More Women Are Getting Botox to Remedy Their RBF

What is RBF? If you ask, you might get a healthy dose of it. RBF stands for Resting B*tch Face, and it is duly earned by many women who react to the absurdity and unfairness of life by expressing their dissatisfaction daily.

But what happens after prolonged exposure to RBF?

When you frown (or laugh) excessively, you develop lines on your face. These can become ingrained in your silhouette if you don’t tend to them, and one of the best tools we have in the cosmetic kit is Botox. This injected serum works by relaxing the muscles in a focused area of your face or body and allowing a more placid, serene expression to overcome. The lines smooth out and your overall demeanor grows less severe and more approachable.

So, what are the residual benefits of treating RBF? Get happy, get informed, and get on the same page…


It’s one of the greatest struggles in the modern era: how do you juggle a demanding career while also making time for a rewarding extracurricular existence? After 10 hours in the office, it’s difficult to rally and hit the bars with friends who are ready to mingle all night.

And it becomes even more daunting when you have RBF.

Wearing a stern expression at work may have its benefits. You exude an air of seriousness and gravitas, but how does that facial fortress transition to the after-hours portion of your life? When you sidle up to the bar and flash your RBF, it may be involuntary, but it’s definitely noticeable. People can spot your disdain from across the room and they may actively avoid you for fear of getting lectured or scolded.

If you become alienated by your own RBF, you could feel increasingly lonely and bitter, this contributing to further RBF. It’s a downward spiral.

But you can break the cycle with a considerate strategy to embrace the face you want to project to the world. Contrary to popular myth, cosmetic procedures don’t necessarily change your look in a drastic way; rather, they enhance the features and qualities you choose to accentuate.


Although we have come a long way since the sexist old days of yore, we still have a lot of progress to make. It is unfortunately a male delusion that women should appear happy and flirtatious all the time, but that needs to stop.

Like, now.

Women are fed up with being told to “smile more” – in fact, some empowered females have actually embarked upon a campaign to boycott public smiles altogether. It is nobody’s place to tell another human being how to feel or what to express.

And that’s the beauty of Botox. It doesn’t force you to fake a smile, or contort your face in any other manner you don’t intend. In fact, the compound allows your face to relax for a change. No more cheesy grins, false happiness, or RBF. You can be you, and we’re here to help.

Own your destiny. Don’t be a prisoner of RBF.


Botox has become the go-to remedy for counteracting RBF. One clinic, in particular, has enjoyed a 100% increase in the simple, 20-minute procedure over the past year. The clientele visiting his establishment are setting aside their hostility and choosing the aesthetic that works best for their face.

And the results are astounding.

Resting B-face is essentially a defense mechanism. It tells pushy bystanders not to mess with you, and keeps the world at a distance. Sometimes, that’s a sad necessity, but women are finding themselves getting “locked in” with permanent frown lines and clenched musculatures. Now, let’s explore how Botox can free its recipients from staying in RBF mode when they would rather let go.


Insecurities melt away when you smooth out the worrisome lines on your face. This leads to an increase in confidence, which improves your demeanor from within. This is the opposite of the downward spiral mentioned earlier.

Data supports this assertion, indicating that approximately 70% of patients who receive Botox injections do so to help improve their respective psychological statuses. Also, 59% of those surveyed said that they wanted to maintain a more professional look, seeking Botox to make them more approachable.

While RBF may have been a useful tool to fend off others in the past, we are evolving into a more enlightened age. That explains why Americans use Botox upwards of 1.5 million times per year, a figure that rose over 5% between 2017 and 2018.

We want to be happy. We want to be social. But we just don’t want to be told to “smile more.”


The modern world can be a collection of contradictions. Women are told to be ambitious yet soft, approachable yet strong. The mixed signals can be maddening, and the conflict can manifest itself on your facial features.

Vacillating wildly from overly chipper to harsh and withdrawn takes its toll on your skin. You can smooth out those reactionary lines with the help of Botox. If you find yourself jumping through hoops to meet life’s confounding demands, then you may be due for a consultation.

Our friendly and skilled team will listen to your enhancement goals, formulate a plan, and move forward with the right procedure to fit your face. Leave RBF in the rearview mirror and say hello to happy trails ahead.

How Plastic Surgery Improves Mental Health

Happiness is easy to define, but difficult to attain. We all want to be happy, but how do we achieve this demeanor in a healthy, sustainable way?

The answer will be different for every individual, but it’s a vital discussion worth having. By exploring the parameters of psychological wellness, we may arrive at some new and unconventional ways to promote it. For example, plastic surgery is often considered purely cosmetic, but the benefits that accompany these procedures go far deeper than skin level.

If you are considering an enhancement, think about why this decision is right for you. The answer might tap into a more fundamental truth about how you want to look, who you want to be, and how you want to live…


Wellness is a vast concept with many complex tenets. It encompasses your environment, your intellect, your fitness, your finances, and your social situation. If one of these elements is out of balance, the rest may soon suffer.

For instance, you might be strong and sound of mind, but if you lose your job, it assuredly weighs on you. You begin to worry about paying your bills, which negatively affects your mental health. Perhaps you spend all of your time job-hunting rather than exercising, which impacts your overall fitness. Hence, each spoke of the wellness wheel is interdependent. By ignoring your physical health, you invariably suffer mentally. 


The human brain and the physical self are inextricably bound. When you look in the mirror, you are performing an informal “check in” with yourself. You can practice what you project to the world around you by observing your reflection and defining your general persona.

It is this link between the physical and the mental that bolsters the argument for cosmetic surgery. 

Case in point: consider a cancer survivor who has lost her breasts to a life saving mastectomy. She is the same strong person she always was, but part of her is now gone. How she wants to proceed is ultimately her choice, but plastic surgery gives her so many more options. By restoring her bust to its former shape, she can reclaim the image she championed before her battles with cancer. 

This transcends cosmetics; it gets to the heart of the woman’s very identity.

Life can be unfair, but modern medical science can help level the playing field. If you or someone you love was stricken by cancer or some other affliction that took a physical toll on the body, reconstruction is a wonderful option for restoring not only your appearance, but also all of the mental perks that go with it.


If you are unhappy with your appearance, this dissatisfaction could spill over into your mental wellbeing. Perhaps you shy away from gatherings for fear that others are judging you as harshly as you judge yourself. 

But studies show that enhancing your appearance can reverse this trend. Researchers surveyed 550 patients who opted for cosmetic procedures to determine how it affected their life outlook, and the results were quite uplifting. Respondents indicated higher levels of self-esteem, which also elevated their quantified rankings of satisfaction and elusive “enjoyment of life” scores.

But this wasn’t just a quick fix. The study followed these patients over the course of a year, checking in with them at three, six and twelve month intervals. On the whole, they were happier than a “control” group of individuals who had considered plastic surgery but hadn’t gone through with their plans. The cosmetic patients reported amplified feelings of attractiveness and lower incidents of anxiety.

They had taken their fate by the reigns and improved their mental wellness as a result.


Many of us spend the bulk of our days following instructions at work, living by others’ rules, and resigning ourselves to a life that is out of our control. A feeling of mental decay inevitably sets in. 

When you feel powerless to change your circumstances, you are vulnerable to episodes of depression or anxiety. It is a phenomenon known as learned helplessness. By avoiding the pitfalls of such a situation, you can reclaim control of your overall wellness. Crafting the look you want, maintaining the life you choose to live, and taking control of your overall aesthetic are ways for you to take charge and empower yourself.


It’s easy to say that you don’t care what others think, but it’s impossible to ignore their opinions. We are bombarded by perspectives and projections every day, and the situation has escalated since the advent of social media. Our feeds are flooded with ideals of physical perfection, accompanied by hypocritical advice to “just be yourself” or other such empty platitudes.

Being yourself doesn’t mean accepting the status quo. You can enhance your best qualities and embrace the social creature you choose to be.

Yearning to improve your look is healthy, both mentally and socially. One recent study showed that the benefits of cosmetic enhancement include decreased anxiety and depression as well as increased social satisfaction. However, one caveat is that these results are dependent on a healthy set of expectations; if you have unrealistic plastic surgery goals, you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment.

That’s why it’s important to have an open and honest discussion with a highly trained professional.


Knowing what you want is the first step. We respect you for who you are and we are ready to listen to your plans, your hesitations, and your desired outcomes. Together, we can make your cosmetic dreams a reality.

Schedule a consultation with us soon and let’s discuss how to pivot from aesthetic enhancement to mental mastery.

Can Botox Help with Acne Scars?

Growing up is hard enough without the added stress (and distress) of acne. Many of us endure this indignity during our teen years, but acne isn’t exclusive to adolescents… and the scarring from facial blemishes can last long after the initial bout of inflammation has dissipated.

While the skin care aisle is flooded with products to help consumers fend off oily skin and other agents that cause acne, what about its residual effects? How can you replenish your skin after it has been adversely affected by acne, either in your youth or beyond?

Doctor Binder has an answer that may surprise you.

After engineering, the use of Botox for groundbreaking uses such as migraine alleviation and the cessation of profuse sweating, Binder’s team is putting their skills to work helping those who are plagued by acne scars.

How can Botox reverse the blemishes that acne left behind? Let’s take a look under the microscope…

Acne: An All Too Common Occurrence

As our bodies change, our skin sometimes has trouble keeping up. During adolescence, hormones increase the production of natural oils and new outcroppings of facial and body hair. When follicles get clogged by any of the aforementioned materials, they form bumps and pimples. These are the foundations of acne.

This affliction befalls approximately 85% of all young people during the ages of 12 to 24 years. Over five million Americans per year have such bad incidents of acne that they seek medical attention. The price tag for these visits is staggering, accounting for an estimated 1.2 billion dollars in annual costs nationwide.

The Scars Left Behind

Acne itself is a difficult enough situation, by its ramifications can be even more upsetting. When a pimple or other blemish is treated, your skin naturally produces collagen to replace the damaged cells. This material has a different look and feel than the flesh around it, resulting in an unsightly pockmark.

Pockmarks can also occur after a patient heals from chickenpox or a staph infection. While the particular causes vary, pockmarks linger long after their inception, begging for a remedy that will restore your skin to its former luster.

How Botox Can Help

When you study an acne scar closely, you see that it appears to be stretched and tight. That’s because your muscles have contorted themselves to deliver healing collagen to the site of the scar, and your skin reflects this sense of strain and unease.

The way that Botox works is that it relaxes muscle tissue. That’s how it earned its reputation as a leading cosmetic compound; Botox gets under the flesh and finds the source of the strain. The chemical allows muscle tissue to release, which is why it is so effective in easing laugh lines, worry lines, and other facial markings almost immediately after being introduced to your system.

But the relaxation of muscle tissue is just the first step in the process of healing acne scars. The marks are still present, so extra attention must be paid to the site. That’s where fillers come into the equation.

The Added Need for Fillers

When a blackhead or other unwelcome skin impurity is eradicated (or “popped”), it leaves behind a divot in your skin. While Botox is instrumental in relaxing the taut perimeters of this divot, it can’t fill in the gap.

That’s why fillers are sometimes necessary to help finish the task of repairing the damage caused by acne scarring. Fillers help level the entire site where a scar once appeared, raising divots until they are flush with the plane of the rest of your epidermis.

And now that the acne scar has been treated, let’s get back to Botox to see how we can prevent this situation from reoccurring.

Botox for Skin Care

As previously established, Botox disrupts unwelcome facial deterioration. It smoothes lines and relaxes muscles, but its cosmetic benefits don’t end there. By introducing Botox into your tissue, it can slow the skin’s production of sebum and excess oil. These are the harmful agents that often block pores and trigger an acne outbreak, not to mention how they accelerate the aging process.

Therefore, Botox works on several levels simultaneously. It acts as a preventative to acne formation, it repairs the damage of previous acne scarring by releasing the strain of damaged musculature, and it fights against wrinkles where pores can get easily clogged if they aren’t properly maintained.

Is Botox Right for You?

Your face is as special as you are, and there is no uniform approach to beauty, healthcare, and overall aesthetics. You must express your individuality and style as you see fit; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

If you need guidance on your journey to self-actualization, we can help. Botox may not be right for everyone, but its applications are varied and surprisingly impactful. If you think it may be helpful to solve your specific cosmetic or skin maintenance goals, then contact one of our knowledgeable staff members today.

If you do, indeed, embark upon a course of Botox, you will want the best minds in the field to consult on your case. Doctor Binder has been a visionary in the usage of Botox since its early days. He pioneered its use as a treatment for chronic and debilitating migraines, and he knows how powerful and transformative this compound truly is. If you are curious to learn more, then we are eager to connect.

October 19th Is Evaluate Your Life Day

Are You Embracing Your Best Self?

We often mark time with birthdays, New Year celebrations, and anniversaries, but how often do we take time to reflect on whom we are and where we’re going? The seasons pass, aging becomes more inevitable, and we often fall into a rut of daily obligations and routine interactions.

But you can change all of that on October 19th.

Evaluate Your Life Day is a chance to take stock of your hopes, dreams, goals and ambitions. Take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is the person you want to be. How would you change yourself? What decisions can you make to improve your future? Who are you, and what do you want to present to the world as your ideal self?


Taking the time to assess one’s self isn’t an act of selfishness; on the contrary, it’s a cathartic exploration of how you can be the best version of you. By asking basic questions about your values, your likes as well as dislikes, you can bolster your happiness and spread that sense of positivity to those around you.

Some simple items that you can add to your internal checklist include:

  • What do I want to accomplish today?
  • How does my schedule reflect my greater goals?
  • What can I achieve before lunch? Before dinner? Before bedtime?
  • How can I make better connections with my loved ones?
  • What image am I presenting to the world?
  • How can I improve that image?
  • Am I happy?
  • If not, what power do I have to change that?
  • If so, how can I help others achieve joy?

But these check-in moments don’t just improve your momentary feelings of accomplishment or awareness; they can also amplify your cognition on the whole. One breakthrough psychological study indicates that self-awareness helps sharpen one’s cognition. Simply put: flexing your mind muscles when it comes to your own internal evaluations makes you more able to think and problem-solve in general.

When we give ourselves realistic goals, we are able to process them against the parameters of how we think and what our limitations and strengths are. Evaluating your life gives you the keys to knowing what you can do, admitting to what you can’t do, and mapping out a plan for conquering each hour, each day, and each year of your life.

But it goes far beyond the self. People who regularly evaluate their lives have shown far greater success at work, in relationships, and when it comes to achieving their long-term life goals.


Now that you have taken account of the ways in which you can ask yourself the vital questions that may improve your everyday life, think about how that sense of positivity ripples through your family, community, and society writ large.

Self-evaluation correlates to workplace success, as documented by a fascinating study of 155 members of the U.S. Navy. Various officers were asked to evaluate their own job performance. Their superiors and subordinates were also surveyed to get a full picture of how those officers really behaved on duty.

On one end of the spectrum, the officers who exaggerated their performances received low marks from their contemporaries, but those who were most self-aware ranked as the most accomplished officers in the group.

By regularly evaluating your values, goals, and abilities, you can harness the power to enact real change in your life. If you aren’t performing at the level at which you want to be, then it’s time to take an even closer look in the mirror.


It may be a cliché, but the old adage smile and the world smiles with you actually rings true for many individuals. Making yourself happy is a cyclical phenomenon; when you feel happier, you embrace positivity, which in turn makes you even more joyful and energetic, thus exacerbating the trend.

The statistics back up this assertion. According to one clinical trial of 362 cosmetic surgery patients, 61 of them were regularly taking antidepressants before their respective procedures. This number plunged to 42 after their successful plastic surgery. That’s a drop of over 30%.

And a whopping 98% of this same group expressed an uptick in their self-esteem thanks to the procedure. In this case study, people who proactively took steps to improve their appearances experienced life-changing benefits that elevated their opinion of themselves. They were evaluating their lives, identifying how they could improve, and taking steps to bring about positive change.

Re-evaluate, re-asses, repeat as necessary.


This October 19th, you can begin a journey of self-discovery that may help you embrace the ideal version of yourself. Love more, laugh more, and live more fully. We applaud you in advance!

But this quest to be the best doesn’t need to end on October 20th. It’s never too late to become the YOU that you’ve always wanted to be, and you should never allow a setback to deter your progress. Go back to that mirror, tell yourself what you want, and make it happen!

If that improvement plan happens to include cosmetic enhancement, then we want to guide you along your path to self-realization. Ask us the tough questions you’ve been asking yourself in your newfound voyage to enlightenment and evaluation. Is this course of action right for you? What are your cosmetic goals? And how can we be your copilots on this trip to a triumphant tomorrow? Contact us now and let’s start making plans to go there together.

The Best Female Faces Under 30 in Celebrity Botox

Billionaires, beauty queens, and branding geniuses. That describes our pantheon of famous faces under the age of 30 who have dabbled in the fine art of Botox. The individuals featured below have harvested unimaginable accolades, all while projecting a standard of luminosity that inspires billions of onlookers to gasp in awe. While it is inadvisable to copy the look of a specific star when formulating your own aesthetic goals, we can’t help but marvel at the effortless grace that these celebrities display. The following list features A-list personalities who are unapologetic about their passion for empowerment. They have crafted their respective looks, maintained a charismatic aura, and captured the spotlight in their own unique ways. We celebrate their decisions and ponder how Botox has factored into their recent forays into cosmetic enhancement. Miley Cyrus (age 26) – She grew up in the spotlight, so youth is part of Miley’s brand. Her father was a blockbuster recording artist in the ’90s, paving the way for Ms. Cyrus to become a Disney Channel superstar. Her face launched millions of magazine covers, not to mention platinum album sales, so it’s an understatement to say that Miley is a picture of success. So how has Botox helped usher Cyrus into her 20’s? A before and after look at her features reveals a few answers. While Miley has never admitted to cosmetic enhancement, her seamless silhouette is a beacon of beauty. From the glaring lights of The Voice to the rigors of a worldwide concert tour, Miley Cyrus has maintained her youthful serenity through it all. She has taken a wrecking ball to expectations and continues to stand tall as the haters crumble all around her. That face exudes confidence, and experts believe that Botox has given her the boost(s) she needs to carry that tune into the next phase of her wildly successful career. Kylie Jenner (age 21) – One of the most photographed faces in the world, young Jenner is a social media megastar. Her Instagram feed has racked up over 135 million followers, giving her the 7th biggest overall audience on that particular platform (half-sister Kim Kardashian ranks as the number six ‘Grammer). Every contour of Jenner’s look is studied daily by fans who want to emulate her look, and Kylie has recently admitted that she has, indeed, enhanced her youthful appearance with injections. Although she won’t divulge the specifics of her various procedures, Ms. Jenner refutes claims that she underwent cosmetic surgery, instead saying, “They don't understand what good hair and makeup and, like, fillers, can really do.” Kylie is just one of the many members of Generation Z who are opting for Botox before they “need it”. They’re taking control of their aesthetic, defining beauty on their own terms, and charting new rules by which young people are claiming their place in an ever-evolving world. Margot Robbie (age 28) – Unlike the Jenner brood, Ms. Robbie has remained tightlipped about her cosmetic regimen. She rose to fame in Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street before becoming an international celebrity and all around style symbol. Margot’s mug is one of the most bankable faces in Hollywood (via Australia); her beauty is unparalleled. Although Robbie is reticent to divulge her beauty secrets, experts have speculated that her dazzling glow can be attributed, in part, to the occasional Botox injection. Her porcelain façade was photographed on every major red carpet event during a whirlwind awards junket in support of Margot’s Oscar nomination for I, Tonya. The world saw every angle, every expression, and every gleaming triumph of Ms. Robbie’s appearance. To withstand that scrutiny, it helps to have some support from a knowledgeable and skilled team of experts who can strategize your ideal look to win over any crowd. Lala Kent (age 29) – She rocketed to reality TV fame on the hit show Vanderpump Rules before embarking on a big-screen acting career. As the scream queen in the Lionsgate Studios feature film The Row, Kent faced off with a house of horrors without losing face herself. Her visage is iconic, expressive, and endlessly beautiful. In fact, Lala has launched her own beauty line called Give Them Lala, which specializes in creams, highlighters, and makeup products to accentuate the striking beauty in us all. Ms. Kent is open and honest about her affinity for Botox, preferring touch-ups along her jawline and eyebrows. “I feel like,” explains Kent, “if you feel comfortable and you feel beautiful, then you do you, boo.” Spoken like a true ambassador of awesome. That’s la-lovely, Lala! You (ageless) – That’s right, you’re the final entry on our list of fabulous faces! Your beauty is unquestionable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t shape it and present yourself however you see fit. No matter what your ID says, age doesn’t define you. The under-30 celebrities on the list above are just examples of people living their best lives, perhaps with the assistance of Botox, but the compound has a myriad of disparate applications Whether you hope to reduce your facial lines, alleviate migraines, or just polish the perfection that already simmers beneath your surface, Botox is one option in your cosmetic toolkit. To explore the many choices that you face, contact a member of our compassionate care team today. Together, we can strategize the look that’s right for you and show the stars mentioned above that they’ve got some major competition nipping at their high heels!

Positive Life Changes With Plastic Surgery For Women Over 50

The benefits of facial surgery are more than just skin deep. Of course, there are aesthetic enhancements to these procedures, like the fact that an improved outlook often garners increased visibility from others. Once you are truly seen, then your self-esteem inevitably swells, thus adding to your overall sense of worth. It’s an upward spiral, especially for women over the age of 50. As you enter the next phase of your maturity, you take control of your look and your legacy. But the superficial and social ramifications of plastic surgery are merely the most obvious positives outcomes. There are a host of other residual benefits that result from a smart and successful cosmetic strategy for women over 50. Empowerment It’s the oldest cliché in the proverbial book: when you look good, you feel good. But there’s a reason why some adages become clichés; it’s because they have a streak of truth running through them. Case in point: one groundbreaking study indicates that the way you perceive your golden years can actually extend them. Respondents were surveyed over a span of 23 years to gather their opinions on aging, wellness, and happiness. The individuals who had a negative outlook toward getting older tended to succumb to the ravages of age more quickly than those with a more positive disposition. In fact, the optimists in the study lived an average of seven and a half years longer than the more pessimistic group. It’s a matter of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you dread something, then that something will become more dreadful to you, but if you face your fears, you might be able to overcome them. Plastic surgery is the ultimate way to confront your feelings about age. When you turn 50, it’s a chance to reassess your values, your goals, and your approach to the outside world. Are you on the right track? What’s your next big move? And what are you doing to treat yourself? By empowering yourself to grow more independent, you never really grow old. Confidence Yields Results Gaining a spring in your step is beneficial for more than just your inner sense of joy. Confidence pays dividends in the workplace. Employers look for a team with energy, professionalism and, yes, confidence – in fact, those are the three traits cited most often by bosses when they are seeking new employees. A decisive 61% of those surveyed ranked confidence as an essential factor in someone they are considering for a potential job. In other words, by looking the part, you might just get the part. It’s important to give yourself every advantage you possibly can, especially in the cutthroat corporate world of today. As it stands, women only earn 80.5 cents on the dollar when compared to men’s salaries. This wage gap is unacceptable, and we should all work together to overcome it by any means necessary. A boost in your confidence might just be another tool in our collective toolbox when it comes to conquering gender inequities, one job at a time. Defying Ageism Now let’s transition from the wage gap to the age gap. Another factor that affects income levels and overall workplace satisfaction is the maturity of a given group of employees. Americans are working later and later into their lives. Statistics show that the percentage of workers over the age of 65 rose from 12% in 2000 to almost 17% today. But as workplace age demographics rise, so too do incidents of ageism. About half of workers over 50 were laid off from their full-time jobs before they were ready to leave them. Of these newly unemployed individuals, only about 10% were able to find a new job that paid the same or more than the one they had just left. Don’t be a statistic. Take control of your destiny by transcending age and focusing on the ageless. Your beauty is an asset that conveys your strength, wisdom, and commitment. Any employer would be lucky to have you, so don’t be afraid to put your best face forward. Psychological Benefits As we get more mature, our psychology also changes. We reflect on our life experience and draw lessons, triumphs, and regrets from years gone by. We might also accumulate reserves of anxiety and depression as a result. Turning 50 presents an especially pointed occasion to assess our life’s trajectory. For some, it may be a welcome meditation, but for others it’s daunting. If psychological distress sets in, be sure to consult a trained professional, but also consider the benefits that facial surgery could offer. One report indicates that cosmetic procedures could actually alleviate the need for antidepressants in some patients. A group of 61 research participants admitted to taking such prescription meds before their plastic surgery, but that number dropped to 42 just six months after their successful procedures. In other words, almost one-third of the study no longer reported the need for antidepressants after undergoing cosmetic surgery. The Ripple Effect As you get older, your social circles expand. You have loved ones far and wide, class reunions filled with familiar faces, and a family that loves you no matter what. By enhancing your own sense of beauty and assuredness, you are sharing your best self with those around you. Your acquaintances will notice your renewed confidence and appreciate the fact that you take pride in yourself then, now, and forever. Turning 50 can be inspiring. Harness everything that’s great about yourself and don’t be afraid to try something new. Whatever your cosmetic curiosities or ambitions may be, we want to hear all about them. Contact us today and together, we’ll make 60 the new 50.

Trends in Underage Girls Getting Botox

Growing up and aging are vastly different processes, but they are indelibly linked. Maturing involves more than just getting taller and bigger; it is a psychological process as well. As we age, we choose how we want to look. We style our hair once it starts sprouting from our heads, we might experiment with makeup, jewelry, or tattoos, and we can explore the world of cosmetic surgery to supplement our natural beauty as it evolves. But how young is too young for Botox? We’re taking a closer look at the reasons why some women (and girls) are considering this process at earlier and earlier stages in their lives. No matter what the number on your driver’s license might say, your age is determined by your attitude as much as your duration on this planet, so let’s count down the most common reasons for Botox according to your age bracket… 40’s and Above As the old saying goes, “Smile and the world smiles with you.” But when that smile fades, sometimes the laugh lines linger. This phenomenon occurs increasingly often for people in their mid to late 40’s, and it is exacerbated if you have endured excessive exposure to the sun. Thirtysomethings Many individuals choose to start their Botox regime earlier than age 40, especially if they are exceptionally expressive. Frowning and worrying add lots of unwelcome lines to the face, and may accelerate a cosmetic surgery strategy as needed. 20’s and Younger Many patients don’t wait for a magic number before they experience the benefits of Botox, opting for preventative injections before they “need” them. This may begin in your 20’s, but trends have indicated that some clients are starting even before that milestone. Botox: By the Numbers While many perceptions of cosmetic surgery focus on older generations, the all-important millennial demographic has embraced Botox in greater numbers in recent years. In 2015, the total tally of people in their 20’s who underwent the procedure eclipsed the 100,000 mark in the United States alone. These statistics indicate a 33% increase in that same age group from the year 2010. Fast forward to 2016, when the age of Botox adoption kept dropping while the number of those using it grew anew. Over 20,000 teenagers (from 13-19, to be precise) received injections of Botulinum Toxin Type A (the scientific name for Botox). Star Struck The reasons for this youth-skewing trend for teenage Botox are myriad. Kids spend an inordinate amount of time on social media, which amplifies and complicates one’s relationship with beauty and perception. Add to that the presence of influencers and celebrities, and you have the ingredients for an epic conversation in which users are constantly comparing themselves to an idealized image of what they think they should look like and how they plan to achieve those lofty goals. While we often hold Hollywood stars to an unattainable standard of perfection, we all dream of being our most striking selves. It’s important to keep our feet grounded in reality, even as we have our heads in the proverbial clouds. Celebrity is largely an illusion, so we can’t try to capture an image that is partially smoke, mirrors, and airbrushing. Going to Extremes Botox is a safe and well-regulated option for anyone considering the many benefits that the compound offers its patients. But despite the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive, it’s still invasive. The age of the recipient should be taken into account before embarking on such a directive. One of the youngest documented cases of Botox use was in a San Francisco girl named Britney. Her mother Kerry wanted to give the youngster an advantage in an upcoming pageant, so Britney’s mom administered the injections herself. Kerry claimed that her daughter was complaining about the wrinkles on her face, so she began delivering five shots at a time to Britney on three parts of her face. That was when Britney was only eight years old. This is an extreme case in every sense of the word. It is unclear how Kerry procured the solution in the first place since no doctor would go on record as approving Botox for a child under 10 years old. Britney’s mother took a cavalier attitude toward cosmetic alterations, and that should never be the prevailing attitude in healthcare nor childcare. The Age of Consent The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Botox in 2002, and they haven’t yet set an age limit on its application. That means that you don’t need to wait until 18 or 21 or any other delineated age to get your parents’ permission to receive the injections. It is up to the discretion of a doctor whether or not to administer Botox to his or her clients. This is more than a matter of checking an ID; it’s a serious consideration of who the patient is and who he or she wants to become. The Age of Reason Any reputable medical staff must not only take into consideration the age of a person visiting their clinic, but also the holistic picture of his or her wellbeing. Is this individual seeking cosmetic surgery for the right reasons, both physically and mentally? Are they mature enough to make decisions about the procedures they desire? How well can they advocate for their own health needs? These are questions we ask (and answer) every day. No matter how old you are, in years or at heart, we want to guide you forward as openly and honestly as possible. Whether you are considering Botox now or further in the future, it’s worth calling one of our trained, caring professionals to start the conversation. Talk to you soon.

Western vs. Eastern Beauty Standards in Plastic Surgery

Our world gets smaller every day. Trends spread across cyberspace at the speed of information, and there are no boundaries when it comes to style, beauty, and appreciation. And yet we still have inherent cultural differences. Some aesthetics have been ingrained in our respective societies for centuries on end, and that won’t change with the simple click of an Instagram post. We can, however, break down the barriers of our cosmetic discrepancies by illuminating how we differ and how we’re all striving to be the best we can be. Western norms and Eastern ideals may have varied appearances at first glance, but when you look closer, you can see how each standard is intrinsically beautiful. We want to illuminate a few of the cardinal features of each approach to illustrate how you can achieve your desired look, no matter which side of the Pacific you find yourself inhabiting.


While aesthetics don’t always translate from continent to continent, confidence is recognized around the world. For millennia, the western world has opined about the “Roman” nose: a strong, dominant feature conveying strength and assuredness. However, Asian noses tend to take on a different arc, thanks in part to societal expectations and traditions. According to one reporter’s account, perceptions of how a person is accepted and how he or she will fare in life are traced directly back to the shape of the nose. While her anecdotal evidence is not intended to apply to an entire culture or people, it is indicative of how the Asian plastic surgery industry admires different qualities in facial construction. For example, the button nose is often desired over a more protruding version. In fact, some Korean clinics actually advertise a sharp, doll-shaped rhinoplasty procedure for patients seeking that cute, compact look.


According to recent statistics, rhytidectomy (facelift) operations are on the rise in Asian nations. These procedures help correct nasolabial wrinkling as the forehead is lifted without creating a dramatic protrusion in the jawline (see below – petite facial features are all the rage in many Eastern circles). While cosmetic surgery in the Americas often focuses on removing excess baggage from under the eyes, doctors in Asia receive different requests. Residents of South Korea sometimes complain about the preponderance of a “monolid” – meaning that they want their faces to have two distinct eyelids to give their faces more definition. Perhaps this is what contributes to the fact that SK ranks #1 in the number of plastic surgery procedures worldwide. The peninsula recorded almost a million procedures in 2014, which equates to 20 operations per 1,000 citizens that year alone.


As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder… but it’s even more complicated than that. When we extrapolate outward, we realize that identity is affected by our immediate family, our local community, and our national profile writ large. What is considered “beautiful” will range depending on where you live and in what era you find yourself. Case in point: South Korea. Social norms have determined that having a small head is more pleasing to the eye than a large one. To appear more diminutive, some Koreans are having their jawlines slimmed into a V-shape. This look can be achieved by realigning and resetting the jawbone completely or simply shaving it down surgically. Many Asian nations have also pioneered the use of Botox to soften the jawline and reduce its severity. This is another method by which cosmetic surgery helps contour the human face and draw the viewer’s eyes to the areas you want them to notice first. But you don’t need to travel thousands of miles to get the Seoul jaw treatment; overseas treks are expensive, and surgery requires the stability and comfort of home. In short, it’s best to research globally, but act locally. That’s why Doctor Binder prides himself on being proficient in various worldly disciplines while providing the safety and convenience of a clinic right here in Beverly Hills.


Speaking of the LA aesthetic, Southern California beauty ideals often emphasize high cheekbones and angular faces. However, our Asian cosmetician counterparts downplay such ostentatious displays and bulky facial presentations. Rather than going for that Angelina Jolie look, many Easterners opt for a more subdued, subtle silhouette. Cheekbone surgery allows patients the flexibility of reducing the wideness of their face by diminishing the size and contours of their aforementioned cheekbones. A series of incisions, administered in the mouth, give surgeons access to the skeletal system without creating unsightly scarring on the exterior of the face. Juxtapose this approach with a more Western-style cheek augmentation. Rather than shaving down the apples of the face, many American patients prefer to plump them up. This look can be achieved with an implant that typically only takes about an hour to properly situate. Combined with facial sculpting procedures, a cheek augmentation helps your profile stand out proudly and firmly. The generalizations laid out above are merely meant to take the temperature of different cultures as a whole. While the trend in Asian countries may be a tighter, more delicate face, that doesn’t apply to all clients by any means. And this aesthetic may be just what a patient in the United States is hoping to achieve, regardless of ethnic background or national identity. No matter what your preference may be, Doctor Binder has the expertise to bring your exotic/modest/worldly/understated cosmetic goals to reality. So, check your passport and check us out!