How 3D Printing Has Mapped Medical Breakthroughs of the Recent Past, Present, and Fascinating Future

3D printing technology charts the horizon of medical science at its most innovative, but the process has roots in surgical procedures from centuries past. Hip replacements were performed as far back as 1891, when a German doctor used ivory to replace the head of a human femur. Dental implants date back even further, but the source of the tooth donors was shrouded in mystery. The common myth purported that patients were receiving teeth pulled from brave soldiers who perished on the field of battle, but the truth was that dentists were just harvesting them from cadavers at the local morgue. Fast forward to the digital age. The first successful 3D-print assisted reconstructive surgery was performed in the Netherlands during the summer of 2011. The 83-year-old patient suffered from a chronic infection in her skeletal system, adversely affecting the strength of her jawbones. Given the woman’s advanced age, surgeons needed to exercise the utmost sensitivity; traditional implants would have been too cumbersome for her fragile frame.

Enter the 3D Printer

Using titanium powder, the laser-guided printer fused together thousands of layers of the alloy to create a jaw that emulated the subject’s original facial structure. Each millimeter of her new jaw’s height required 33 layers of titanium - a painstaking process indeed. But the result was a true breakthrough. It featured a bio-ceramic coating and articulated joints with a network of grooves and cavities that would facilitate ideal muscle attachment and foster the healthy growth of veins and nerves. The operation was a resounding success. The patient was home four days later. Her new jaw weighed only about 30% more than her organic jaw; not bad for the first metallic model ever implanted. Since that inaugural effort six years ago, 3D printing and medical technology have evolved exponentially. As with any successful endeavor, surgeons must pinpoint the challenges and counter them with opportunities. Face transplantations are complex procedures that entail a myriad of complications. The patient in need has already suffered facial tissue loss due to an accident or a disease; countering the damage involves an extremely delicate process that requires vascular reconstruction to preserve and replenish as much of the subject’s tissue as possible. The main obstacle is that this procedure demands the patient’s blood flow to be halted while the reconnections occur.  This process must be expedited, or the consequences could be lethal.  3D printing allows the majority of the work to be done BEFORE surgery. A scan of the subject’s skull and facial bones is uploaded to the computer to create a 3D model; surgeons can use this model as a detailed reference guide. If they fully understand their endpoint, it’s much faster to get there. This reduces surgery time and increases the patient’s chances of survival. While the average facial transplant procedure takes up to 25 hours, the vascular reconstruction process alone takes  60 minutes. Now let’s look at that same surgery from the patient’s point of view. Medical advances are all well and good for the doctors performing facial transplants, but what about the recipient of the services? The main concern is very intimate and aesthetic: What will I look like after it’s completed? The answer is only limited by the technology at hand. 3D scanning innovation advances every microsecond; present and future subjects of facial transplantation are benefiting from every upgrade to the software. But the diagnosis for the reliability and reproducibility of 3D printers is still inconclusive. Some patients, however, don’t have time to wait for science to catch up to their urgent health demands. Such is the case with a 12-year-old Chinese boy whose spinal cord was threatened by a malignant tumor. Doctors at Peking University had to act fast, so they turned to 3D printing technology to assist them in saving the lad’s life. Surgeons were able to remove the affected vertebra and replicate it with their 3D scanner. They created and printed a replacement bone out of titanium powder, but this presented a new challenge: how would they safely implant it in their young patient’s spine? The answer: craft tiny pores in the 3D printed vertebra so the surrounding bones could fuse and grow with it as the boy progresses through adolescence.  The future presents an even more fascinating menu of possibilities. While most current 3D printed structures are designed to replace skeletal body parts, medical experts are formulating theories to transplant synthetic organs into their patients. One glimpse at donor lists across the country (and the world) verify that the demand is great, but what about the supply? Surgeons can’t simply craft a kidney out of metallic powder; they would require organic materials for the organ to function properly. This would necessitate sampling a small amount of the patient’s healthy tissue and multiplying it in a lab. How long would this process take? Would the host reject its artificially grown organ? Who is willing to be the first patient to submit to such experimentation? These questions pave the way to a 3D printed path toward medical progress and the future of healthcare. To learn more about the benefits of reconstructive facial surgery using the latest in 3D printing technology, please contact us today. We are happy to discuss the details and procedure in more detail at your convenience.

New Trends for Botox

The term “botulinum toxin” doesn’t exactly roll off of the tongue, but it is far more common than you think. Going by the brand name Botox, these safe and effective injections are often used to smooth wrinkles along the patient’s skin by relaxing the musculature that creates crow’s feet, laugh lines, and other unwanted facial imperfections. Over 7 million such procedures take place in the United States every year. Contrary to popular assumption, however, they aren’t all prescribed above the neck, nor are they merely for cosmetic application. The demographics of Botox users are also shifting rapidly, so we wanted to stay ahead of the latest trends by breaking down a few of them in the following list…

Botox for Nipples

Shaping one’s face is a delicate and intricate process. Every line and pore is precious and unique, so finding the right surgeon is essential. This is more than just a simple process of choosing a name off the internet; you are beginning a conversation that will evolve with every nip and tuck that you strategize with your doctor. And the nipples are arguably even more delicate than many facial features. They are sensitive, small, and yet vulnerable to the same elements of age and gravity that affect the rest of our bodies and faces. That’s why Botox might be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to perking up your chest features. A simple injection can make the nipples fuller and more pronounced, fending off the body’s natural tendencies to sag and wrinkle. However, the botox isn’t so stringent that it hardens the region; instead, it provides a natural firmness and yield just like youthful nipples should. While Kendall Jenner has inspired this latest current craze for Botox breast enhancements, we must advise you to embark upon your own cosmetic journey for your own reasons. The attempts to shadow others’ looks or emulate your favorite celebrity are often fruitless.

Botox for Migraines

Over 3.3 million Americans suffer from chronic migraine pain, but about two-thirds of them haven’t yet received a proper diagnosis. This leads to extended periods of discomfort, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, nausea, and other persistent symptoms of the insidious condition. Some people suffer from migraine episodes for 8 days out of the month, which is a huge detraction from their work, lives, and general health. But there may be a simple and effective way to whisk those headaches away. Botox injections along the bridge of the nose, upper back, forehead, and temples can work to alleviate the pain transmitters that exacerbate migraines. The procedure only takes about 15 minutes to conduct, but it should be administered a second or even third time to fully get the benefits of the solution. And the results speak for themselves: patients who received two rounds of Botox reported having half as many migraines in a given month, and the success rate was about 50%. When the number of sessions rose to five Botox injections, that figure of satisfied patients rocketed to 70%. While Botox may not be the perfect fit for all migraine sufferers, the data is certainly compelling enough to investigate further with your medical team.

Preventative Botox for Millennials

The aging process doesn’t miraculously begin when you hit age 50 or 60 or (fill in the blank). It starts the moment we’re born and follows us through every day, minute, and second of our lives. Twenty- and thirty-somethings are the latest demographic to recognize this reality, making them the fastest growing sector of Botox recipients in the cosmetic field. The injections have become yet another tool in the grooming toolbox, just like hair products and selfie sticks. Speaking of selfies, social media may be a contributing factor when it comes to the rise of millennial Botox use. We live our lives increasingly on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, so why wouldn’t we want to look our best online? Preventative Botox to the rescue! This is a practice by which young adults begin to tailor their look by manipulating the muscles that will eventually create wrinkles. By tweaking them at a young age, it pushes off the ravages of Father Time even further down the road. One major benefit of starting the Botox process at a young age is that it melds more naturally with your overall look. For instance, if you wait until your 70th birthday to try cosmetic surgery, then the “before and after” juxtaposition will be stark and sudden. Everybody will notice that you dropped ten years overnight. However, if you gradually incorporate Botox and other such procedures into your beauty regimen, then the results will be more subtle. By shaving off a few years over the course of decades, your evolution is natural; it merely looks like you age less rapidly than everyone around you.

A Doctor for All Ages

No matter where you are in life, from adolescence to mid-life to octogenarian, you always want to look your best. Regardless of your specific cosmetic needs and desires, our multitalented team has you covered. Headed by the unparalleled Doctor Binder, our experts have the knowledge and experience required to bring your vision to life in a safe, responsible, and effective manner. Call us today and we can discuss any of the concepts above, along with so many other options that meet your unique requirements.

Five Celebrity Lip Jobs and Why They Worked

When celebrities speak, the world listens. They have the power to fund charities, launch movies, and even advance political agendas. Famous people’s mouths have clout, so they are under intense scrutiny as they say the words we’re all hearing… And watching. The way your lips appear has an impact on how your speech is perceived. If your mouth turns downward or purses shut, your demeanor gives off an expression of secrecy. However, when your lips are full, then so is your message. The audience pays attention to warm, inviting smiles, which is why the five celebrities showcased below have sought out the right look for their lips.

Kylie Jenner

The Kardashians/Jenners are arguably one of the most photographed and critiqued broods in the entire world. As a member of this ubiquitous family, Kylie was seeing herself on every magazine cover, TV screen, and social media feed imaginable. She had time to assess her look and decided that there was something missing: a perfect pucker. That’s when Kylie turned to lip enhancement for a more robust profile. Not only did the procedure give her signature facial features a boost, but it also lifted her confidence. “It’s just an insecurity of mine and it’s what I wanted to do,” explains Jenner. “People are so quick to judge me on everything, so I may have tiptoed around the truth but I didn’t lie.”

Emily Blunt

Let’s face it: Emily Blunt is perfect. Always has been, always will be. But her lips have commanded more attention as her celebrity status has grown. For example, during her Devil Wears Prada phase, Ms. Blunt owned the mousy, downtrodden persona of her beleaguered character. Fast forward to the present tense, when Emily has cemented her position as a leading lady supreme. Her star is eternally on the rise, and so are the contours of her lips. While we can’t confirm (or deny) that she has had an augmentation or fillers, experts on the matter have analyzed the evolution of Emily’s mouth over the years. They note that her lips have more volume these days, complimenting the contours of her face with grace and grandeur.

Keira Knightley

Ever since she splashed onto the scene in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, millions of fans have fallen in love with Keira Knightley. Perhaps that’s because of her Cupid’s Bow; that’s the arched shape of the upper lip that’s said to resemble the archery tool of the mythical cherub of romance. Knightley’s Bow has captivated audiences with an increased intensity over the years. The line of her upper lip has become more defined and the fullness of her mouth has been amplified to match her considerable talent.

Nicole Kidman

From Australia to Hollywood and independent films to blockbuster stardom, Nicole Kidman grew up before our very eyes. The camera is her co-pilot, documenting every nuanced gesture and expression with exacting sharpness. Her look has always been breathtaking and commanding, and her performances have earned Nicole a museum’s worth of awards and acclaim. The Oscar winner has now entered her early 50’s with elegance and style... and perhaps a few helping hands from skilled cosmetic surgeons. Ever since her auspicious debut in the limelight, Kidman’s lips have evolved from thin and striking to buxom and beautiful. Truly, she can imbue any role with character and class, and her facial features have developed alongside her enviable acting skills.

Courteney Cox

She’ll be there for you, and so will her luscious lips! Friends star Courteney Cox was always waifish in stature, and her mouth matched her angular beauty. However, as Courtney grew into her adulthood, she commanded more and more attention, so she needed lips to match. Notice how young Courteney Cox had thinner facial features. As she aged, those lines were susceptible to wrinkling and deepening. However, with strategic augmentation procedures, we can counteract the aging process and create the majestic Hollywood look that Ms. Cox radiates to the world.

The Next Rising Star Is YOU

We can’t promise to make you rich and famous as one of the five celebs above, but we can certainly help you FEEL like a star. By adding fillers like Restylane and Juvederm to our client’s lips, we are able to subtly and stylishly enhance their facial contours. We never want to overdo it when it comes to cosmetic procedures; an ostentatious lip will get attention for all the wrong reasons. Lip augmentation should fit your individual face. By adding volume in a safe, healthy way, we help you fully realize your inner celebrity. Your front door will become a red carpet as you march out to the world more confident and fabulous than ever before. Your lips are ready to be seen, heard, and adored, so get them moving! Call us today and schedule an appointment with one of our attentive professionals. We listen to what your lips have to say… now and in your near and glorious future.

SnapChat Filters and Cosmetic Surgery – A Frightening New Trend

Pop quiz: when was the last time you checked your social media feed? Was it an hour ago? Yesterday? Are you on it right now? Let’s face it: we are social animals, and our media consumption reflects this reality. We want to project the best version of ourselves to the world… and it never hurts to get some “likes” along the way. But have we put too much emphasis on our online personae? And what happens when we can’t look like the digital versions of ourselves in real life? Here are a few points to consider before scheduling your consultation with a trusted medical professional…

Facing the Numbers

We’ve already established our love for social media, but how far are we willing to go to look Insta-perfect? Users by the millions have sought out filter apps to clear away every blemish and impurity, creating a pristine (yet unrealistic) version of your visage. The overall intention might be a fantasy, but the demand is real. Since 2013, two apps, in particular, Facetune and its free(ish) sequel Facetune 2, have racked up over 50 million downloads. And that’s just one snapshot in the proverbial scrapbook. Every social media app offers image enhancement in some form, whether they offer to brighten your face or shroud it in a seductive blur.  Regardless of which app you’re rocking, it’s having an impact on the greater online landscape. A reported 91 percent of teenagers who have one or more social media accounts use those platforms to post selfies. From that same survey, users who routinely manipulated their photos with one of the so-called beautifying apps also registered higher incidences of body issues and eating disorders. This is a staggering and dangerous reality, especially when you consider the fact that over 2.6 billion people have a social media footprint. The Earth’s population as a whole is only 7.5 billion, so over a third of us are firmly entrenched in the Twittersphere, the Instaverse, and the Faceworld. Maybe it’s time we visit reality for a change.

Snapchat Dysmorphia

Our collective obsession with our digital doppelgangers (ourselves) is beginning to have a profound effect on our psychological health. Experts have discovered a new and disturbing phenomenon that they coined “Snapchat dysmorphia” - this is an overwhelming and skewed feeling that something about their appearance just isn’t right. The insecurity (or insecurities, plural) consumes the afflicted until they may take drastic measures. One such course of action would be ill-advised cosmetic surgery to look more like your idealized social media self. True professionals in the field will warn against such a decision. It’s impossible to replicate an inorganic, and in some ways cartoonish, version of your face and/or body. If you have convinced yourself that plastic surgery is the only way to realize your dream of becoming a filtered, animated, virtual vision of yourself, then you may already be experiencing some of the symptoms of Snapchat dysmorphia.

Heed the Warning Signs

Body dysmorphia is a psychological condition that prompts you to hyper-focus on your looks, or a facet of your looks, to the point of obsession. Your behavior, mood, and general appearance begin to wrap around the object of your distraction and can become a major source of anxiety and depression. If you exhibit one or more of the following symptoms, then you should consider consulting a psychiatric professional:
  • Preoccupation: Dysmorphia distorts your perception of reality. If you think your nose is too big, it will become positively enormous in your opinion. You will then become preoccupied with your nose, adjusting your makeup and hairstyle, for example.
  • Diet and Sleep Habits: If you can’t achieve your idealized self through clever online apps, you might resort to drastic weight loss schemes. This could have a detrimental ripple effect on your sleeping habits, causing insomnia and restlessness during the day. When you don’t sleep well, you don't think clearly, thus exacerbating the dysmorphia you’re feeling even further. It becomes an endless and vicious cycle of insecurity and helplessness.
  • Social Behavior: Once you have convinced yourself that your face is flawed, you will increasingly steer every conversation to this topic. If you find yourself asking what others think of your facial features, or ponder what their opinions may be, then this is a sure sign of dysmorphia.
  • Withdrawal: The extreme ramifications of the aforementioned shift in social behavior is a complete and total disconnect. If you cancel engagements, make excuses, and generally alienate yourself from loved ones because of your perceived flaw(s), then you’re allowing dysmorphia to control your life.
  • Digital Delusion: If the above withdrawal from society begins to occur, you may find yourself living more and more in a social media fantasy. Your filters become your closest friends, and you would rather post on social media than actually being social. This is the current manifestation of dysmorphia, and it is affecting more and more of us as technology rules our daily lives.

Break the Cycle

Social media is like a warped mirror. It shows us some of what we want to see, but it may not be the full picture (nor is it accurate). Do you want to know what’s better? An actual mirror! Look at yourself and see how great you really are. Sure, we all want to be prettier or thinner or more toned, but those are ideals that we must attain in real life, not through some digital app. Set attainable goals and only then will you be able to achieve them. By communicating your cosmetic desires to a trained professional, we can work together to make your dreams come true. But it won’t be in cyberspace; it will be in the comfort and security of one of our facilities. They’re located firmly in the real world, and they’re welcoming you for a consultation now.

Celebrity Nose Jobs: Five Superstar Success Stories

While the eyes may be the windows to the soul, the nose is often the first feature we notice. It is the protrusion that demands the most attention, and it characterizes many celebrities with its signature structure. Owen Wilson, Barbara Streisand, Jimmy Durante, Karl Malden – their noses help define their personas, and their sense of celebrity is indelibly tied to this central facial feature. So, which Hollywood megastars have had the most successful nose jobs? And what exactly makes these surgeries work? Let’s take a closer look at the best rhinoplasty procedures in Tinseltown…

Jennifer Aniston

Celebrities are people too. They laugh, they love (other A-listers), and they breathe. When this last process becomes belabored, it might indicate the presence of a deviated septum. If your nasal passageways become increasingly impeded, it could lead to nosebleeds, sleep apnea, and difficulty performing your lines as an actor. This was the predicament that befell the biggest sitcom star of the 1990’s: Jennifer Aniston. Years before she became one of our best Friends, Aniston opted for rhinoplasty to correct her deviated septum. “Best thing I ever did,” commented the super celeb. “I slept like a baby for the first time in years.” If you’re experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms of a deviated septum, you may want to explore the same options that Ms. Aniston considered. If you need help, to borrow a phrase from her hit show’s theme song: We’ll be here for you.

Lisa Kudrow

Aniston wasn’t the only Friends cast member to benefit from a cosmetic procedure. As a teen, Lisa Kudrow underwent a facial reconstruction to reshape her nose… but the surgery also reconfigured her self-esteem. “That was life altering,” recalls Kudrow. “I went from, in my mind, hideous, to not hideous. I did it the summer before going to a new high school. So there were plenty of people who wouldn’t know how hideous I looked before. That was a good, good, good change.” With the bold declaration, the girl who would grow up to be Phoebe Buffay pinpoints one of the main reasons why people seek rhinoplasty: aesthetic satisfaction. When you look good, you often feel good, and vice versa. Kudrow went on to become an Emmy winner, not to mention winning over the hearts of fans by the millions. Looks like the boost in confidence really paid off!

Jillian Michaels

Before moving forward with any surgical procedure, be it cosmetic or otherwise, you must weigh the pros and cons against the bigger picture of your health. And nobody knows health like fitness guru Jillian Michaels. As the tenacious trainer on The Biggest Loser, she has built her career on helping others attain their best self, so it might be surprising to know that Michaels was bullied as a child for her appearance. “Not to say you should let your physicality define you, but there are some things that can make people feel really insecure,” assesses Michaels. “I had my nose done when I was 16 years old, and I’ll be honest, it did change my life.” With a renewed burst of confidence, Michaels surmises, If there is something you want to fix that allows you to feel a little bit more confident, I support it.”

Ashlee Simpson

Empowerment is a recurrent motif in these celebrity success stories. The women featured in this article became famous asserting their own individual modes of expression. Sometimes that’s exceedingly difficult to achieve when you’re constantly compared to a famous sibling, as is the case with Ashlee Simpson. “Of course I look like her. She’s my sister,” quips Ashlee of her sis Jessica Simpson. “It’s like, God, please! We think it’s quite funny.” But Ashlee got serious when it came to crafting her own unique look. “I believe if somebody chooses to do plastic surgery, it’s for yourself, not for anyone else.” And the younger sibling has no regrets about her choices, concluding, “I loved how I looked. I’m not an insecure person, nor was I before.” Harnessing this sense of self is essential to owning your look. Don’t compare yourself to family or famous people; know who you are inside before defining your outward appearance. Cosmetic surgery is merely an extension of self-expression.

Tyra Banks 

The word “supermodel” is almost synonymous with Banks, entertainer and entrepreneur extraordinaire. But she wasn’t born looking like the world-famous celebrity we see today. “Natural beauty is unfair,” Banks writes in her book Perfect Is Boring. “I get really uncomfortable when women who are these natural beauties judge anybody who does anything to themselves.” In addition to ruling the runway, Banks is also the queen of keepin’ it real. “I had bones in my nose that were growing and itching… I could breathe fine, but I added cosmetic surgery. I admit it!” Taking the reins of her own image, Tyra concludes, “I feel I have a responsibility to tell the truth.” And the truth is a concept we convey every day with our facial expressions. When we smile at a loved one or make eye contact at work, we’re putting our best face forward. But does that face reflect your true self? It’s an important consideration to make before deciding on your desired cosmetic surgery procedure. Just look to the aforementioned stars for guidance! But stardom is a construct far from most people’s everyday reality. It’s fun to see our favorite performers on stage or screen, but what matters more is how we perceive the face staring back at us in the mirror. You play the hero in the role of your lifetime. Look the part, look your best, and look no further than Doctor Binder. He can shine a spotlight on the inner celebrity hiding right under your nose!

5 Successful Celebrity Cheek Augmentations and Why They Worked

Getting a cheek augmentation, or “lift” in laypeople’s terms, helps renew your youthful vigor and perks up your demeanor for those gazing at your visage. And nobody has more face time than celebrities.  Some of the biggest stars in film, television, and music have benefitted from cosmetic enhancements in the past, even if some of them disavow such procedures. Which raises an important point: the best cosmetic surgeries are seamless. You shouldn’t be able to tell whether or not someone has undergone a cheek lift if the doctor has done his or her job correctly.


Although the Material Girl officially denounces the very idea of plastic surgery, experts have hypothesized that her cheekbones defy gravity (and age). As we age, our cheeks tend to lose their fullness and elasticity. That’s why we squeeze babies’ faces to express how adorable they are! Madonna seems to enjoy the same baby face that she had thirty years ago, specifically when it comes to her cheekbones. They are full, vibrant, and expressive, implying that they have had some help from a skilled surgeon in recent years. Regardless of Madge’s medical history, her face is as timeless as her music. Rock on, we say!

Claudia Lynx

Iranian model turned internationally acclaimed actress, Claudia Lynx has transformed before the watchful eyes of the world stage. She got her start in baby commercials and never lost that youthful luster, even as she graced the covers of magazines and guest starred in shows like The West Wing. In before and after analysis of Lynx’s look, we see how her cheeks ascended, most likely thanks to skillful surgical maneuvers.  Speaking of skillful surgeons, our team is well versed in creating the sensational aesthetics that Claudia Lynx has sported on runways around the globe. We can determine which supermodel style is right for your face and formulate a plan accordingly.

Priscilla Presley

She was married to the King way back in the 1960’s, but Priscilla Presley is still the Queen of looking fabulous. The septuagenarian rose to prominence when she met Elvis Presley at the tender age of 14. Since then, she became a celebrity in her own right, appearing in such films as The Naked Gun franchise. Priscilla is also an enduring symbol of youth and beauty, thanks in part to her carefully crafted look. Her iconic facial structure has undoubtedly benefitted from a probable cheek implant procedure, as evidenced by the unwavering height and robust nature of her mid-facial bone structure. From Graceland to Tinseltown, Ms. Presley is an example of cosmetic enhancement done right. Viva Priscilla!

Renee Zellweger 

The veritable “It” girl of the 1990’s, Zellweger is a prime example of growing into your years with grace and elegance. Instead of making drastic changes that amplify or pronounce your facial features, she took a more restrained approach, seeing as how she already had plump lips and rosy cheeks.  But on the subject of cheeks, experts believe that Zellweger has recently introduced some minor enhancements to her mid-facial area. But here’s an important tip to keep in mind: she apparently did so in conjunction with the rest of her features. The cheekbones aren’t jutting out noticeably further than her forehead, and they create a pleasant line with her jaw. These subtle alterations complement her naturally aging skin and tissue, making her supposed cheek augmentation so subtle that it might not have even happened (we’ll never tell, Renee)!

Kourtney Kardashian

If there’s one family that’s synonymous with plastic surgery, it has to be the Kardashian clan. But not all procedures are created equal, so let’s break down the ins and outs of a successful cosmetic procedure by putting Kourtney under the proverbial microscope. While Kim’s little sister only admits to having breast augmentation, experts believe that she also added some oomph to her cheeks. Over the years, she has gone from cherubic to statuesque by elongating the shape of her face. This may have been achieved with some sculpting procedures, or perhaps a simple injection of Juvederm. Rumors have swirled about the myriad procedures that Kourtney may have had, but her cheeks remain an understated testament to her natural beauty. Although a little help from the doctor might also be in play. Which brings us to an essential stopping point in our journey through the heights of Hollywood cheek lift success stories: know when to say when. A responsible surgeon will know how to satisfy your cosmetic needs without overdoing it and concoct an aesthetic plan that works for your face (and budget).  While some people want to look like a pop music legend, an exotic model, or an infamous reality TV celeb, we encourage you to focus on just being the best version of you that you can be. Contact Doctor Binder today and start the essential conversation that will help determine how best to keep that apple red glow in your cheeks for years to come.

The Dangers of Overseas Plastic Surgery

Healthcare is one of the most controversial and complicated issues in modern America. How do we assure that our friends and loved ones get the attention they need without breaking the bank? It’s important to explore all of your options with your doctor and insurance provider, but some people don’t have the patience for this process or the cash. That’s why they often resort to seeking cosmetic surgery abroad.  From Canada to the UK and Singapore to Israel, Americans are traveling internationally to undergo certain procedures in hopes of getting them performed for a lower cost than they would pay here at home. According to one study, a large number of these surgeries are cosmetic in nature. But is it worth the globetrotting? Here are some important considerations to make before you hop a plane to engage in medical tourism…

Communication Is Key

The first important factor to consider seems obvious, but it can’t be overstated: do you speak the language of your desired destination? If so, how fluently do you converse? It is imperative to be able to communicate effortlessly and pointedly with your medical team to ensure the utmost transparency and openness. For example, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you must convey the specifics of your predicament to elicit the proper remedy. Now revisit that initial line of questioning. Are you sure that you can accurately translate your health status into another language, no matter what that status may be… or how it could suddenly change?

Verifying Credentials 

You’ve done your homework. You know what procedure you want. But is your surgeon as prepared as you are? You want to fully vet his or her credentials before putting your trust in their care. It’s a simple process in the United States because you can search their accreditation with well-established organizations like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, but it becomes much more complicated overseas. Is there a comparable organization in your host country? If you don’t know the answer, then more research is inevitable.

Risk Assessment 

With any surgical situation, there are inherent risks. Clotting, swelling, and general pain management are parts of the landscape you must maneuver when you’re recovering from a procedure. You should ask yourself a few important questions before you embark upon a medical journey through a foreign land.
  • How long will I be visiting this country?
  • How expensive is it to stay in the local hospital while I recuperate?
  • Will I have access to the appropriate pain meds?
  • What about other resources like antibiotics and sterile equipment?
  • If an infection should occur, do I trust this medical team to deal with the consequences?

Backup Plan

Many cosmetic procedures require a follow-up visit to ensure quality control as well as aesthetic satisfaction. If you are only preparing for a short trip, then your time (and budget) may not afford such recourse. In such an eventuality, you will need to schedule your follow-up appointment back in the states, in which case it defeats the purpose of getting the surgery performed overseas in the first place. You’ll pay the same amount and require more time to catch your surgeon up to speed with what was done abroad.

Legal Concerns

You should always hope for the best and prepare for the worst, so it’s worth asking: what if something goes wrong during surgery? Are you protected by any local laws, such as the malpractice ordinances that are in place in America? If not, you could be saddled not only with exorbitant medical bills but also astronomical legal fees, all to compensate for what you thought would be a bargain of a cosmetic procedure. Which brings us to the bottom line…

You Get What You Pay For

The allure of inexpensive medical care is understandable. After all, a lap band procedure may cost less than half as much in Mexico as it does in the United States. But if any of the aforementioned complications arise (clotting, legal issues, additional medical needs), then that price tag balloons to much more than the procedure would have cost in the first place if you had stayed north of the border.

What About the Remainder of Your Vacation?

Did you book this trip just for the cosmetic surgery appointment? Or were you also planning to go exploring while abroad? If so, will you be able to travel, cavort, swim, and generally live it up in your post-surgical state? Be sure to ask your doctors (both at home and overseas) what your limitations will be, and factor those risks into your vacation plans.

Booking the Return Flight

Not only will your international itinerary be hindered by your post-operative healthcare needs; you also might not be able to fly back home right away. Many facial procedures require that the patient not endure rapid changes in altitude. Airline travel can put undue pressure on your capillaries and passageways, so your jet-setting lifestyle must take a back seat to the recuperation process. If you still have questions about the dangers and difficulties of so-called “medical tourism”, then please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We’ll take the time to consult with you about the costs and benefits of your desired procedure – no passport required!

Bigger Than a Nose Job: The Psychological Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Your appearance is a window to the world. How you express yourself, your choice of gestures, the personal style you cultivate; these are all hallmarks of who you are and how you want to be perceived by society. Appearance also offers a snapshot of your psychological well being. If you walk around with a permanent scowl on your face, you’re telling passersby to stay away. Conversely, smiling invites others to approach you. In these examples, mood is a self-fulfilling state of being. By looking upbeat, you might actually achieve greater happiness. But instead of just pretending to be chipper, you could get a more permanent boost from cosmetic enhancement.

Facing Your Flaws

No matter how beautiful you may be, there’s always that one physical feature that you wish you could change. Whether it’s the curve of your nose, the shape of your midsection, or the height of your cheekbones, you probably have one nagging complaint about your body or face that bothers you incessantly. Well, you’re not alone. Statistically speaking, 43% of men and 56% of women surveyed have registered disappointment with their outward appearance. This dissatisfaction can manifest itself as a mere annoyance, or it could affect one’s state of mind. If you’re constantly obsessing about your perceived flaw then it occupies your focus. In turn, your mood is negatively impacted, which then bolsters your negative self-image. It’s a downward cycle, but luckily you can break out of it if you so choose.

Conquering Your Image Issues

Esteem dominates our daily behavior. Confidence helps motivate us in the workplace and in social situations, so when our self-worth dips, so does our productivity and general demeanor. By succumbing to body issues, one might suffer a myriad of psychological setbacks. These include:
  • The propensity to be easily distracted
  • Lack of energy or determination
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
This last symptom of body dysmorphia can be the most troubling, so let’s take a closer look at the link between appearance and mood disorders.

Overcoming Depression

We look at ourselves in the mirror every single day. If we don’t like what we see staring back at us, it has a definite effect on what we project to the world. That mirror session is essentially a rehearsal for how we interact with others. If we perceive our appearance to be less than optimal, then depression could creep in. One recent study of over 540 people showed that cosmetics are indelibly linked to such forces as social anxiety, agoraphobia, self-perception, goal attainment, self-realization, quality of life and, of course, our sense of attractiveness. If we don’t think of ourselves as desirable, it sends a message to the brain that we don’t deserve a partner who sees us as desirable. By lowering our social standards in this way, we relegate ourselves to a “lesser than” category. This triggers feelings of doubt, which permeates into our behavioral patterns. No, I don’t belong to that club or Maybe I’ll just avoid that party because I won’t fit in. Perceived alienation becomes actual seclusion. This is the psychological landscape where depression flourishes. But don’t despair; there’s hope on the horizon.

Positive Results

While modern medicine tends to answer psychological issues with pharmaceutical prescriptions, there may be another solution available: cosmetic surgery. In a groundbreaking survey of 362 patients who underwent cosmetic procedures, 61 of them had been taking antidepressants before the date of their surgery. After their successful emergence from these respective procedures, that number fell to 42. In other words, the successful exposure to cosmetic surgery decreased the need for antidepressant medications in a staggering 31 percent of patients who had been taking the aforementioned prescriptions. That is a statistic worth heralding as an undeniable success.

Do What’s Right for You

A person’s psychology is as complex and unique as his or her fingerprint. There’s no guarantee that changing your appearance will alter your mood, but the link between the two is compelling, to say the least. Before embarking on any surgery, be it cosmetic or otherwise, you should consult with your support system (loved ones, friends, relatives, etc.). Make sure it’s the right decision for you; consider what is most beneficial to your physical health as well as your mental wellbeing. Once that phase of your deliberation is complete, it’s time to consult Doctor Binder to assess your options, formulate a plan, and move forward. A happier new you awaits, and we’re eager to help guide you on your journey to self-actualization.

Couples Getting Plastic Surgery to Look Alike

Why are you considering cosmetic surgery? It’s a simple question, but the answers are as complex as you are. Maybe you want a boost of self-confidence? Or perhaps you want to look younger to get an extra edge in the workplace? But one of the most universal reasons for wanting plastic surgery is to look more attractive to the gender of your desire. But the romance doesn’t end once you’ve met that special someone. You want to look good FOR them, so maybe you want to look LIKE them. After all, you share a life, so why not share a look?

Beauty Matching

As surgical trends go, “beauty matching” is a relatively rare one… but it’s starting to become less so by the day. One of the most popular surgeons in Dubai reports that he welcomes two or three couples every year seeking to emulate one another’s looks. More common, however, is the tendency for couples to share the desire for a new look rather than the specific look itself. The aforementioned doctor explains that when a wife experiences the benefits of a successful procedure, her satisfaction helps to convince her husband to seek his own path into cosmetic surgery. This phenomenon occurs about seven times more often than the “beauty matching” approach.

The Pragmatics of It All

While beauty matching may sound like an odd goal for some couples, there are several sound reasons for coordinating your reconstructive surgery plans with a significant other.
  • Healing Time – No matter how minimal, every invasive procedure requires some amount of recuperation. If you schedule your appointment in conjunction with your spouse’s, you can plan to spend the downtime together.
  • Research, Times Two – While we encourage you to explore all of your options when it comes to finding the right procedure for you, that research process could benefit your loved one as well. Ask each other questions, narrow down your choices, and devise a plan that works best for both of you.
  • Grow Closer, Not Older – If you share a home with your significant other, then you have probably also shared some major discussions about aesthetics. How to organize your space, what color scheme to use, etc. Those commonalities of taste and a similar eye for details can also guide your quest into the realm of cosmetic surgery. You might both want an almond shaped eye or a pronounced cheekbone. Whatever your particular style may be, you can evolve together.

A Word of Caution

A healthy dose of competition is natural for a vibrant couple to share. You should challenge each other to learn, grow, and explore the world as a team. But competition should never be the motivation behind your decision to undergo plastic surgery. In some relationships, there’s a sense of one-upmanship (or one-up-woman-ship, as the case may be). If one partner gets a facelift, the other has to get a more drastic one, and so forth. This “keeping up with the Joneses” approach is detrimental to your sense of individuality and self-worth. You should want your significant other to be the best him or her possible without allowing their successes to weigh down your esteem.

Encouragement, Not Coercion

As you prepare to embark upon your quest to be the best, it’s important to consult with your loved ones along the way. You’ll need someone to drive you to the hospital and pick you up after your procedure, but you should also ask how they might feel about seeing a new you as a result of the cosmetic change. Listen to their opinions, but follow your own truth. For example, many husbands might love the idea of their wives getting breast augmentations, but they should make sure it’s right for a woman’s physique, health, and wellbeing. If your partner is pressuring you into enduring a transformation that doesn’t feel right for you, then it’s time to stop and ask yourself why you’re considering it in the first place… and also if you’re getting the emotional support you deserve. It’s important to remember the key signifier of the term self-esteem: SELF. Cosmetic surgery is about you and your individual journey, not an attempt to change you into someone else. No matter how much you adore your significant other, they are another person from yourself. They will never live in your skin, so they shouldn’t dictate how it looks. To mediate any doubts or curiosities you may have, Doctor Binder and his staff are always on hand. Schedule an appointment soon, either as a couple or as just your spectacular, sole self.