
Why Custom Implants Could be Right for You

A huge part of what makes the world so amazing is that each person on it is unique in both their looks and personality. So why do so many doctors still use cookie cutter facial implants?

About Custom Facial Implants

Facial implants are usually used for the chin, cheeks, or jaw, or any combination of these, as part of augmentation surgery, often along with other augmentation techniques such as liposuction, fat grafting, and bone augmentation. Facial augmentation surgery is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, but may also be reconstructive.

Custom vs. Standard Facial Implants

Facial implants can be custom or standard. Custom implants are made specifically for the patient and are designed to give them the best possible results based on their individual desires and facial structure. Alternatively, standard facial implants may also be used. These types of implants are made with human facial anatomy in mind, but not that of the specific patient. This difference in customization can affect the patient’s experience in a variety of ways.

Standard facial implants are cheaper than custom facial implants, often significantly so. However, standard implants cannot provide the natural appearance that custom implants can, as custom implants are made specifically to fit the individual patient’s anatomy. Custom implants allow your plastic surgeon to balance the features you want augmented so the size is proportional and the shape blends with the rest of the face. Custom facial implants are also able to give patients who are undergoing a reconstructive procedure an appearance much more similar to the appearance of the patient before their trauma.

Good Candidates for Custom Implants

Facial implants are an excellent choice for people who have a weak or receding chin or jaw line, want to add definition to their cheeks, or naturally suffer from some sort of facial asymmetry, as well as patients who have asymmetry, deformity, or tissue degradation resulting from an injury, disease, or other trauma or ailment.

In addition to having the above issues, good candidates for custom facial implant surgery are in good general health; ideally do not smoke or regularly come into contact with second hand smoke; and have a positive, specific, and realistic expectation for what cosmetic surgery can do for them. It’s important to disclose your medical history, especially your dental history and your history with anesthesia, to your doctor so that they may determine whether or not you qualify for facial implants.

While, like almost all plastic surgeries, facial implant surgery is far more likely to be undergone by women, men are the fastest growing demographic of plastic surgery patients and facial implant surgery is one of the most common plastic surgeries for men. Usually men choose to undergo chin and jaw augmentation to achieve a cleft or simply a stronger jaw line; an increasing number are also opting for cheek augmentation to achieve the look popularized by celebrities like Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston.

Alternatives to Custom Implants

Patients who find that they are not eligible for custom implants or that custom implants won’t solve their issue adequately are not out of luck. There are a number of alternative cosmetic procedures that can also be undergone. If you’re looking for a more youthful appearance, lifts, such a brow, face, and eye lifts, as well as dermal fillers and skin resurfacing treatments can help restore that youthful glow; though non-surgical treatments cannot provide the same results as surgical procedures and the results are not permanent. Lifts can also help give the face a more contoured look by removing excess sagging skin. Facial liposuction can do the same through the removal of excess fat.

All of these procedures can also be, and often are, performed in conjunction with custom implant surgery to give a more comprehensive and thorough change in appearance. During your consultation, ask your plastic surgeon if additional treatments can help give you better results.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Binder is a double board certified facial and reconstructive plastic surgery specialist located in Beverly Hills. In addition to working with patients, who give him outstanding reviews, Dr. Binder also travels the country and world to provide training and education to other plastic surgeons.

If you’re interested in custom facial implant surgery or any other cosmetic procedure, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation.


Face and Neck Lifts: An Overview

As we age, the face and neck begin to sag and crease, giving the neck, cheeks, and under eyes a droopy appearance; creating the illusion of a double chin, causing the neck muscles to band, and wrinkling under the eyes and from the corners of the mouth to the nose. This happens to all of us, but the rate and age at which it happens varies from person to person based on genetics, gravity, environment, and stress. Rejuvenation procedures like facelifts and neck lifts can help to reverse this process.

There are many misconceptions about facelifts and neck lifts that cause people to be wary of them, the most common of which is that patients who undergo facelifts and neck lifts end up with a tight, “stretched,” and unnatural looking appearance. It is true that on occasion, old facelift and neck lift techniques could give these kinds of results, but these results were extremely rare. Now, with new more effective techniques, artificial looking results are virtually unheard of, especially when the procedure is conducted by a highly skilled plastic surgeon.

About Facelift and Neck Lift Surgeries

Facelift surgery is used to correct signs of aging in the lower portion of the face, in the areas roughly level with the nose and mouth. In order to do so, a plastic surgeon begins incisions at the temple and continues down in front in the ear, below it, and then back behind the ear. The skin is then gently moved to tighten up sags and wrinkles. Excess skin and fat may be removed to create a smoother, more youthful final result. Incisions are closed with fine sutures or metal clips, allowing the surgeon to avoid shaving the incision site.

Neck lift surgery uses a similar process to tighten up sagging and correct muscle banding in the neck. Incisions for neck lifts begin similarly to those used for facelifts, going from the temple down in front of the ear, then curling below and behind the ear. For some neck lift procedures, these incisions may be all that’s needed and the skin can be repositioned. For others, additional incisions may be made below the jaw-line for further repositioning of the skin. Like with facelift surgery, excess skin and fat may also be removed. Incisions are closed with sutures.

Both procedures are performed under a combination of sedatives, general or mild intravenous anesthesia (“twilight sleep”), and local anesthesia. Incisions for both procedures are placed in natural contours of the face so that they are almost invisible.

Which Lift is Right for Me?

Though facelifts and neck lifts can be performed individually if patients are happy with the appearance of their lower face or neck, they can also be performed together. In fact, having both performed gives better results. This is especially true if the procedures are conducted simultaneously as it allows the surgeon to take a more holistic approach and create a more unified appearance.

Many patients interested in facelift and neck lift surgeries claim that their physical appearance does not match their mental age. Good candidates for either a facelift or neck lift are unhappy with the aging appearance of the area in question, have no health issues that could impede healing or cause complications during surgery, do not smoke (or can abstain from smoking for an agreed period of time), and have optimistic and realistic expectations for what their surgery can achieve. While these procedures can reverse signs of aging, they do not stop the aging process altogether. Patients will continue to develop symptoms of aging.

Additional Procedures

Because facelifts don’t modify the entire face, other procedures are often performed in conjunction with face and neck lifts in order to tighten up the brow and eye areas, in addition to giving more dramatic and comprehensive results in general.

If the upper area of the face only needs minimal improvement, dermal fillers and skin resurfacing treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion can be used to correct minor wrinkles, scarring, under eye bags and dark circles, and discoloration. However, the effects of these treatments are temporary and they can’t rival the results of surgical treatments, though they can prolong the need for them. Non-surgical procedures can also serve as alternatives for patients whose health does not allow them to undergo surgery.

Additional surgeries can also be performed in conjunction with facelifts and neck lifts. For more significant revision of the upper part of the face, patients may want to consider blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow and forehead lifts, or a combination of these. Surgeries can also be used to enhance the results of facelifts and neck lifts. Facial liposuction and fat grafting can be used, especially on the neck, to remove fatty deposits and bags. Facial implants and rhinoplasty can be used to provide additional augmentation to create a more pleasant appearance in general, or as reconstructive procedures following illness or an accident.

The Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Face or Neck Lift

Dr. William J. Binder is a double board certified facial and reconstructive plastic surgery specialist and one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons, with an office in Beverly Hills. If you want your lift procedure performed by one of the best, contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation.


What is Tumescent Liposuction?

Liposuction, also referred to as liposculpture or liposplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgeries available and is usually used to thin and contour the body. However, liposuction, particularly tumescent liposuction, also has major applications for use on the face and neck.

Why Facial Liposuction?

Just like liposuction on the body thins, shapes, and contours, facial liposuction does the same. Facial liposuction can improve the appearance of the chin, jaw, cheeks and neck without the use of more expensive and invasive plastic surgeries such as facial implants or lifts. Facial liposuction is also great for patients seeking less dramatic facial augmentation. On the other hand, patients seeking dramatic results can choose to have facial liposuction performed alongside other procedures, including facial implants and lifts, to produce a more significant change in appearance.

Tumescent Liposuction Surgery

Tumescent liposuction is a particular liposuction technique. This procedure involves the use of more anesthetic than other liposuction procedures; this not only reduces pain, but also bleeding, swelling, and skin irregularities, resulting in a shorter, easier recovery period. At the beginning of the procedure, a solution of anesthetic and epinephrine is injected into the surgical site. This solution absorbs into fat deposits, causing them to firm and swell, making them easier for the surgeon to remove.

Once the fatty areas have swollen, the surgeon makes a small incision over the deposit and inserts a thin tube called a cannula into the fat deposit. The cannula is attached to a vacuum like machine that sucks the fat out into a sterile holding container. After suction is complete, an elastic compression garment may be worn to support the area while it heals and contracts. Your doctor will be able to tell you how long and how often this garment needs to be worn.

Facial Tumescent Liposuction Results

Swelling will occur for several days following the procedure, making the face look even rounder than it did prior to surgery. Improvement will begin to appear in one to two weeks following surgery. Full results of facial tumescent liposuction take at least three to four months to appear, but may take up to six months.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Tumescent Liposuction Procedure

When choosing a plastic surgeon for any facial plastic surgery procedure, including tumescent liposuction, a plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery is the best choice. These surgeons are trained and experienced in the techniques that best suit the face and avoid scarring. Less specialized surgeons simply are not able to achieve the same excellent results as facial surgery specialists, and they are also significantly more likely to leave visible scarring at the surgical site.

Fortunately, one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons, who also happens to specialize in facial plastic surgery, receives both local and visiting patients in his conveniently located office in the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills area.

Dr. William J. Binder is certified by not only the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, but also by the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery; he regularly travels around both the United States and the world to educate and train other plastic surgeons. His extensive experience is further evidenced his many published academic articles and 10 global and United States patents on medical and surgical devices and pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Binder has a passion for giving patients the best possible results by educating them and taking the time to understand their goals. If you want your tumescent liposuction done one of the world’s leading facial plastic surgery specialists, act now. Do not wait and contact the office of Dr. Binder today to schedule your consultation and start on your journey to a look you love.


Lip Injection Options Available to You

There are many different types of dermal fillers that can be injected into your lips and around your mouth to give you fuller, plumper looking lips. Here’s a look at some of the lip injection options that are on the market and how they differ from each other.

Human-Derived Collagen Fillers

Human-derived collagen comes from people, such as the excess skin removed during surgeries. The biocompatibility of human-derived collagen means that there is no need for allergy testing before the treatment. This makes this type of dermal filler a great option for those who are allergic to bovine collagen.

Human-derived collagen fillers include:

  • Dermalogen
  • Cymetra
  • Autologen
  • Fascian
  • Cosmoderm
  • Cosmoplast

Bovine-Derived Collagen Fillers

Bovine-derived collagen comes from the tissue of cows that have been raised in constantly monitored, disease-free herds. An allergy test is required before receiving this type of lip filler because there is a 3% chance of an allergic reaction. This type of lip filler was the first type of temporary filler used for cosmetic enhancement.

Injectable lip fillers that are bovine-derived include:

  • Zyderm
  • Zyplast
  • Artecoll

Hyaluronic Acid-Based Lip Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a clear, biodegradable substance that naturally grows in the body’s joints and skin. Hyaluronic acid binds well with water molecules, which allows hyaluronic acid-based fillers to not only plump the lips and provide a longer-lasting result than collagen fillers, but also to moisturize them.

Hyaluronic acid products can come in different thicknesses or viscosities, making them a versatile choice for treating different areas of the face, including lips. A thinner product would be well suited for fixing fine lines and wrinkles, or for subtly enhancing the lips. A thicker product would be better suited to addressing volume loss and very deep wrinkles. Since hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the human body, there is no need for a pre-treatment allergy test, and the effects can last between six to 12 months.

Some of the hyaluronic acid-based lip fillers on the market are:

  • Restylane (L and Silk)
  • Perlane
  • Radiesse
  • Juvederm (Ultra and Ultra Plus)
  • Hylaform
  • Elevess
  • Prevelle Silk
  • Captique
  • Teosyal
  • Belotero

Permanent Fillers

Permanent fillers or non-resorbable fillers are not as commonly used as temporary fillers (such as collagen-based fillers and hyaluronic acid-based fillers) because of their longer-lasting effect. It is often recommended that you first try out a temporary filler so that you can make sure you are happy with the results.

There is no going back once you’ve had a permanent filler injection. If you do decide to go with a permanent filler, it is important that you make sure that your doctor is very experienced with them, because most complications occur as a result of the product not being injected correctly.

The main permanent fillers on the market are:

  • Artecoll
  • Artefill
  • Aquamid

Fat Transfer Injections

Fat transfer injections are a great alternative for patients who don’t want to put foreign substances in their body. While most other lip fillers are derived from an animal or human donor tissue, fat transfer utilizes your own body’s tissue, giving you soft, natural-looking results. Since fat transfers use your own natural tissue, rejection or allergic reactions rarely occur.

One of the downsides to fat transfer injections is that some of the fat cells die during transfer. An experienced doctor will try to prevent this from happening by injecting the fat in intervals, rather than all at once.

Some of the possible side effects that can affect the area from which the fat was taken or the injection site include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Minor discomfort

Book an Appointment

Before you set your heart on any of the lip injection options available to you, you should first consult with your doctor. Book a consultation with Dr. Binder so that he can answer any questions or concerns that you might have about the different types of lip injections. With his knowledge and experience, he will help you make the best choice about which lip filler will work best for you.


Preparing for Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

You’ve finally done it. You’ve decided to get rhinoplasty surgery. Yet, you’re a little apprehensive because you aren’t sure what precautions you need to take before your surgery, and you have no idea what you need to account for when it comes to post-operative care.

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to taking care of yourself before and after rhinoplasty surgery.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Before scheduling your rhinoplasty surgery, it is important that you meet with your doctor to discuss important factors that determine whether the surgery is likely to work well for you. This consultation can normally include:

  • Your medical history—your doctor will ask questions about your medical history, such as your history of nasal obstruction, surgeries, medications that you take, and if you have a bleeding disorder (i.e. hemophilia)
  • A physical exam—your doctor will conduct a full medical exam, including any necessary laboratory tests. They will also examine your skin and the inside and outside of your nose. This physical exam will help your doctor determine what changes need to be made and how your physical features may affect your results. The exam is also crucial for determining the impact of rhinoplasty on your breathing.
  • Photographs—pictures of your nose (from several different angles) may be taken in order for your doctor to manipulate those photos in order to show you the kind of results that are possible. Your doctor will also use these photos for before-and-after assessments, to reference during surgery, and for long-term reviews.
  • A discussion of your expectations—your doctor will explain what rhinoplasty can and can’t do for you and what your results might be. It is important that you are open with your doctor about your desires and goals for surgery. That way, both of you will be on the same page.

The Countdown to Your Rhinoplasty

In the weeks prior to your surgery, you should begin taking precautions to make sure that your operation runs smoothly and that you’re prepared for your post-operative care. Here is a check list of things that you should do before your operation:

  • Don’t take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications
  • Quit smoking two weeks before your surgery
  • Obtain a copy of your doctor’s protocol
  • Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from your surgery
  • Fill prescriptions (especially pain medications and antibiotics) before surgery
  • Consider a pill case with a time chart for medications
  • Purchase a thermometer, antibacterial soap, dressings, and gauze
  • Set up your recovery area at home
  • Black out windows so you can rest during the day
  • Prepare icepacks
  • Purchase moisturizers, scar reducing creams, and petroleum jelly for incisions (if open surgery)
  • Purchase eye drops (eyes can be dry after any surgery)
  • Consider a handheld shower head and bathroom chair
  • On the day of surgery, wear loose clothing
  • Follow your doctor’s directions carefully regarding medications, eating, and drinking

After Rhinoplasty Care

Since rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated forms of facial plastic surgery, it is extremely important that you follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions conscientiously. These instructions will also help minimize pain and discomfort during your recovery. Your doctor’s instructions can include:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling
  • Rest as often as possible
  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercise

The first 24 hours after rhinoplasty surgery is often the most difficult part of the recovery period. During this time, you may experience some normal side effects, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Nosebleeds

It is important to note that, while nosebleeds are common (especially in the first 48 hours after surgery), you shouldn’t blow your nose as this can adversely affect the rhinoplasty results.

You should be able to return to work and a more normalized routine one week after receiving rhinoplasty. However, you will still have to be careful to avoid strenuous activities, waiting until two weeks after your surgery to participate in sports or return to weight lifting. You shouldn’t participate in any activity that may result in a blow to the nose for approximately eight weeks.

Consult with Dr. Binder

Before booking rhinoplasty surgery, you should consult with a qualified doctor. Book a consultation with Dr. Binder today. With years of experience in his field, he has the knowledge and know-how to help you make the right decision when it comes to your rhinoplasty needs.


13 Things You Can Do to Beautify Your Skin

Human skin is a study in contradictions. It’s our barrier to the world and yet it reacts to every stimulus with which it comes into contact. How do we protect the outer layer of our body while promoting its natural glow and vulnerability?

1) Hydrate Inside and Out

As refreshing as a cool blast of water feels on your face, just imagine how the rest of your cells feel when you drink it. Our bodies are predominantly comprised of liquids, so it’s important to maintain a healthy balance of H2O in your system. Staying hydrated serves several functions when it comes to the health of your skin: it replenishes damaged cells, regulates your body temperature and heart rate, and flushes impurities from your body. So enjoy a nice, tall glass of agua with your next shower!

2) Cleansing: Keep It Cool

Speaking of showers, don’t get overheated. Excessively hot water can dry out your skin, so be mindful of the temperature and always be gentle. There is no need for heavy pressure while cleansing. You don’t require anything but your hands for this step, although you may choose to use a washcloth.

3) Massage Products into Your Skin Gradually

While your doctor will encourage you to use moisturizer after cleansing, it’s also important to consider exactly HOW you apply these products. Massage the cream into your flesh in an upward motion, gently working it into the epidermal layer. This is important for all body types, as this is the step that feeds your skin.

4) When Life Hands You Lemons, Eat Them!

Citrus snacks nourish your liver and kidney, which in turn helps replenish your skin’s vitality. Along the way, Vitamin C also prevents wrinkles. Win-win!

5) Exercise for That Extra Glow

Aerobic activities have myriad benefits for the enduring health of your skin:

  • Exercise releases endorphins, which reduces cortisol, an acne-forming agent.
  • It also increases blood flow, which brings more oxygen to your cells.
  • Vigorous movement amplifies your body’s natural production of collagen, the protein central to maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness.
  • Sweating opens your pores, flushing out toxins in the process (but be sure to shower after you work up that sweat).

6) Got Chocolate?

Now that you’ve burned those calories, you’ve earned a chance to gain them back! Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which reduce blemish-inducing toxins. A snack can also make you happy, and happiness promotes endorphins (see the exercise example above)!

7) Have Some Wine with Your Chocolate

Another decadent treat that promotes healthy skin: a glass of red wine. When consumed in moderation, the antioxidants in vino serve up a bevy of health benefits. As always, drink responsibly and consult a professional if you think you are developing a dependence on alcohol.

8) Mask Maintenance

Use masks every one or two weeks to detoxify, renew, and tighten your pores. Before you apply a facial mask, it is important to cleanse and tone. Be sure to leave the mask on your skin for five to 20 minutes, depending on the type you’re using. Gently and thoroughly remove the mask with warm water, and then tone and moisturize your face and neck.

9) Tea Time

Much like water (see above), tea is a mystical skincare product that can be applied externally as well as taken internally. By drinking chamomile tea, you ingest quercetin, a flavonoid (plant pigment) that bolsters your skin’s natural defense against the harmful UV rays of the sun. Other teas boost your immune system (thus guarding against diseases that could sap your skin’s healthy pallor) and aid in digestion (drawing toxins away from your epidermis).

Once you’re done brewing all of those delicious concoctions, save the bags and re-use them for additional skin love. The caffeine in tea shrinks the blood vessels under your epidermis and reduces the bags under your eyes, for example. You can also reach for a cool tea compress to alleviate sunburn pain. Speaking of which…

10) Don’t Skimp on the Sunscreen

This should go without saying, but the sun accelerates the aging process with every minute of exposure to its searing heat. Avoid the worst of these ravages by applying sunblock EVERY time you go outside.

11) Go Nuts!

Almonds are packed with Vitamin E and “good” fats like omega 3’s, all of which promote skin health. Not to mention, they’re loaded with protein that can help you stay active, thus feeding into your overall health even more.

12) Exfoliate with a Gentle Brush

The right brush can stimulate blood flow to the epidermis and exfoliate your skin as it goes. Use circular, upward, gentle motions with very gentle products. Remember that you are simply exfoliating dead skin, which takes very little pressure. Abrasive loofahs or shell powder-based exfoliants are not necessary. Remember to exfoliate your skin no more than every three to five days.

13) Reduce Makeup Use

Now that you’ve got your skin looking fresh and fierce, why cover it up? Excessive makeup clogs your pores and hinders the various successes you’ve achieved with the previous 12 steps.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to properly care for your facial skin, be sure to schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder. He can advise you on any cosmetic procedures you may want to enhance the healthy glow you’ve just attained, and keep you looking your best for years to come.

The 6 Products You Need in Your Skincare Routine:

    1. Cleanser
      A good cleanser sets the stage for your whole routine. Ultimately, your cleanser should be gentle, water-soluble, and able to remove makeup. Avoid using anything with soap in it (soap’s pH level is too basic and will dry out your skin). When it comes to finding the best cleanser, let your unique skin be your guide and choose a product designed to target your primary skin concern (acne, dryness, oiliness, or sensitivity).
    2. Toner
      Toner often gets dismissed as overkill, but as part of a comprehensive skincare routine, a toner is actually pretty crucial. Not only does it remove any oil or makeup residue, it also preps your cleansed skin to receive whatever treatments you put on next. Choose a gentle, non-alcohol based formula with skin-repairing ingredients, as well as calming and anti-inflammatory properties.
    3. Exfoliator
      The best ways to go about exfoliating your face is to either use a cleanser with chemical exfoliants in it or a dedicated physical exfoliator. Either way, you should only use this product about two times a week. Chemical exfoliators are best for sensitive skin, and physical ones (with gritty bits) are good for occasional use if your skin is on the dry and flaky side.
    4. Serums
      Packed full of active ingredients, serums are for brightening, repairing, evening, smoothing texture, hydrating, and anti-aging. Some have multiple purposes and some are singular in the way that they work. You can layer serums or pick just one to focus on your biggest skin concern.
    5. Targeted treatments
      These are generally used for treating blemishes, dark spots, and physical symptoms of skin conditions like eczema. They usually have powerful ingredients that should be used sparingly and (usually) at night to avoid damage from sun sensitivity.
    6. Moisturizer
      Moisturizers are made for all kinds of complexions, either oil-free or loaded with skincare goodies like antioxidants and vitamins. You can use facial oil as a moisturizer too, no matter what your skin type.

In the event that none of the above alleviate the entirety of skin health-related issues or concerns you have, cosmetic options such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion may be the answer you’re looking for. In the event that you believe a professional cosmetic solution is the way to move forward, make sure you discuss this at length with the plastic surgeon you’re considering before making any impulsive decisions.

Consult with Dr. Binder

If you have any questions or concerns about how to properly look after your facial skin or the cosmetic options that are available to you, then be sure to book a consultation with Dr. Binder.


Questions to Ask Before Getting Plastic Surgery

Before having any type of surgery, it is important that you make sure to broach any questions or concerns that you might have about the entire surgery process with your doctor. Here’s a list of some of the questions that you should ask your doctor during your consultation appointment.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  1. Are you board-certified?
  2. Do you have other professional affiliations?
  3. How long have you been performing this type of procedure?
  4. How many of these procedures have you performed?
  5. What surgery do you perform the most in your practice?

Questions About the Procedure

  1. Which surgery will best address my needs?
  2. How is the surgery performed?
  3. How safe is the procedure?
  4. How long does the procedure usually last?
  5. Are there other options available?
  6. Can I have multiple procedures done at the same time?
  7. Will I need revision surgery?
  8. Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  9. Will I have visible scars?
  10. What complications may occur and how frequently?
  11. What kind of anesthesia will be used on me during surgery?
  12. Will I be able to speak with the anesthesiologist before surgery?
  13. Who performs the skin care/postoperative follow-up/suture removal?

Questions About Preparing for Plastic Surgery

  1. What do I need to do in the week leading up to surgery in order to prepare?
  2. What preparation is required the day before and the morning of the surgery?
  3. Should my regular medicine be taken the morning of the surgery?
  4. Where will the surgery be performed?
  5. What time should I arrive at the surgery location?
  6. Should someone drive me to and from my surgery?
  7. Will I need to stay overnight?
  8. What sort of clothes should I bring to wear home?
  9. Will I need to see a doctor prior to surgery for examination or testing because of pre-existing medical conditions?
  10. How long before surgery should I stop smoking?

Questions About Post-Surgical Problem Solving

  1. If a problem should arise after I go home, who answers calls after hours and on weekends?
  2. If I need to be seen after hours, where will this occur?
  3. If I need help in my home, is a private duty nurse available?
  4. What if I am unhappy with the results or with the degrees of changes achieved?
  5. If touch-ups are necessary, when would they be performed?

Recovery Questions

  1. How long is the recovery period?
  2. Do any of my medical conditions mean that recovery will last longer than average?
  3. What kind of medical care is required during recovery?
  4. What sort of help will I need at home during my recovery?
  5. What will my physical limitations be during recovery?
  6. Are any special medications or diet required during the recovery period?
  7. What should I watch for during healing that may indicate a problem?
  8. How much pain/swelling/bruising is to be expected?
  9. How will my pain be managed after I go home?
  10. How many follow-ups are necessary and when will they take place?
  11. Will I need to wear a compression garment or other special clothing?
  12. When can I start exercising again?
  13. When will I be able to take a bath or go swimming?
  14. When will I be able to drive again?
  15. When will I be able to return to work and normal activities?

Questions About Cost and Payment

  1. Do you charge a consultation fee?
  2. Does the cost depend on where my surgery is performed?
  3. Will it save me money to have multiple surgeries done at once?
  4. Will insurance cover the cost?
  5. What options are available for payment?

Schedule a Visit

If you have any other questions or concerns about any type of cosmetic procedure, then book a consultation with Dr. Binder so that he can help you find the answers you’re looking for.


Surgical vs. Non-Surgical: Which Option is Right for You?

With so many cosmetic procedures available, it can be hard to determine which type or types are right for you, especially when making the stressful decision of whether or not to undergo surgery. Fortunately, there are ways to make this process easier. First, prospective patients can find resources like this one to educate them and give the guidance. Second, during their consultation, patients can discuss their options with their plastic surgeon, who will have the knowledge and experience to help patients make the right decision.

Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Surgical cosmetic procedures, or cosmetic surgeries, are what typically come to mind when we think of procedures that are performed by plastic surgeons. Cosmetic surgeries are invasive procedures that typically require general anesthesia, but deliver dramatic results that can last for several years up to a lifetime, depending on the patient and the procedure.

The most common cosmetic surgery procedures in 2015 were breast augmentation with 279,143 procedures performed that year, liposuction with 222,051 procedures performed, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) with 217,979 procedures performed, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) with 203,934 procedures performed, and finally tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) with 127,967 procedures performed. In total, 1,706,106 cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in 2015.

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures, or minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures, are alternatives to surgery. These procedures typically require no anesthesia, or use local anesthesia, and give more subtle results. Results of non-surgical cosmetic procedures are typically temporary and last from a few weeks to a year or more, depending on the patient and procedure.

The most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures in 2015 were Botox with 6,757,198 procedures performed over the course of the year, soft tissue fillers with 2,440,724 procedures performed, chemical peels with 1,310,252 procedures performed, laser hair removal with 1,116,708 procedures performed, and microdermabrasion with 800,340 performed in 2015. As you can see, non-surgical cosmetic procedures are far more popular than surgical cosmetic procedures. In total, 14,202,224 non-surgical cosmetic procedures were performed in 2015, more than eight times the number of surgical procedures.

So Which is Best?

Neither surgical cosmetic procedures nor non-surgical cosmetic procedures are objectively better than the alternative in every case for every patient. Instead, it depends on the patient’s goals, financial situation, and health history. Discussing these subjects with their plastic surgeon can help patients figure out whether a surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedure is right for them.

There are, however, some differences that can help patients determine which option may be best before they even meet their surgeon.

Because non-surgical options give subtle and temporary results, this means they may be better for patients who aren’t seeking significant change or just want a bit of extra oomph for a special occasion. However, patients who want more dramatic or permanent results may be better served by surgery. Remember, surgery can also provide subtle changes; but non-surgical treatments are limited in the amount of dramatic change they can provide.

Non-surgical options are usually cheaper per treatment than surgical alternatives, making them attractive to patients on a more limited budget. On the other hand, because non-surgical options typically require retreatment to maintain results, surgery may end up being cheaper over time.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Cosmetic Procedure

Regardless of whether you choose a surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedure, it’s important to have an experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Binder perform your procedure. Dr. Binder is conveniently located in Los Angeles, is double board certified and has a passion for helping patients achieve their goals.

If you’re interested in a facial cosmetic procedure, whether surgical or not, don’t wait to act. Dr. Binder is always accepting patients for consultations, so contact his office today to schedule your appointment and find out which cosmetic procedure or procedures are right for you.

Mole Removal


Mole Removal: The Options Available to You

Facial moles were popularized by Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s, and again by celebrities like Madonna in the 1980s and Cindy Crawford in the 1990s. Even as recently as 2016, Hollywood darling Jennifer Lawrence has received praise for her moles and criticized magazines for editing her moles out in published photos.

However, some of us don’t feel like glamorous celebrities with our moles, and some moles can even pose threats to our health. In fact, even while they get praise for their moles, Cindy Crawford and Madonna, as well as other celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, chose to have their moles removed.

Why Have Moles Removed?

Moles are usually benign, but they can definitely be unsightly, with most moles being removed for cosmetic reasons. Another common reason for mole removal is moles that become constantly irritated from rubbing jewelry, glasses, or clothing.

The most serious reason for removal, however, is concerns about skin cancer. Moles can develop melanoma, while keratoses (rough, mole-like growths that develop from sun exposure) can develop into squamous cell carcinomas. If there is any question about whether or not a mole is cancerous, a biopsy can be performed to find out whether the mole is cancerous or benign. Signs that a mole is cancerous include:

  • Asymmetry between the sides of the mole
  • Ragged, irregular, or blurred edges
  • Inconsistent or uneven coloring, or shades of tan, brown, black, blue, white, or red in the mole
  • Diameter larger than a pencil eraser
  • Changing size, shape, or color

Mole Removal Procedures

There are several ways that moles can be removed, including laser treatment, cryosurgery, surgical removal, and hydrocortisone cream.

Laser removal and cryosurgery are less invasive and less likely to produce visible scarring than traditional surgery methods. Laser surgery uses lasers to remove the mole. Cryosurgery involves the injection of liquid nitrogen into or underneath the mole, freezing it and causing it to break up. Both laser removal and cryosurgery only treat moles on the surface level and are best for small, superficial moles. For cancer that is deeper than the superficial levels of the skin, more traditional surgery methods are required.

The most common way of removing moles is through excision surgery. Moles are usually removed through a simple “shave excision” or “surgical shave,” which removes the mole at the level of the skin before cauterizing the wound for quick healing. This procedure may leave a small, barely visible amount of scarring, but usually leaves no scarring at all. However, like laser removal and cryosurgery, shave excisions only remove moles from the surface level and is best for small, superficial moles.

For cancer that is deeper in the skin or is likely to spread, “excision surgery” is performed. This surgical technique removes the mole, as well as the surrounding and underlying healthy tissue to ensure a more complete removal. Whether removed through shave excision or excision surgery, the removed mole or keratosis is then sent to a pathologist for testing for cancer.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Mole Removal Procedure

A surgeon not trained in cosmetic and plastic surgery can leave scarring. For this reason, many surgical dermatologists and oncologists refuse to do mole removals on the face, and refer patients to plastic surgeons instead. For optimal results, a plastic surgeon that specializes in facial and reconstructive surgeries is the best option for the patient.

Dr. William J. Binder has extensive experience performing facial reconstructive surgery, as evidenced by his many published academic articles and 10 medical patents. His skill in facial reconstructive surgery is further illustrated by his certification by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.

If you want your facial mole removal done correctly, contact the office of Dr. Binder today to schedule your consultation.

Facial Implants: An Overview


Facial Implants: Are They Right For You?

Facial implants are used to bring symmetry and balance to the face, and are typically used in the cheeks, chin, and jaw. Facial implants serve a cosmetic purpose, but can also be used for reconstruction after severe trauma to the face. Cheek implants increase the prominence and width of the cheeks, giving them a more pronounced appearance. Chin implants increase the size and projection of the chin, and can also modify the overall shape. Jaw implants are similar to chin implants, but broaden the whole of the lower third of the face. All three of these implants can give the face balance and symmetry by making facial features more proportional and shapely.

Facial implant surgery is one of the most common types of cosmetic procedures. 12,668 cheek augmentation surgeries, also called malar augmentation surgery, were performed in 2015, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery’s 2015 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, and 17,451 chin and jaw augmentation surgeries, or mentoplasties, were performed that same year. Facial implants, like most plastic surgeries, are more common among women than men; but chin and jaw implants are some of the most common plastic surgery procedures requested by men.

Facial Implant Candidates

If you are unhappy with the proportions, symmetry, or lack of contour of your face, facial implants may be right for you. Facial implant surgery candidates need to have reached full physical maturity of the head and skull, meaning at least in their late adolescence. Ideally, patients should not smoke and have a positive outlook about their surgery.

Like with all cosmetic procedures, a good candidate for facial implant surgery is in generally good health. Remember, facial implants can’t make you look like another person, but they can enhance the features you already have, as well as give your features greater balance.

A plastic surgeon can help determine if you are healthy and physically mature enough for facial implant surgery, as well as the reasonableness of your expectations. Your surgeon may also find that an alternative procedure, such as fillers or lifts, may better suit your goals and health needs.

Additional and Alternative Procedures

Facial implants may not be right for you, but that does not mean that you are stuck with features you do not like. Injectable dermal fillers, lifts, fat grafting, bone repositioning, bone grafting and dermal grafting can all be alternatives for patients who want more contouring, but are not good candidates for facial implants.

That said, all of these procedures can also be performed in conjunction with facial implant surgery to achieve more thorough or precise results, especially for reconstruction patients. Like facial implants, most of these procedures require invasive surgery, but give dramatic results. Injectable dermal fillers, however, are not invasive, and can be used to provide more subtle changes. Results are not permanent, though, and patients will need to revisit their surgeon every 3 to 12 months, depending on the filler used and patient preferences, for retreatment if they wish to maintain their results.

Choosing the Right Facial Implant Surgeon

Cosmetic surgeries, such as facial implant surgery, can be scary, just like any surgery. A good plastic surgeon, however, can help educate the patient on how to prepare and what to expect, giving them comfort through knowledge. Dr. William J. Binder has a passion for educating patients in order to make them feel happier and more comfortable as he gives them the best possible plastic surgery results.

Contact Dr. Binder’s office today to schedule your consultation and start your journey to a look you love.

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