3 Non-Surgical Procedures to Treat Facial Scars


3 Non-Surgical Procedures to Treat Scars

Many of us have scars for a number of different reasons.  Scars can be the result of just about anything that causes damage to the skin.  The more severe the damage to the skin, the more noticeable the scar will be and the longer it will take to heal. Here are some of the more common reasons for scars:  Accidents, acne, chicken pox, surgery, etc.  Scars are part of the skins normal healing process.  Scars that are visible can cause self-consciousness and self-esteem issues. The goal of this article is to introduce you to three non-surgical procedures that have been proven to be effective.  All three of these are different in nature with differing degrees of success depending on the individual. Unfortunately, scars cannot be completely removed. However, most scars can be treated with a high degree of success. The three non-surgical procedures that we are going to explore in this article will help minimize the appearance of the scar. For best results, you are advised to consult with your doctor or dermatologist to evaluate these and other non-surgical options currently available.

1. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a procedure that uses a high-speed brush (or wheel) to remove the outer layers of the skin. New skin will grow to replace the skin that was removed during the dermabrasion procedure. The most common use of this treatment is to improve the appearance of scars caused by acne or from surgery or trauma. Dermabrasion is effective in creating smooth, even skin that gives the scarred areas a consistent look.

2. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use a chemical solution to remove the top layer of skin.  It also does a great job of reducing the visibility of superficial scars. Chemical peels are easy to administer and are very cost effective when compared to plastic surgery. The chemicals will literally cause the skin to peel off and expose the smooth and fresh skin underneath.

3. Laser Resurfacing / Laser Peel

Laser resurfacing (also referred to as a laser peel) uses an intense energy beam to treat the scars on the skin.  This treatment does an excellent job of treating acne scars as well as other types of trauma scars. The lasers available today are sophisticated enough to target very specific scar areas. This procedure works by using beams of energy and light to remove the skin layer by layer. Laser resurfacing is safe and effective.  The cost of this procedure is minimal when compared to plastic surgery procedures. For most patients, laser resurfacing is an excellent option for removing scars. Recovery from laser resurfacing can take between 1 to 3 weeks depending on the laser used and on the patient. Whichever of the above treatments you may be considering, Dr. Binder can provide you with an estimate and what you can expect from each option via a consultation.

Custom Cheek Implants


Custom Cheek Implants: Are They Right for You?

While the toll aging takes on our skin is certainly unpleasant, it’s not surprising. However, many are shocked to discover that aging even affects our bones. Facial bones shrink in size as we age, giving the cheeks a flat or hollow appearance as the skin and muscle in the face are rearranged. The appearance of cheekbones can also be altered by damage endured by the face over time. Regardless of the cause, a hollow or flat complexion is especially distressing now that high, dramatic cheekbones are increasingly considered imperative for an attractive, youthful, and well-balanced face. Fortunately, custom facial implants can restore youth, vitality, and self-confidence.

More than Just Bones

What we perceive as “cheekbones” is only partially the result of bone structure. A large part of the appearance of high cheekbones is due to the soft tissue resting on top of the bone. Older implants tended to produce an artificial-looking appearance by only replicating bone, ignoring the importance of soft tissue. However, modern implants reflect the actual anatomy of the face, creating a more youthful, natural look. Pairing custom cheek implants with filler injections can help guarantee a natural appearance.

How Cheek Implants Work

Cheek implants are inserted through a 45- to 90-minute procedure, which can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures for efficiency and convenience. Chin augmentation and face or neck lifts are some of the procedures most commonly paired with cheek implants. The patient is put to sleep using either IV sedation or general anesthesia, which relieves any discomfort for the first few hours following the procedure. Patients are generally given antibiotics before, during, and after the procedure to prevent infection.

Cheek Implants Recovery

Following the procedure, some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are expected, which should resolve within two weeks. Bandages are usually applied to provide the implant with support and to keep the site clean as you heal. Medication is usually prescribed to relieve discomfort. Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions on:
  • When to take medications
  • How to care for the surgical site
  • How to prevent infection
  • Concerns specific to your particular surgery and personal health
  • When you can return to various activities
  • How and when to follow up with your surgeon
Within four to six weeks, the site should be fully healed, revealing your final results. After healing, implants look like part of your natural bone structure.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you’re considering custom cheek implants, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today. Dr. William J. Binder is reputed as the father of modern facial contouring, with the majority of facial implants produced worldwide having been designed in part or in full by Dr. Binder. He is double board-certified with significant research experience, and is actively involved in teaching facial contouring techniques to surgeons across the globe. Take a look at our history of patient satisfaction, and contact our office with any related questions and concerns.

Remove Wrinkles with Facial Fillers


Restore Volume and Fullness with Facial Fillers

As we age, we naturally lose skin elasticity and become more susceptible to wrinkles and skin damage. Facial fillers have emerged as a popular treatment to fill in fine lines and wrinkles. It can breathe life into aging skin for a more youthful look, and restore volume and fullness to the face. If you’re dissatisfied with an aging complexion, facial fillers are an ideal solution for regaining a youthful glow without the inconvenience of a facelift.

What are Facial Fillers?

Facial fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are temporary to long-lasting wrinkle solutions administered through injections to specific areas of concern on the face. There are various types of facial fillers, each designed with purposes such as wrinkle reduction or lip augmentation. Botox Botox, made from refined botulinum toxin, is proven to be successful at treating fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. By relaxing over-worked muscles, this facial filler causes the skin covering these areas to smooth out. It is not recommended for frown lines, since the muscle relaxation can cause slurred speech and drooling. Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid, one of the most commonly used fillers, can plump thin lips and hollowed under-eyes; fill facial wrinkles, acne and post-surgery scars; and fill creases such as smile lines. It is a naturally-occurring substance in the skin that enhances volume and hydration. The filler is synthetically produced to simulate the hyaluronic acid we produce naturally. The results are immediate and last from 12 to 16 months. Two well-known brand names of hyaluronic acid are Juvederm and Restylane. Juvederm is made of a hyaluronic acid gel that is specifically designed to temporarily correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Restylane is a non-animal, bio-degradable gel composed of hyaluronic acid. It is used to add volume to the skin through tiny injections, and specializes in smoothing facial folds and wrinkles in areas around the mouth and eyes. Perlane has a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid, and is better suited for deep lines around the eyes and forehead. This facial filler generally lasts longer than Restylane, and results may vary between individuals. It is also a preferred lip enhancement solution. Collagen CosmoPlast, made of natural collagen, is a natural treatment used for deep lines around the eyes, forehead, and mouth. It can also be used as a lip augmentation filler.

 What are the Risks and Benefits?

Facial fillers can be used for multiple purposes:
  • Adding volume and smoothing out deep facial creases
  • Plumping thin lips and smoothing out fine lines
  • Augmenting cheeks to enhance their shape
  • Filling out depressions under the eye area
Facial fillers are not recommended for those with inflamed or infected skin, pimples, cysts, rashes, or hives. If you are pregnant or have a bleeding disorder, a tendency of excessive scarring, or a history of severe allergies, then facial fillers are likely not for you. Benefits of facial fillers include:
  • Immediate and long-lasting results
  • Non-surgical procedure
  • No downtime for recovery
  • No anesthesia required
Risks may include bruising, redness, pain, or itching. In rare cases, there may be infections or allergic reactions. If performed professionally, these risks are minimal.

The Facial Filler Procedure

Facial filler treatments are outpatient procedures. To prepare, topical skin anesthetics can be applied to make you more comfortable during the injections. The cream is applied on the skin for 30 to 40 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. In addition to making you more comfortable, the topical skin anesthetic decreases the chance of bruising by temporarily constricting blood vessels.

How Do I Prepare?

Facial filler treatment injections can result in bruising and swelling. To minimize this, you should:
  • Avoid aspirin, Excedrin, ibuprofen, Aleve, or Advil for 1 week before and 2 days after the procedure. Tylenol is the exception.
  • Avoid Vitamin E for 2 to 3 days before and after the procedure. Multivitamins are the exception.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours following the procedure.

Care and Recovery

Post-procedure, you may experience mild swelling or bruising, tenderness, itching, temporary numbness, and/or redness. These conditions can be alleviated with topical icing and will improve within 7 to 14 days. In general, there is little-to-no downtime. If you do experience any bruising or swelling, your medical professional may advise you to prohibit alcohol consumption, and to discontinue use of vitamin E, aspirin, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. Avoid strenuous activity 24 to 48 hours after treatment, as this would increase the heart rate and blood flow, thus leading to prolonged swelling. Minimize excessive sun exposure until the swelling has subsided.

Schedule a Consultation

If wrinkles and fine lines are contributing to an unpleasant aging experience, facial fillers are a simple and effective way to restore fullness to your face and allow you to age gracefully. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine if facial filler treatments are the best fit to fulfill your needs and desires. For this and all cosmetic questions, contact Dr. Binder and his caring staff today.

Deviated Septum Correction through Rhinoplasty


How Rhinoplasty Can Correct a Deviated Septum

While rhinoplasty is typically thought of as an aesthetic decision, it is also commonly used to correct breathing problems, such as those caused by a deviated septum. Rhinoplasties for practical purposes are referred to as functional rhinoplasties: more specifically, when referring to surgery designed to fix a deviated septum, they are known as septoplasties. If you have difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty is a viable solution to achieve better breathing today.

What is a Deviated Septum?

A deviated septum refers to the malformation of the septum (the bone and cartilage that separate the nostrils), obstructing breathing. Septoplasties can repair this malformation in a simple 15 - 30 minute procedure, with a short recovery period. Some estimates suggest that up to 80% of people have some sort of imbalance in their septum, though very few face problems significant enough to require surgery. Symptoms of a severe deviated septum can include:
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Frequent or recurring sinus infections
  • Face pain
  • Headache
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Snoring and loud breathing during sleep
  • Sleep apnea
Symptoms are often worse on one side. Deviated septums may be present at birth, may develop over time as a result of changes during puberty or aging, or may be the result of trauma to the nose or face. Due to the continued development of the face during puberty, rhinoplasties are generally not performed on minors. While patients typically have to pay out of pocket for cosmetic rhinoplasties, functional rhinoplasties are generally covered by most major insurance companies. If a patient is considering rhinoplasty for both cosmetic and health reasons, it is recommended to have both issues addressed at the same time, so that all revisions are covered by insurance. Having both issues corrected at the same time is also a more convenient process for the patient, as surgery and its subsequent recovery will only be required once. While the required recovery time of a combined surgery will be longer than that of a purely functional procedure, the downtime is still significantly shorter than the result of two separate rhinoplasties. Moreover, a surgeon who is able to address both cosmetic and functional issues at the same time will be able to achieve more attractive, natural-looking results.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Binder

If you suffer from breathing problems and suspect that a deviated septum may be the cause, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine if a functional rhinoplasty is right for you. Dr. William J. Binder is a leading double board-certified plastic surgeon, and was one of the developers of the preferred technique for modern closed rhinoplasty. Take a look at our history of patient satisfaction, and contact our office with all of your cosmetic and functional plastic surgery concerns.

Custom Implants: Are They Right for You?


How to Know if Custom Implants are Right for You

When it comes to the human body, there’s little doubt that the face can make a big impression. Keeping that in mind, many people feel that their face is not as proportionate as they would like, with certain features being overly pronounced or understated. Some people, on the other hand, are victims of injury or congenital deformities that have left their contours in need of restoration. In either case, the field of facial contouring has made it possible for patients to improve aspects of their face in terms of balance and structure by using implants.

Custom vs. Standard Implants

If you are contemplating an augmentation procedure for your facial needs, you are probably wondering if all implants are the same. The short answer is no, they are not all created equal. To further explain, consider this scenario: out shopping, you try on several suits that are hanging on a rack at a clothing store and none of these options seem to fit quite right. Next, you opt for purchasing a tailored fit suit that has been made to your exact measurements. It fits like a glove. In a nutshell, this illustrates the main difference between standard and custom implants. This isn’t to say that standard or “stock” facial implants cannot be effective. However, it does work to show that customized versions offer more accuracy and a better ability to match distinct contours. This can also present the greatest advantage to patients with complex deformities and reconstructive needs that require unique implant shapes and sizes in order to optimally treat them. The way custom implants are able to accomplish such goals involves 3D technology and computer imaging. After a patient has a CAT scan, an implant is then precisely designed based on the facial contours and structures in question. The detail and information provided by the computer technology can also indicate an implant’s placement success through incisions. Not to mention the fact that because the implant has been created and customized beforehand, it can reduce the time spent in surgery and tends to result in less complications.

Am I a Candidate for Custom Implants?

While a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon works to determine a patient’s candidacy for facial implants, there are a few basic guidelines you can review before taking this step. This procedure may be right for you if:
  • You desire to correct a facial deformity or asymmetry.
  • You have a weak chin and want to enhance the shape of your jawline.
  • You are looking to add volume to gaunt or undefined cheeks.
  • You wish to restore balance and proportion to various portions of your face.

Schedule a Facial Contouring Consultation

The accuracy of custom implants is truly what sets them apart from the rest. Undoubtedly, if you are ready to embark on the journey of improved or reconstructed contours, you’ll want a surgeon that is set apart, as well. Dr. William Binder has been a pioneer in the field of facial contouring and was involved in creating the first customized facial implant. Because of his extensive experience, knowledge, surgical skills, and dedication to helping others, he is able to instruct other surgeons and achieve desirable, even life-changing, results for his patients. Call us at (310) 858-6749 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Binder, or contact his Beverly Hills office for more information.

Chemical Peels for Younger, Smoother Skin


Chemical Peels For a Younger-Looking You

As we age, our skin can become damaged due to overexposure to the sun and environmental toxins. Our skin may suffer pigmentation, scars, acne, wrinkles, or other kinds of undesired marks upon the face or neck. To resolve this, you may resort to spending a considerable amount on skincare products with high claims and unsatisfactory results. When it comes to facial chemical peels, however, the results are guaranteed.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels, also known as chemexfoliation or derma peels, are used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. A chemical solution is applied to exfoliate dead cells from the skin, encouraging new, regenerated skin to surface. As a result, the new skin is visibly smoother and less wrinkled. Chemical peels commonly fall into one of three categories: light, medium, or deep.
  • Light peels, also known as superficial or lunchtime peels, use alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid to penetrate only the outermost layer of skin. This gently exfoliates the skin while improving the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough patches.
  • Medium peels use glycolic or trichloroacetic acid to penetrate the outer and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment is specifically used to improve age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discoloration. It can also be used to smooth rough skin and treat precancerous skin growths.
  • Deep peels use trichloroacetic acid or phenol to penetrate the middle layer of the skin to remove damaged skin cells. This treatment is used to remove moderate lines, age spots, freckles, and shallow scars. This will result in the most visible improvement in your skin’s appearance, and can only be used on the face and performed only once.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

A chemical peel can be done in a doctor’s office or in a surgery center, and is usually an outpatient procedure. During the procedure, the professional will first clean your skin thoroughly. Then he or she will apply one or more chemical solutions—such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, or lactic acid—to small areas of your skin. During this process, controlled exfoliation is performed, allowing fresh skin to surface. This may result in a burning sensation that lasts about five to ten minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. To ease this discomfort, a cool compression may be applied. For deep peels, pain medication may be needed during or after the treatment.

How Do I Prepare for a Chemical Peel Procedure?

Pre-treatment instructions will be provided by your skincare professional or plastic surgeon. Prior to your scheduled appointment, you will need to disclose your medical history. Information you may be asked to provide includes:
  • Prescribed medications for severe acne, such as Isotretinoin
  • History of medications including antibiotics, acne medicine, etc
  • History and frequency of cold sores
  • History of herbs, vitamins, and minerals you take
On the day of your procedure, come prepared with a clean face free of makeup and/or skincare products.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Benefits include the correction of:
  • Acne or acne scars
  • Age or liver spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Uneven skin pigmentation
  • Rough skin and patches
  • Sun damage
A chemical peel will not treat the following:
  • Deep facial lines
  • Loose or sagging skin
  • Pore size
  • Deep scars
A chemical peel is not recommended for individuals with infections, active skin disease, cut or broken skin, sunburn, or active herpes simplex 1 sores. Poor candidates also include patients who are:
  • Nursing or pregnant
  • Have used Retin-A, Renova, prescription skincare products or products that contain ascorbic acid, and/or bleaching or skin-lightening agents in the last 48 hours
  • Have taken Accutane in the last six months
  • Have psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or rosacea
Risks may include:
  • Temporary or permanent change in skin color, particularly for women on birth control pills
  • Reactivation of cold sores
  • Scarring

What Should I Expect When Recovering From a Chemical Peel?

Depending on the chemical peel, post operational care and recovery instructions may vary. Prepare to expect the following:
  • Light peels require 1-7 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will initially be red and may flake. Lotion or cream should be applied until the skin heals, followed by daily use of sunscreen. Makeup can be worn the next day.
  • Medium peels require 7-14 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will initially be red and swollen, and may worsen within the first 48 hours. Eyelids may swell shut, and blisters may form and break. Aftercare will require skin to be soaked daily for specific periods of time, followed by ointment application.
Antiviral medication is also taken for 10-14 days, and a mild lotion or cream may be applied. Makeup may be worn after five to seven days, and sun exposure needs to remain minimal until healing is complete. Lastly, a follow-up appointment will be necessary to monitor progress.
  • Deep peels require 14-21 days to heal. Post-treatment, the skin will be bandaged. Aftercare will require the skin to be soaked 4-6 times daily, followed by ointment application for the first 14 days.
Afterwards, a thick moisturizer is needed for the next 14 days. Anti-viral medication is also taken for the first 10-14 days, and mild lotion or cream may be applied. Makeup may be worn after 14 days, but avoid all sun exposure for 3-6 months. Lastly, several follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor progress.

Schedule a Consultation

Don’t let imperfections and the signs of aging dampen your confidence.  A chemical peel can restore youth and radiance to your complexion, leaving you feeling beautiful and rejuvenated. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today to determine which chemical peel is best suited for your skin. For this and all related skincare questions, contact Dr. Binder and his staff today.

Rhinoplasty Success Stories


Real-Life Rhinoplasty Success Stories | Doctor Binder

After breast augmentation, rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery in the United States. Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is one of the more popular forms of plastic surgery because of the sheer variety of benefits that come with it. No longer solely the choice of Hollywood starlets seeking the perfect “button nose,” rhinoplasty is now capable of treating breathing problems such as a restricted airway, deviated septum, and even sleep apnea. Of course, rhinoplasty can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as correcting damage from a traumatic injury, or just shaping the nose to fit the individual desires of the patient.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The actual procedure of rhinoplasty has changed a good deal in recent years, with newer advancements like closed rhinoplasty making the surgery easier to recover from, and less likely to leave visible scarring. Now, in many cases, incisions can be made inside the nostrils, allowing the skin and cartilage of the nose to be pulled back for reshaping. This means no external scarring, and a greatly decreased recovery time (and also less recovery pain). All of this has led to more and more people electing to undergo rhinoplasty surgeries, whether they want to reshape a nose they’re unhappy with, or address a medical issue like a deviated septum. Of course, some of these people have names many people would recognize. Names like...

Celebrity Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Britney Spears, Heidi Montag, and Jennifer Aniston. Winona Ryder, Ashton Kutcher, Megan Fox. J-Lo, ScarJo, and hundreds of others have all had successful rhinoplasty surgeries, and you wouldn’t really know it by looking at them. And of course, the media paints the picture of these surgeries as being something for the vain and superficial world of Hollywood stars, but the fact of the matter is many of these celebrities sought out a rhinoplasty to correct issues like deviated septums and sleep apnea. This exposure at such a high level has done wonders for the overall popularity of rhinoplasty, which has brought the surgery from its former place as something for celebrities, and brought it into a place where it is available to everyone.

Doctor Binder's Rhinoplasty Success Stories

Doctor William J. Binder has established himself as one of the foremost rhinoplasty surgeons in the country. He has been at the forefront of bringing rhinoplasty and reconstructive facial surgery to the general population, not just for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment and prevention of some serious medical issues. Dr. Binder has performed thousands of successful facial surgeries, a large portion of which were successful rhinoplasties and revision rhinoplasties. You can check out some of the excellent results below. rhinoplasty-success-story rhinoplasty-success-2 rhinoplasty-success-3 These are just some of the many patients that have received rhinoplasty surgeries from Doctor Binder. Many of these patients came to Doctor Binder looking for aesthetic changes to their nose, but a great many of them have come for help with deviated septums or sleep apnea, or just to have an easier time breathing.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty from Doctor Binder

If you’ve ever wondered about rhinoplasty and whether or not it could work for you, contact Dr. Binder today. With the help of his expert staff, he can walk you through your options, and the potential benefits you might see from having a rhinoplasty. Dr. Binder is a great proponent of closed rhinoplasty whenever possible, which minimizes scarring and recovery time, while still providing the great results a good rhinoplasty can provide. With Dr. Binder, you get a surgeon with an artist’s eye, but the experience and knowledge of facial reconstruction that gives you the very best results possible. This unique combination of artistic skill and hard-earned experience has positioned Dr. Binder as one of most  prolific and well-reviewed plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

Sun Exposure After Plastic Surgery

tanning-post-surgery   Relaxing in the sun may sound like the perfect way to pass the time while recovering from plastic surgery, especially with summer in season. And for many of us, summers are made for sporting the perfect summer glow. But before you step out for that sun-kissed look, please consider the sun’s negative side effects on your overall health and aesthetics. After you have had plastic surgery or any reconstructive procedure for that matter, your doctor will likely caution you to avoid sun exposure as part of post-operative care and recovery. Follow your doctor’s advice and minimize the risk of surgical scars and bruises. These guidelines can help you plan for the months following your procedure this summer.

Why Should You Avoid Sunlight?

Post-operative care 101 instructs you to minimize sun exposure after any plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure, especially if it was a facial procedure. Exposing surgical incisions to sunlight after surgery can worsen the appearance of any side effects that you may encounter after your procedure such as inflammation, scars, and bruises. Let’s take a closer look at each of these scenarios and why sunlight may exacerbate them and require longer healing times.
  • SWELLING - Inflammation is a common byproduct of reconstructive surgery. Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations when it comes to anti-inflammatory meds and keep the afflicted area out of direct sunlight. Any exposure to heat sources, especially the sun, can cause more swelling and inflammation. This is often called “sun poisoning” and it is a result of the radiation from ultraviolet rays.
  • SCAR TISSUE - Sun exposure can easily change the pigmentation of the skin and darken the scars. Sun exposure within the first few weeks after surgery also can increase the likelihood of sunburn, which can cause scars to remain permanently discolored.
  • BLEMISHES - If a chemical peel, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion or blepharoplasty was performed, premature sun exposure could lead to spotty or abnormal pigmentation. If you’ve had a facial procedure, sunscreen and a hat should be worn whenever you’re out in the sun. Choose a hat with a solid, all-around brim that is at least three inches wide. Avoid straw hats, as it still allows the sun to filter through.
If a rhinoplasty or facelift was performed, avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Exposing a healing incision to UV rays can result in hyperpigmentation and darkening of the skin, which can take months to fade.

How Can You Protect Your Skin from the Sun?

Within the first several months after surgery, try to avoid sun exposure altogether. If you must go out in the sun, be sure to use sunscreen with a mid-range SPF specification. Thicker SPF lotions of 50 or higher can clog your pores, which prevents your skin from expelling toxins properly. Lower grades of SPF may not be sufficient to block the harmful UV rays of the sun. Therefore, an SPF of somewhere between 30 and 40 is the ideal product for you. Apply said sunscreen on and around your incision area, even if clothing covers the incision. Sunlight can still filter through clothing and windows, so you should wear sunscreen throughout the day as a precaution. Additionally, be sure to wait until your incision has completely healed before applying sunscreen to avoid infection. When outdoors, consider wearing clothing made of thicker material and avoid lightweight clothing like bathing suits or thin apparel, which can leave your incision area exposed to sunlight. Be sure to read the sunscreen’s label, and remember to apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before you go in the sun; reapply 2 hours after you have been exposed to the sun, and reapply again after any aquatic activity.

What Does SPF Mean?

SPF actually stands for “sun protection factor” and it’s a measure of how long you can withstand sun exposure without burning. Your skin has a natural SPF, but you always want to bolster it with sunscreen. So what does a lotion marked “SPF 20” do for you? Let’s crunch the numbers… If you are exposed to sunlight that would naturally burn you within 10 minutes, but you apply SPF 20 sunblock, then you are essentially extending your time to safely bask in the daylight to 200 minutes. Hence, you can spend over three hours in the sun with the proper sunscreen. However, your skin’s natural SPF is affected by most cosmetic surgical procedures. You must give your epidermis time to heal so that it can resume its former luster, strength, and durability. Please don’t interrupt this essential recuperation period by scorching yourself in the sun.

Continue to Protect Your Skin from Sunlight

After your incision and surgical scars have faded, it is still invaluable and important to limit sun exposure. Prolonged sun exposure can age the skin, causing wrinkles, facial depressions, and brown spots, thus reversing the results of the procedure. More importantly, too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen application with an SPF of at last 15 should be a part of your daily routine. If you have sensitive skin or acne-prone skin, consider moisturizers with an SPF. Alternatively, choose a makeup base with an SPF to protect your face from sunlight.

Your Skin Will Thank You

By maintaining the proper hydration, elasticity, and nutrient-rich diet, you will nurture the longevity of your skin’s health for decades to come. Why is this so important? Your skin is more than just a paint job; it’s a complex system of defense and absorption. 
  • THE POWER OF TOUCH - Your skin registers dangers through the phenomenon of feeling. Your nerve endings can detect extreme heat, cold, sharpness and other sensations that indicate a potentially harmful situation. After surgery, your nerve endings need time to regenerate, and exposure to sunlight delays that healing process and leaves you vulnerable to the elements listed above.
  • SUIT OF ARMOR - Skin provides a vital barrier between your body and the outside world. It shields against microbes that cause sickness and disease. Healthy skin yields healthy living, so don’t weaken your natural defenses by inviting sun damage into your life.
  • HEALING HYDRATION - As you recover from your medical procedure, hydration is key. We often assume that this process begins and ends with drinking water, but hydration is also aided greatly by your skin’s functionality. Your skin holds in precious liquids and helps maintain proper cell hydration, but sunburns impede this process and accelerate dehydration. 
In fact, sun exposure adversely affects all of the functions bullet-pointed above. To enjoy the full benefits and successes of plastic surgery, your behavior hinges on adequate hydration, sensation, and the prevention of infection. Therefore, sun exposure is your enemy when it comes to rocking your recovery. The irony of the matter is that your skin actually needs some amount of sunlight to absorb Vitamin D, but too much exposure damages your ability to do so. Stay covered, stay healthy, and stay the course - moderation is always advisable.

Schedule a Consultation

Remember to always protect and take care of your skin after surgical procedures. But this isn’t just a post-op recommendation; healthy skin is a lifelong commitment. You will reap the benefits for years to come.  If sun exposure is absolutely unavoidable, please follow the guidelines above to help you plan for the months following your procedure this summer. Shade your vulnerable epidermis between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, and always moisturize your skin thoroughly to lock in hydration. If you are considering plastic surgery, understanding the scope of post-operative care and recovery is as important as the procedure itself. To explore your options holistically, schedule a consultation with Dr. Binder today, and join our many satisfied patients. We will discuss and review your treatment options in order to find the perfect fit for you and your desired results.

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Reasons to Consider Getting a Rhinoplasty


There are Many Benefits to Getting a Rhinoplasty

When your facial features are proportional and symmetrical, it enhances your natural beauty. Studies have shown that patients who get cosmetic rhinoplasties feel more confident about their overall appearance and have a better quality of life as a result. This is why cosmetic rhinoplasty remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures amongst men and women across the world. In addition to improving your overall appearance, there are many health benefits to getting a cosmetic rhinoplasty as well. Here is a list of reasons why you should consider getting a rhinoplasty as well as what makes someone a good candidate for the procedure.

What Changes will a Rhinoplasty have on My Appearance?

Getting a cosmetic rhinoplasty will improve any of the following issues:
  • Having a nose that's too wide for your face.
  • A crooked or malformed nose.
  • A birth deformity
  • A bump on the bridge of your nose.
  • A bulbous nasal tip.
  • An elongated nasal tip.
  • Damage caused by injury.
  • Having a breathing problem caused by blocked nasal passages or a deviated septum.

More Reasons for getting a Rhinoplasty

  • It can improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • It can improve your quality of life by correcting serious breathing problems. In addition, it can alleviate chronic snoring, which has been linked to everything from insomnia to heart health issues. Therefore, by getting a rhinoplasty you can avoid or eliminate these related health issues.
  • It can prevent you from getting sinus infections and sinusitis.
  • It can correct frequent nosebleeds.
  • It can fix how your nose looks and feels after an accident.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

  • Age: In order to achieve successful rhinoplasty results, the patient's nose needs to have stopped growing. For girls, growth continues until age 14 and, for boys, until age 16 - however, it is up to the parents to decide whether their child is emotionally mature enough for plastic surgery.
  • Realistic Expectations: If you are looking to improve your overall appearance but you understand that it is not possible to achieve perfection, then you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. In order to set realistic expectations for yourself, it's best to have an open discussion with your surgeon before your surgery.
  • Knowledge: The best rhinoplasty candidates are the ones who have educated themselves about the procedure and have spoken with their surgeon at length prior to having the surgery performed.
  • Self-conscious: If you are unhappy and self-conscious about the nose you were born with or an injury altered the shape of your nose, then you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty.

What else should I know about the Procedure?

  • If you are unhappy with the results of a previous rhinoplasty, it is possible to get a rhinoplasty revision and have the results of the previous surgery corrected. Because this procedure requires a tremendous degree of skill, it's important to take care when choosing a surgeon.
  • You will find the results of your rhinoplasty get better over time. Initially, there is a lot of bruising and swelling that will dissipate for the most part after the first month. However, it can take up to a year for the swelling to go down completely.
  • It is possible for patients to have their noses reshaped using nonsurgical means. This procedure is performed using fillers, and the results last up to a year. While the results are only temporary, it is a great way for patients to get an idea what to expect if they elect to get a rhinoplasty.
  • In order to achieve facial symmetry, you may require additional procedures. For example, cheek and chin implant procedures are often performed alongside rhinoplasties.
  • Finally, the results of your rhinoplasty depend a lot on the experience and skill of the surgeon that you choose.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty with Dr. Binder

Dr. Binder is a double board-certified surgeon that has been performing rhinoplasties, as well as rhinoplasty revisions, for three decades. You always know that you have the benefit of both skill and experience when you choose Dr. Binder as your surgeon. If you have any further questions about having a rhinoplasty, please contact Dr. Binder today, and he will be happy to discuss them with you.