medical concerns.

Common Reasons for a Septoplasty

The most common reasons for septoplasty surgery are to correct breathing problems. Many people have septum deformities that are causing them to experience breathing difficulties, such as a deviated septum. This is especially true for patients who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Breathing problems can make it difficult to sleep at night, leading to a host of additional issues.

What’s important to understand is that just because you may have a slightly deviated septum doesn’t mean that septoplasty is necessary. Most people do not have a perfectly straight septum as it can tend to bend or lean to either side during the growing process. In many cases, these patients have little to no issue with their breathing – so a septoplasty isn’t deemed necessary.

However, if you have severe breathing issues that are causing you discomfort and impacting your quality of life, a septoplasty may be a good option.

What Does a Septoplasty Entail?

A septoplasty is a procedure that is considered an outpatient surgery, which means that you will be able to return home on the same day as your procedure. Most patients can go home within two or three hours upon waking up from surgery.

The surgery can last anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes and is done under general anesthesia.

Once you are asleep and prepped, the surgeon will make an incision within the nose to separate the soft tissue from the cartilage and bone. From there, they will begin to cut/trim and straighten the bent cartilage bone and remove any excess to even the nostrils breathing space. Once the shaping is complete, the surgeon will stitch the soft tissue back together and insert cotton packing into your nose to help avoid any nosebleeds.

Once the surgery is complete, the team will allow you to rest and recuperate for a while before waking you up and checking on your condition. You will likely be able to get up and walk around a bit but be encouraged to stay in bed and rest to avoid any complications. If all goes well, you will be able to return to work and normal activities within a few days.

Are There Risks?

Like any surgery, septoplasty carries some risks. However, the risks are generally considered to be minimal. The main risks associated with septoplasty include infection, bleeding, and nasal scarring.

Other potential risks may include an allergic reaction to the anesthesia or any other medication and changes in skin sensation.

Think You May Be a Candidate for a Septoplasty? Dr. Binder Can Help!

If you are experiencing breathing difficulties due to a deviated septum, you may want to consider a septoplasty. Dr. Binder can help you determine if a septoplasty is right for you. He will evaluate your condition and determine if septoplasty is an appropriate course of action. He can also help you understand the risks and benefits of septoplasty to make an informed decision regarding this surgery.

If you think you may be an ideal candidate for a septoplasty, then contact us today to set up a consultation!

A Beginners Guide to Preventative Botox

Botox (a form of Botulinum Toxin Type A) is considered one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. In fact, research shows that between 2000 and 2020, the number of Botulinum Toxin Type A injections increase by 459%. That includes injections to both treat existing cosmetic concerns and preventative Botox injections.

What is Preventative Botox?

Preventative Botox is a form of Botulinum Toxin used to prevent specific cosmetic concerns rather than treat them. Most commonly, preventative Botox is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles for those in their 20s and 30s.

Preventative Botox is different from traditional Botox in one significant way: it is used to prevent wrinkles rather than treat them. For example, someone in their 20s or 30s may decide to get preventative Botox in their forehead to prevent the appearance of wrinkles in that area.

Since preventative Botox is administered to prevent wrinkles rather than treat them, the amount of Botulinum Toxin used in a single area or muscle is less than what is used to treat existing wrinkles.

Millennials are Taking Advantage of Preventative Botox

Traditional Botox has been used for years to help men and women achieve the youthful look they desire. But with the rise of preventative Botox, more and more people are opting to have Botox injected into the areas of their faces that they want to keep looking young instead of waiting for the appearance of aging to appear.

Millennials are notorious for their “prevent” rather than “react” mentality. This is especially true when it comes to their health and well-being. As a result, more millennials are taking advantage of preventative Botox to keep their skin looking young for longer.

The question becomes just how useful is preventative Botox? While the use of Botox for treating existing fine lines and wrinkles is a safe, FDA-approved procedure, it’s not yet been FDA-approved to prevent the formation of wrinkles entirely.

Is Preventative Botox Safe?

If it’s not FDA-approved to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming, is preventative Botox considered safe? Yes – the general use of Botox is deemed to be safe to treat various conditions, both for medical and cosmetic use.

What Age is Considered Ideal for Preventative Botox?

According to the FDA, the use of Botox is considered safe for those ages 18 and up. However, it’s also been approved for safe use on those 12 years of age for treating eye muscle problems, such as the abnormal spasm of the eyelids.

Are There Risks Associated with Preventative Botox?

Botox for preventative purposes poses a much lower risk of adverse effects than the treatment of existing wrinkles and fine lines. This is partly due to the lower amount of Botulinum Toxin used for preventative purposes.          

However, as with any medical procedure, it’s possible to react to preventative Botox negatively.           

This can include side effects such as headaches, muscle weakness, or redness at the injection site. These side effects are temporary and typically mild in nature.

More severe side effects from preventative Botox are possible but very rare. They include:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of strength/muscle weakness across the entire body
  • double vision
  • Hoarseness/change/loss of voice
  • Trouble speaking
  • Loss of bladder control

While these effects are rare, you should still discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor.

Is Preventative Botox Right for You?

There are many reasons why you may be considering preventative Botox. Whatever they may be, it’s essential to educate yourself on the process thoroughly and what it may be able to do for you.Have questions regarding preventative Botox? Contact us today, and we’ll get them answered!


I’m All Ears: Achieving the Lobes You Desire Through Otoplasty

It doesn’t matter who you are, what role you play in society, or your age – we all have our own unique set of insecurities. While some people are insecure about their weight, others find an issue with the shape of their nose, chin, and even their ears. The good news? Thanks to today’s technology, many options are available to help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.

Otoplasty is the fine art of reshaping the ears to achieve the lobes you desire. The procedure has evolved over time, and today, it’s safer and more effective than ever before.

Whether you’ve always wanted a subtle change or you’re ready to make a change to your physical appearance to help boost your self-confidence, then otoplasty could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the shape, position, and proportion of your ears. It’s a procedure that goes by a variety of different names, including:

  • Cosmetic ear surgery
  • Ear reshaping
  • Ear Pinning (or ear pinning back)

A skilled surgeon performs this procedure, making your ears appear more symmetrical, and is often performed alongside other procedures such as facelifts and nose reshaping.

Why Would Someone Consider Getting an Otoplasty Surgery?

The goal of otoplasty is to create the appearance of well-proportioned ears and can be used to correct several issues, including those:

  • Unhappy with the shape of your ears (common causes: protruding ears, Dumbo ears, or ears that sit too low)
  • Unhappy with the position of your ears (common causes: ears that stick out too far, ears that are too close together, or ears that are too high)
  • Unhappy with the size of your lobes (common causes: small lobes, large lobes, or no lobes at all)

What Does the Otoplasty Procedure Entail?

Otoplasty is a wonderful option for those looking into cosmetic ear surgery as it’s typically considered an outpatient procedure that only takes between 1-3 hours – depending on the patient and their needs/desires.

The patient will likely be given local anesthesia with a sedative, although younger patients may receive general anesthesia should the doctor believe it be the better option.

The procedure begins by making an incision behind the ear to access the cartilage and other soft tissues. The surgeon will then start manipulating the tissue of the structure, removing cartilage and even skin depending on the desired end results. It will likely also include the folding/shaping of the cartilage with permanent sutures and even the possibility of grafting cartilage to the ear.

Once the desired shape has been achieved, your surgeon will close up the incision with sites and apply clean dressings to the area to ensure they stay clean and dry.

How Long Does Recovery from Cosmetic Ear Surgery Take?

On average, most patients are back on their feet within a few days post-op. However, it’s generally recommended that you take about a week off from school or work activities to allow your incisions to heal properly.

You’ll likely have to wear some form of dressing over the incision for at least a few days to ensure that your surgery site stays clean and dry. Be sure you follow all your post-op directions to provide the best recovery outcomes.

Is Otoplasty Safe for My Child?

Otoplasty is generally considered safe for children ages five and up as their ears have had a chance to develop almost entirely, as research shows that the ear has reached approximately 90% of its adult size. If you have the procedure done too early, you run the risk of having the procedure not work as planned should your child’s ear continue to grow and change the desired shape.

Am I Too Old for Otoplasty?

An Otoplasty can be performed at any age! However, just like any other surgery, an ideal candidate needs to be in good health, as there can be some side effects from anesthesia and any other medications that may be used during your pre, and post-opt care.

Schedule Your Otoplasty Consultation Today!

For most people, the decision to undergo otoplasty is an important one. It’s a decision primarily based on improving your self-confidence and making sure you’re happy with the results.

If you’ve come to the point where you’re ready to take the next step, then Dr. Binder is here to help!

Have questions regarding Otoplasty and whether you may be an ideal candidate for the procedure? Then contact us today for more information!

Reducing Injection Pain: Botox and Filler Pain Management Tips

If you’re considering minor facial treatments like Botox or fillers, know that they do require some recovery time. While treatments like this are outpatient and quite routine, it isn’t uncommon for a patient to have some pain, redness, swelling, and more.

Today we’ll explain the difference between fillers and Botox, and what to expect after your visit. Everything you need to know about safe, effective aftercare is right here.

The Difference between Botox and Filler

Before we get started, it’s important to know the difference between Botox and fillers.

“Botox” is sometimes used interchangeably for any age-defying outpatient facial treatments, but it is actually a brand name for botulinum toxin “A”. Botox contains purified bacteria that freezes muscles. The 42 muscles in your face that help you speak and emote will move in similar ways each time you use them. This creates folds, wrinkles, and fine lines: but Botox prevents those muscles from moving, eliminating the wrinkles.

Dermal fillers contain several ingredients, some of which are produced naturally by the body. Hyaluronic and polylactic acids, for example, are naturally-occurring plumping and collagen-making chemicals already present in the body. Dermal fillers are injected into the face to add a healthy-looking fullness to areas that become thinner over time – lips and cheeks are particularly common targets for fillers.

Pain Management in Post Procedure

Whether you and your doctor have chosen dermal fillers, Botox, or another injectable option, it’s possible you will have some of the following side effects:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Bleeding
  • Rash
  • Numbness

These are all considered minor side effects, lasting a few days, up to two weeks. They can be treated at home with the simple pain management and lifestyle tips below.


The day you receive treatment, do not return to work or do anything strenuous that would raise your heart rate (like exercise). In the days following your treatment, be sure to rest when necessary. Resting allows your body to focus energy on healing. You may, however, perform simple facial exercises.

Hands Off

Unless you are actively applying topical treatments (discussed below) with clean hands, don’t touch, rub, or scratch your face for at least 1 day, up to 3. Not only can this cause infections at the injection sites, but it can spread the toxins or filler to unintended places, causing bruising, lumpiness, and more. If you need to relieve itching or discomfort, use a cool compress every hour as needed.

Oral and Topical Pain Relief

Most over-the-counter pain management methods will reduce discomfort after Botox or dermal fillers. Acetaminophen/paracetamol and ibuprofen can be taken safely (as directed) to manage pain. The herb Arnica is also a common post-injection treatment method. It can be applied topically in gel form, or taken orally, but must be properly diluted.

Avoid Extreme Heat or Foreign Substances

To speed up and preserve your treatment – as well as avoid unnecessary pain – avoid sun exposure. Do not expose yourself to intense heat in saunas, hot tubs, hot showers, or tanning beds. Also, during recovery, avoid receiving other facial treatments, exfoliations, chemical peels, etc. If you’ve already had face fillers or Botox, do not seek out any other injectable facial treatments until the face has fully healed.

Dr. William J Binder

Dr. Binder stands apart from the crowd, and his work speaks for itself. A patent-holding innovator, Dr. Binder has published dozens of articles in national medical and surgical journals, pioneering the use of Botox as a migraine treatment.

Most importantly, Dr. Binder understands that restoring a patient’s self-esteem requires a unique approach, tailor-made for them. Because of this, Dr. Binder has developed techniques to make facial treatments and reconstruction minimally invasive with maximum impact.

If you’re seeking facial treatments, surgery, or facial reconstruction, contact Dr. Binder’s office today – our friendly staff is waiting!


Face the Facts: The Many Uses of Facial Fat Grafting

Fat grafting has recently spiked in popularity – you may have heard the latest “it girls” and influencers talking about it online.

But what exactly is facial fat grafting? How does it work? Most importantly, would it be right for you? We take a deep dive and explain everything you need to know and help you connect with professionals that can pull it off.

What is Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting is the process by which fat is removed from one portion of the body via liposuction. It’s then liquefied and purified by a process of straining and spinning – this prepares it for reintegration into the body. Finally, the prepared fat is surgically added back into the body elsewhere – wherever you and your doctor determine is necessary.

Fat grafting is considered generally safe. Using fat as a permanent filler reduces the risk of allergic reaction and other adverse side effects because no one is allergic to their own fat. However, because fat can be reabsorbed into the body, a slight initial overfilling is common to account for absorption. Six months after the filling treatment, the fat that remains should last a lifetime.

Uses for Fat Grafting

Traditionally, fat grafting was used to fill out irregularities in the surface of the skin during procedures such as natural breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lifts. Now, as fat grafting popularity grows, more uses emerge.

Facial Fillers

Facial fat grafts are now a major player in the application of fat grafting. An alternative to more traditional facial implants, fat grafting comes with the added benefit of removing fat from less desirable locations. Skilled surgeons create a more natural facial profile, rebuild facial deformations, and repair tissue damage.

Facial fat grafting can also be used to augment the results of a facelift, which is becoming an increasingly popular technique used by plastic surgeons. According to a study in which 300 members of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons were polled, 85% of the surgeons polled used fat grafting during facelifts.

Fat from a patient’s own body results in a fuller, smoother, healthier appearance – especially beneficial when performing a facelift to improve cheeks that appear gaunt or sunken.

Post-traumatic Deformities and Burn Injuries

Utilizing fat grafting, surgeons can more effectively smooth and repair scars, burns, or other deformities as a result of traumatic events. Cases of subcutaneous fat being removed, treated, and used to fill deep wounds date back to 2012, with excellent results.

A fat graft to repair remnants of traumatic injury can help a patient reclaim their life and self-esteem.

Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction

Breast augmentation is a well-known use for fat grafting, but doctors didn’t stop there.

After mastectomies, radiation, or other breast cancer treatment methods, breast reconstruction is sometimes necessary. Fat grafting is an effective long-term and safe option for breast cancer patients – it creates a more natural feel and appearance, matching the unaltered breast better than a standard silicone implant.

Fat Grafting Services From Dr. Binder

Dr. Binder provides personalized fat-grafting services in a state-of-the-art office, located conveniently in beautiful Beverly Hills.

With 30 years of experience, multiple patents, and over 70 academic articles to his credit, Dr. William Binder is always at the forefront of facial plastic and reconstructive innovation. Using tools like facial fat grafting, Dr. Binder sets the bar and revolutionizes the modern field of facial contouring. While many surgeons now employ his methods, nothing beats the original.

If you require fat grafting services or would like more information, contact Dr. Binder’s office today – our friendly staff is more than happy to assist you!

Zoom Boom Plastic Surgery

What is the ‘Zoom Boom’ Plastic Surgery Trend?

Globally, plastic surgery is a $49.14 billion industry, and over the last two years, the industry has seen a boom in growth and from a somewhat unlikely place. The latest news in plastic surgery revolves around what is called the “Zoom Boom” trend and how it’s impacting plastic surgery trends.

What Exactly is the Zoom Boom?

Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers have been faced with all sorts of news surrounding Zoom fatigue, the increase of video conferencing for personal, educational, and business purposes, and now – the Zoom Boom.

The Zoom Boom refers to a new upward trend in the plastic surgery industry that has been propelled by the ongoing use of video conferencing devices.

“The ‘Zoom Boom’ is 100% credited to people sitting at home all day and staring at their faces during video conferences,” said Dr. David Shafer, MD, FACS, during an interview with Entrepreneur.

Sure, while the Zoom app has been downloaded more than 6 million times, video conferencing across apps such as Facebook Messenger, Microsoft Teams, and other apps has also increased and contributed to this Zoom Boom trend.

As of 2020, the most popular video conferencing service used by adults was Facetime (47.6%), followed up by Facebook Messenger (44.1%) and Zoom (31.5%).

How is this ‘Zoom Boom’ Impacting the Everyday Person?

So, while it’s true that more and more people are using video conferencing more frequently, has it really had that much of an impact on people that it’s now starting this massive increase in plastic surgery?

According to Dr. Shafer, the answer is yes, and it’s all because of Zoom Dysmorphia. This term was coined by Arianne Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH, and is used to describe the negative effects on patients brought on by the Zoom Boom, such as developing a negative self-opinion, creating dangerous cycles of self-criticisms, etc.

More Patients Seeking Out Cosmetic Treatments

In a study published in March of 2021 in the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, dermatologists are seeing significant increases in patients interested in cosmetic procedures.

Co-author of the study, Dr. Libby, MD, stated that 56.7% of practitioners had seen an increase in patients seeking cosmetic consultation since the onset of the pandemic. Interestingly, 86.4% indicated that their patients cited video-conferencing calls as their primary reason for seeking out cosmetic treatment.

There’s Been an Increase in Those with Lower Self-Esteem

In that same study, 82.7% of dermatologists marked their patients as being either somewhat more or significantly more unhappy with their appearance since they began using video conferencing apps due to the ongoing pandemic.

In another poll posted by Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, 40% of participants stated that they now plan to seek out cosmetic treatments solely based on their appearance-related concerns stemming from ongoing video conferencing use.

Most Sought After Procedures Related to the Zoom Boom

According to both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, three cosmetic surgical procedures took 2020 by storm, and they included:

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelifts

Of course, other standard procedures included liposuction due to increased sedentary lifestyles, Botox for chronic stress caused by the ongoing pandemic, and cosmetic surgery for those who have suffered from Zoom Dysmorphia, such as breast augmentation or breast reduction.

Feeling the Effects of the ‘Zoom Boom’? Dr. Binder Can Help!

If you are feeling the effects of the Zoom Boom and are starting to feel the adverse effects, don’t worry, Dr. Binder is here to help!

He is Board Certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. He is also known for his outstanding achievements and contributions in his field.

Have questions about a particular procedure? Contact us today for more information!

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